My Fiance Ran Away

C70 Korean Assassin

C70 Korean Assassin

0"Hey, Chu Yang." Zhou Shuhan smiled. "I am not your personal secretary. Why should I tell you everything about the chairman? But since you have been waiting here for so long, I will be kind and tell you. She is not coming back today because she is going to participate in the autumn car exhibition planning gala organized by the municipal government."     0


What the hell? Since you want me to be the driver... But you don't take me with you. What is this? Damn it, if you don't call me when you go out, then forget it. Then you have to tell me where you live, right? 'If I go back to the Luck Coming Gate without saying anything, do you want me to go back?' But I just told Yeh Liusu not to go back. Sigh, I should just find a hotel to make do with the night. But I rested for another day today. No matter what, I have to find something to wear down the time.    


Chu Yang fiercely scolded Chai Murong in his heart. When he saw Zhou Shuhan in front of him, He decided to pull this girl along with him to wear down the time. Anyway, she was already eager to invite him. After making up his mind, he chuckled and said, "Zhou Tangtang, have you been busy all day? Are you very tired?"    


"What?" Seeing Chu Yang's attentive look, Zhou Shuhan, who was taking pleasure in Chu Yang's misfortune, took a step back vigilantly. "Driver Chu, why do you care if I'm tired or not?"    


"Haha, I care about you because we have a good relationship." Chu Yang picked up his phone and looked at the time. "Didn't you want to treat me to a meal yesterday? But I really had something to do last night, so I didn't agree. But I have time tonight. "    


Zhou Shuhan was angry when she heard Chu Yang mention what happened yesterday, but on the surface, she said with a smile," Oh, I know. You want me to invite you tonight, right?"    


"You are so smart. Let's go. Since you're so sincere, let's just find a random restaurant to eat. "    


"Hehe, I'm sorry. I don't want to treat anyone tonight." Just when Chu Yang thought Zhou Shuhan would be very happy, she raised her chin and refused.    


"Uh," Chu Yang touched his chin. "Can I treat you? Consider it my apology for being rude to you yesterday, but you can't go to that F Country restaurant anymore..."    


"I'm really sorry." Zhou Shuhan's eyes were full of complacency as she interrupted Chu Yang. "There is an appointment with the beauty tonight. Even if you invite me, I don't have time. Sigh, let's go. That person must have been waiting for me anxiously."    


After Zhou Shuhan said that, she did not look at Chu Yang anymore. She elegantly walked out of the office door.    


"Tsk, forget it if you don't want to go. Do you think I want to invite you? When a beauty has an appointment, you are just a hooligan like Ma Jian who thinks you are a big deal. Stop pretending. If I treat you to a meal in the future, I'll treat you to a meal. I will let a few women do whatever they want to me... " Chu Yang curled his lips in annoyance and swore that he would never treat her to a meal in the future.    


Looking at the empty office, he started to complain about Chai Murong in his heart. No matter how busy you are, you should at least tell me, right? This is bad! I am just waiting here foolishly!    


After complaining in the office for a while, Chu Yang left the company listlessly. He casually found a small hotel and ordered a plate of braised pork knuckle and a few bottles of beer to drink by himself. He waited until it was dark before he paid the bill and left the hotel. He looked up at the street lights above his head and at the couples on the street. He suddenly missed the days he had spent in the Luck Coming Gate. He even wanted to go to Chaoshan Street to see the Dream Bar.    


Sigh, it was better not to go. Otherwise, he would bring trouble upon himself again. It was best to stay away from women in the future. Chu Yang held a cigarette in his mouth and walked forward along the sidewalk. Just as he was about to take a look at the plaza in Quan City, a message came from his phone in his pocket.    


"I'm too lazy to talk to you." Chu Yang thought it was a message from Chai Murong or Zhou Shuhan. He said that he was too lazy to talk to her, but he took out his phone. When he opened the message, he found out that it was from Koo Mingchuang.    


It was written like this: Tomorrow at 3: 40 a.m., Newman from Ukraine will take the flight from K Country to Jiannan to Jiannan. He changed his name to Santos and booked a room at the Jiannan Crown Hotel on the internet. And... He opened the hotel's reception service.    


Newman: Ukrainian, Sex, Male. He is 29 years old this year, 1.9 meters tall and weighs 87 kilograms. Proficient in solo, karate, Taekwondo, and most skilled in tracking. It was said that as long as he targeted someone, they would not be able to escape. He had a pair of eyes as clear as lake water, although he wasn't the most powerful assassin in the world. However, he was able to rank in the top fifteen of the assassin list.    


Newman was a very low-profile person, and there weren't many rumors about him in the assassin world. However, his low profile just happened to make people unable to grasp too much information about him. It always made people think that he was a mystery, a mystery assassin who hid in the dark.    


"3: 40." Chu Yang looked at the time and murmured, "It's not even 9. There are still eight hours to 3.40. Newman, why are you in such a hurry to die? I wish you a happy life for the last eight hours of your life. "    


Since he was about to do something, Chu Yang could no longer feel bored. The excitement of staying away from him for nearly four months rose after he deleted the message. It made him feel impatient.    


A Boeing 747 from K Country landed at Ji Nan International Airport at 3: 40 a.m.    


When Newman walked out of the cabin, he looked at the lights in the distance. He took a deep breath and said in a low voice, "Ji Nan, Chai Murong, I'm here."    


Since Newman came by plane, he could not possibly bring "hardware" such as the Barrett sniper rifle. In fact, when he killed people, he mostly used his own country's guns. Or maybe he used the guns of the target country. He might as well use his fists. Only with this method of killing would it be very difficult for the police to find any clues. Thus, when he walked out of the airport with light steps, He was only carrying a travel bag and dressed like a tourist.    


When Newman came to Ji Nan, he had already booked a room at the Ji Nan Grand Crown Hotel through the internet. He had also discussed with the hotel that the hotel staff would receive him. As a result, when he walked out of the airport, he waved at the taxi drivers who greeted him. It was only when he saw a Jetta with the word "crown" on it that he quickly walked over.    


"Hello, are you Mr. Santos from K Country?" A young man saw Newman walk over and quickly got out of the car and greeted him in English.    


"Yes, I am Santos." Newman looked at the young man in front of him with his clear blue eyes. "You were sent by Crown Hotel to pick me up, right?"    


"Yes." The young man smiled and opened the door for Newman. "Mr. Santos, please get in the car."    


"Thank you." Newman thanked him politely, then bent down and got into the car.    


"Mr. Santos, this is your first time coming to Jiannan, right?" The young man who drove seemed to be very talkative. The car had only started not long ago. He took the initiative to speak. Taxi drivers always liked to chat with passengers, which was a common disease among all taxi drivers in the world. The special working environment made them good at talking.    


"Okay." However, Newman was not the kind of person who liked to talk. He just said, "Sir, when we get to the hotel, please call me. I need to rest now."    


Taking a long flight, plus a long or short time difference, the passenger would definitely feel tired after getting off the plane, even if it was Newman.    


"Haha, okay. You can rest. I will call you when we get to the hotel." The young man smiled and agreed without saying anything else.    


He was afraid that this time he couldn't calmly find a chance to kill someone. He had to end this quickly. Newman closed his eyes and sat behind the car. He started to think about how to successfully kill the target.    


Newman was very clear that the red flush for killing Chai Murong had reached ten million USD. He believed that those famous assassins would be interested in her. Perhaps when he came to Ji Nan... Others had already come, so he didn't have much time to study his target. He could only use the method of ending the battle quickly.    


He also knew that since the target was worth tens of millions of dollars, Her security work was undoubtedly of a high level, and she would even find herself on the assassin platform to strengthen her own protection. Therefore, if he wanted to get close to her in a very short period of time... It would probably be very difficult...    


Just as Newman closed his eyes to think about how to quickly kill Chai Murong, the car stopped. He opened his eyes and looked to both sides. He asked the young man in front of him who was about to open the door and get out of the car, "Are we at the hotel?"    


"No, but I have arrived where you should be." The young man turned around and smiled, revealing a neat row of white teeth. He then pushed the door open and got out of the car.    


In an instant, a bad feeling rose in Newman's heart. He stretched out his hand and took out the key chain from his waist. As his fingers nimbly flipped it, A small knife the length of a finger appeared in his hand. Looking at the young man smoking outside in the dark, Newman slowly pushed open the door and got out of the car with his travel bag.    


After getting out of the car, Newman looked around and saw that this was a relatively desolate place. The tall corn field proved that he was now in the suburbs.    


"Newman," the young man turned around and looked at Newman. "I could have set up a bomb in the car, or shot you when you were resting with your eyes closed, but I didn't want you to die so easily.    


Because I have been resting for the past two days, and I am so bored that my bones are itchy, I want you to play with me for a while longer before I die. "    


"Who are you?" Since he already knew Newman's real name, he wouldn't deny it. He wasn't angered by Newman's contemptuous tone. An assassin ranked in the top fifteen in the world must have an extremely strong willpower.    


"I told you that you don't know me, but I'm in a good mood today. Let me tell you, my name is Chu Yang." Chu Yang spat out a puff of smoke and said lightly, "Let me ask you a question. Who wants to kill Chai Murong?"    


"Chu Yang? He had never heard of it. I don't know who wanted to kill that girl either. But even if I did, I wouldn't tell you." Newman shook his head lightly, thinking quickly about the countermeasures in his heart. Since he knew who I was, and he was still so calm and composed... This proved that he was very confident in killing me. I am now running into the corn field. Or should I face him face to face? If I turn around and run, then I'll give my back to him...    


"You're right, a professional killer won't easily reveal information about his client." Chu Yang seemed to know what Newman was thinking. The cigarette butt on his mouth lit up and said, "If you want to turn around and drill into the corn field now, I can guarantee that you will not have a chance to live. I heard that you are good at scattered Taekwondo, so play with me. I hope you won't disappoint me. "    


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