My Fiance Ran Away

C321 You Don't Belong to Yourself Anymore!

C321 You Don't Belong to Yourself Anymore!

2Yes, sir. Zhou Shuhan lowered her head and Chu Yang turned the car to the right. He asked calmly, "What is the time for a popsicle?" It is the time for a popsicle to melt under the sun. " Faan Dongdong explained in a low voice," Generally speaking, it is at most three to four minutes. " After Faan Dongdong explained it like this, Chu Yang was first stunned, then he chuckled.    


You, you already saw it, yet you still laugh? What's so funny about that?" Zhou Shuhan asked shyly.    


Today, she had neglected the fact that her younger cousin had taken the initiative to reveal his inner thoughts to a man, which made her feel very embarrassed.    


It's nothing." Chu Yang shook his head.    


Come, after listening to Faan Dongdong's explanation, Chu Yang thought of a joke.    


They were talking about the merchants of Japan, Korea, and South Korea bragging about who was better in that aspect.    


The first person to speak was from K Country. He said, "My body is as strong as a calf. I can do it five times with a woman in one night!" He curled his lips in disdain. "This is nothing. I can do it seven times in one night. That's why everyone calls me Seven Zirou in one night. " Impressive! Impressive! " The people of K Country bow deeply to the people of R Country with stars shining in their eyes, expressing their submission.    


Then, they asked the Z People who had been smiling without saying anything, "Brother, what about you? Looking at you, you can at most do it two or three times a night, right?" Under the gazes of the merchants from the two countries, Z People shook his head. He stretched out a finger and said, "I can only do it once a night." The people from the two countries and R Country immediately revealed looks of disdain. "Your land, no way!" Once until dawn." The Z People slowly explained... The children were all curious. Zhou Shuhan saw that Chu Yang kept smiling secretly. His desire to know was very strong as he tugged at his sleeve, forcing him to say what was funny.    


Helpless, Chu Yang could only tell Ms Zhou this joke in a low voice. At the end, he said, "Tangtang, when the time comes, the two of us will be fine until dawn." Get lost! " Zhou Shuhan, whose face was flushed red, raised her hand to hit him, but she heard Faan Dongdong say, "Cousin, Grandpa and the others are at the alley entrance!" Shuhan turned her head and saw her grandfather in a light grey mountain suit. He was standing at the entrance of the alley, holding a crutch with both hands. He was leading seven or eight people, old and young, to stand at the entrance of the alley. He looked very serious and formal.    


He gulped and slowly parked the car at the entrance of the alley. He asked Zhou Shuhan, "Well, your grandfather is preparing to welcome some important guest, right? Why don't we wait for a while before getting out of the car." They are waiting for you." Zhou Shuhan said, then pushed the door open and got out of the car. She quickly walked towards her family. "Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt, why are you all out?" Tangtang, are you alright? " Old Lady Fan was the first to grab her granddaughter's hand. When she saw that there were still a few faint finger marks on her face, Her pained old eyes were filled with turbid tears.    


Shuhan quickly comforted the old lady, "Grandma, I am fine... Chu, he's here. " It's good that he's here, it's good that he's here. Hehe." She patted Zhou Shuhan's shoulder heavily and old lady Fan wiped the corners of her eyes. The more she looked at Chu Yang, the more pleasing she found him pleasing to the eye.    


Yang walked in front of Old Master Faan and first looked at Zhou Shuhan. Without waiting for her to introduce him, he said, "You are Grandfather, right? I am Chu Yang." After calling him grandfather, Old Master Faan seemed to have eaten 108,000 ginseng fruits. His entire body felt so comfortable that even his bones felt lighter. He nodded his head forcefully. He said with some excitement, " Sigh! Chu Yang, hurry up and go home. We'll talk when we get home. " Yang smiled and saw that there were a lot of people pointing and pointing in the distance at the entrance of the alley. So he walked to the old lady's side and shouted, Grandma! Then he said to Zhou Shuhan, "Tangtang, there are so many elders. Why don't you introduce them to me?" When Old Master Faan led the people out, he noticed that there were people watching them.    


He knew that these people had probably also received news of their granddaughter's accident. This was to see how Faan family would react.    


At this moment, he saw that Chu Yang greeted his family members with a loud voice under the introduction of his granddaughter. He didn't put on the airs of a crown prince at all. He knew that this Chu was deliberately passing on a message to someone else: I, Third Prince of Chu family, am a family with the Faan family! How could Zhou Shuhan not understand what Yang was doing? After seeing him and his aunties greet him as juniors, her heart felt as sweet as drinking honey.    


After some small talk, Chu Yang and Zhou Shuhan both supported Old Lady Fan and walked into the alley.    


To be honest, Chu Yang did not like the feeling of being flattered, especially by the elders.    


Except for the old couple, Zhou Shuhan's aunties and aunties were very polite to Chu Yang. It seemed that they were even more attentive to the guests than the waiters in the five-star hotel. It made him feel very unnatural.    


Old Master Faan coughed when he saw what Chu Yang was thinking. He interrupted their conversation and said, "Ahem, Tangtang, what happened today?" Grandfather, let me tell you! " At this time, Faan Dongdong stood up and told them what happened at the KFC. He also told them about how Chu Yang dealt with those people from K Country.    


However, although Faan Dongdong wasn't old, he knew what to say and what not to say.    


Just like the part where Chu Yang tore Lee Xiaomin's clothes apart, he did not say it in detail. He only said that he taught the woman in red a lesson.    


Then... As his grandson spoke in a boorish manner, Old Master Faan's expression slowly became heavy.    


Speaking of which, diplomacy was not a small matter.    


He said that Chu Yang was Third Prince from the Chu family, but this time, he had severely injured the people from K Country because of Zhou Shuhan. This would definitely cause a conflict between the two countries.    


Although the Chu family was powerful, once the matter escalated to a diplomatic problem between countries, it would not be so easy to settle it.    


Before Faan Dongdong finished speaking, Chu Yang's phone rang.    


I'll take this call first." Chu Yang smiled apologetically. He took out his phone and walked to the window. When he saw the caller ID, he saw that it was Chai Murong. He lowered his voice and asked faintly, "Is something the matter?" Where are you now? " Outside." I know you're outside! You're in Faan family, right?" Chai Murong's voice carried some anger." Chu Yang, I'm warning you. Do you know what you did just now? You can stand up for your little lover, but have you considered the consequences of doing so? " I didn't kill him. Consider it giving him face." Chu Yang replied faintly, "Also, you don't have to worry about my matters." You!" Chai Murong was angry and silent for a moment." You should hurry home. This matter needs to be discussed properly. I will also immediately return home from the company. " Yang did not say anything else and took off the phone. He turned around and was about to say something when he saw Old Master Faan sigh. "Sigh, Chu Yang, although the Faan family is not as good as it used to be, But today's matter, I will give up on this old face. I have to give everyone a satisfactory answer. " When Yang picked up the phone, Old Master Faan knew that the number of people who called Chu Yang must have counted him.    


Therefore, in a very short period of time, he decided to put the blame on himself.    


According to the current Faan family, even if they paid a great price, they might not necessarily settle this matter, and they might even suffer a greater blow.    


However, as long as the relationship between Zhou Shuhan and Chu Yang was there, the Faan family would definitely have a chance to make a comeback in the future.    


Hehe." Chu Yang knew that Old Fan's words were merely based on his old face. He was going to beg his grandfather and sue his grandmother.    


He shook his head and smiled. "Old man, the matter is not as serious as you say.    


I was the one who attacked the people of K Country, so naturally, I will handle it." But... " Don't worry, it's not a big deal. It's just a few ill-intentioned people of K Country. Since they have made a mistake, they should be punished accordingly." Chu Yang put his phone into his pocket and said apologetically, "But I have to go home early to take a look." Although everyone in the family hoped that Chu Yang could stay longer in Faan family, they knew what was the most important right now.    


Well, tell Tangtang about the development of the matter." Old Master Faan nodded." Tangtang, help me send Chu Yang off. " If anyone said this, it was naturally to emphasize the difference between Zhou Shuhan and Chu Yang.    


Okay." After Chu Yang exchanged a few more pleasantries with the people from the Faan family, Zhou Shuhan accompanied Chu Yang out of the Faan family.    


At the entrance of the alley, Zhou Shuhan said with some self-blame, "Chu Yang, it's all my fault. I should stay at home peacefully. Or maybe... I should have gone back to Ji Nan." Raising his hand to touch Zhou Shuhan's hair, he said, "I told you, this is not a big deal. Don't worry.    


Alright, let's go home quickly. Maybe the police will come to you to investigate the situation later. "Those people from K Country felt that they were making a fuss about this matter, so I will make them disappear from this world forever.    


Killing without leaving any clues was originally my strong point. Chu Yang naturally could not say this to Zhou Shuhan, but he already had this idea in his heart.    


" Then... " With his and Shaang Lige's strength, it wasn't a big deal for them to disappear from the world without a trace.    


I understand." Zhou Shuhan paused and said in a low voice, "Don't, don't forget to call me." Five calls a day, was that enough? Ha, haha! " Chu Yang laughed as he reached out his hand and lightly rubbed Zhou Shuhan's left cheek. Without waiting for her face to turn red, he quickly walked to the front of the car. When he opened the car door, he turned around and said, "Zhou Shuhan, I hope the next time I see you, you will be a little fatter! You have to understand now that your body is healthy. It no longer belongs to you alone!" Zhou Shuhan nodded her head heavily as the Hummer sped away in a hurry. "I know. I belong to you too.    


When Yang drove back to the Chu family, Chu Tiantai, Chai Murong, and the Deputy Director of the City Bureau, Cao Guodong, were already waiting for him in Chu Longbin's study.    


After Yang walked into the study, what kind of expression would his father, Chu Tiantai, have? He didn't even need to use his eyes to look. He only needed to use his ears to listen to Lao Chu's rapid breathing. He knew that if he hadn't been guarding Old Master Chu, he would have punched him a long time ago.    


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