My Fiance Ran Away

C847 A Real Tiger!

C847 A Real Tiger!

2Lee Jincai looked at the security door on the first floor and said in a low voice, "I am now at the back of the scenic area of Crouching Tiger Mountain in the western suburbs of Jinan... It is in front of Building No. 2. It is a dilapidated building. But just now, I saw a bodyguard beside Jiaang Gongjin walk into Unit No. 1 and Unit 3 on the first floor of Building No. 1. There were two Passangers parked at the entrance of the building. The other one is a good car that I can't name. "    


When Lee Jincai was reporting the situation to Chu Yang, he said that he saw Jiaang Gongjin's bodyguard and mentioned that the building was broken. He also said that it made sense to see a good car here. That good car must be Jiaang Gongjin's car, which was worth more than a hundred million yuan. Since his car and bodyguards were here, It was very likely that he was here as well. But with his net worth, other than deliberately hiding something, There was no reason for him to live in such an environment.    


After Lee Jincai mentioned Jiaang Gongjin's name, Chu Yang suddenly raised his hand and slapped his own forehead. "F * ck, why am I so stupid! Back then, he only cared about letting Liang Xin collect Chai Murong's enemies and families, but why did he not think of Jiaang Gongjin? Besides him, who else would dare to have ideas about Lin Jingxian after Chai Department collapsed? "    


The night Lin Jingxian was held hostage, Chu Yang had indeed asked Liang Xin to collect the people Chai Murong had offended. He felt that those people had kidnapped her during the chaos in Chai Department, so he shifted the focus to those people who could get Old Master Chai's immortal death as soon as possible. He had never thought that Jiaang Gongjin was not an official.    


Furthermore, after Lin Jingxian was kidnapped, Jiaang Gongjin had sent people to participate in this rescue mission.    


When Chu Yang heard Lee Jincai's report, it was as if he had been hit on the head. Who in the world hated Official Chai's family the most? Putting aside the political and business factors, Jiaang Gongjin, who had his leg broken by Chai Mingsheng more than ten years ago, was a fellow. He should be the one to bear the brunt of it!    


Unfortunately, at that time, Chu Yang had already put all of his energy into investigating the group of people who could receive the news of Old Master Chai's death at the first possible moment.    


In fact, Chu Yang would never have thought that no matter whether Old Master Chai died or not, he would not stop Jiaang Gongjin from kidnapping Lin Jingxian.    


However, Chu Yang did not have the time to think about these things now. He just jumped over the tea table very quickly. He ran to the door and put on his shoes. "Jincai, you must not act rashly to avoid alerting the enemy. I will be there soon, understand? "    


Although Koo Mingchuang and the others did not hear what Lee Jincai said on the phone, when they saw Chu Yang's actions, they quickly began to put on their clothes. They immediately realized that they had made a big discovery. They immediately took advantage of the time when he was changing his shoes. He rushed out of the living room and ran towards the car.    


After instructing Lee Jincai, Chu Yang took off the phone. Without turning his head, he shouted to Hua Mannyu, "Manyu, quickly call Liang Xin and ask her to quickly send people to block all the roads near the scenic area of Crouching Tiger Mountain! If the City Bureau does not have enough people, they can call Qin Chao if necessary. In case Jiaang Gongjin and the others escape during the chaos... "    


When Chu Yang shouted the last word, he had already jumped into the Bmw carriage that Koo Mingchuang had started.    


Since when did modern people want to see a real tiger? We can only feel and see it when we were young when we were describing it in words or when we were in Animal World.    


As for the tigers in the zoo, are they tigers?    


They just lie there lazily every day and wait until it's time to eat before unwillingly picking up the meat that the breeders threw over. They chewed and swallowed slowly under the gazes of the tourists. They did not look like the king of beasts at all. He was just a cat that had been magnified.    


Of course, it wasn't difficult for a true heavenly beauty like Official Chai to see a living, wild tiger.    


However, would the Chai family allow Jin Gui to observe those wild beasts at a close distance?    


That was why, although Chai Murong came from a noble family and even wore clothes made from the skin of a wild tiger, she really didn't have the chance to see a real tiger.    


But today, she saw the shadow of a real tiger on a man. She even felt that this man was many times more ferocious than a real tiger. She felt that only this kind of man was worthy of being called a 'tiger' or a 'man with iron and blood'.    


The man who looked like a fierce tiger was the' ferocious' Bei Gongcuo.    


After issuing the order to attack Bei Gongcuo to Ka Yi and Ika, Chai Murong lay on the chair diagonally. She crossed her legs like the Queen of Rome in the Middle Ages of Europe. She looked at them casually. She looked down and watched a fight between slaves with their lives on the line.    


As the 'gods' that descended from the mysterious Mount Olympus, Qingyi and Ika... This was the first time they showed off their skills in front of the archbishop, regardless of whether it was showing off or being responsible. From the moment they took the initiative to attack Bei Gongcuo, they gave off the aura of 'I must capture this cold-faced man alive'.    


The two women had displayed a strong style from the beginning. The moment their weapons collided, They used all their abilities, making Chai Murong, who was used to this path, feel very satisfied. Even when Bei Gongcuo did not show weakness and did not accept the counterattack, she saw it as a helpless struggle.    


When the weapons collided, blue sparks flew out.    


When Ika and Ika first exchanged blows with Bei Gongcuo, they could tell from the sound of weapons colliding that this person's strength was extraordinary, so they did not have the slightest bit of carelessness and used all of their abilities at once.    


This was the first time in the recent century that the people of Mount Olympus had fought an ordinary person. The significance of this could be said to be very significant.    


They represented the gods of Mount Olympus. Gods could only win and not lose. Right?    


Therefore, Carey and Ika, who carried this burden, did not dare to be careless at all. As soon as the melee started, the battle immediately became heated.    


Even though Bei Gongcuo had said that even demons and ghosts would dare to behave atrociously before counterattacking, when the Army Thorn that was fiercely swept out was blocked by Carey's small hand that was similar to China's martial arts world, He could tell that these two women really had some cultivation experience, so he put away his arrogant heart. However, the thin corners of his lips were tightly pursed, and killing intent poured out from the corners of his eyes. It made the originally spacious small conference room shake with a kind of melancholy.    


Ever since he witnessed Ka Yi and the others' abilities last night, putting aside the complicated feelings in his heart, Just from a fair point of view, Chai Murong felt that if the man who saved her many times met these two little women, even if he was called Assassin King... If he played close combat with them, failure was very likely the only outcome. Because she felt that there was no one in this world who could be as fast as Ka Yi when he attacked!    


Chai Murong disdained to practice martial arts, but she knew the principle of 'martial arts in the world, only speed cannot be broken'.    


Therefore, when she ordered Ka Yi and the other two to capture Bei Gongcuo and throw him into the water prison, Chai Murong also expected that he would not surrender without putting up a fight. He would definitely make a futile struggle.    


However, just as the three of them started to fight, Chai Murong suddenly felt that she seemed to think too highly of the two of them and underestimated the best soldiers of her motherland.    


Because when Bei Gongcuo faced the two knives that were so fast, not only did he not reject them, but he also did not reject them. Instead, after a few minutes of fighting, the dual-colored banesouls were forced to retreat. The imposing aura emitted from his body was even more oppressive. If it wasn't for the fact that Ka Yi and the others were too outstanding with their Teng Shan Gong, It was already the best outcome if they didn't capture him alive and pierce his heart with a single stab.    


"Hmph!" It was unknown whether it was Ika or Ka Yi, but when they took the risk to stab Bei Gongcuo but failed, they quickly retreated. However, they were kicked in the left shoulder by him. If it wasn't for another person who rushed over to save them, Bei Gongcuo would never let go of the opportunity to nail this little woman to the ground.    


Foolish bucket! Last night, I was still bragging about how they were able to kill as many people as they wanted, but in the end, the two of them were still no match for me. This is really a disgrace to me!    


Looking at the little woman who was rushing up from the ground, Chai Murong snorted in dissatisfaction and thought, Although the big officials do not know any bullshit martial arts, they can tell that the two of them were blowing up dust and dirt that covered the sky and earth. What? Chai Murong looked at the little woman who was rushing up from the ground and thought, Although the big officials do not know any bullsh * t martial arts, they are able to see that the two of them were blowing up dust and dirt. At most, they were only slightly stronger than Ling Hsing. If they met Chu Yang... Meeting that bastard who betrayed his heart, the result would not be any better than dealing with Bei Gongcuo. Ai, Bei Gongcuo, you are so powerful, but why are you so stubborn? Can't you follow me with a peace of mind?    


Clang! Dang! Dang!    


Another series of Army Thorn and short knife clashing sounds rang out, interrupting Chai Murong's wild thoughts. She sat up straight and looked over. She saw a black, red, and yellow figures mixing together once again. The cold killing intent and the blood that could burst out at any time made her dizzy. She suddenly felt a kind of nausea and had to close her eyes. She listened attentively.    


"Ah!" Another woman's scream forced Chai Murong to open her eyes again. She saw Ika, who was holding his hip bone with his left hand, crawling up from the ground beside the conference room door with a pale face. There was already blood at the corner of her exquisite mouth. Her proud eyes were filled with fear.    


Chai Murong had experienced several assassinations, but she had never seen such an expression in the eyes of the people who protected her, be it Ling Hsing or Chu Yang.    


Why do I always think of him?    


Chai Murong stared blankly at Ika, who had once again pounced on her. She suddenly remembered the scene of Chu Yang accompanying him as he jumped down the thousand feet tall building. How long ago was that? That time when we fell from the sky, he was right above me. I could clearly see his eyes. I could clearly see the anxiety, anger, and calmness in his eyes. But I had never seen fear!    


Chai Murong thought and subconsciously looked towards Bei Gongcuo. She just happened to see his pair of eyes looking in his direction and immediately accurately caught an expression.    


In Bei Gongcuo's eyes when he looked at Chai Murong, there was no anger, anxiety, or fear. There was only indifference towards any life!    


It was filled with the coldness of splitting heaven and earth, just like the eyes that Chu Yang occasionally showed.    


This was a true man, a true warrior! What bullshit gods that descended from the Mount Olympus, they were just a bunch of trash that could scare people! If he wants to kill me, I won't have the chance to sit here for so long!    


After suddenly understanding this logic, Chai Murong stood up from her chair and shouted with a face full of fear, "Trash! Trash! Someone come, someone come!!"    


Chai Murong did not see wrongly. When Bei Gongcuo dealt with the dual-colored banesouls, there were indeed many opportunities to kill her in one blow, but in the end, he did not make a move.    


This did not mean that Bei Gongcuo could not bear to or did not have that kind of determination. It was just that he felt that Chai Murong's nature was not bad. The reason why she did that kind of crazy action was that after she heard that the Chai Department had collapsed and her mother had gone missing, she had temporarily lost her mind.    


Bei Gongcuo wanted to give Chai Murong another chance. He felt that if she woke up, she would definitely make the right choice.    


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