My Fiance Ran Away

C374 Are You Still Human!

C374 Are You Still Human!

4When Chu Yang and Chai Murong walked into the courtyard, one after the other, Chu Yang looked at Chai Murong's slim back and thought about what his big uncle Chu Yong said. He suddenly felt that it was very funny.     0


Did you feel that it was very funny after hearing what your big uncle said?" Chai Murong stopped walking and turned around to look at Chu Yang.    


Her eyes lit up in the dark. "If you find it funny, then laugh. Don't hold it in your stomach." She stared at a osmanthus tree and said lazily, "I've done something so embarrassing like crying. If you want to laugh... Naturally, he wouldn't hold it in his stomach.    


However, don't misunderstand me. I cried because I saw you and your old classmate being intimate. I just felt that I had nothing to do, so I cried and played around. " Chu Yang, I have already explained this matter to grandfather and the others.    


I really don't have any other intentions towards him. It's just the relationship between ordinary classmates..." Yang interrupted Chai Murong's words, his eyes looking up to the sky," Is it really the relationship of an ordinary classmate? " Murong opened her mouth but did not say anything. She lowered her head.    


Yang looked at her coldly and walked forward with his legs raised.    


His name was Jiaang Gongjin. " Chai Murong's words sounded behind Chu Yang.    


He stopped his footsteps and said without turning his head," What's his name? What does it have to do with me? " He was the one when I was 14 years old... The boy whose legs were broken by my father." Oh, so he was your first love? I was wondering, how did he get angry at me yesterday?" Chu Yang turned his head and said," Since he's your first love, is he also an ordinary classmate? Why didn't Uncle Chai cut off his little brother back then? I'm really sorry. " Chu Yang, you! " Chai Murong suddenly looked up and bit her lips with her white teeth. She said in a low voice," Don't you feel it? Are you a little too much? " Yang smiled, "Is it too much? Hehe, actually, I was just casually saying it. Why are you in such a hurry? Chai Murong, actually, you don't have to tell me all this. I don't care anymore.    


Furthermore, even if you and him develop to any extent in the future, I won't ask.    


I am a person. Although I am a bit cowardly when it comes to relationships, I am quite generous.    


I'll definitely not be a stumbling block on your path of pursuing happiness." Murong blinked, feeling tears welling up in her eyes.    


She clenched her fists tightly and let out a long breath before saying, "Jiaang Gongjin is the chairman of the M Country's Peter Aerospace Equipment Company. He came back to China this time to find a partner.    


You should also know that in the future business market, aerospace equipment will become more and more popular.    


As the chairman of Cloud Water Group, I should create a bigger profit for the company... " Why are you telling me all this? I have no interest in working with you or not." After a pause, Chu Yang continued," Not only in business, but also in other areas. I will not care. " Chai Murong naturally understood the meaning behind Yang's words.    


She closed her eyes with all her might and forcefully endured the anger in her heart. She slowly said, "Chu Yang, I am already like, like you. You still don't trust me?" Yang shrugged and looked at Chai Murong's left hand. He said evilly, "Who knows who else you will do it for..." You dare to say that about your wife, are you still a human!?" Chai Murong screamed and interrupted Chu Yang. She did not care that Chu Longbin and the others heard her. She raised her left foot with a red face and took off a pair of high heels. She threw it at Chu Yang's head.    


She tilted her head and dodged the high heels. She reached out and grabbed Chai Murong's wrist. He said with a gloomy tone, "Chai Murong, don't touch me in the future. Don't forget that I am Assassin King Ghost Chariot. If you provoke me, I will still... " Useless bastard! " Chu Yang had just finished speaking when he heard Chu Tiantai's voice at the entrance of the main hall. "Don't think that you are so great just because you are that bullshit Ghost Chariot! You are the Jade Emperor. If you dare to bully Murong again, I will still beat you up! " That's right, that's right! What you said is absolutely true!" Just like holding a soldering iron in his hand, Chu Yang released Chai Murong's wrist as if he had been shocked by electricity. He bowed and said to Chu Tiantai, who was walking over quickly. Then he turned around and ran away like a wisp of smoke.    


Tiantai walked quickly to Chai Murong, who was sobbing quietly. He rubbed his hands helplessly. "Um, Murong, don't lower yourself to this useless thing.    


I will teach him a good lesson when I have time." Father, it's fine.    


Actually, this matter can't be entirely blamed on Chu Yang. If I ask him to come with me to see my old classmate... He won't be so angry." Murong wiped away his tears and forced a smile as he looked up. "He would not have run out to cry alone.    


He has such a reaction because I have already occupied a very important position in his heart. I am very happy.    


I... I'm going over." Go, as long as you're happy. " Why are you crying when you're happy? Chu Tiantai scratched the back of his head with a headache and looked at Chai Murong who was walking forward with her head lowered. He thought, Murong is a good child... After Yang went to the front, he wanted to go to the main hall. But when he thought about it, Chu Xuanwu and Chu Ling were both there. If they were so talkative and asked him why he had cried, Wouldn't that be a loss of face? Therefore, after he looked at the west wing, he didn't even eat dinner. He directly entered the east wing.    


Yang Chao paid attention to the west wing mainly because he wanted to see if Hua Mannyu had come.    


Because of what happened last night, he really wanted to say hello to Hua Niu.    


However, when he saw that the lights in the room had not been turned on yet, he knew that she definitely knew that Chu Yong was going home tonight and was too embarrassed to come to Chu family again.    


Perhaps it was because he was really tired after walking for the afternoon, or perhaps it was because he felt a lot more open-minded after crying.    


Anyway, after Chu Yang entered the east room, he did not take off his clothes. He turned off his phone and put his head on the bed, pulled the blanket over his body, and fell into a deep sleep.    


Yang slept all the way until three o'clock in the afternoon the next day before he opened his eyes.    


Everyone already knew about the glorious deeds of the old man who cried yesterday, so no one disturbed his' meditation '.    


He allowed him to sleep until now.    


Just as he sat up and stretched his body to yawn, a gurgling sound came from his stomach. Only then did he remember that he hadn't eaten since noon yesterday.    


Help. Someone knocked on the door a few times, and then Yun Ruoxi's voice came, "Yang, don't sleep. It's time to get up and eat." Oh, I know, Mom. " Chu Yang agreed and jumped off the bed to go into the bathroom.    


Minutes later. After a few minutes... Chu Yang, who had changed into a new set of clothes, walked into the main hall.    


It was time. He took a look. Yun Ruoxi smiled at her energetic son. "You are the last one to wake up in our family these few days." When you have nothing to do, sleeping is also a good way to pass the time. " Chu Yang sat down and picked up a small steamer steamed bag and stuffed it into his mouth.    


Last night, Murong went to your room to call the door." Yun Ruoxi took over a bowl of lean meat for Chu Yang and said casually," Yang, Murong is the chairman of a big company. She has to be responsible for the whole company. There are some things that have to go with the trend. This is also something that can't be helped. " Mother, "Chu Yang was obviously not willing to talk about this topic anymore. He said directly," I have thought about it. I will be going back to Ji Nan tomorrow. " Ruoxi was stunned and stopped wiping the table. "You are going back to Ji Nan?" Yes." Chu Yang picked up another bun and took a bite. He said vaguely," I still have a company in Ji Nan. Of course I have to go back. " Ruoxi was silent for a while before saying, "Sigh, it's up to you. As long as you are happy." Hehe, it's not like I'm not coming back. " Chu Yang said as he took out his phone and turned it on. He then placed it on the table." Didn't grandpa say that this house is to be given to me?    


With you and my property here, how could I not come back? " But I heard that your dad said that your grandpa and the others arranged a good job for you." Yang knew that the good job that his mother talked about was the matter of Chu Longbin letting him join Long Teng.    


But he believed that if his mother knew that she had to carry out those dangerous missions after going to Long Teng, she wouldn't agree without anyone saying it.    


Which mother hoped that her son would be involved in that kind of highly risky occupation?    


It was said that Chu family of Jinghua also didn't lack those fame and fortune.    


However, Chu Yang would not tell the truth to his mother. He simply found an excuse to cover it up, as if a hungry ghost had reincarnated. After eating more than 20 steamed buns in one go and drinking three bowls of lean meat soup, Only then did he pat his belly in satisfaction. Just as he was about to speak, The phone on the table rang.    


Yang picked up the phone and took a look. It was Koo Mingchuang.    


Hello, you and that girl are up? " Chu Yang picked up a toothpick and put it in his mouth. He leaned back against the back of the chair.    


Hey, your thoughts are really dirty, but you can also be considered to have good foresight." Koo Mingchuang smiled and said in a low voice, "I have news about Lorin." Yang was stunned for a moment, then he stood up and looked at Yun Ruoxi. He held his phone and walked out of the main hall.    


When he reached his east wing, Chu Yang said, "What news?" Chu Yang had heard about Lin Dong assassinating the V Country Party Secretary, Ruan Wenqiang, from Koo Mingchuang.    


However, he did not pay much attention to it at that time.    


Later on, after experiencing so many things in Beijing, he had long forgotten about Lorin.    


When he mentioned last night, Chu Yong had also mentioned this, but Chu Yang still answered with an attitude that did not concern himself.    


In his opinion, protecting these important people was Hua Canyu's job, and had nothing to do with him, a civilian.    


Now, when he heard that Koo Mingchuang had news about Lorin, Chu Yang immediately became alert.    


No matter what, Ruan Wenqiang's visit this time was mostly because of Chu Yong's operation.    


If something were to happen to him in Huaxia, it would definitely be an unfavorable factor for Chu Yong's future promotion.    


Polo Zi told me that the OF platform had already sent five million USD to Lorin's Swiss account by 2 PM this afternoon.    


From this, I can infer that he should be making a move in the near future." Yong thought for a moment and asked, "Can you find Lorin's exact location through Polo Si?" No, Boroz will not reveal this. " Hmm, I got it.    


You're still in a grand and magnificent state, aren't you?"    


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