My Fiance Ran Away

C83 Bbq by the Roadside

C83 Bbq by the Roadside

3Did I really sit in the same car with Chai Murong, and she was sitting right next to me? Ma Jian felt like he was dreaming right now. He felt that everything in front of him was not real at all. Until the car drove far away from the villa of Zhou family, he was still secretly looking at the beauty beside him and giggling. He did not notice that Tian Ke was staring at him in the rearview mirror.     4


This kid didn't even look as pleasing to the eye as Chu Yang. Although that guy also had a lecherous look on his face, he was much more pleasing to the eye compared to this person. Sigh, I wonder what happened to Murong. Why did he agree to have some barbeque with me? If Chai Murong hadn't stopped him with her eyes, Tian Ke would have pointed at Ma Jian's nose when the car left the Zhou family villa. She told him to get out of the car and get lost.    


Although Chai Murong looked down on Ma Jian in her heart, she had already used him to attack Chu Yang. If she kicked him away right after she left the house, it would seem that she was too eager to break the bridge after crossing the river. She did not take an idiot like Ma Jian seriously, but she must not forget that he had a father who was Vice Mayor behind him.    


Although offending a Vice Mayor was not a big deal to Chai Murong, she still understood the simple principle of having more friends and having more roads.    


In a while, just accompany him to eat something, and then send him away. Although this kind of hedonistic son was very useless, sometimes he would play a small role. With this thought in mind, Chai Murong smiled at Ma Jian. "Mr. Ma..."    


When Chai Murong accepted his invitation, Ma Jian was already captivated by her. Who would have thought that he was just a little useless playboy in her heart? She even thought that Chai Murong was subdued by his "suave and elegant demeanor." At this time, after hearing the beauty call him sir, her small face was filled with joy as she hurriedly said, "Miss Chai, you should just call me Ma Jian. Otherwise, it would be fine with a small sword. Since we are friends, you must not call me 'sir' anymore. Such a way of addressing me is too informal."    


Small sword? I think you are a lowly one. Chai Murong muttered in her heart and said with a smile, "Okay. Then I will call you, little sword. Little Sword, where do you plan to take me to eat barbeque? "    


" Let me take a look. I remember there are some nearby. " Ma Jian said as he looked out the window.    


To be honest, Young Master Ma usually held his own status. The lowest place he ate was in a restaurant with a small budget. He would never go to those barbeque stalls. But today, in order to show off his generosity in front of Chai Murong, he proposed to eat barbeque. Now, the beauty had asked, even if he really did not know where there was barbeque in this area. But he could only pretend to see.    


The three Bmw SUVs drove along the Swallow Mountain Road at a moderate pace. Ling Hsing, who was driving Chai Murong, looked vigilantly at every car that passed by or came face to face. He stretched out his hand and touched the air headset on his collar, ready to deal with any sudden incidents at any time.    


"Miss Chai, it is late. Maybe those barbecue stalls have already left. How about we... " Why don't we find a hotel and have a good chat? Before Ma Jian could finish his sentence, he saw smoke coming out from an alley not far from the road. He immediately knew that it was a barbecue stall. He shouted excitedly, "Hi! Driver, stop there! "    


As the boss of the Golden Triangle, Ling Hsing had now admitted that he was a driver. However, it was only Chai Murong's driver. A person like Ma Jian who could tell with one look that he was an embroidered pillow, even if he cried and shouted to be his driver, He did not need it. But at this moment, that brat actually shouted and shouted at him. This made him very unhappy. Just as he was about to say something, He heard Chai Murong lightly say, "Ling Hsing, follow what Mr. Ma said and go over there."    


"Bullet, watch the gun handle. Stop 50 meters ahead." Since Chai Murong had spoken, Ling Hsing did not want to argue with Ma Jian about this. So he touched the air headset on his collar and gave the order to stop the two cars at the front and back.    


Ever since Chai Murong was hung up on the OF killer platform, Ling Hsing had increased the security of her. As long as she was in the car, there would always be eight elite drivers from various Halls following her. The codename of the car in front was a bullet, and the codename of the car behind was a gun holder. The codename of the car he was driving was a trigger.    


This was the real life, even having a barbeque with tough bodyguards following. F * ck! Ma Jian, who was immersed in excitement, did not see the unhappiness on Ling Hsing's face at all. When the car stopped, he opened the car door and jumped out.    


"Murong, are you really going to have a barbecue with this kind of person?" After Ma Jian got out of the car, Tian Ke frowned and said to Chai Murong, "I think he should eat here by himself. Let's go."    


"Since he has stopped, let's sit for a while. If we leave him behind and run away, it would not be appropriate." Chai Murong saw that Tian Ke was dissatisfied with Ma Jian. She smiled and shook her head, then pushed open the door and got off the car.    


After the car stopped, the bodyguards in front and behind were already standing in front of Chai Murong's car. They turned half way and watched the surrounding movements closely.    


Seeing Chai Murong so persistent about having barbecue with Ma Jian, Tian Ke shook his head helplessly. He had no choice but to get out of the car with Ling Hsing. Together with the bodyguards, they surrounded Chai Murong and walked towards the barbecue stall.    


The owner of the barbecue stall, who was cooking seafood for a few customers, saw more than ten people get out of the three Bmw off-road vehicles. The two of them were surrounded by stars. Oh, to be precise, it was a person. (Although Tian Ke also had an extraordinary temperament, When she was with Chai Murong, she would always be automatically ignored by men.) A beautiful woman as beautiful as a fairy walked over. His eyes almost popped out, It can't be, who is this big sister? She put on such a big show just to come to this unlicensed stall to eat barbecued food?    


"Brother, these people are not pheasants from the north street who came to wreck our business, are they?" The boy who was in charge of helping the barbeque stall owner saw the grey clothed bodyguards take out the tissues they carried with them and put them on the small stool. He moved closer to the boy in fear and whispered, "Do you want to tell Gouzi to come and take a look?"    


"Stop talking nonsense! A pheasant is a piece of sh * t. He is the one who sent people to wreck our business. How could he invite such a luxurious line-up? " The owner of the barbecue stall raised his hand and slapped the back of the kid's head. Then, he showed a pure smile to Ma Jian, who was walking over. "Sir, you want to eat barbeque?"    


Before he even walked into the shop owner, Ma Jian was already a little dizzy from the smell of sheep on his body. He raised his hand and fanned himself under his nose. He frowned and said, "Nonsense. We are not here to eat barbeque. Could it be that we are here to smell the smell of sheep on your body?"    


Seeing Chai Murong sitting down leisurely, the boss swallowed a mouthful of saliva and smiled obsequiously. "Then may I ask, what do you want to eat?"    


"What good food can you have here? He picked up a few of the signature dishes and put them on the table. Hurry up. Oh, by the way, do you have the '84 Lafite? "    


Do you think this is a big hotel? And a signature dish. Lefay? What was Lefay? Was it wine? He had never heard of this brand of beer. It seemed that he would have to buy a few boxes of it in the future. The boss grinned and nodded. "We don't have Lafite here. We only have Bottomless Spring Bottomless Beer."    


"Actually, I don't think you have Lafite here. Let's have a box of Bottles of Bottles of Bottles of Bottles of Bottles of Bottles." After saying that, Ma Jian covered his nose and walked towards Chai Murong.    


Look at your sour face, what are you pretending for? The boss looked at Ma Jian's back with disdain and curled his lips. However, when Chai Murong looked over, he quickly put on a flower-like smile again.    


"Miss Chai, I asked. There is no red wine here. There is only Bottomless Spring Bottomless Beer. Why don't I go to the supermarket and buy a bottle?" Ma Jian turned around, and the disgusted expression on his face disappeared.    


You look like a fool. If there was a Lafite in a place like this... You wouldn't be so retarded. Tian Ke looked at Ma Jian coldly and answered for Chai Murong, "Forget it. We will just sit and leave..." Just as she said that, Ling Hsing's phone rang.    


"It's Uncle Zhou's." Ling Hsing took out his phone and said to Chai Murong. He picked up the phone and said calmly, "I am Ling Hsing. Yes, I know. I will go back immediately. Okay, I have to be careful on the way back. "    


After taking off the phone, Ling Hsing quickly walked to Chai Murong's back, bent down, and said a few words with a low voice.    


Because he sat across from Chai Murong at the table, and Ling Hsing's voice was very low, Ma Jian did not hear what he said clearly. He only vaguely heard him mention the word "assassin."    


"Yes." Chai Murong's expression was normal as she nodded. She said apologetically to Ma Jian," Ma, Xiaojian, I'm sorry. Something happened in the company. I have to hurry back and deal with it. Hehe, you see..."    


"Business is more important, business is more important!" Although he was very disappointed and disappointed, Ma Jian still said very sensibly, "Since we are friends, we will naturally have plenty of chances to have a heart-to-heart talk in the future... Miss Chai, you just need to be busy. Don't worry about me. I will just call my family and let them come and pick me up. "    


"Alright, I'm really sorry. I'll treat you in the future when I have the chance." Chai Murong smiled apologetically at Ma Jian, then told Ling Hsing, "Leave some tips for the boss. Let's go."    


"Okay." Ling Hsing agreed and took out a stack of hundred yuan notes. He put the notes on the table and smiled at the boss. Then he and the eight bodyguards surrounded Chai Murong and Tian Ke and walked out of the alley.    


"Good hearted beautiful lady, take care... This is the real money. I am afraid it will be a few thousand." The boss ran over from behind the oven and grabbed the money on the table.    


"Farmers!" Ma Jian twitched his mouth in disgust, then took out his phone and walked out of the alley.    


Didn't your ancestor also come from farmers? Damn it, if it wasn't for that beautiful young lady just now, I would have crippled you! The barbeque stall owner waved his fist at Ma Jian's back...    


He didn't care that Young Master Ma, who was kicked to the side, was calling a car. He first talked about Chai Murong and the others.    


"Uncle Zhou said he just received news that Sorensen from Holland came to Jinan this afternoon. " After the car started, Ling Hsing looked ahead and reported to Chai Murong, "Sorensen, Dutch. He is good at planning, exploding, and racing. He is ranked 12th in the international assassin world. He probably came to Jiannan for the ten million USD. "    


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