Fool Immortal Pill Emperor

C454 Material

C454 Material

2On the sixth floor, the price of materials once again underwent a tremendous change. Even the cheapest materials required 3,000 sets, or nearly 4,000 points to exchange for.    


The most expensive reward was 7,000 points.    


Finally, when Chang Sheng entered the seventh floor, the first material that he saw shocked him.    


"10,000 year tomb spirit bamboo, 12,000 points each!"    


Chang Sheng was deeply shaken. Although he did not know how difficult it was to get points for Heavencraft Tower, just by looking at the points required to exchange for the materials on the sixth floor, he could tell that these points were extremely difficult to get.    


This material actually required 12,000 points, and this was even for an exchange. God knows how much this was.    


Chang Sheng was still in shock when Gu Tianmo's voice rang out in his mind, "Chang Sheng is this one. A ten thousand year old tomb spirit stone, there is no other material more suitable for forging Soul-Extinguishing Banner than this one. The 10,000 Year Tomb Spirit Bamboo grew in tombs that spanned 10,000 years and finally became a Spirit Bamboo that spawned the 10,000 Year Tomb Spirit Bamboo. Chang Sheng, think about it, a tomb that has lasted for ten thousand years, what kind of tomb would be small? A huge tomb, a bamboo that had lived for ten thousand years, how much resentment and ghost aura would this bamboo have to absorb?! Could there be a treasure more suitable for smithing than this? "    


The more Gu Tianmo said, the more excited he became. "Also, an evil weapon like a banner usually requires at least two types of ingredients. One of them is a long pole that can be held in one's hand or stuck on the ground, and the flag that is hung on the pole. But this 10,000 Year Tomb Spirit Bamboo was only a single material. It was already more than enough. The bamboo itself can be used as a flagpole, but as for the banner, don't forget that I, Gu Tianmo, am an expert in smithing. I have a way to take out its soft inner organs from the bamboo, and then, make it the flag of a Soul-Extinguishing Banner. "    


"Hehe, as long as you don't activate it when the time comes, just by relying on the ghost aura inside the Ten Thousand Year Graveyard Spirit Bamboo, you will be able to scare us off in the daytime, and even at noon when the sun is at its strongest, you can put it in the most popular area in the capital, and with just a slight push, we will immediately fall into a world of darkness and terror, turning the surrounding area into a dark and gloomy place like your destination."    


"A thousand resentful ghost with a ten-thousand year spirit bamboo, this is simply a perfect match! Most importantly, although using the Ten Thousand Year Tomb Spirit Bamboo might not be as powerful as using other materials made up of Soul-Extinguishing Banner, it can still be strengthened. If you find better materials in the future, you can change your Soul-Extinguishing Banner anytime, it can be said that you can use this evil item for your entire life. "    


The more Gu Tianmo spoke, the more excited he became. On his face that already looked like a human face, a sinister smile gradually appeared.    


Seeing Gu Tianmo like this, only then did Chang Sheng feel that this guy was a Demon Cultivator!    


In order to obtain this Spirit Bamboo, he would need to earn some points. Furthermore, if he wanted to look at the records regarding his own egg, he would need the points as well. He remembered that there was a mission area below, so he went down to see if there was any way to quickly earn points. If it really didn't work, he would refine a batch of pills and sell it to Heavencraft Tower.    


Gu Tianmo had said before, that many people liked to sell their unneeded treasures to the Heavencraft Tower in exchange for points, and then use their points to buy treasures for their own use.    


Pills were still a treasure and could definitely be sold to Heavencraft Tower for points. However, the problem was that doing so would be very disadvantageous, so it was better to look at the mission first.    


Chang Sheng thought for a bit, then turned to Thirteen who was dressed in black at the side: "I've finished looking through the materials, bring me to the Mission Area to have a look."    


Thirteen did not ask any further. He immediately brought Chang Sheng downstairs to the Mission Area, and the two of them quickly returned to the first floor.    


In the lobby of the first floor, everyone had long heard about the child from the new arrivals. As they were sighing with emotion, they saw the child return.    


Seeing that the child was getting closer and closer to them, the group consciously opened up a path.    


Under the lead of the thirteen black-clothed men, Chang Sheng quickly arrived in front of the first wall of the mission area.    


"Medicinal ingredients!" One Heavenly Teardrop Bracken was rewarded with five points. With only five points, wasn't this way too much! Even if I can find two thousand stalks of it, it won't be enough to buy materials. "    


'Pills! ' Accepting two Innate Tiger Bone Pills (Medium Grade and above), one will be rewarded with thirty points, one will be rewarded with a hundred and fifty points for the upper rank, and one will be rewarded with a thousand points for the absolute rank. "    


When Chang Sheng saw this, his eyes immediately lit up. Innate Tiger Bone Pill, this kind of medicine was actually very simple. It would not take long to refine it.    


But he only wanted two!    


Two pills only had 2,000 points, who would be so free to refine such a pill?    


Chang Sheng continued to look down as he passed the mission of the pill.    


"Murder!" Six hundred points will be rewarded for killing one of the nine military officers of the Imperial City, the West Gate. "    


Seeing this message, Chang Sheng almost couldn't hold back from swearing.    


There were a total of nine important gates in the capital city, including the east, west, north, south, and north gates of the outer city, as well as the east, west, north, and north gates of the inner city and the outer city.    


Each of the nine city gates was guarded by one, two, and three field officers. As long as the safety of the city gates was not affected, they would not appear. At the same time, although they were field officers, their strength and position were much stronger than the City Guard General, who was also in charge of guarding the city gates.    


Thinking about it, it made sense. The people who guarded the important city gate had to be trusted by the emperor, and at the same time, only those with high strength could go there.    


Killing such a person would only give 600 points. Although this field officer was definitely speaking of the deputy field officer, this was more than enough to scam people.    


One was only six hundred, even if he killed all eighteen vice commander-in-chiefs at the nine gates, it still wouldn't be enough to buy materials for his points!    


Chang Sheng's eyes quickly swept across the first wall. The missions of the people on the first wall were all for the purchase of items, and the pill and medicinal ingredients taking up half of the missions on the wall was slightly more than that.    


For the rest of the quests, there were all kinds of quests. There were people who protected him, people who killed him, and people who searched for information.    


However, of these missions, the highest points awarded was the Xiantian Tiger Bone Pill's 1000 points. As for the others, the overall amount of points awarded for these killing missions was very high.    


It would be too tiring to rely on these missions to earn enough points to purchase materials.    


Chang Sheng's eyes quickly swept across the first wall, then landed on the second wall, and continued to look as he walked.    


The second wall was about the same size as the first one. The number of missions on this second wall was about the same as the first one.    


"Search!" Searching for the complete information regarding each mine, the reward is 200 points! "    


"Chores!" Hiring an expert of the fifth level to protect himself for three days would reward him 300 points. "Depending on the risk, points will be added as appropriate)"    


When Chang Sheng saw the second piece of information, he decisively gave up on the second wall and looked at the third.    


No matter how you looked at it, this quest seemed even worse than the one that killed people.    


For example, a heaven defying expert of the fifth floor, this was already a very powerful existence. Hiring someone for three days only gave 300 points, which was equivalent to 100 points per day.    


This was a master of the fifth level, a master of this level. If not for the Heavencraft Tower, outside, no matter how much money they give, they would never be your bodyguards.    


To protect someone, there was no danger. Who would foolishly find someone to protect him? Since he was protecting someone, then there was definitely danger. In the worst case scenario, they might even put him in danger.    


The reward for this level of task was only 300 points. Was there anything worse than this?    


However, from these missions, one could see how powerful the Heavencraft Tower was. These missions, if placed outside, basically no one would do them because it would be difficult for others to provide them with appropriate rewards.    


With points, he could do many things, and even directly exchange them for treasures. This was why his Heavencraft Tower could confidently issue such missions.    


Chang Sheng stopped and no longer read the contents of the mission in detail, and swept across with his eyes.    


These walls, when going from the fifth floor, the number of people started to decrease, and when going from the seventh floor to the Eighth Layer Building, the number of missions began to decrease even more.    


'Unrestricted Task... '    


Chang Sheng's gaze fell on the last limitless mission, and finally walked over. Since it was a limitless mission, the points given should not be little.    


Chang Sheng walked all the way to the last limitless quest. There were only three missions on the Quest Wall, one to search for the two lost legendary divine tools, and the other to refine pills.    




Heavenly Sage Pill of Shakya. This was a pill used by buddhas to raise their strength, stabilize their cultivation, and prevent their cultivation from going berserk.    


Such a small pill was actually 50,000 points, wasn't this just giving it away for free?!    


Chang Sheng's eyes lit up, 50,000 points, that was the mission!    


"I will accept this mission."    


Chang Sheng raised his hand and grabbed the wooden plate on the wall. Instantly, the wooden plate flew out from the wall and landed in his hands.    


"Go find someone in charge of your Heavencraft Tower. I want to talk to him about something." After Chang Sheng took down the wooden tablet, he turned his head and said to the thirteen black-clothed men by his side.    


"What would you like to talk about?" The person in charge of their Heavencraft Tower would not just casually appear in front of others. If not for the child in front of them being too monstrous, already having reached the level of Qi Disciple Level 7 at the age of ten, and also a grandmaster in refining pills, he would not even have asked a question back then.    


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