My Fiance Ran Away

C391 Whoever Dares to Insult Me Can Only Die!

C391 Whoever Dares to Insult Me Can Only Die!

4So far, the sun has made a rough calculation of more than 50,000 flowers, 700 flowers, which, according to the original estimates, should be rewarded with more than 5,000 flowers, and 50 flowers for each additional segment, should be added with 26 more...    4


Today, on the basis of the bottom three times a day, the brother had increased by a total of 16 times, a total of 10 times...    


How should I put it? If he couldn't finish it, his brother could only, what could he do?    


Begging for a mistress?    


He could only work hard!    




After Lorin confirmed that Chu Yang was Ghost Chariot, he firmly believed what he said. It was like a lost child meeting a kind person. He would listen to whatever Chu Yang said and take his own life. All of them!    


He had entrusted this task to him.    


He looked down from Tiantai's car and saw Mrs. Sal being brought into a car. Lorin turned around and wanted to say something to Chu Yang, but Xie Yaotong raised her hand and shot him in the chest.    


"Lorin!" When Lorin fell from the building after being shot, Chu Yang, who had just put on the phone, immediately rushed forward and reached out to grab him.    


However, because the distance between the two of them was too far, when Chu Yang jumped over, Lorin's foot had already landed below Tiantai.    


Chu Yang watched Lorin rapidly grow bigger and smaller in front of his eyes, and then fell down in a big shape. Chu Yang, who was lying on the edge of Tiantai, was stunned for a moment, and then he jumped up. A pair of eyes.    


Inside... She glared at Xie Yaotong, who had a gun on her head, and said word by word, "Who told you to shoot!? ? "    


Facing Chu Yang's murderous questioning, Xie Yaotong curled her lips in disdain. She casually threw the gun on Tiantai, and slowly tidied the clothes on her chest. "No one asked me to shoot. Yes.    


It was my own decision. He insulted me, so he has to die. " After a pause, she raised her head and looked coldly at Chu Yang. She continued to use a firm tone to say," Whoever dares to insult me, can only die! "    


Just now, when Chu Yang and Koo Mingchuang were on the phone and Lorin was staring at his mother's movements, a member of the Black Spider released Xie Yaotong. But no one expected that. Xie Yao!    


Once Tong regained her freedom, she took advantage of the fact that the Black Spider member wasn't paying attention to her and snatched her pistol. She lifted her hand and knocked Lorin down the building.    


Chu Yang walked to Xie Yaotong and said to a black woman with a gun on her head, "Take the gun away!"    


The black woman hesitated for a moment, and Didas quickly made a hand gesture. She then lowered the gun, but her index finger was still pressed on the trigger, ready to shoot at any time.    


When the black woman took a step back, Chu Yang, who was standing in front of Xie Yaotong, faced her face and slapped her hard! He made Xie Yaotong spin two or three circles around Tiantai.    


Her breasts, which had been covered by Didas' clothes, were once again exposed under the light.    


"B * tch, if you didn't have a good grandfather, I would have killed you a long time ago!" However, Chu Yang didn't seem to see such a beautiful scene. It was as if he didn't see Hua Canyu rushing over with quick steps. It was like that!    


He took a step forward and grabbed Xie Yaotong's hair. He lifted her from the ground to his chin and said in a gloomy tone, "You clearly know that Lorin also installed a bomb in the theater. If it was an excretion expert,    


If you didn't discover those bombs in time and his accomplices saw him die, you wouldn't be able to redeem yourself even if you were killed ten thousand times! "    


Xie Yaotong looked at Chu Yang's knife-like eyes and could not help but shiver. But she straightened her towering chest and said with a creak, "I don't care! Chu Yang, don't think you saved me!    


I will let you hit and scold me if you save me. I'll tell you the truth. If you give me another chance, I'll still shoot him to death. I won't be lenient!"    


" Sigh. "Without waiting for Chu Yang to say anything, Hua Canyu, who had rushed over, shook his head and sighed, as if Didas, who was aiming his gun at him, did not exist. He looked away from Xie Yaotong and sighed.    


He raised his hand and made a few gestures at the high ground around him. Then he said, "Chu Yang, forget it. Anyway, Lorin deserved his death. I think the people of City Bureau should have already lined up.    


He dropped the bomb. "    


"I promised Lorin that I would let him leave safely, but this woman made me break my promise!" Chu Yang gritted his teeth. The corner of his eye twitched violently a few times. He clenched his left fist and looked at Xie Yaotong for a moment.    


He pushed her to the ground and said to Didas, "Put the guns down. You can leave now. From now on, you are not allowed to take even half a step into China's territory. Otherwise, you will be killed without mercy! "    


Didas and the others did not say anything. They looked around hesitantly.    


"Don't worry, I have already canceled the sniper mission. Since Chu Yang let you go, you will do as he says." Hua Canyu put his hands behind his back and looked at the night scene in the distance. "    


Including the person from V Country who betrayed Ruan Lingji, she can also leave with him."    


"She, she was shot to death by this lady in the theater... Everyone put down your guns, let's go!" Didas opened his mouth at Chu Yang, but he did not say anything. It was just that he did not say anything.    


Didas threw the gun away, grabbed it, and left.    


As soon as Didas finished speaking, the black women threw their guns far away and ran towards Tiantai's door in a panic.    


"Chu Yang, help Miss Ruan. I'll help Miss Xie." After the black people disappeared in front of Tiantai's door, Hua Canyu took off his coat and casually threw it at Xie Xie.    


Yaotong's body.    


"Okay." Chu Yang nodded and gave Xie Yaotong a cold look. He resisted the urge to stomp her to death and quickly walked towards Ruan Lingji.    


Indeed, if Xie Yaotong was not Xie Chunlun's granddaughter, not to mention the time when she sent people to cause trouble in the Hummer, Chu Yang would not let go of the matter of him breaking his promise to Lorin this time, even if it was not for the fact that Xie Yaotong was Xie Chunlun's granddaughter.    


If he surpassed her, he would definitely destroy the flowers.    


Xie Yaotong slowly put on Hua Canyu's clothes. She did not even look at others. Her hands tightly grabbed onto the large clothes and followed behind Hua Canyu to the door of Tiantai.    


After walking into the elevator, Hua Canyu leaned on the elevator and looked at the top of the elevator. He said, "Miss Xie, although Lorin deserved to die, what you did not only make Chu Yang fall into a trap, but also made Chu Yang fall into a trap.    


It was an act of kindness and injustice, and it was a joke to take someone else's life. Have you thought about it? If it was Lorin's companion... Cough, so don't blame him for hitting you."    


Xie Yaotong had been slapped several times tonight, and her cheeks were already swollen. She stared blankly at the elevator floor. Her thin lips were tightly pursed and she did not say a word.    


Seeing that Xie Yaotong did not speak, Hua Canyu also lost interest in comforting her.    


The two of them quietly waited until the elevator landed on the first floor.    


The elevator door opened, and the hall was already filled with people.    


When everyone saw Hua Canyu and Xie Yaotong coming out of the elevator, they immediately rushed over. The one walking in front was Han Faang.    


Han Faang, who was holding a windbreaker, walked in front of Xie Yaotong with an excited expression. He gently draped it over her body and took the opportunity to hug her waist. He wanted to say a few words, Please make way, everyone. Something like that.    


Just as he was about to say something, he saw Beijing Prettiest Girl push him away and slap him on the left side of his face!    


Maybe he had been slapped by Lorin and Chu Yang a few times today and gained some experience. Anyway, Xie Yaotong's slap on Han Faang could be counted as an ear, be it strength or sound.    


It was a classic move in the light.    




After the crisp sound of a slap was heard, everyone in the hall was stunned on the spot.    


Of course, the one who was the most surprised was Han Faang. He covered his cheek and looked at Xie Yaotong. His eyes were full of doubt and disbelief. "Yaotong, what, what do you mean by this?"    


"Get lost! Now you are trying to please others. When other people's husbands save people, what did you do!?" Xie Yaotong gritted her teeth and said those words in a hoarse voice. She did not wait for Han Faang to open his mouth and say anything.    


She pushed aside the crowd in front of her and hurriedly ran out of the lobby of the New Garden's business restaurant.    




Ruan Lingji, 19 years old, 1.63 meters tall, weighing 48 kilograms.    


Before coming to Hua, Ruan Lingji was not only a top student of V Country's Hanoi University, she was also the undisputed campus belle. Other than her height, in terms of appearance, she could be said to be one of the top females in V Country.    


Right, she was the best of the best. She came to China this time, on one hand, to take advantage of Ruan Wenqiang's visit to China to have fun. On the other hand, she wanted to study in China. But who would have thought that she would encounter such a situation?    


She had almost been kidnapped by someone.    


When Chu Yang saved Chai Murong, although Ruan Lingji could not speak, her eyes told her that in the entire V Country, there was no one as fierce as Handsome Chu!    


It was said that beauties love heroes. This made some sense. Although this Chu man could not be considered to be too fast with his red lips and teeth, when he flew to save Chai Murong, he had a domineering air about him. When he faced Lorin, he had a domineering air about him.    


His calmness and the scene of Lian Lian Yu slapping Xie Yaotong left a deep impression on Miss Ruan, who loved to dream.    


When Chu Yang walked in front of Ruan Lingji and asked her if she was cold, she answered, "Can you tell me your contact details?"    


Chu Yang was stunned and was about to say something when he saw Ruan Lingji's originally pale face suddenly turn red under the light at the edge of Tiantai's clothes. Her hands nervously twisted the corner of her clothes. Instantly.    


Suddenly, the Chu man, who was no longer a virgin, understood a little.    


Ai, this year I have as much luck in love as in trouble. This, there is a little beauty who is captivated by me... Chu Yang sighed in his heart, pretending to be cool. Seeing that her father was a member of the Xin Hua Sect, he could only sigh in his heart.    


"Yes!" "If you encounter any trouble in China, you can call this number at any time."    


"Thank you, thank you!" After Ruan Lingji took note of Chu Yang's phone number, she did not dare to raise her head and ran to Tiantai's door in a panic.    


Chu Yang followed closely behind.    


Chu Yang and Ruan Lingji had just walked into the corridor when suddenly, at the end of the corridor, someone said, "Ghost Chariot, please wait a moment."    


Chu Yang turned around and saw five or six people walking quickly to the door.    


With the help of the weak light outside Tiantai's door, Chu Yang recognized that these people were Didas and the others. "Hey, why haven't you guys left yet?    


Before Chu Yang could speak, Didas hurriedly said, "We, we don't trust anyone else."    


Outside the business restaurant in New Garden, there were more than ten thousand onlookers, and a large number of armed police soldiers and police officers had come. Didas and the others were afraid that they would be shot to death as soon as they went out. That was why they were here.    


After entering the corridor, they discussed about following Ghost Chariot.    


"My name is Chu Yang."    


"Yes, Chu Yang." When Didas saw Chu Yang say this, he understood that he did not want everyone to call him Ghost Chariot. "We want you to send us out of here."    


Chu Yang naturally understood what Didas and the others were thinking. He then nodded. "Alright, let's go together."    


"Thank you! In the future, if you have any instructions, just let us know."    


I have Night Owlet by my side to see Yeh Liusu, Chai Murong, Hua Mannyu, and Zhou Shuhan. How can I still need you? Chu Yang smiled faintly at the promises of Didas and the others. Then, he took the lead and led the way.    


The elevator went over.    


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