My Fiance Ran Away

C378 He's My Husband!

C378 He's My Husband!

1After Canyu told Chu Yang about Chai Murong's kidnapping, he didn't wait for Chu Yang to respond. He shouted something and turned around and ran away.    


Bastard!! " After a second or two, Chu Yang cursed. He raised his hand and punched the machine in front of the Toyota. The machine was of a slightly better quality than paper. With a dull sound, the machine cracked! Don't panic. Sister-in-law shouldn't be in any life-threatening danger right now!" Koo Mingchuang spat out half of the cigarette in his mouth. He stepped on the accelerator and smashed the panel of the Toyota. With an unpleasant rustling sound, the car suddenly jumped forward. After that, it made a quick turn in a small area, and the car suddenly turned around. It brushed past a Chang'an car that was driving normally and faced the direction of the National Grand Theater in the opposite direction. It sped away.    


As he flew... Chu Yang, who was constantly dodging the Toyota cars in front of him, quickly calmed down after throwing a punch.    


He took out his phone, found Cao Guodong's number, and dialed it.    


Director Cao, I want to know Chai Murong's current whereabouts. " After the phone was connected, without waiting for Cao Guodong to say anything, Chu Yang's emotionless voice rang. It made Koo Mingchuang, who was driving, feel a burning passion in his eyes.    


Mingchuang knew very well that when Chu Yang used this kind of mechanical tone to speak, it already represented four words: Bloody Massacre! In the few years that Koo Mingchuang and Chu Yang had known each other, he had heard him speak in such a tone twice.    


During those two times, he alone made 37 lives disappear from the world.    


Those two times were to destroy the target, including three children who were not even 4 years old.    


How long had it been since he heard Chu Yang speak like this? Two years? Or two and a half years? Mingchuang could no longer remember, but his fighting spirit... As Chu Yang's voice rang out, it was burning! For the first time, consider it my work of collecting the mountain! Mingchuang lightly turned the steering wheel, sticking close to the guardrail in the middle of the road, and dodged an Ivico Zhong Ba that was coming towards him. Splash! Sparks flew.    


Go to the Global Building on Chang'an Street." After Chu Yang hung up the phone and said this to Koo Mingchuang, he dialed Shaang Lige's phone and said the same thing.    


Inside. Koo Mingchuang played with the electronic navigator. He found the location of the Global Building, glanced at it a few times, and said, "From our location to the Global Building, it's about 3370 meters. With Toyota's fastest speed, if there's no traffic jam, I'll be there in 19 minutes and 29 seconds. " Yang calmly looked ahead, his eyes cold and indifferent towards all life. Just like his tone when he spoke: "All those who participated in this kidnapping operation, leave no survivors.    


There is no need to worry about the official orders and the hostages other than Chai Murong." Understood." Koo Mingchuang answered in a low voice.    


I always thought that I hated Chai Murong. Last night, I even hoped that she would have a car accident or some other accident.    


But now I realize that I care about her and I care about her. " Chu Yang's voice was still robotic, but it sounded strange when he used this voice to talk about the trivial things between men and women.    


Mingchuang did not know why Chu Yang would suddenly say something like this at this moment, but he only answered with one word, "Understood." He said that Chu Yang was talking to Koo Mingchuang, but it was more like he was talking to himself.    


Because he did not even look at Koo Mingchuang, and just said, "When the people of K Country tried to assassinate Zhou Shuhan, I was angry. I wanted to kill all the people of K Country.    


But why was I afraid after Chai Murong was kidnapped? " This question is too profound. I can't give you a satisfactory answer. " After hearing Chu Yang say the word 'afraid', Koo Mingchuang smiled happily. "Maybe after Zhou Yuru and I get married, we will know the answer." The corner of his mouth curled up and he did not speak anymore.    


Zi Fei drove towards the Global Building as if he was passing by us.    


We will arrive at our destination in nine minutes and thirteen seconds!" Koo Mingchuang turned the steering wheel a few times and drove past the cars that were crossing the intersection in front of him. He then drove into the normal road.    


A green jeep appeared at the fence on the left side of the Toyota when the Toyota drove into the normal lane.    


He tilted his head and looked at the jeep on the other side of the fence.    


Shaang Lige sat in the jeep.    


In the back of the jeep, there was a beautiful foreign old lady. Her mouth was blocked by a piece of cloth and her hands were tied up.    


Her eyes were filled with fear as she glared at Shaang Lige with hatred.    


Chu Yang, don't worry. With Shaang Jiuer, the three of us will be here. There is nothing we can't do." When he saw Shaang Lige appear, Koo Mingchuang raised his right hand, which was clenched into a fist. After shaking it for a moment, his index finger suddenly shot out and faced the sky. It was like a sword, a sharp sword! The sword faced the sky. This meant that this mission would not leave any survivors behind in a bloody massacre! Raising her head to look at Shaang Lige, Shaang Lige stretched out her left hand, which was clenched into a fist. Shaking it, she flicked her index finger.    


Lorin, I'm coming! " Chu Yang said in a low voice and raised his right hand. A few days ago, Tong Shan had offended the director of the Nine National Security Bureau, Su Ning, for no reason.    


Not long after that, he, the director of the City Bureau, who looked like a god in the eyes of ordinary citizens, submitted his resignation sadly. Even the old man of the Xie family, Xie Chunlun, could not protect him.    


24 hours before Xie Tongshan resigned, Cao Guodong was called to the organizational department of the capital city committee. The organization appointed him as the director of the capital city's City Bureau.    


Xie Tongshan suppressed Cao Guodong for a long time. Finally, he was able to guard the clouds and see the moon.    


Ever since Guodong became the director, he was in a very good mood. At the very least, he felt very good when he received Chai Murong, Xie Yaotong, and Ruan Lingji before they were kidnapped.    


One minute after Murong and the others were kidnapped, the director of the national theater's security department called the City Bureau.    


When Cao Guodong, who was holding a meeting, heard the news, he almost fell down from his chair.    


The moment he stabilized his body, he suddenly felt that the position of director was not so easy to sit on.    


During the two days that Ruan Wenqiang had come to the capital, City Bureau had specially deployed elite soldiers and generals. Together with Silver Hook's Iron Cross, they had created an indestructible line of defense for Ruan Wenqiang's trip to the capital.    


But who would have thought that when all the forces were concentrated on his side, his daughter, who had come to Hua by herself, would be the main target of the terrorists.    


Furthermore, she had also implicated Chai Murong and Xie Yaotong, the two women.    


No matter which one of these three people was in danger, the first one to receive 'retribution' was Cao Guodong.    


He understood this logic very well.    


Therefore, within three minutes after receiving the news, he quickly and decisively sent out all the police forces in the City Bureau that could be sent to the location of the incident.    


He also reported the situation in time and requested the higher authorities to use the armed police or Silver Hook's Iron Cross to assist the City Bureau.    


The rescue operation officially began at 5: 37 PM that evening.    


Guodong had just received a report from the lower echelons that the kidnappers had kidnapped the kidnapped people to the Global Building when Chu Yang called him.    


If it was someone else's phone call, Cao Guodong might not be in the mood to answer it. Even if he did, he would not say anything.    


However, he did not dare not answer Chu Yang's question. He did not dare to not tell the truth.    


When Zhou Shuhan was assassinated, Chu Yang still remembered how he treated Number Eleven.    


Yang was a ruthless person.    


If one wanted to live a good life, it was best not to offend a ruthless person.    


After reporting the news to Chu Yang, Cao Guodong, who had the geographical advantage, arrived at the foot of the Global Building in five minutes.    


When he arrived, there were already more than ten police cars and more than thirty police officers at the scene.    


Chief Cao!" Liu Xinmin, who had found the captain of the City Bureau Criminal Police Brigade and the original captain of the riot brigade, ran over in a hurry. "The robbers are very cunning. They put the three hostages on Tiantai, who was in the Global Building and the Xin Yuan Commercial Restaurant. They want to divide our police force... According to the investigation, in this kidnapping case, Ruan Wenqiang sent a female bodyguard to protect Ruan Lingji. There is a possibility that one of them is a spy..." "Yes." After Liu Xinmin's report, Cao Guodong raised his head and looked at the top floor of the two buildings with an ashen expression.    


He could vaguely see three people standing at the edge of the two tall buildings, Tiantai.    


One in the Ball Building and two in the Xin Yuan Commercial Restaurant.    


Give me a telescope!" Cao Guodong reached out his hand and snatched the binoculars from one of his subordinates, carefully observing them for a few seconds. He asked. : "Up until now, have the robbers still not raised any conditions?" Cao Guodong had already seen clearly that the one on top of the Global Building was Chai Murong. On top of the business restaurant in New Garden was Xie Yaotong and a girl.    


Needless to say, that girl was Ruan Lingji.    


Not yet..." Liu Xinmin had just finished speaking when a police officer ran over with his phone in hand." Captain Liu, this is a call from the 110 Command Center. The other party is a robber. " Xin Min grabbed the phone. "Did you check the other party's phone number?" Before the police officer could say anything, a wild laugh came from the phone. "Hehe, Officer, you don't need to check the source of this number. I can tell you.    


This phone number is from a lady with the surname Xie, I'm just using it for the time being" Who are you!? " Liu Xinmin sternly asked.    


Officer, your attitude isn't very friendly. May I ask, are you the leader of these people?" The tone on the other side of the phone was still calm and unhurried.    


Give me a call." Cao Guodong reached out his hand to take the phone. He looked up at Tiantai, who was in two tall buildings, and asked in a clear voice," I am the director of Beijing City Bureau, Cao Guodong. If you have any conditions and requests, you can tell me now.    


If I can't do it, I will report it to the higher ups immediately.    


But you must not hurt the hostages. " Director of City Bureau? No, no, this position is too small. I want to speak directly to your Beijing Mayor." The Mayor is on its way here. You can also tell me your requirements first. " Cao Guodong turned around and looked. A few green coloured warrior cars were parked outside the cordon. A dozen armed police soldiers jumped out from the cordon. They were all armed with sniper rifles.    


They looked up at the buildings nearby and immediately disappeared into the crowd.    


Haha, Mr. Mayor didn't arrive, but I saw that your sniper was already in position. " That arrogant voice once again laughed wildly from the phone into Cao Guodong's ears." However, I would like to advise you not to act rashly.    


Because if our people are frightened, then these three women standing at the edge of Tiantai will fly down from here like birds, and then, pata... Ha, haha! "    


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