My Fiance Ran Away

C35 Intentionally Playing Tricks on Him

C35 Intentionally Playing Tricks on Him

0Luo Yue could clearly feel the panic in Yeh Liusu's heart. Immediately, he increased the speed of his attack and launched a psychological attack on her.     2


"Luo Yue, shut your stinky mouth. I, your mother, am going to die today!" Yeh Liusu was unable to maintain her calm under Luo Yue's attack of using her hands and mouth to attack. She might as well not defend anymore. She shouted in a low voice and attacked him without caring about anything.    


This was bad. This fool was going to suffer. Sure enough, just as this sentence popped up in Chu Yang's heart, Yeh Liusu, who was exposed to the open door, was seized by Luo Yue. He stomped on her waist and rolled her over to the sink.    


"Chu, Chu Yang, leave quickly!" The waist was one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body. Yeh Liusu did not immediately faint after getting hit. It could be said that her cultivation was not shallow, but she still curled up in pain. Her vision turned black as she urged Chu Yang to run.    


"Go? None of you can leave tonight! Hehe, hehe..." Luo Yue stomped on Yeh Liusu and jumped in front of her. With a cold laugh, he stabbed her shoulder with the thin sword in his right hand. His original intention was to restrain Yeh Liusu first and then force her to hand over the Fallen Phoenix Cards. However, before the cold laughter could fade, he heard a "bang" sound beside his ear. Then, his eyes rolled around and he raised his head. He wanted to see what exactly had happened, but his legs went soft and he fell face down onto the ground. He fainted.    


"Chu Yang, run! Run! Ah, what, what's wrong with him? " At this moment, Yeh Liusu also woke up from the darkness in front of her eyes. Because she was lying on the ground with her body curled up, after recovering her sight, she saw that Luo Yue was also lying on the ground. She was immediately amazed.    


With a bang, the basin that had completely changed shape was thrown to the ground. Chu Yang bent down and helped Yeh Liusu, who was holding her abdomen, up. "I saw that he wanted to stab you with a knife just now, so I took advantage of the fact that he didn't notice me. I gave him a basin, and he was like this."    


"You hit him again?" It was Chu Yang's first time using a basin to knock Luo Hao out. Yeh Liusu could take it as a coincidence. However, when he did the same thing to Luo Yue, she felt something was wrong. Although every part of her body hurt, she still looked at Chu Yang up and down with suspicion. "Are you really just an ordinary person?"    


"Do you think I look like a superman wearing underwear?" Chu Yang's legs trembled and he quickly changed the topic. "Do you want to call 110 now and send them to the police station? I don't want them to find me to settle accounts after they wake up. "    


"I cannot call them." Yeh Liusu hurriedly shook her head and looked at the Luo brothers lying on the ground. She sighed softly. "Sigh, they came to make things difficult for me this time because they were forced to. I will not blame them."    


"Then what should we do?"    


"Don't worry about them. You, help me into the house first. I have to bandage the wound first."    


"What about them?" Chu Yang pointed at the Luo brothers on the ground. "Ignore them. They will use knives to stab people when they wake up."    


"No, the Luo brothers are very careful people. This time, they have suffered a great loss under your hands. They will not act recklessly before they know your background. Don't worry about them. After they wake up, they'll definitely be in a hurry to escape. " Yeh Liusu softly leaned on Chu Yang's body and closed her eyes. She whispered, "Help me upstairs first."    


" Oh. " Chu Yang answered and held Yeh Liusu's left arm as he walked forward.    


Yeh Liusu was not only injured on her shoulder, but also on several wounds on her leg. Until now, there was still blood seeping out.    


Chu Yang held her arm and supported her as they walked forward for a few meters. The sharp pain on her leg made her stagger. If Chu Yang had not grabbed her waist in time, she would have fallen to the ground.    


"What? Is your injury very serious? Do you want me to carry you in?" Sigh, how many years has it been since I hugged a woman's waist? After hurriedly hugging Yeh Liusu, he felt her slender and bouncy waist. Chu Yang's heart shook and his legs became somewhat weak. The last time he hugged a woman's waist was also seven years ago... He did not know how she was now. She should have gotten married a long time ago.    


You should have said that you went in behind my back a long time ago. Yeh Liusu faintly looked at Chu Yang. She gently bit her lips and softly said, "Then I will have to trouble you."    


"Do you really want me to carry you?" Chu Yang's words just now were just casually polite. He did not expect Yeh Liusu to say trouble to him first. This was out of his expectations.    


"Are you afraid that I will take advantage of you?" Yeh Liusu frowned and thought, Big Brother, I am a daughter of a yellow flower, okay? Letting you carry me is letting you take advantage of me. Why do you look like you are at a disadvantage?    


"Hehe, that's not what I meant. But I'm a person, I'm always unwilling to do things that don't benefit me... You climb over Mt. Tai, right?" Chu Yang smiled awkwardly. Yes. " Have you ever met a man who picks a husband? "I've been with my sister once before." Yeh Liusu did not understand what Chu Yang was saying. It had nothing to do with him saying that he would never do something that would not benefit him. She paused for a moment and then realized what he meant. "Ah, I know. You don't want to find something to pick me up, do you?"    


"Uh, no. I mean, there are people who pick a husband on Mount Tai. When they help customers pick things up, they need to pay." When Chu Yang said this, Yeh Liusu understood what he wanted to say. She immediately pushed him away. "I don't have any payment for you, and you don't have to carry me. I will go up myself!"    


When I was hugging her waist just now, why did my legs and stomach really go soft? Looks like I have to train to get in touch with women in the future. Chu Yang pondered in his heart. After being pushed away, he did not feel embarrassed. He only chuckled. "Hehe, that's good. It's best if you can walk on your own. Actually, I can follow behind and take care of you."    


"Do I care?" Yeh Liusu snorted coldly and gritted her teeth. She used her right hand to stroke her injured leg and limped forward.    


Actually, I don't care. I haven't hugged a woman for seven years. Didn't I also come here like this? However, as a successful assassin, no matter what he did for an outsider, he should receive a reward. Since you are the leader of Fallen Sword Sect, don't you know this rule? Chu Yang touched his nose and shook his head at Yeh Liusu who had walked a few steps forward. Just as he was about to turn around and return to his room, he saw her body tilting...    


Damn it! Today I finally opened my eyes and took the initiative to ask a man to carry me. He even told me about the reward! Yeh Liusu cursed in her heart and wanted to quickly disappear from the line of sight of this Chu man. However, she forgot about her injuries due to the agitation of her emotions. Her injured leg went limp and she fell to the side. She subconsciously let out a soft cry. " Ah!"    


Just when Yeh Liusu thought that she fell to the ground, a hand firmly hugged her waist and "lifted" her body that was about to fall.    


Although Chu Yang had always adhered to the principle of not doing things without benefits, but when Yeh Liusu was about to fall, He still "generously" carried her in his arms in time and cast a glance at Yeh Liusu who was lying diagonally in his arms. His eyes avoided looking elsewhere. "Are you alright?"    


"I have something to do and I have nothing to do with you. Why do you care? You... you've never been in contact with a woman before, have you? " It was said that a girl's heart was the most meticulous. Yeh Liusu's first reaction when Chu Yang reached out to hug her was to push him away. But when she saw that he did not dare to look directly at her, her heart moved and she somewhat understood. "Just now, you said that you wanted me to give you benefits, but it was actually a rejection that you did not want to be in close contact with me, right?"    


"Hehe." Although he had the pretense of doing things for others and asking for compensation, after Chu Yang firmly hugged Yeh Liusu, He was still very nervous in his heart and could only laugh dryly. "Actually, in these years, I really have not hugged a woman. You can even see that. Amazing."    


In the 21st century, after the influence of M Country's open nature, It was normal for a woman to be shy when she was hugged by a man, but when a man "took advantage" of a woman, he would also be nervous. This was really a strange story. Yeh Liusu smiled slightly and lost all her anger in her heart. "How about this, I won't charge you for your meals in the future. Just take it as I paid you to carry me upstairs. How about it?"    


"You can consider it." It seemed that he would have to carry her up no matter what today, even though the pay wasn't very high. However, seeing that she was not in a good position to run the Fallen Sword Sect, he might as well agree to her request. Chu Yang nodded seriously, then squatted down and said, "Come on."    


Isn't it just carrying me upstairs? Why did she look like she was going to sacrifice herself? Could it be that you've forgotten the time when the moon is hazy and you pinch my thigh with all your might... Thinking of that time when someone pinched her thigh and lifted it up, Yeh Liusu felt that her cheeks were hot and her entire body was powerless. She softly lay on Chu Yang's back and her hands naturally wrapped around his neck.    


Maybe she wanted to tease him on purpose. After Yeh Liusu laid on Chu Yang's back, she stuck her small mouth to Chu Yang's right ear and started to breathe softly.    


Damn, why is it so itchy that I don't have any strength? The strange feeling that came from his ear almost made Chu Yang squat on the ground. He forcefully swallowed his saliva and calmed his mind. He then held Yeh Liusu's two elastic thighs with both hands and slowly stood up. He took a step that was even more comical than space steps and walked up the stairs on the second floor step by step.    


"Which room is where you live?" When Chu Yang carried Yeh Liusu to the corridor on the second floor of Luck Coming Gate, he was already out of breath. He was not pretending to be out of breath. The main thing was that she kept spitting hot air by his ear, and her ample chest was pressing down on his back. It was so tight that he really could not catch his breath.    


"The one with the light on is the one next door, the place where coquettish lives." Yeh Liusu slightly bowed her body. She raised her hand, which was hanging on Chu Yang's chest, and pointed at the door at the innermost part of the corridor.    


" Oh." Chu Yang nodded and carried her to the door. He pushed it open with the tip of his foot and the door opened.    


The room Yeh Liusu stayed in was very large. The interior was quite old-fashioned. It was just like those government officials in the period of the Republic of China on television. They were facing a red and black Eight Immortals Table at the door. On both sides of the table were two wooden armchair chairs. On the left side of the table was a wooden bed carved with flowers... If not for the computer in the old cabinet next to the bed, Chu Yang would have suspected that he had transmigrated back to the Republic of China.    


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