My Fiance Ran Away

C135 Industrial Industrial Industrial

C135 Industrial Industrial Industrial

3When the call went through, there was no one talking, but someone in Chu could hear a couple kissing in the garden about a kilometer away. He could clearly hear the sound of breathing on the other side of the phone. He hesitated. Or rather, he was very hesitant. So he whispered again, "Qin Chao? I am Chu Yang."     2


"You, you are still in Ji Nan?" Chu Yang could tell that Qin Chao had used a lot of strength when he said this. He quickly replied, "Yes, I am still in Ji Nan! Where are you now? "    


After Qin Chao said the first sentence, his words became much smoother. "I am in Beijing. Why haven't you left Ji Nan yet? Why don't you listen to me! "    


" I... " Chu Yang paused and calmed his mind a little. "Is it the person you like who sent someone to Ji Nan to find me?"    


"Yes." Qin Chao said, saying, "I don't care if you are still in the hospital or not. You better leave Ji Nan before noon today. Otherwise, you will regret it!"    


"I will not leave Ji Nan... Hey, why are you dead? " Just as Chu Yang was about to say that he wasn't afraid, Qin Chao hung up. He had no choice but to answer the busy phone with a certain tone. He smiled and said, "I won't leave, I won't."    


Although Qin Chao had only said a few words and the meaning of the phone call was to urge him to leave Ji Nan, Chu Yang was very happy in his heart. No matter how you called me, at least you were afraid that something would happen to me.    


Hu hu, you are already worried about me. Will your heart still be far away?    


When Zhou Shuhan saw Chu Yang put away the phone with a smile, Zhou Shuhan walked over with the new phone. " Here, from now on, you are the boss. It is not appropriate to use that phone again."    


"Tangtang, you always understand what I think." Chu Yang took the phone without hesitation and changed into his phone card. He casually threw the old phone into the garbage bin on the side of the road. "Come, accompany me to a good and cheap place that is suitable for opening a company. Oh, right. Put your car here first. Take my Bmw... Hehe, this is also Chai Murong's. I'll borrow it for now."    


"It's better to drive my car. I don't like to ride that kind of car." Zhou Shuhan looked at the off-road vehicle and directly refused.    


Chu Yang knew that Zhou Shuhan did not drive the off-road vehicle because the car belonged to Chai Murong. Of course, he would not point it out. He just followed her into the Ferrari sports car.    


Zhou Shuhan, who was wearing a pair of sunglasses, sat in the front passenger seat. After the car drove onto the road, She took her phone and made a few phone calls. She smiled and whispered something to the person on the other side. Chu Yang knew that she was using her connections to start the company. So he didn't disturb her.    


He smelled a faint virgin scent in his nose, and his eyes would always look at the snow under the girl's neck in a very disobedient manner. Chu Yang also felt a little embarrassed. After Zhou Shuhan put down the phone, he asked casually, "Did you get the famous Brazilian model Vlanda yesterday?"    


Zhou Shuhan should have gone to the airport to pick up the famous Brazilian model Vlanda yesterday. This was something Chu Yang had known when he was still in the Cloud Water Group's preparation team.    




"What? She didn't come?"    


"No." Zhou Shuhan spread her arms and stretched her body. Her face was languid and charming. "She came to Ji Nan, but not to cooperate with Cloud Water Group. She went to Mantian Industry."    


" Oh? She chose the Mantian Industry so quickly." Chu Yang frowned." From this, I can see that she had already made this decision when Vlanda came to Ji Nan. Perhaps, she had contacted the other models of the Cloud Water Group. The Mantian Industry had also made contact with them in secret. Could it be that there are spies in the company? "    


"There can't be any spies." Zhou Shuhan shook her head. "Actually, we, the Cloud Water Group, can think of those big models. The Mantian Industry can think of the same thing. After all, there are only a dozen or so famous models in the world. As long as they are willing to spend money... They would offer a price that would make them jealous, and they would go to whichever side... Ai, since they had already resigned, the Cloud Water Group and the Mantian Industry would fight as they pleased. None of my business."    


Although Chu Yang disliked Chai Murong, his wife, he even humiliated her yesterday. However, for some reason, after Zhou Shuhan said those words, Suddenly, the image of Chai Murong bending over and talking to his mother flashed across his eyes. That high and mighty girl's back view at that moment was so thin. It immediately aroused a kind of thing in his bones: The strong desire to protect his family.    


"Tangtang, I have something I want to discuss with you." Chu Yang held the steering wheel with one hand and looked forward. Without waiting for Zhou Shuhan to ask anything, he continued, "I think we should wait until after the car exhibition before we resign."    


"What?" Zhou Shuhan was stunned.    


"I mean," Chu Yang looked at her. "After the exhibition this time, we will resign from the company."    


"You want us to help her?" Zhou Shuhan naturally understood what Chu Yang meant. She also understood that after her Mayor daughter left the Cloud Water Group, How big of an impact will it have on the company's car show? After a moment of silence, she looked at the sidewalk on the right and said, "I understand. But we just resigned. If we go look for her now, Do you think she will..."    


"Leave this matter to me. Just pretend that you did not resign just now. Just go to work on Monday. " Chu Yang took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, but he didn't light it up. "Although she might laugh at me when I talk to her about this. But I will still do it. Of course, if you feel that you can't erase your face... You can choose not to go. I won't blame you."    


Zhou Shuhan turned her face to look at him and whispered, "I will listen to you."    


"Thank you." Chu Yang reached out and patted Ms Zhou's bouncy thighs. He then said embarrassingly, "Hehe, I'm just grateful to you. I don't mean to take advantage of you. Actually, we can prepare a new company while we work. Only in this way can we live a fulfilling life. "    


"Tsk, every time you're at work, you either sleep or play games. And enrich your life?" The corner of Zhou Shuhan's mouth curled up as she pointed to the electronic navigator. "Just now, I called a friend of my mom's and he said that he was waiting for me at 216 Panqiao Road."    


"This friend of Mayor Faan's must have some power, right?" Chu Yang lowered his head and looked at the navigator. "If only he could help us find a bigger place, or a whole building, it would be great.    




"Isn't it just opening a Bodyguard Company?" Zhou Shuhan asked curiously, "Opening a Bodyguard Company only needs to have a front door in a bustling place. As for the training grounds or the dorms, that's all. We can find it again in the suburbs. If we want to rent the entire building, the yearly rent is a huge expense. "    


" Besides Bodyguard Company, I want to open another model company. " If you and Yeh Liusu are arranged to be together, who knows how much trouble it will cause me. Chu Yang thought in his heart, and his face was full of ambition. "Since I have decided to open a company, then I will develop in a diverse direction, with the exception of bodyguards and models. I also need to set foot in the fields of medicine and new energy. Only when the scale of the company increases will we be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the international tycoons like Cloud Water Group and Mantian Industry! "    


There were three large corporations in China with a market value of hundreds of billions. Whether it is within the country or the international market, they can be considered as tycoons. As for Chu Yang, when he was preparing to open the company, he had arrogantly said that he wanted to be on par with these three tycoons.    


"What? You, you said you want to be on par with these major corporations?" Zhou Shuhan reached out and touched Chu Yang's forehead. "You don't have a fever, do you? I know you may be rich, but you know big corporations like Cloud Water Group. How many hundred million is the market value?"    


"Just like you, twenty years ago, you were just a brat in a pair of pants. But now, aren't you also a beautiful woman who loves to see flowers bloom? " Chu Yang quickly glanced at Zhou Shuhan's bulging chest. He very mischievously stuck out his tongue and licked his lips. After tilting his head to avoid Ms Zhou's pink fist, he said, "Although my wish sounds very silly and naive, I did think of it that way last night. I have already made some arrangements."    


"Arrangements? I'm afraid they were arranged in my dreams."    


"Hehe, the life arranged in a dream is a dream. Tangtang, a person without a dream is shameful. "Chu Yang looked at Ms Zhou with deep affection." Don't doubt my words just now. Maybe as long as we work hard together. This dream will be realized in the near future. At that time, China will no longer be the three tycoons, but the four tycoons! And you will be the core leader of one of the four tycoons... Ah, thinking about the pride of standing at a high place and looking down on all living things, Why is my blood boiling right now?"    


" You're not daydreaming, you're just daydreaming. " Although Zhou Shuhan was trying to discourage the high-spirited Chu Yang, she suddenly felt that this guy who extorted three thousand yuan from her back then... Perhaps one day, he would really stand at that height.    


"I am only saying my dream now. Don't look at me with this kind of admiring gaze for the time being." Chu Yang smiled and said to Zhou Shuhan, who was staring at him and thinking about something, "Call Mayor Faan's friend again and see if he can rent the entire building."    


"Tsk, I haven't even found the place to set up the company yet. I am already so narcissistic. Shameless." Zhou Shuhan blushed and took the phone. "You really decided?"    


"From now on, I am the big boss of Chuyang Group!" Chu Yang said seriously, "In the future, every word I say will be like an Imperial Decree. You just have to do your best to carry it out. Don't doubt the authenticity of my words. "    


"Yo, I don't know where the company is yet. Now I have a name."    


"As the saying goes, before the army moves, the grain will go first." Chu Yang said with a serious face, "My company's name is" Chuyang Group, "and you are one of the founders of the Chuyang Group."    


"Zhe zhe! I have already memorized His Majesty's words... Keke. Yo, you are fat, but you are still panting." Zhou Shuhan giggled and reached out her hand to pat his shoulder. Then, she started to make a call. "Uncle Fang, can I trouble you again? Can you help me find a separate office building... Yes, it is best in the bustling area. Hehe, there's no problem with the high rent... Oh my, that wouldn't be good... I'll go over with my friends right now. I'll have to trouble Uncle Fang to tell the manager over there. Hmm, alright. Thank you, Uncle Fang. When you have time, go to my house to play. Goodbye."    


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