Fool Immortal Pill Emperor

C343 Mad killings

C343 Mad killings

3"Prefect is a rare good official, he cannot be punished."    2


"That's right, Prefect only doesn't know who the prince is, he did not offend you, that's all. I hope that you can forgive him."    


"Your Highness, the Prefect only imprisoned you for the sake of the security of the city. As you know, whenever there is a natural disaster, there will always be a lot of mob. For the safety of the entire city, Prefect had no choice but to be careful in his methods, which was why he imprisoned His Highness.    


If we were to punish Prefect, and if it were another lord taking over our prefect, we would not dare to continue staying in that place. Prince, please forgive Prefect. "" Prefect? "    


Behind prefect, all of them were dressed in brocade clothes. One look was enough to tell that it was the people from the Wealthy and Prominent Class Wang Clan who were begging for mercy on behalf of prefect.    


But seeing that Fang Shuwen was still unmoved, some people just followed along with the prefect and kneeled on the ground.    


"Your Highness, if you must punish Prefect, then punish us as well."    


"Yes, if they want to punish Prefect, then let's punish them together as well."    


"Right, if it weren't for Prefect, we would have already starved to death. We have to punish them together with us."    


From the very beginning, one or two people, slowly, the people behind the prefect all shouted loudly, wanting to punish them as well.    


A total of two hundred people dressed in luxurious clothing shouted at the same time. For a time, the scene was extraordinarily spectacular.    


Slowly, when the sound had died down, a man who looked to be around the same age as Chang Sheng shouted at Fang Shuwen: "Your Highness, you have just come out from the capital, you do not know the situation with our Orozawa City, Prefect is a good official that is rarely seen."    


After saying that, the man raised his hand and waved it towards his back, then said: "Right now, all of the large clans of the Orozawa City have sent representatives to stand behind Prefect. It is obvious that this is because Prefect is a good official, which is why so many of us have given him so much love and respect. Prince, if you really insist on punishing such a good official, then you might as well punish all of the large families of our Orozawa City as well. "    


Huang Xiyi stood at Fang Shuwen's side and finally understood after looking at the scene in front of him. No wonder the prefect told others to take him to see the Seventh Prince. It turned out that he had run out in advance to contact the local wealthy and gentry.    


Looking at the people following behind him, he probably called all the rich families in the Orozawa City out.    


This was clearly showing that he was borrowing the influence he had within the Orozawa City to pressure the Seventh Prince! Moreover, these people were very arrogant. This young man in front of him actually said that the Seventh Prince came from the capital. His meaning was very clear. This was not the capital, but the Orozawa City.    


Fang Shuwen's face did not look good at all. With more than two hundred powerful families pressuring him, if it was a normal day, he would completely ignore them and deal with them as he should do with the prefect. But right now, in this especially sensitive period, dealing with so many powerful families in the area at once would cause chaos.    


The situation in front of him couldn't be punished!    


Fang Shuwen was so angry that his stomach rose and fell.    


When he saw Fang Shuwen's angry expression, a hint of pride flashed past his head. Prince, so what if it was a prince, even if I lock him up, he wouldn't be able to do anything to me in Orozawa City! Currently, representatives of the various large clans were following behind him. He represented not only prefect, but all of the local Wealthy Classes as well.    


The Seventh Prince punishing him, was equivalent to punishing all of the Wealthy Classes in the Orozawa City. Under such a sensitive time, would he dare to do such a thing!    


Fang Shuwen sighed in his heart. In this situation, he really did not dare to punish prefect, but how could such an official make him stay behind like this?    


"Chang Sheng, Guo Feng, I have no solution to the current situation, do you have any ideas on how to resolve it?" Fang Shuwen could only secretly ask Guo Feng and Fang Shuwen.    


"Solve this problem? This is too simple. " Hearing this, Chang Sheng could not help but laugh: "You don't have to worry, just watch me for now."    


Chang Sheng looked at the prefect that was kneeling in front of Fang Shuwen, and a deep killing intent flashed past his heart. If this had nothing to do with him, he could just let these officials corrupt him. After all, this had nothing to do with him.    


However, this guy was an official of Daqi Dynasty, the fact that he trained in Flourshing Age Immortal Art was directly related to the strength and prosperity of his Daqi Dynasty, furthermore, he had come down with Fang Shuwen to provide relief, which was closely linked to it.    


This prefect was just like meat and people, it was stolen goods and it would affect his prosperity, he could not let her off!    


Chang Sheng looked at the vines on prefect's body, then suddenly jumped out from behind Fang Shuwen's back. Jumping in front of prefect, he pointed at the vines on prefect's body and laughed loudly: "It's fun, fun, really fun!"    


Chang Sheng clapped, pointed at prefect and loudly asked, "Old man, Old man, why don't you dress like a turtle? How interesting."    


"Pretend to be a turtle ?"    


When everyone heard Chang Sheng's words, they looked at prefect and immediately understood why Chang Sheng called him a tortoise. prefect had wrapped vines around him, it was enough to make him beg for forgiveness, but he had tied vines around himself, and the vines around his neck were actually green, wasn't that what a tortoise would look like?    


For a moment, behind Fang Shuwen, Huang Xiyi and a few others could not hold back their laughter, especially Xiao Zhu. This little Girl's laughter was the most brilliant, and it rang out like a silver bell from afar.    


When prefect heard Chang Sheng call him a tortoise, his face immediately turned green, but he could not say a word.    


"How dare you!" When the man behind the prefect heard Chang Sheng's words, he instantly stood up and pointed at Chang Sheng with his slender finger that was as tender as a woman's, and shouted loudly: "You fool, the Seventh Prince has yet to speak, how can you speak here? Our Prefect is not a place for idiots like you to insult, quickly scram to the side!"    


"You scolded Chang Sheng!" Chang Sheng glared at him.    


"Scolded you? So what if I'm scolding you? " Hearing Chang Sheng's words, the man immediately laughed with disdain. So what if this fool was the Seventh Prince's man! This was the Orozawa City, so the Seventh Prince couldn't do anything to him. He was just a fool, he could scold anyone he wanted to, and teach him a lesson whenever he wanted to.    


"You scolded Chang Sheng, Chang Sheng will beat you to death!" Hearing the man's words, Chang Sheng clenched the Wind And Thunder Rod in his hands tightly and rushed out, smashing down at the man who was speaking.    


Judging from their performance, they could come out to help prefect, it was clear that they were all in cahoots with prefect, this kind of person would only harm people, and their own prosperity. Since that was the case, there was no reason for this fellow to not exterminate him!    




Chang Sheng's pole heavily smashed down, and instantly, fresh blood flew everywhere, and there was a pile of flesh on the ground.    


With a swing of the rod, the man who had been hooting just now was smashed into meat paste.    


"Young master!"    




Instantly, cries of surprise sounded from the crowd.    


"Brat, you dare to kill in public!"    


The surrounding crowd instantly went into an uproar.    


"How dare he kill our men, kill him!"    




Someone within the crowd exclaimed, and in an instant, all of the self-proclaimed experts all rushed towards Chang Sheng.    


"You guys want to kill Chang Sheng!"    


Chang Sheng glared as he glared at the crowd that was rushing over, the black iron rod in his hand suddenly swung out, the black rod quickly swept across, with Chang Sheng as the center, it drew a long circle. A few people who were charging faster were swept by the Wind And Thunder Rod and instantly smashed flying.    


Behind him, everyone was shocked.    


"To kill so many people with a single stick strike, what realm is this boy at?"    


The few people who had just run out widened their eyes in shock before quickly retreating. What kind of joke was this? The people who were killed just now were similar in strength to them, and they were all easily crushed to death.    


Seeing the crowd not daring to move forward, Chang Sheng laughed in his heart, the Wind And Thunder Rod in his hands did not stop and continued to wave.    


"You are bullying Chang Sheng, Chang Sheng will beat you to death, beat you to death."    


As Chang Sheng shouted loudly, he brandished the Wind And Thunder Rod like an angry child whose beloved toy has been snatched away.    


For a moment, the surroundings of Chang Sheng resounded with cracking noises.    


In the midst of the wuwu sound, Chang Sheng glanced at the floor while kneeling, just as he was about to stand up because he was afraid of getting hurt while waving the Wind And Thunder Rod, he moved one step towards the prefect, followed by the Wind And Thunder Rod sweeping out wildly.    


"Beat you to death, Chang Sheng will beat you to death, ah ?"    


The Wind And Thunder Rod in Chang Sheng's hand shifted and swept towards the front of prefect.    


"Bang, bang, bang ?"    


In an instant, the Wind And Thunder Rod enveloped the entire area with its prefect.    


The prefect was smashed by a thick and hard rod and he, who was completely powerless, instantly exploded as his entire body exploded.    


Pieces of flesh and blood mixed with shattered bones flew everywhere.    




"Heavens ?"    


The crowd behind saw Prefect being violently smashed into pieces, his organs and flesh flying everywhere. All of them were so scared that they fell on their butts, some even bent down and started puking.    


Other than the few of them who were bold, seeing Chang Sheng kill prefect, the few of them were stunned, and then reacted.    


"Seventh Prince, look, your man actually killed people like this, he's too outrageous."    


"Seventh Prince, you actually allowed Chang Sheng to kill prefect. Seventh Prince, even if you're a prince, you can't do this."    


They could tell that Chang Sheng was a fool. He should have brandished a rod randomly just now, and accidentally hit prefect. It could be said that prefect was simply too unlucky.    


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