Fool Immortal Pill Emperor

C213 Recruitment

C213 Recruitment

2However, the customers in the hall on the first floor were different. The customers in the hall had two choices: one was to leave their seats and go to the trading hall to collect the goods. The second was to wait until the auction ended before going to the trading hall to hand in the goods.     3


Chang Sheng followed the crowd and walked out of the hall. Just as he arrived at the trading hall, he saw a beautiful figure standing at the door.    


"The female sex auctioneer who just made an auction?"    


Chang Sheng was startled, but the female auctioneer had already walked over.    


"Sir, are you here to conduct the transaction procedures? Please come with me."    


The female auctioneer brought Chang Sheng into the hall and personally completed the transaction procedures with him.    


"Mr Cheng Mo, this is our Auction House's gold card. Please accept it.    


The female auctioneer smiled and handed over a gold card to Chang Sheng.    


"Of course." Chang Sheng smiled as he received the golden card. Just as he placed it back into his pocket, a dejected voice came from the side.    


"Could it be that the heavens want me, Zhao Xiangyang, to sell everything that I have and all the money that I have auctioned off, I am actually still not enough to pay my debt? I am actually still short of 10 million silver!"    


"Zhao Xiangyang, wasn't he the merchant who contributed the majority of the Auction Items in today's auction?"    


Hearing that, Chang Sheng immediately turned his head, and looked towards the direction of the voice.    


Around ten meters in front of him, a haggard looking man in his thirties or forties muttered to himself anxiously. Although he looked very disheveled, it wasn't hard to see that he was actually quite handsome.    


"Ten million silver, if it was in the past, I, Zhao Xiangyang would never have paid attention to this. But now, for a moment, where am I supposed to gather so much money!"    


Zhao Xiangyang painfully covered his head with his hands. Originally, when he was rich, he was fine with anything, but now that he had failed once, all those people came to him one by one, afraid that he would run away. He actually restricted him to return the money within three days!    


If he had more time, he wouldn't need too much. Within a year, he would definitely be able to pay all of his debts. However, right now, he didn't have time at all.    


Hearing Zhao Xiangyang's mutterings, Chang Sheng's heart was moved. Wasn't this his chance?    


Although Zhao Xiangyang had failed in his business this time, he could tell from the auction house that he was definitely a talented person in business. He was different from many big business people who came from big families, Zhao Xiangyang had started his business from scratch, and his experience of making a business could be considered as legendary.    


He could not be regarded as a failed businessman just because of his one failure.    


Since his clan did not exist in the capital, why not use this opportunity to rope Zhao Xiangyang in and help him manage his family's businesses there? After all, he had taken a lot of properties from the people of County Prince Zhu.    


As Chang Sheng was thinking, Zhao Xiangyang had already turned around and was walking out of the trading hall.    


"Mr Zhao, please wait."    


Chang Sheng quickly followed and called out to Zhao Xiangyang: "Mr. Zhao, you seem to have encountered some trouble."    


"Hmm? "You are?" Zhao Xiangyang raised his head strangely, and looked at the person in front of him with a confused face. He remembered this person, in the trading hall just now, the auctioneer had given him a gold card, and in the previous auction, the person in front of him had also auctioned quite a few things. However, he shouldn't know this person, right? Why would he look for him?    


"Let me introduce myself. My name is Cheng Mo." Chang Sheng smiled, revealing a hint of kindness. Looking left and right, he realized that there were a lot of people around him, he raised his hand towards a relatively less crowded place: "Mister Zhao, how about we talk for a bit?"    


"Alright." Zhao Mang nodded and walked towards the side. He was penniless now, all the money from the previous auction had been repaid. With his current state, he was not afraid of anyone harming him!    


"I know Mr. Zhao's current situation. When I was at the trading hall, I accidentally overheard you talking to yourself." Chang Sheng smiled as he looked at Zhao Xiangyang, and went straight to the point: "You still need ten million silver, I can pay it back to you!"    


"You'll help me pay back the money?"    


Zhao Xiangyang suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked at the man in front of him in surprise. He looked like an ordinary man, and only after a long while did he react.    


"What do you want to do? "What are the conditions?" Zhao Xiangyang became cautious. The heavens would never drop a pie, there was no reason for him to pay the other party back for nothing, unless the other party needed him to do something.    


"You're really smart." Chang Sheng revealed a satisfied smile, and on his face, the long and narrow scar on his mouth started twitching: "Let's put it this way, you don't have the ability to repay your debts right now, I can help you, but the condition is that you to help me take care of my businesses."    


"Naturally, I won't let you manage my business for nothing. In addition to the monthly salary, three months later, if you perform well enough, I can give you a share of the shares!"    


"You want me to help you manage your business and you'll pay me back the debt of 10,000,000 silver?" He even gave me a salary and a share of the shares? I've discovered that your confidence in me seems to be even greater than mine! " Zhao Xiangyang stared intently at the man called Cheng Mo, his heart was still extremely cautious, the man's conditions were too good, he had no choice but to be careful, who knew what he was going to do with?    


Or could it be that the other party knew about what had happened in the ocean?    


Zhao Xiangyang thought about the secret in his heart. On his back, a layer of sweat slowly seeped out.    


Zhao Xiangyang acted as if nothing had happened and asked: "Mr Cheng Mo, you should know that I, Zhao Xiangyang, had just lost all my wealth earlier. Are you not afraid that if you hire me, I will compensate you with all your wealth?"    


"Hahaha!" Chang Sheng immediately laughed out loud when he heard Zhao Xiangyang's words. With Mr. Zhao's ability, how could it be? The last time you failed to do business, it was probably because of special circumstances. "    


Chang Sheng said, and shook his head: "Actually Mr. Zhao, although you look to be in a sorry state, but from your face, it can be seen that you have more confidence in yourself than anyone else. "I know that Mr. Zhao, by saying this, you are simply worried about why I gave you such good conditions. Actually, it is very simple, it is because I value you. At the same time, I want you to wholeheartedly help me manage my business."    


"Divide your shares. This way, you will not only manage the business for me, but for your own. You will naturally do your best." Chang Sheng laughed heartily: "Mr. Zhao, if you're interested, you can go to the Prime Minister's Estate to find a person called Guo Feng. At that time, he'll give you the property."    


"Prime Minister's Estate?" Zhao Xiangyang was stunned: "Didn't you say it's your business? How can I go to the Prime Minister's Estate? As far as I know, the Prime Minister never conducts business. "    


"Just because the Prime Minister does not conduct business, does not mean that his son does not conduct business." Chang Sheng smiled indifferently: "Let me be honest with you, Prime Minister's son is my junior brother. The reason I'm looking for you is to help my junior brother."    


"Help your junior apprentice-brother ?"    


Zhao Xiangyang lowered his head and started to ponder. If the other party was the son of the Prime Minister, then he would be able to relax a lot. He was afraid of people of unknown origins, and furthermore, from the looks of it, if this person did not invite him, he would not even be able to pay.    


"Whatever!" Zhao Xiangyang sighed and nodded: "Alright, I promise you. I wonder what I will say when I go to the Prime Minister's Estate to find Guo Feng?"    


Of course, the more money the better. However, if he really wanted to earn money, managing all kinds of businesses was not the fastest way, refining pills was the fastest way. The main reason why he hired him to help him develop his industry was to bring prosperity!    


"Mr. Zhao, when the time comes, find Guo Feng and tell him that you are not allowed here, and then tell him about the condition that I gave you! Guo Feng, he is the person my junior brother trusts the most, at that time, he will arrange everything properly. "    


"Alright, then I'll go now!"    


Unexpectedly, he had just walked out of the auction house. Not long after he had left, a carriage stopped in front of him in a secluded alley, and a slightly hunchbacked old man stepped down from the carriage.    


"Hmm? "This person ?"    


Just as the old man walked down from the palanquin, Gu Tianmo's old voice sounded out in Chang Sheng's mind: "Chang Sheng, this man is a warrior. "Look at his hand ?"    


Chang Sheng had already gotten used to Gu Tianmo running out of his mind. Hearing that, he looked at the old man in front of him, who looked to be about 70 years of age, with a stooped back, but overall, his body was extremely sturdy, and as for his hands.    


At the same time, the joints of his fingers and bones were much thicker than normal people's. If one looked carefully, they would notice that the skin color of this person's hands was a little different than the skin on his body. The color of his hands was a little darker, but the most special part was his nails.    


This person's nails were much longer than an ordinary person's nails. Moreover, on the nails, there was a thin brown line in the middle of the white half-moon mark.    


"Chang Sheng, you saw his nails, right? He should be practising poison, the nails are poisonous, you must be careful not to touch you." When Gu Tianmo finished looking at the other party's face, he immediately warned him.    


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