Fool Immortal Pill Emperor

C184 The grand preceptor made a fool of himself

C184 The grand preceptor made a fool of himself

4Although Chang Sheng's voice was soft, in the quiet throne room, it was much louder than usual. There were many experts present, and their eyes and ears were much more intelligent than the average person.    


"Chang Sheng, you asked this old man a question, do you know the answer?!" When Grand Preceptor Fei heard Chang Sheng's mutter, his face immediately turned green. He had actually answered a stupid question, he really was ?    


Chang Sheng laughed in his heart, raised his head, and looked at Grand Preceptor Fei with an angry expression. "Chang Sheng naturally has the answer, and Chang Sheng told you, the answer is ?"    


Chang Sheng was anxious, he opened his mouth to answer, but at least he reacted and closed his mouth: "Chang Sheng will not tell you the answer, guess, if you're not, you're a fool, big fool, old fool."    


Hmph, why would such a simple question be difficult? This old man doesn't need you to report it." Grand Preceptor Fei's eyes darkened as he strode forward. "Because our Da Qi Kingdom has a rule that if you want to engage in entertainment such as mahjong, mahjong, and dice, you have to do it in a specialized casino when it comes to money." Clearly, these four people did not abide by the rules of the Da Qi Kingdom, which was why the government sent people to capture them. As for why we captured five people instead of four.    


The Grand Preceptor Fei snorted: "This is too simple, there are four people playing mahjong, but there might not be four people present. Maybe there's still someone watching, so when the officials captured him, they took him away along the way."    


"Grand Preceptor Fei is truly worthy of being called the Grand Preceptor."    


"Grand Preceptor Fei is truly incomparably quick-witted. In the blink of an eye, Grand Preceptor Fei had thought of the answer to such a question."    


When the generals and princes heard Grand Preceptor Fei's reply, they immediately praised him. Now that Grand Preceptor Fei was on their side, they naturally wanted to help him.    


"This ordinary man still wants to question Grand Preceptor Fei. He must be dreaming."    


The ordinary man was indeed the ordinary man, and just now, they had been hoping that Chang Sheng would come up with a difficult problem that would trouble the Grand Preceptor Fei. Now, it seemed that everything was just a figment of his imagination, that such a problem could be easily solved just by thinking about it, it was just too simple.    


When the Grand Preceptor Fei heard the discussions of the crowd, he took a step towards Chang Sheng. With a gaze as sharp as an eagle's, he stared at Chang Sheng and asked, "How is it?    


"No, no, you got the wrong answer!" Chang Sheng laughed and shook his head: "You answered wrong, you answered wrong, you are a fool, a big fool!"    


"Wrong? Did he give a wrong answer? "How could it be wrong?"    


"That's right. That should be the reason. How could I possibly be wrong?"    


When everyone heard Chang Sheng's answer, they all shook their heads. Grand Preceptor Fei's pupils constricted, he suddenly frowned, and answered wrongly? If not for this reason, then ?    


"I know, because one of the four mah-jong players was pregnant, she was pregnant, so she caught five people, including her child."    


"It's actually for this reason!"    


"That's fine too, the answer this time is definitely correct!"    


"The Grand Preceptor Fei is indeed the Grand Preceptor Fei. He can even think of such an answer. He really deserves to be called the Grand Preceptor!"    


When the Martial Generals and princes heard the answer from the Grand Preceptor Fei, they immediately responded in a loud voice. This time, there would definitely be no problems with the answer from the Grand Preceptor Fei.    


"No, no, stupid old man, you're wrong again!" Chang Sheng immediately laughed out loud, both his eyes looking straight at Grand Preceptor Fei, shaking his head with all his strength, as though he was looking at a fool.    


When the officials saw Chang Sheng's appearance, all of them revealed smiles.    


No matter how shrewd he was, he was actually mocked by a fool. How could he bear it?    


"Did I say something wrong?" Hmph, other than this answer, what other answer can you have? Do you know the answer?    


"Of course Chang Sheng knows the answer!" Chang Sheng raised his head, and said loudly: "Because mahjong cried! Old man, you're so stupid! "    


Chang Sheng's face instantly revealed an incomparably happy smile, as he forcefully slapped his hands together: "Old man, you've lost, you've lost, you big idiot, you're a fool, a big idiot, an old fool!"    


In the entire throne room, there was only the sound of Chang Sheng's loud clapping and his happy laughter. Everyone was stunned when they heard his voice!    


"The mahjong cried from the beating? What kind of answer is this!? "    


"This ordinary man shouldn't have let him set the question. Let's see what kind of lousy question he is going to give us!"    


"That's right. He doesn't even know the answer, yet he's even taking the exam for someone else. What a joke!"    


In the main hall, all the generals and princes were loudly complaining about their dissatisfaction.    


"Something is not right... I know! Chang Sheng's answer is not wrong! "    


Suddenly, a voice came out from the hall, and everyone turned to look, only to see that everyone was focused on Wei Zhigang.    


Wei Zhigang straightened his body and walked out from the Wen Chen of the reformers and shouted: "I know of the big case now! The mahjong has been crying, why would the mahjong be crying? Because Mahjong is basically the same person! "    


Wei Zhigang's eyes swept across the crowd of officials in the hall. "The mahjong that Chang Sheng spoke of is not the mahjong that we thought he was, but rather the one whose name is mahjong. If one of them were to cry after being beaten by four other people, how could the officials not capture them!? Of course, whether it's the captors or the victims, all of the captors, including the victims and mahjong, will be captured.    




"This... This is also possible! "    


Everyone heard Wei Zhigang's explanation, and all of them realised, it was actually like that! However, thinking about it carefully, it was not wrong. mahjong might not be the mahjong they were thinking about, but it could also be a human!    


However, this answer still fit in with a fool's mind, but the Grand Preceptor Fei was in trouble.    


"Wah ?" You're smart, you're not a fool, you're right! It seems like the person who gave Chang Sheng the question also said the same thing! "    


Chang Sheng laughed out loud towards Wei Zhigang, then turned to look at Grand Preceptor Fei, "You're wrong. Chang Sheng is not a fool, you are the fool.    


Grand Preceptor Fei's entire face suddenly turned green. He was pointed at his nose by a fool, Chang Sheng, who he had just verified, and scolded him, saying that he was a fool. However, he couldn't lower himself to the same level as.    


Grand Preceptor Fei snorted coldly, and ignored Chang Sheng, and turned his head.    


Chang Qianze laughed as he looked at Grand Preceptor Fei's ugly expression. He thought that no one would have thought that Grand Preceptor Fei, who always had a cold face in the imperial court, would have such an embarrassing situation today.    


He really did not expect that, initially, this would happen if he was just checking whether Sheng Er was ordinary man or not. However, he had lost face for Grand Preceptor Fei, and if he allowed Sheng Er to continue messing around in the palace, the emperor would lose his face as well. This was the throne room, so it was best if he quickly left.    


"Sheng Er, that's enough, stop talking!" Chang Qianze called Chang Sheng, pulled Chang Sheng to the side and said to him: "Alright, Sheng Er, stop messing around here, you go home first, your Senior Sister Piao Miao has already prepared delicious cotton cake for you. If you go back late, the cotton cake won't taste good anymore."    


"Cotton cake? Chang Sheng wants to eat cotton cake, Chang Sheng is going home! " When Chang Sheng heard that there was cotton cake, his eyes suddenly lit up. He turned around, no longer bothered with the Grand Preceptor Fei, and rushed out of the throne room.    


"He left just like that ?"    


was doing this on purpose, he clearly had a way to make Chang Sheng leave the throne room. But he actually did not say that just now, and even made Chang Sheng stay in the throne room, making it difficult for the old man! You want me to make a fool of myself!    


That's not right? It is possible that this question was actually Chang Qianze's idea. He had told Chang Sheng in advance to say it in the throne room, and even the previous Wei Zhigang who had stood out every single time was already colluding with Chang Qianze. His goal was to make this old man lose face, and cause this old man to lose face!    


This bastard!    


"This is so infuriating, it's infuriating!"    


In the County Prince Zhu Palace, the County Prince Zhu vented the anger in his heart, "That little bastard Chang Sheng, he beat me and made me lose such a huge amount of money. Yet, because he was a ordinary man, he punished me with such a small amount of money. "No, I can't just let it go like this. I must think of a way to take revenge!"    


"Father, it's actually very easy to get revenge on him!"    


The moment County Prince Zhu finished speaking, behind him, a youth who looked similar to him, and was not much different in figure immediately replied.    


County Prince Zhu turned to look at the young man, and when he saw the young man's confident smile, he immediately asked: "Eh? Ego, do you have any good ideas? "    


"Of course, Father, if you think Chang Sheng is a fool, isn't it easy to deal with him?" "That fool Chang Sheng is still just a child, this way the Child can deliberately play with him, he is a fool, as long as the Child plays with him a few times, he will trust the Child, at that time, the Child will have a lot of ways to deal with him!"    


County Prince Zhu nodded in deep agreement, "Alright, Father will depend on you." With that, County Prince Zhu walked out of the room.    


Zhu Ti looked at his father's back, which had completely disappeared. He frowned, and muttered to himself: "I must think of a way to make Chang Sheng and the prime minister lose face, but what method should I use?"    


At the side, the manservant saw the young master's headache, tensed up, and softly reminded him, "Young master, we can go ask Zhuge!"    


"Zhuge Zhan..."    


After Zhu Ti heard the servant's words, he suddenly clapped his hands. "Right, let's go find Zhuge Zhan. In our circle, he is the smartest."    


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