My Fiance Ran Away

C271 Night Owl Shang Lige!

C271 Night Owl Shang Lige!

3So what if we know? As long as we destroy the car and hide somewhere else..." As soon as Gao Xin said that, he saw a person come to the front of the car and reach out to slap the window of Zhou Zhi's car.     2


A person, from her slim figure, should be a woman.    


She wore a black long-sleeved T-shirt and a cap that tightly covered her hair. She had a pair of toad sunglasses on her face, and her lips that were exposed didn't have a hint of blood on them. His pointy chin was as white as jade, and under the contrast of the black clothes, It gave off a demonic aura.    


Zhi and his companion looked at each other, then rolled down the window and asked curiously, "Something's up... Ah!!" Just as the window rolled down, the woman's left hand that was hidden behind her back suddenly flashed. A black Army Thorn pierced Zhou Zhi's left temple. It pierced through his right temple.    


With a single stab, it pierced through Zhou Zhi's head! It was enough for him to enter the Red Three Bureau, and he had quite a few tricks up his sleeve. The reason why Zhou Zhi lost his life in a single move was because he had never thought of this woman. In fact, Zhou Zhi's death was not unjust at all.    


After seeing that this person was a woman, he relaxed his vigilance in his heart, but he forgot that the person who ordered them to tamper with the Hummer was also a woman.    


Gao Xin and Wang Chao Wei, who were sitting in the car, were stunned when they saw Zhou Zhi's sudden death.    


They were only stunned for a moment. It was only a few milliseconds at most.    


It was Gao Xin and Wang Chao Wei who were stunned. However, it gave the woman a chance to pull out the Army Thorn and stab Gao Xin's chest.    


At this time, blood spurted out from Zhou Zhi's wound, red and white.    


From the time he assassinated Zhou Zhi to the time he pulled out the Army Thorn and stabbed into Gao Xin's chest, the most time he spent was the few milliseconds Gao Xin was in a daze.    


If it were any other woman in the world, they wouldn't have been able to do it so quickly.    


In broad daylight, with a weapon in hand, he killed two women from the Red Three Bureau in such a short period of time. There was only one woman in the world. She could only be the former Assassin King - Night Owlet. Shaang Lige! In terms of science, Owl belonged to the same category as Owl.    


Its hearing was incomparably sharp. It could fly freely in the dark forest and did not need to rely on any light.    


Its vision was a hundred times better than that of humans, and it hunted at night with a hundred percent accuracy. No prey had ever escaped its pursuit.    


They always linked Night Owlet and people with darkness, viruses, demons, and witchcraft. Birds were the most unwelcomed.    


If a person, especially a woman whom Teacher Kong referred to as the same kind as a villain, was given this nickname, Night Owlet would represent death.    


Owl, Shaang Lige! Ah! " After Shaang Lige stabbed the Army Thorn into Gao Xin's chest, Wang Chaowei had already reacted. He did not take out his weapon but pushed open the other side of the car door. He quickly ran to the side of the road.    


On the side of the road stood a traffic policeman who was on duty at the intersection.    


The law of finding a police officer in danger was like drinking water when one was thirsty. It had been deeply imprinted in the minds of the citizens.    


Although Chao Wei was not an ordinary person, he was a person. After watching his two companions being killed in an instant, after he escaped from the car, Out of instinct, he hoped to be protected by the police, but he forgot that not long ago... He had personally murdered someone else.    


After Lige instantly assassinated the two of them, she did not hesitate at all. She jumped like a huge bird. She directly pulled up and jumped onto the roof of the blue business car with a bang. He stomped on the ground and landed on the ground with a forward somersault. After his feet touched the ground, his knees only slightly bent. With a flick of her right hand, the Flying Dagger that she had relied on to become famous... With a speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye... With a swoosh, it plunged into the back of Wang Chaowei, who had just run in front of the traffic police! The blade, which was three inches and seven inches long, had already pierced into Wang Chaowei's body. The blade was still trembling slightly.    


Chao Dawei stared with his eyes wide open. He shouted at the traffic policeman who had yet to see what was going on, Save me! and then plopped down in front of him.    


Hey, comrade, comrade, why... why do you have a saber on you..." The traffic policeman who was about to bend down to help Wang Chaowei up only saw the hilt of the saber on the back of Wang Chaowei's back. The blood was flowing out along the blood groove, scaring him so much that he hurriedly took a few steps back. He plopped onto the ground.    


Save, save me! " After Wang Chaowei was stabbed, he did not die immediately. Instead, he used both hands to pull out the road and crawled towards the traffic police with great difficulty.    


Shaang Lige's pair of eyes, which were revealed due to the fall of her sunglasses due to the forward somersault, was staring fixedly at Wang Chaowei. That gaze was definitely looking at a dead person.    


She quickly walked behind Wang Chaowei and reached out her left hand to grab his collar. The Army Thorn in her right hand was pressed against his throat. Her cold voice was not angry at all. "Tell me, who sent you to do this?! " A traffic policeman saw Shaang Lige use the Army Thorn to press against Wang Chaowei's throat. Out of habit, he immediately shouted sternly," You are surrounded... put down your weapon! " Lige suddenly raised her head. Her pale, almost transparent face was exposed under the sunlight. The hat on her head was also flung off due to this sudden movement of raising her head, revealing her snow white hair. She flew arrogantly in the autumn wind, emitting a biting cold killing intent.    


The policeman immediately shut his mouth. His eyes were like seeing a devil, a devil from hell.    


Lige was very beautiful. She had big eyes and a straight nose. Her thin lips and sharp chin... But it was precisely because she had the beauty of a fairy and her skin was so white that it was almost transparent. That was why it made people feel strange and afraid! The tip slowly pierced into Wang Chaowei's neck and Shaang Lige slowly lowered her head to look at him. "Tell me, who made you do this?" You, you kill me, kill me. I will not tell you either! " Wang Chaowei really wanted to punch this beautiful face that made his heart palpitate even before he died.    


However, his right hand had only raised to a 45-degree angle when his strength was weakened due to the blood that kept flowing out from his back. He could only fall to the ground dejectedly.    


Wang Chaowei was still so strong-willed even at the brink of death. After a cruel smile, Shaang Lige suddenly let go of his collar and punched the seventh rib under his ribs. Along with the crisp sound of bones breaking, her hand had once again grabbed his collar. The speed was so fast that it almost made the traffic police and the people sitting in the car think that she never let go.    


Ah! " Wang Chaowei let out a miserable cry. Blood spurted out of his mouth along with the cry and fell in the shape of an umbrella.    


A few drops of blood splashed onto Shaang Lige's face, which was so white that one could see her veins clearly.    


The reflection of the white was originally a very beautiful scene. However, when all of this appeared on Shaang Lige's face, it caused her beautiful face to appear. It became even more devilish! Lige's punch broke Wang Chaowei's seventh rib bone. It broke his ribs and pierced through his lungs.    


Actually, even if you didn't say it, I would have known that it was someone from the Xie family!" After Shaang Lige finished speaking, she pushed her right hand forward. The Army Thorn pierced through the back of Wang Chaowei's neck.    


There was a drop of blood hanging on the tip of the Army Thorn. Before the drop of blood fell, the Army Thorn had already retracted. After that, Wang Chaowei, who had his eyes wide open, lay on the ground with his face facing upwards and did not move anymore.    


If anything happens to him, the people of Xie family will fall into an endless cycle of revenge!" Shaang Lige slowly stood up and muttered these words. Under the gazes of the traffic police and at least a few dozen drivers, She silently walked towards her car.    


Brilliant charm and the cool autumn wind, this was definitely a bright and clear world.    


Cars came and went, red lights and green lights, this was a completely peaceful golden age.    


Under this bright and peaceful world, there was a beautiful white-haired woman. After killing a person in front of the traffic police and dozens of people, she quietly got into a car. Then, she directly turned from the motorcade to the road she came from. He ran in the opposite direction.    


No one dared to stop her, not even make a sound.    


Only a young man sitting on the bus had his hands trembling as he used his phone to record everything from beginning to end.    


After a long time, the only traffic policeman who heard Shaang Lige say something. Only then did he wake up from a dream and shout at the communication device, "Headquarters! Headquarters..." Yang held the steering wheel tightly and stared at the intersection in front of him. The sweat on his back had already seeped through his clothes.    


He did not know that when his mind was about to collapse, he could still control this crazy Hummer to pass through several intersections.    


However, Chu Yang knew very well that he was the hope of Chu Xuanwu and the other two. The hope of life! Therefore, he could not panic, could not panic, and could not even reveal a trace of uneasiness. He could only remain calm.    


Yang calculated that if he was the only one in the car, when he passed by a bridge just now, he was confident that he could jump out of the window in a few milliseconds and fall into the river.    


But if that was the case, the three people in the car would be dead for sure.    


He couldn't jump, even if he knew that if this continued, the four of them would die together.    


He couldn't jump. There were girls who loved him in the car, brothers and sisters who were related to him by blood. Even if they were to die next, he could only accompany them.    


The way was cruel, and he was their only hope of survival.    


He wouldn't die! After saying this to himself in his heart, Yang hurriedly looked at the reflective mirror above his head.    


In the back row, Zhou Shuhan had already fainted.    


It was also good that she did not need to be afraid.    


Chu Yang felt that he might be smiling, and then he used the sound of the engine that could suppress the roaring sound. He shouted loudly, "Black Tortoise, close your eyes and imagine the scene of racing properly." Third Elder Brother, but, but I'm afraid! " Chu Ling really wanted to close her eyes, but when she saw that there was an intersection not far in front of her, She was so scared that she forgot how to close her eyes.    


Linger, don't be afraid. I already said that with me around, it will be fine.    


If it really doesn't work, you can learn from Ms Tangtang. " Learn from Ms Tangtang?" Chu Ling slightly turned her head and saw Zhou Shuhan who was comforting herself earlier but now she had already fainted from fear.    


Yes! If it is really not possible, you can hold my neck! " Oh! " Chu Ling acknowledged and wanted to hug Chu Yang's neck with both hands. She saw that Chu Xuanwu had already grabbed onto her right arm before she could do anything. He was mumbling something under his breath. She said, "I... I am also afraid!"    


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