Fool Immortal Pill Emperor

C370 Witchcraft

C370 Witchcraft

0Gu Tianmo pointed to the plate in Chang Sheng's hand and said: "The Demon Guiding Decree in your hand is a type of proof for other than our own clan's Demon Clan and the foreign races to enter the Demon Clan, it has the same function as your Road Guiding. However, not just any kind of Demon Clan could own a Demon Summoning Token. Only those who had a certain status within the Demon Clan could own a Demon Summoning Token. Back then, I, Gu Tianmo, had spent a lot of effort before finally snatching one of them. However, that plate of mine is not as powerful as your one. "    3


Gu Tianmo said in an envious tone: "Chang Sheng, this piece of Demon Leaderboard you have is the imperial clan's Demon Leaderboard. Although there aren't many imperial families in the Demon Clan, there are still quite a few amongst them. Lan Keer's mother was able to leave behind a Demon Emissary seventeen years ago. It can be said that, within the imperial family, her identity is extremely high as well. "    


"Not only is her status high, her mental skills are also very powerful!" Hearing Gu Tianmo's words, Chang Sheng's tone suddenly changed. "Gu Tianmo, you should have noticed it already, when I first asked Lan Yixing a few questions, he replied with a dazed look, but the moment he mentioned about Ke Er's mother, his expression changed, and a look of infatuation appeared in his empty eyes."    


Chang Sheng said in a deep voice: "The Honest Dan was created by me, I really understand the Honest Dan. Under normal circumstances, this kind of situation would definitely not occur to the Honest Dan, unless the other party had been bewitched by other people before. When he thought of the scene of being bewitched, this kind of situation would only happen to him. Evidently, when Lan Yixing saw Ke Er's mother, he was confused for a while by the secret arts that Ke Er's mother had used. "    


"According to Lan Yixing's method, Ke Er's mother wasn't doing very well at that time. She should have been very anxious to see Ke Er off. In such an urgent situation, if Ke Er's mother could find a rich and powerful family like the Lan family, she wouldn't need to worry about Ke Er's future living conditions, and she would even need to find a childless Lan Yixing. In the end, when he handed Ke Er to Lan Yixing, and unknowingly bewitched Lan Yixing, his skills were definitely not simple. "    


After Chang Sheng finished speaking, he was afraid Gu Tianmo wouldn't understand his own meaning, so he added on: "If you want to slightly affect the person who consumed the Honest Dan I refined, then the puzzling ability must be extremely strong."    


Chang Sheng sighed, he lowered his head and looked at the order badge in his hand, and suddenly asked: "Gu Tianmo, according to what you're saying, once I take this order badge to the Demon Clan, I will be able to see Ke Er, right?"    


"It's normal, but ?" Gu Tianmo laughed mischievously: "Although Demon Clan people do not prohibit outsiders from entering their Demon Clan, they are still very xenophobic. With your current strength, entering Demon Clan is asking for trouble, if you are unlucky, encountering that type of Demon Clan which especially hates humans, even if you were to enter using the imperial clan's Demon Leaderboard, you would still die there."    


"Of course I know that my current strength is weak. I know that Ke Er is safe anyway, so I'll wait until my strength increases. At the very least, I'll go find Ke Er after I've grasped the Encyclopedia of the Flourishing Age."    


Chang Sheng said. After thinking about it, he did not have any questions about Ke Er to ask Lan Yixing, so he wrote a note and stuffed it into Lan Yixing's arms.    


After finishing everything, Chang Sheng then reached out his hand and slapped Lan Yixing unconscious.    


After a while, Chang Sheng calculated that the Honest Dan's medicinal effects had disappeared, and then he pinched Lan Yixing's acupoint once more, and quickly turned back.    


Lan Yixing shook his head, feeling that something was off. He felt that he had fainted just now, but it seemed like there was nothing there.    


While feeling weird in his mind, Lan Yixing lowered his head and saw a pile of books on the ground. There was also the painting that was said to be made by an honorary disciple of the Art Sage.    


"My painting!"    


Lan Yixing's face fell instantly, he raised his head and glared angrily at Chang Sheng, and shouted loudly: "Chang Sheng, you can leave this good deed of yours. If you leave this place, I won't welcome you here. All of you, get out! " The latter sentence, however, included Guo Feng.    


Guo Feng smiled lightly when he heard this. "Since Senior Lan does not know about the news regarding Miss Ke Er, then we will naturally leave. But before we leave, we still have one question for you, and that is, on the way here, we saw a few bandits robbing near the Mengshan City. I want to know what's the situation here? "    


"Bandits?" Lan Yixing thought about the bandits near the Mengshan City, and suddenly felt a headache. He looked at Chang Sheng and Guo Feng and said angrily: "There are a lot of thieves? Are you questioning my governance? And these are questions you should be concerned about? Hurry up and leave, don't bother me here. "    


The way Lan Yixing looked at Guo Feng became unfriendly as well. These two people were purely here to cause trouble for him, to ask him about the information on Ke Er first, and that idiot Chang Sheng had even destroyed the painting that he had gone through so much trouble to obtain.    


Guo Feng was startled, he did not expect that because of his hatred for Chang Sheng, Lan Yixing did not want to say anything, and directly chased the two of them away. It seemed that he had no choice but to bring out the title of Crown Prince.    


"Lord Lan, please cooperate and tell me the truth."    


"Cooperate! On what basis should this lord cooperate with you? You are just ordinary commoners, not ministers of the court. This County Governor has no obligation to answer your questions." "Hurry up and go, if you don't, I'll call the army to chase you away!" Lan Yixing only felt that Guo Feng's words were funny. Who did he think he was?    


"Lord Lan, you'd better tell us. Although we're not officials of the imperial court, we've come on orders." As Guo Feng said this, he took out a glittering sword shaped badge from his bosom. He waved it in front of Lan Yixing's face and said, "Master Lan, I believe you recognise this!"    


Lan Yixing raised his eyes to look, his eyes suddenly stared straight ahead at the golden sword shaped plate, the golden order badge, only the royal family could use it. On the token, there was a single word. Beneath it were seven sharp swords.    


This was the royal decree! The seven swords meant that this was the Seventh Prince's command medallion!    


The Seventh Prince was actually the Seventh Prince. The person in charge of this disaster was the Seventh Prince! When he received the imperial court's letter, when necessary, the Seventh Prince had the authority to control all the big and small officials in the entire province of Tian Luo Province!    


The Seventh Prince had a lot of authority to come to the rescue this time. As for the Royal Medallion, it was a medallion bestowed by princes upon those they trusted the most. Upon seeing the Royal Medallion, it was like seeing the prince himself. The person holding the Royal Medallion could wield any of the prince's rights!    


How did Guo Feng get the prince order? Isn't he Chang Jia's man? How did he become the prince's most trusted confidant? This prince's medallion was no small matter, especially right now, the seventh prince's prince's medallion was in the Tian Luo Province.    


Lan Yixing looked at the prince's order and suddenly reacted. It was as if he had seen a prince, and he had actually been sizing up the prince's order. This was extremely disrespectful to him, and even his own performance could be seen as a sign of contempt for imperial power.    


Immediately, cold sweat emerged from Lan Yixing's forehead, his legs bent immediately and he kneeled on the ground, respectfully saying: "This subject, Lan Yixing, greets Seventh Prince, I wonder what orders Seventh Prince has."    


Seeing that Lan Yixing was actually kneeling down, Guo Feng immediately moved to the side. Although Lan Keer was not Lan Yixing's biological daughter, she was still an adopted daughter, and Lan Yixing was also Lan Keer's father. And Lan Keer was Young Master Chang Sheng's fiancee.    


Lan Yixing was Young Master Chang Sheng's future father-in-law, he could not bear for the young master's father-in-law to kneel to him, even if it was the order badge in his hands.    


Guo Feng immediately raised his hand. "Lord Lan, please get up. Please don't kill Guo Feng."    


Guo Feng moved to the side several times to help Lan Yixing up, and said: "Master Lan, it was only because young master wanted to ask you about Miss Ke'er that Guo Feng had accompanied young master to the Mengshan City. At the same time, we were also helping Seventh Prince observe the situation in the surrounding cities. Therefore, Master Lan, please cooperate and tell us what happened to the bandits near Mengshan City! "    


"Cooperate, definitely cooperate, definitely, definitely!" Lan Yixing hurriedly nodded and said, "Actually, it's all because of this natural disaster. This time's natural disaster was too great, and many places were seriously affected. Among them, some sects also suffered great damage during this disaster. Some sects had their entire sect destroyed by the flood. Due to the destruction of the sect and the fact that they were severely injured, many sects started to move towards the vicinity. "    


Lan Yixing said, sighed and said: "We have about four teams robbing outside the Mengshan City, three of them are relatively famous sects inside the Tian Luo Province. Their sect was destroyed and they moved outside of the Mengshan City. They took advantage of the severe disaster and the chaotic situation inside the Tian Luo Province to burn, kill, rob and loot everywhere. "    


"Oh? How could he be so unbridled? Then what about the general of Mengshan City? And the army of Mengshan City? What have they done? " Hearing Lan Yixing's words, Guo Feng could not help but ask.    


"Generals of the Mengshan City, they are even more excessive!" Hearing Guo Feng's question, Lan Yixing's face became even uglier: I just said that there are four bandit groups, three of them are famous sects within the Tian Luo Province, and the fourth group is the army led by City Guard General Ding Kun!    


"Ever since the disaster, what Ding Kun did was no different from what those bandits did. He belongs to the military, and he doesn't put me in his eyes at all as he holds the military power in his hands. I can't do anything about him. "    


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