My Fiance Ran Away

C162 Soft Heart

C162 Soft Heart

4Unfortunately, what Chu Yang didn't know was that the world had been changing with each passing day.     0


What changed was not only the greed of corrupt officials and businessmen, but also the waters of Little Qinghe. Although the city government had spent a lot of effort to rectify the situation in recent years, if the fish were placed in the river for less than ten minutes, It would become a dead fish that floated up, just like the current Chu Yang.    


"Damn it, how can the river water become so dirty?!" Chu Yang crossed the bridge railing and saw the river water with white foam. He cursed out loud in regret. However, there was no turning back when the bow was drawn. Since he had already jumped down, Even if he cursed, he could only shut his mouth and fall into the black water.    


After holding back his anger and swimming underwater for a few minutes, Chu Yang, who did not drink a mouthful of dirty water but was almost smoked to death by the stench, could not take it anymore. He suddenly jumped out of the water and swam towards the shore with his phone in his hand while coughing loudly.    


In a very sorry state, Chu climbed up to the side of the river facing the city. He opened his mouth and retched a few times. He sat on the ground and vigorously swung the phone before jumping into the river. Then, he turned off the phone. Then he shouted at the top of his lungs and shouted at the bridge in the distance, "Liang Xin, you b * tch! Watch how I deal with you in the future! If I don't kill you, I swear I won't be human... Eh, why did this b * tch jump down too? Could she be sick? Ha, haha, I got it. She wants to jump down and save me!"    


After seeing Liang Xin's slim figure in police uniform plunge into the black water, Chu Yang immediately guessed that she jumped down because she was afraid something would happen to him. The resentment just now disappeared all of a sudden, and he laughed happily. He felt that this woman was rather stupid (Ji Nan's dialect, what an idiot means). She even dared to jump in such dirty and stinky water.    


Although he was happy, Chu Yang would not be moved. He stood up and waved to Hanoi for her to come up. If it wasn't for her openly declaring that she wanted to punish him, the handsome and elegant Chu Yang Master Chu, Why would he end up in a situation where he was a hundred times worse than a chicken in soup?    


Therefore, while Liang Xin was exposing her head and diving into the water, Chu Yang took advantage of the time. He quickly stood up and patted his butt as he climbed onto the big bag. He bent down and bent down. He stepped on his leather shoes, which were filled with stinky water, and left! Liang Xin resisted the urge to vomit and went back and forth in the water area near the bridge a few times. She did not manage to catch anything. After the fourth time she surfaced, she looked at the slowly flowing river. She shouted with a sobbing voice, "Chu Yang, Chu Yang! Where did you die? I beg you, please don't let anything happen to you."    


At this time, there were already many people standing on the railing of the bridge above Liang Xin's head. Liang Xin, who was pointing at the river, was discussing animatedly. A warm-hearted citizen also called 110, saying that it was on the Qinghe Bridge in the northern suburbs of Ji Nan. A Passat police car with a police siren was parked. There was also a brave police officer in the river, waving around like a headless fly in the water. It seemed like he was trying to save someone in the water.    


As soon as the warm-hearted citizen hung up the phone, he saw several police cars and an Audi coming from the direction of the city. The cars were as fast as lightning and stopped on the bridge in the blink of an eye.    


In the midst of the knocking sound of the car's door, seven to eight police officers and a middle-aged woman in a suit quickly jumped out of the car. Immediately, someone recognized that the beautiful woman was their parent, Mayor Faan.    


After Faan Jing got out of the car, she quickly walked to the side of the bridge railing. She did not care about the smell of the river and leaned against the railing to look down. Coincidentally, she saw Liang Xin floating up from the water for the fifth time and shouting something into the distance.    


"Wang Wenjie, Xiao Han, you guys hurry up and search along the shore! Lao Lee, immediately call the relevant units to send a rescue team on the water..." Lee Wendong was also anxious at this time. If Liang Xin was not still in the river, He would definitely give her a slap and then scold her.    


After watching for two minutes, Faan Jing slowly straightened her back and crossed her arms. Her face was so gloomy that it was not much better than Little Qinghe's water.    


Lee Wendong looked at the river nervously. On the way here, he did not understand. What kind of pressure did Liang Xin put on Chu Yang to make such an outstanding young man jump into the river in a panic? Yes, it must have been a light life. If he only jumped into the river to scare Liang Xin, there was no need for him to jump into the small Qinghe. Only those who had a death wish would jump into a river that might not drown but might kill them.    


"Reporting to the bureau chief, Captain Liang seems to have run out of stamina. We asked her to come up, but she didn't agree." Xiao Han ran up from the river bank, panting, and loudly reported to Lee Wendong. If the water wasn't too dirty, he, Wang Wenjie, and the others would have jumped down without hesitation.    


"Bureau Director Lee, let her come up first." Before Lee Wendong could speak, Faan Jing gave an order for him, "Do not neglect the safety of the person who saved her just because you saved her."    


"Yes!" Lee Wendong agreed and quickly shouted to Wang Wenjie and the others who were standing by the river, "Go down a few and pull Liang Xin up!"    


Damn it, if I had known this earlier, I would have gone up to report. Wang Wenjie cursed in his heart. He took off his police cap and put it on the shore. He waved his hand and shouted, "Follow me!" Then he jumped into the river with a splash.    


The other policemen saw him jump down, so they could only pinch their noses and jump down with a splash. They pulled Liang Xin onto the shore with all their might.    


Looking at Liang Xin who was paralyzed on the ground, Faan Jing asked softly, "Officer Liang, can you tell me how Chu Yang fell into the water?"    


"I, I just joked with him... He suddenly opened the car door and jumped into the river from the bridge." Liang Xin said and retched a few times. She quickly bent over and coughed.    


"Just a few jokes? Would a joke make him jump into the river?" Faan Jing wanted to ask her what was going on, but when she saw her pale face and lips turning green, She could not bear it, so she snorted coldly. She turned around and wanted to ask Lee Wendong to rush the water rescue team, but she saw him take out his phone. He covered his ears and asked loudly, "What? What? Ah! Oh, is that true? Alright, I got it."    


After taking off the phone, Lee Wendong let out a long sigh of relief and walked in front of Faan Jing. He said loudly," The 110 command center just received a call saying that Chu Yang has already come ashore. "    


" Who called the police? " Faan Jing asked urgently.    


"It was Chu Yang himself. He called me in public."    


After hearing the news, Liang Xin closed her eyes and shouted, "Chu Yang!"    


Then she let out a loud cry.    


"Stupid woman, if it wasn't for the fact that you are a woman... I won't call you no matter what, I'll make you soak in that river for half a day. Sigh, my heart is becoming softer and softer. This isn't a good sign. " Chu Yang took off the phone and walked out of the phone booth. He raised his arm and smelled the stink on his body. He felt that after he got used to smelling it, it was not as unbearable as when he had just come ashore.    


Looking at the endless stream of cars on the road, Chu Yang felt that if he went back in this manner... Whether it was going to the Cloud Water Group or the Bodyguard Company, it would only affect his glorious image. Therefore, he decided to find a place to wash himself first.    


Just as Chu Yang was walking along the roadside and looking for a sauna, a Pao Sang stopped beside him. The door opened, revealing Hu Lee's smiling face. "I covered my nose and walked around the river just now, and now I know you are so brave."    


"Don't f * cking gloat. I regret it so much that my intestines turn green." Chu Yang cursed. He pulled open the back door of the car and wanted to get into the car, but he closed it with a bang. He pulled open the front door and sat in the passenger seat.    


Hu Lee knew that this kid deliberately sat in front of him to take revenge on his gloating earlier. He could only pinch his nose and curse, then started the car.    


After arriving near the bus station, he found a hotel with decent conditions. In the hotel, the waitress was surprised. "Two big men actually booked a room in broad daylight!" In her eyes, Chu Yang looked like he was about to pull his pants down. He impatiently snatched the key from the waitress's hand and jumped up to the second floor like a rabbit.    


An hour later, Chu Yang, who had used a whole piece of soap and had almost scraped off a layer of skin on his body, walked out of the guest room bathroom naked. He had a string of Conflicted Bracelet on his wrist.    


On the sofa in the guest room, Hu Lee was holding his phone with great interest and reading an electronic book called Throwing Your Wife To Go Seducing Girls. Next to him was a complete set of new clothes that he had just bought.    


Chu Yang shook his wet hair and sat down on the sofa. He was not in a hurry to put on his clothes. Instead, he picked up a cigarette box from the coffee table and lit it. After taking a few deep breaths, he looked up at the sky and let out a long sigh." Sigh, I won't jump into that river even if I'm beaten to death in the future."    


With envy in his eyes, he glanced at Chu Li's crotch and Hu Lee turned off his phone. He flicked the cigarette ash on the sofa cushion with his right hand. "Male and Female Evil came directly from the Asia Criminal Police Organization in Tokyo. They might have already found out about Chai Murong's background before coming to Huaxia. So I did not earn their consultation fee. "    


"Yes." Chu Yang nodded and lay on the sofa with his eyes closed. After a while, he asked, "Are there still no movements from the Assassin Group?"    


"I got the news at noon. The" Hand of God "of K Country has come to Ji Nan."    


"There are finally people who can't keep their cool. Where are their people?"    


"They are very low-profile this time. They did not stay in the city but chose a small hotel in the eastern suburbs." Hu Lee replied, "I have already told Lao Jiu the specific address."    


Chu Yang slowly sat up and threw the cigarette butt on the floor. He began to put on his clothes. "There are already three groups of assassins left in Ji Nan. If these people from K Country were to die again... Others might suspect you, the manager. You should leave this place for now and tour around the beautiful mountains and rivers of our country. "    


Hu Lee smiled faintly and said in a low voice," If I leave Ji Nan, you won't have ears anymore. "    


"I would rather temporarily lose my hearing than be deaf for the rest of my life." Chu Yang put on his shoes, stood up, and walked a few steps into the room. "In the future, I will handle the matter of gathering information myself."    


"How are you going to settle it?" After asking this question, Hu Lee came to a realization. "Kid, don't tell me you want to be the underworld boss of Ji Nan?"    


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