My Fiance Ran Away

C48 Helper

C48 Helper

0"Big... big brother." Boss Liu, who was selling noodles, did not expect a fierce man to appear out of nowhere. He easily defeated these two street tyrants who had bullied him for a long time. He felt both relief and fear in his heart.    


Most of them were afraid. This could be seen from their pale faces and trembling lips advising Chu Yang to leave. "You, you better leave quickly. If you wait for a while, their people will rush over. You can't leave even if you want to.    




"It's fine." Chu Yang had already thought of this before he made his move. He knew that the people who dared to collect protection fees in broad daylight were definitely not these two hoodlums who could not be kicked. They definitely had to have a boss backing them up.    


However, since Chu Yang had extended his hand to meddle in this matter, There was no way he would let Boss Liu bear the consequences of beating them up and leaving. Therefore, when Boss Liu advised him to leave, he just casually clapped his hands. He leisurely sat back in his chair and lightly knocked on the table with his fingers. "Boss Liu, I'm not full yet. Go and make me another bowl of noodles."    


"This, this..." Boss Liu, who was in fear and trepidation, looked at the peaches and parrots that were slowly getting up. He did not know what to do.    


"Boss, you go and cook for this big brother." When Boss Liu was so shocked that he was in a daze, it was his wife who saw it. Chu Li. Chu Li was not the kind of person who would leave after venting his anger, especially when he saw that Chu Li was wearing a proper suit. He had an air of arrogance about him... In his heart, he imagined that Chu Li might be able to help him get through this difficult situation. Thus, he hurriedly dragged his boss and hurriedly walked towards the back.    


"Ah... Kid, you dare to meddle in our business. If you have the ability, don't leave. Don't leave. " At this time, Peach, whose mouth was full of blood, also woke up. He struggled to stand up with one hand covering his stomach and the other hand holding the table. He glared at Chu Yang and cursed. Then, she staggered out of the small restaurant and helped Brother Parrot up. The two of them ran to the west in a sorry state.    


"Big brother, you'd better leave quickly. They must have called someone over." After seeing the two bad guys who always bullied their parents get beaten up and run away, Liu Yueer was so excited that her small face turned red. However, she kept persuading Chu Yang to run.    


"Yue Er, it's fine. Big brother rarely has the chance to be a hero who eradicates evil. Just give me one chance." Chu Yang smiled and said something that she did not understand to Liu Yueer. She felt that the inexplicable resentment in the company's branch hall was much less. So he slowly lit a cigarette and chatted with the little girl.    


Through the conversation with Liu Yueer, Chu Yang roughly knew Boss Liu's current situation.    


Boss Liu's family was a farmer from Jinan Countryside. Liu Yueer's sister was admitted to Ji Nan's Qi Lu Normal University last year. In order to pay her daughter expensive tuition and miscellaneous fees, Boss Liu had come to this noodle shop in March this year.    


He had only started working for a few months and relied on the advantage of the high and cheap amount of noodles he stir-fried. The income of this small shop was quite considerable. When the parrot asked them to pay the protection fee of 500 yuan per month, although Boss Liu was very unwilling in his heart, But he could still accept it.    


However, after paying the tuition fee of 10,000 dollars for the first semester of the new term for his eldest daughter in July... They didn't have much money left. It was said that they missed the rainy night when they were at their worst financial situation. Their family had an accident again. They spent all their savings and owed a debt. Therefore, Boss Liu begged Brother Parrot to give him a few days' time.    


Who would have thought that Brother Parrot and the others wouldn't even pay? After coming here twice, they hadn't received any money. They thought that Boss Liu was deliberately refusing to pay, so they threatened the migrant workers who often came to eat at the nearby construction sites. This resulted in the situation where the noodles shop was only counting on passers-by to take care of once. It was the fourth person who passed by today.    


"Why didn't you report this situation to the police station? Are you willing to pay protection fees to them? " After Chu Yang heard Liu Yueer stammering, he felt that it was necessary to tell her the simple reason of "looking for the police uncle if there is anything."    


"Are we going to the police station? My dad has been there several times, but it was all useless! My dad said that everyone in the city is in the same gang. He loves to bully us country bumpkins... I'm sorry, I didn't say you were in the same gang as them. You're a good person." Liu Yueer was filled with righteous indignation when she suddenly remembered that the person in front of her was also from the city. She stuck out her tongue and quickly apologized.    


I am not a good person, but I never collect protection fees from people. At most, I'll just buy my life. Chu Yang did not take Liu Yueer's "slip of the tongue" to heart and smiled. Just as he was about to say something else, the phone in his pocket rang.    


"Big brother, your phone rang." Chu Yang originally did not want to answer Zhou Shuhan's call, but with Liu Yueer's kind reminder, He took out the old-fashioned phone that did not match his clothes, pressed the answer button, and put it beside his ear. He said lightly, "Vice President Zhou, I am eating outside. If there is anything, wait until I go to work in the afternoon. Can't we talk about it?"    


For some reason, after Zhou Heping was dismissed, Chu Yang asked, What is it? In his heart, he felt absolute guilt towards Zhou Shuhan. But after seeing her being appointed as the Vice President and starting to talk about those things, he felt that she was the same as Chai Murong. They were both hypocritical people and were not worth him saying "sweeping the fields" to her. That was why he walked out alone for a stroll. Even after taking her phone call out of consideration of Liu Yueer's face, his tone was still indifferent.    


"Yo, Master Chu, you don't sound very happy from your tone. What is it? Look at me mentioning your little girlfriend as the vice president. Are you unhappy in your heart? " The voice that sounded like an oriole was heard over the phone, causing Chu Yang to be stunned. Then, he understood who the other party was. At the same time, he was angry that Zhou Shuhan had told him her phone number. Thus, he kept silent.    


The person who called Chu Yang was Chai Murong, whom he was the least willing to see.    


Chai Murong waited for a while but did not hear Chu Yang speak. So she giggled and said, "Chu Yang, don't think that this number was given to me by your little girlfriend. You must not misunderstand her. This is what I found out from the Human Resources Department."    


"Hmph, where did you find my number? Why did you explain it to me? Tell me, what do you want from me? Could it be that you, the boss, personally reminded me not to forget to go to work? Don't worry, I'll go to the company after I'm full." Although Chu Yang said so, when he heard that his number was not given to Chai Murong by Zhou Shuhan, I feel a little better.    


"Oh my, Master Chu, why do you choke when you speak? Did you eat too much chili for lunch?" Chai Murong made an exaggerated sound and said with a smile, "How could I dare to remind you not to forget to work? I just think that no matter what, we are still husband and wife now, right? I have come from far away to Jiannan today. No matter what you say, you have to treat me, right? Tell me, which hotel are you eating at right now? Don't worry, I'm just a weak woman. I won't be poor for you."    


" Do you think other people enter the hotel like you when they eat? " Based on the situation at the beginning, even if this woman didn't "shred me to pieces" when she saw me, she shouldn't have acted so intimate with me. Un, she must have hidden a knife in her smile. In the future, no one would know what kind of mischief she would cause. Chu Yang covered the microphone and asked Liu Yueer, "Little sister, do you know the exact location of this place?"    


"This is 307 Flower Garden Road. Big brother, do you want to call for help?" Liu Yueer thought Chai Murong was Chu Yang's help and quickly told him the exact location of the noodle shop.    


" My current location is 307 Flower Garden Road, Liu Ji's noodle shop. If you want to come, come. If not, forget it." After saying that, Chu Yang directly took off the phone, and then said to Liu Yueer seriously, "Yeah, I'm asking for help. Don't worry, the person I call is even more fierce than a tiger. When those bad guys saw her, they could only piss their pants and crawl away."    


"Ah, that's great! The best would be to beat them up until they don't dare to come again." When Liu Yueer heard that Chu Yang's reinforcement was someone even fiercer than a tiger, she immediately clapped her hands happily. "I'll go and ask my dad to make another bowl of stir-fried noodles and add more eggs."    


"Sigh." Seeing that the little girl turned around and ran back after saying that, Chu Yang hurriedly stopped her. "Just give me another bowl. There's no need to make more."    


"It's not for you to eat. It's for that friend of yours who's fiercer than a tiger." Liu Yueer turned around and giggled. She ran into the back.    


Not to mention that Chai Murong would not come, even if she did, She would not eat this either. Chu Yang looked at the gauze door behind him and shook his head. He looked outside with some boredom. He thought that the speed at which the two gangsters gathered their troops was really slow. It had been more than ten minutes. But he didn't even see a ghost.    


Chu Yang wasn't afraid that the parrot would call for reinforcements. It would be best to call their boss over. If that was the case, there would be a chance to solve the problem directly. He was afraid that the parrot and the others would not come after a long time, and he could not always wait here. If those people came after he left, Boss Liu would definitely have to bear the consequences.    


Chu Yang thought of this problem, and Boss Liu and his wife also thought of it. They had not cooked noodles for a long time, because they were packing their things.    


In their eyes, even if Chu Yang could solve their temporary problem, However, he wouldn't be able to solve it in the future. Therefore, the two of them were ready to run away at any time. When Liu Yueer ran in and said that Chu Yang had called for reinforcements, she added another bowl of noodles. They hurriedly made two bowls of noodles and brought them out.    


"Big brother, after eating this bowl of noodles, you should hurry up and leave. We appreciate your good intentions." After putting the fried noodles on the table, Boss Liu's wife looked outside and hoped that Chu Yang would leave immediately.    


"It's fine. I said I would wait for them here. If I leave, they will vent their anger on you. " Chu Yang picked up his phone and looked at the time. He smiled and said to Liu Yueer," Besides, my helper is almost here. If I leave... She will definitely not be able to find me."    


In order to comfort Liu Yueer, Chu Yang said Chai Murong, who called him, was his helper. He very indecently described her as a fierce person who was even fiercer than a tiger. He only said this to comfort the little girl. Not to mention that Brother Parrot and the others were just small characters who stood on the street to collect protection fees, even those big shots who were surrounded by bodyguards... It might not be worth Chu Yang asking for help.    


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