My Fiance Ran Away

C266 I Couldn't Help but Wake up from My Sleep!

C266 I Couldn't Help but Wake up from My Sleep!

3Of course, Yang understood why his grandfather wanted him to meet Chu Yong. He nodded and said, "Alright then. Isn't Uncle going to be listed on the market in Zhonghai? He's going back to Beijing." That's right. The reason he's going back to the capital this time is to accompany the guests from V Country to meet the Chief Secretary. " Guests from the south? Yong Yong wanted to reply and turn around to leave, but his heart suddenly moved. "Grandfather, the guest that big uncle accompanied from V Country, is his name Ruan Wenqiang?" ... The first stop of Wen Qiang's visit to Hua this time was not the capital, but to be listed on the market.     2


As the number one pro-Hua faction figure in V Country, Ruan Wenqiang really did not have much confidence if he wanted to make a sound in the next election in V Country without the support of Huaxia.    


Due to the same political concept, Ruan Wenqiang had a good relationship with Chu Yong, the secretary of the municipal committee in Zhonghai. When it came to the official career, he naturally would not let go of this opportunity to curry favor with Huaxia.    


Internationally, the reason Ruan Wenqiang was able to visit Hua successfully was also because of Chu Yong's operation.    


Therefore, he first went to the sea to be listed, then came to Jinghua city to wait for the meeting of the General Secretary.    


The weight of V Country in the hearts of the Huaxia leaders was getting worse and worse day by day. Even because of the South Sea, the two countries' foreign affairs were about to collapse at any moment.    


In V Country, this was no big deal. To be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that the General Secretary of V Country, Hu Zhi Ming, had a good relationship with Great Ancestor, Huaxia wouldn't have taken V Country seriously at all.    


Come, along with the death of the Great Ancestor and Hu Zhi Ming, at the end of the 70s of the last century. V Country became even more arrogant, which annoyed the chief designer of Huaxia. With a wave of his hand, the two countries finally broke out in a ten year long, several hundred self-defence confrontations.    


Although the process of the war was very complicated, the result was not surprising.    


The people of V Country, who were deeply involved in the jungle war in M Country, fought with all their might in front of the Z Country Army team. However, the reality of almost losing their country was right in front of them.    


In the early 1980s, V Country had lowered its head to be the grandson of Huaxia for dozens of years.    


It was only in the 21st century that V Country started to be arrogant again, claiming that the Nansha Islands were their territory. This also caused the relationship between the two countries to freeze once again.    


At this time, the pro-Hua faction that had not been in power since the Vietnam War started to think about using the strength of China to strengthen their faction when they saw that China was getting stronger and stronger.    


This was also the reason why Ruan Wenqiang wanted to visit China.    


The leaders of China had also shown enough sincerity to him. First, they arranged for him to go to the most developed city in China to be listed on the market, and then they invited him to Beijing.    


Therefore, as the secretary of the municipal committee of Shanghai, Chu Yong accompanied Ruan Wenqiang to Beijing the day after tomorrow.    


Therefore, Chu Longbin wanted to use this opportunity to let Chu Yang and his nephew get to know each other.    


When Chu Longbin heard Chu Yang mention the name Ruan Wenqiang, he felt a little strange in his heart. Why would he care about influential people in politics? However, he did not feel very surprised.    


Ruan Wenqiang's visit to China had been broadcasted in the news. It was not a secret.    


That's right. "Chu Longbin nodded." It's Ruan Wenqiang. His influence in V Country is very important to your uncle. " After Uncle Ding accompanied Ruan Wenqiang, Chu Yang started to pay attention to him." Grandpa, do you know where Uncle is going with Ruan Wenqiang? Oh, I mean, I need him to accompany Ruan Wenqiang to visit the Forbidden City. Great Wall and other places? "After giving Chu Yang a profound look, Chu Longbin said," Yang, what you are asking is related to the whereabouts of the Central Government's leaders. It is a highly confidential matter of the National Security Department.    


Not to mention that grandpa doesn't know, even if he knew, he wouldn't tell you. This is related to the confidentiality regulations... What, why do you suddenly care about this question? Could it be... Did you hear something?" Chu Longbin and Chu Tiantai both knew about the matter of being an assassin outside. They just didn't know that he was the current Assassin King.    


Time passed. When Chu Longbin heard Chu Yang ask about the whereabouts of the leaders, he knew that he might have gotten some information from some channels.    


Grandpa." Although Chu Yang did not care about politics, there were people from the Chu family mixed in this time. He could not just stare at them. At least he had to remind them, "As far as I know, Lorin from Greece is the guy who is ranked third on the international assassin list. He has come to Huaxia.    


His target is this Ruan Wenqiang. " A man like Lin, who was in the vast ocean, was definitely not worth Chu Longbin knowing who he was.    


However, when he heard that this person was ranked third among the international assassins, After thinking about it for a while, He could tell what was going on, and his eyes flickered. He asked, "Are you sure that Lorin is here for Ruan Wenqiang?" More or less, I don't know who hired Lorin. I don't know why he is here to assassinate Ruan Wenqiang, but the news I got... He has indeed come to Huaxia. " The reason why he wanted to assassinate Ruan Wenqiang was obvious: some people didn't want to see Huaxia supporting Ruan Wenqiang, or rather, Let Ruan Wenqiang, who has a higher prestige in V Country, die in Huaxia, and use this to start a conflict between the two countries.    


Although the news that Yang said did not have any solid basis, Chu Longbin still attached great importance to it.    


As the saying goes, cats have their way, rats have their way. The national security department did not notice any movements, but a 'professional assassin' like Chu Yang might know the news.    


When Chu Yang provided this news, Chu Longbin had the idea of 'rather believe it than not'.    


When it came to matters, it was always better to be careful and prepare early. It was not a loss.    


Then... Chu Yang was still waiting for his attitude. Chu Longbin smiled and waved his hand. "Alright, I know about this. You don't have to worry about it. Go and do your thing." Chu Yang had no intention of interfering in this matter, so when he saw his grandfather wave his hand, After that, he nodded his head and left.    


After standing in front of the main hall for a while, Chu Longbin turned around and walked into the study room of the inner residence. He called his eldest son, Chu Yong.    


Dad, do you need something?" Although Chu Yong was now the vice president of the state and the number one city in China that was listed in the sea, in front of Chu Longbin, The way the son of an ordinary family speaks to the father is no different.    


Chu Yong, are there any accidents on your side? " Yong was stunned when he heard that." No, everything is normal.    


Dad, what news did you hear? " After a while, Chu Longbin slowly said, "I got news that someone has sent the Greek assassin, Lorin, to infiltrate Huaxia. His target is Ruan Wenqiang." Yong was silent.    


He did not ask where Lao Chu got this news from, nor did he ask whether this news was accurate or not.    


When everyone reached a certain high position, they were definitely not the kind of people who would do whatever they heard.    


It was time. After a while, Chu Yong said, "Dad, you estimate that if something happens to Ruan Wenqiang in China, Apart from causing a conflict between the two countries, what other bad things will happen? " After his son said this, Chu Longbin nodded his head in admiration. "En, you got the point in an instant.    


Chu Yong, there is still a little more than a year before the fifth meeting of the National People's Republic of China.    


If you make any mistakes at this time, although it will not be a big blow to you, after all, Ruan Wenqiang came to Huaxia for you.    


Therefore, by assassinating Ruan Wenqiang at this time, not only can you sow discord between Huaxia and V Country, the most important thing is still your influence.    


Judging from this, the person who is trying to assassinate Ruan Wenqiang behind the scenes doesn't necessarily have to be someone from another country." If it had to be someone from another country, then it might be someone from Z Country! In the Xia Country, who didn't want Chu Yong to reach the top the most? He would undoubtedly be his strongest political enemy.    


Who was his most powerful political enemy? It was the secretary of the Xie family's Shancheng City Party, Xie Yun! Such words could only be kept in his heart and could not be said. Even if it was his father and son, he could not say it out loud! Yong quickly calculated in his heart. After a while, he said, "If it's listed in Hai, I will increase the protection of the guests in V Country.    


" Wait. " After arriving in Beijing the day after tomorrow, I believe that the Central Government will pay more attention to the safety of the guests." Sigh." Chu Longbin sighed and said, "The thing I'm most afraid of is a spy... Chu Yong, don't worry about your work. I will arrange the matters here.    


However, I feel that the treatment Ruan Wenqiang received when he came to China this time is really too high.    


One. Is there a need for you, a deputy chairman, to accompany a small leader of the V Country party? Heh, it's a bit of a fuss." Yong Xiao smiled but did not say anything.    


Although Ruan Wenqiang was a firm and unwavering pro-Hua sect in the V Country, in the eyes of Chu Longbin, who once commanded thousands of troops to attack the V Country, including his country, he really wasn't a dish to be trifled with.    


If Chu Longbin was in charge, not to mention the fact that the V Country dared to take over the Nansha Islands, even if the other side shouted, they would have already suppressed their army.    


He had forgotten that in the 1970s, Chu Longbin was the person who supported the chief designer in counterattacking the Hawk Faction of V Country.    


Some of the 'warmongers' whose blood was filled with violence would never hesitate when doing things. He had always adhered to Marshal Chen's words, If you don't accept it, then fight! Their unyielding style... The old man seemed to realize that his words were somewhat 'angry', so he smiled appropriately. "I know that you value him so much because you want the people in the world who are spreading 'China's threat' to see that China is a person who loves peace... Alright, let's not talk about it anymore, that's it. " After the call ended, Chu Longbin sat on the chair and fell into deep thought.    


... After sending the news of Lorin coming to Huaxia to Chu Longbin, Chu Yang walked to the front yard and threw this matter to the back of his mind.    


Mom, let's go." After greeting Yun Ruoxi, Chu Yang and Chu Xuanwu, along with Zhou Tangtang and Chu Ling, took a Hummer and scattered towards City Bureau.    


To ordinary citizens, the Security Bureau was like a large hospital. As long as there was still some leeway, no one would want to enter these two places.    


Of these two places, one might want to confiscate your freedom, while the other would think of ways to empty your money bag.    


To someone like Chu Xuanwu, when he went to the City Bureau in Beijing, the expression on his face was not much more serious than when he went to his own film company.    


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