Fool Immortal Pill Emperor

C193 Winning

C193 Winning

3"That's right, where are the six of you? Are you afraid that not one of you will be able to pee as much as me?"    3


"That's right, he was pissing against the wind just now. Who knows, he might just go with the flow. That way, you guys will have a huge advantage!"    


"Hurry up and piss. If you don't piss, then you'll just admit defeat. Five games and three wins. If that's the case, then he won. You guys will lose!"    


Hearing the sounds of ridicule, Zhu Ti's fat face immediately turned red. He looked at the group of Rangers, who were making the most of the commotion, with an extremely ugly expression. They were rangers, and even if they could deal with them in the capital, they could only leave the capital and go to another city. They couldn't send people there to capture them, and they didn't have the ability to do so either!    


Normally, he would just ignore them and ignore them, but today, these guys were embarrassing them.    


Hearing the ridiculing voices from the crowd, Chang Sheng felt great in his heart. He wanted to see who had plotted against him, now that he saw who, he wanted to see if any of you dare come out and piss!    


"Chang Sheng, they definitely will not come out to pee themselves. If you come, it will be too embarrassing, but if you come, they will definitely not pee themselves!"    


In Chang Sheng's mind, Gu Tianmo suddenly ran out and said: "Chang Sheng, you look like a virgin, their group of people usually have women too, virgins piss far more often than these people who don't piss at all, they will definitely not compare to you if they see the distance you piss."    


"No? If you don't want to compete, then they will have to pay! "    


Chang Sheng turned around, and with a few steps, he ran in front of Zhu Ti, and asked puzzledly: "Pig leg, why don't you pee? Are you admitting defeat by not peeing? "    


"I... "I …" Zhu Ti's heart was filled with hatred. I've thought for a long time, but in the end, I couldn't say anything, so I could only change the topic and say: "Chang Sheng, this competition isn't so good. Why don't we change it?"    


"Not good? You said that Chang Sheng's question is not good? " Hearing that, Chang Sheng was suddenly angered, he raised his fist and looked at Zhu Ti fiercely: "Chang Sheng's questions are the best, you said that Chang Sheng's questions are not good, Chang Sheng hates you! Chang Sheng is done with you, hurry up and give Chang Sheng the money, Chang Sheng won! "    


"Chang Sheng, I can't do that. There are a total of five of us, and we only won one against me now. You have to win all five before we can give you the money!"    


Zhu Ti quickly opened his mouth. The competition just now, was a question that Chang Sheng had given them, a question that they could never bring down their pride on. They could not afford to lose like this, they had to continue competing, if they kept competing, they would definitely win!    


"You guys clearly said that you won three out of five, why did it change now?"    


Guo Feng heard that Zhu Ti wanted to act shamelessly, and immediately stood in the middle of the crowd, changed his voice, and shouted loudly.    


"That's right, you guys are too shameless. From the first round, you became three, then five. Now, I want to directly beat each of you once. How can you be so shameless!"    


"You guys clearly said before that Chang Jia's son would win another round, and that it would be considered as his win. Now that he has won, you all want to go back on your words."    


All of the Rangers heard Zhu Ti's words and started to shout as well. They were bullying him too much, and they were betting with him to the point of beginning to have the Prime Minister's son, regardless of whether this young master was a fool or not, he was the Prime Minister's son, and the Prime Minister was a good official who cared only for his own people. Although they did not receive the favour of the Prime Minister directly, the families back home had all said that since Lord Chang became Prime Minister, their lives were much better than before.    


Just by this point, he couldn't let the Prime Minister's son be cheated.    


Chang Sheng heard the constant talking beside him, and was secretly happy in his heart, he never expected that there would be so many righteous people in the capital, and it would save him a lot of trouble.    


"Chang Sheng doesn't care, you just said that Chang Sheng will win one more round, and now that Chang Sheng has won, you better quickly give him the money." Chang Sheng grabbed onto Zhu Ti's clothes angrily and pulled him over: "You want to cheat?"    


Looking at Chang Sheng's current appearance, he was obviously angry. Two days ago, his own father had been beaten up by him at Shuntian Palace together with General Xu, and if not for someone pulling him, he would probably have been beaten to death by him. The day before that, Zhou Shiqiang from Zhou Family was even beaten to death by him, and it was said that Zhou Shiqiang's death at that time was extremely horrifying.    


If she provoked him again, she would probably die the same miserable death that Zhou Shiqiang had.    


Zhu Ti thought back to what others had described to him before, the way Zhou Shiqiang died, and his heart suddenly tensed up and said: "Chang Sheng, of course you've won, but we didn't have that much money on us, so let me go first and let me go home to get the money, I'll bring the money over later on."    


As Zhu Ti spoke, he blinked his eyes at his companions and glanced at the Xuan paper on the table. He motioned to the few of them to quickly take away the Xuan paper with their own handprints.    


"Right, as long as we take the xuan paper away, then there won't be any material evidence proving that we lost to Chang Sheng in a bet." Li Yang was sensitive to Zhu Ti's gaze. His heart stirred, and he quickly ran towards the long table.    


"These people actually want to steal the papers from the canvases!"    


Suddenly, the voices of the travelling adventurers sounded out again, upon hearing it, Chang Sheng quickly turned his head, and immediately, a vein that was normally hidden deep in his forehead popped out: "Scram!"    


With a loud shout, Chang Sheng released Zhu Ti and instantly rushed in front of Li Yang. He grabbed Li Yang's clothes and threw him far away.    




Li Yang flew far away and smashed onto the ground in front of Zhu Ti, producing a loud bang.    


"Don't touch these things." Chang Sheng held onto the xuan paper on the long table, and glared at Zhu Ti and the others: "Uncle told Chang Sheng to not let anyone move the thing that Chang Sheng pressed on his hand!"    


"It's over, it's all over now!" Initially, he was afraid that Chang Sheng would go back on his words after losing the bet, so he planned meticulously and finished writing the written proof ahead of time. Then, he pressed a handprint on it and only then did Chang Sheng press his handprint on it. By then, if Chang Sheng lost, it would definitely be on his side.    


However, how could Chang Sheng's luck be so good? The one who won was actually him. Chang Sheng had won. The carefully prepared evidence against Chang Sheng had now become evidence against him.    


The most despicable thing was that when Chang Sheng's father, Chang Qianze, and their civil servant reformers had no reason to retort, their own side had also given them something of value to participate in the bet. Now that their side had lost, all of this money would be poured out!    


"No, I can't lose this money. Besides, it has already become the fiefdom of my family. I must find a way to renege on my debt!"    


Zhu Ti looked at Chang Sheng from afar, and shouted loudly: "Chang Sheng, wait for me here, I will go home and get the money for you."    


As he shouted, Zhu Ti turned around and, without caring about his comrades who came with him, ran in the direction of his own home.    


Behind them, the rest of them heard Zhu Ti's words and followed suit. All of them shouted at Chang Sheng to go back and get the money, and told him to wait here before leaving quickly.    


Guo Feng looked at the few people who left, and quietly followed. He wanted to see if the person behind them would make contact with them.    


Chang Sheng looked at the few people who left and sneered in his heart. I will wait here for you guys for two hours, at that time, if you guys do not appear, I will openly kill my way up to your doorstep, and collect your debts!    


Slowly two hours had passed. Chang Sheng looked around, and yawned extremely boringly: "Still not here, it's so boring. Chang Sheng doesn't want to play, Chang Sheng is going home."    


With that, Chang Sheng walked towards his house.    


Behind him, everyone looked at Chang Sheng's back and sighed: "Ai, tell me, Prime Minister is so wise, why did he give birth to such a son?"    


"That's right. Those people clearly wanted to go back on their word. He waited here for two hours and now that he can't wait anymore, he became bored and wanted to return home. He really doesn't want that money anymore, what a fool!"    


Amidst the discussions of the crowd, Chang Sheng returned home. Just as he walked into his room, he realized that Guo Feng was already back.    


"Young Master, Guo Feng is useless, he was unable to find the mastermind, the other fellows have all returned home, they did not go out again."    


Seeing Chang Sheng coming home, Guo Feng immediately went up and whispered everything he discovered hidden in the crowd.    


"It doesn't matter. If we can't find him this time, we can find him next time. Those people want to deal with me, if they don't succeed this time, then there will definitely be a second time. As long as they still want to harm us, we have a chance to catch them!"    


Chang Sheng took out the black iron rod that he hadn't used in a while, and said to Guo Feng: "Alright, Guo Feng, now you will first follow me to collect your debt, and it will be the same as before. Don't follow me quickly, just follow me from a distance.    


Finished speaking, Chang Sheng carried the rod and walked out of his room. Before he could walk out of the Prime Minister's Estate, he met Pine and Ling Lao once again.    


Pine initially wanted to ignore Chang Sheng, but when he saw the long and thick rod in Chang Sheng's hand, he was immediately enraged: "Chang Sheng, what are you doing holding this stick?!"    


"Chang Sheng is going to collect his debt!"    


Chang Sheng shouted, he did not care about the two elders, and ran out of the house with the rod in his hand.    


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