Fool Immortal Pill Emperor

C336 Kungfu

C336 Kungfu

4"If you don't buy her, although you won't harm her, she won't be able to live for long." Gu Tianmo shouted at Chang Sheng when he heard his: "Look at her now, even if she doesn't eat, she won't be able to live past two days. "Unless someone buys her, but ?"    


As Gu Tianmo was speaking, he suddenly closed his mouth.    


Chang Sheng's eyes became focused, not far from him, a lady in loose clothes with dirt all over her body suddenly rushed over.    


"Xiao Zhu, you aren't listening to me and are trying to sell yourself. Have you forgotten what your mother said!?"    


She rushed to Chang Sheng's front and pulled him away.    


Chang Sheng curiously turned his head to look at the mother and daughter in front of him. The woman who suddenly ran over to hug Xiao Zhu was without a doubt Xiao Zhu's biological mother. Although most of their faces were already covered by the mud, one could still see that the two of them had some similarities.    


This pair of mother and daughter were also of the highest quality. Other people only had parents selling their children, but the children weren't too happy about it. However, this pair of mother and daughter were willing to let their daughter sell herself, but the mother was unwilling.    


Looking at the woman's appearance, it was clear that she had not eaten for a few days. Her body was extremely weak, after the lady rushed over and hugged Xiao Zhu, she had just spoke two sentences and immediately started to pant weakly, and along with her pant, her body also started to tremble. Her loose clothes slightly wrinkled and her chest started to bulge out as well.    


Although that white and tender look disappeared very quickly, Chang Sheng was still able to see it clearly. He couldn't help but look at this woman in a higher light, because this woman would actually conceal herself to protect him. Her bare skin and even her face were painted black.    


Anyone would have thought she was a very ordinary, very black country woman. Then, she put on an unusually loose outfit to cover up her figure.    


There were two reasons for this woman to do all of this. The first was that she was sick and had hidden herself, yet she dared to hug her own daughter. This clearly was not the reason. That was another reason. She should be pretty.    


In this chaotic period, with so many people gathered here, it was obvious what would happen to a pretty and beautiful woman who had no one by her side to protect her. That was why she used such a method to protect herself.    


In this situation, a woman didn't want to sell herself, but instead wanted to protect herself. This woman was indeed worthy of respect.    


However, she was already this hungry, how was she going to survive?    


Chang Sheng looked at the people around him. It was obviously impossible for a little girl to snatch food from so many men.    


Looking at the nearby trees, the bark had already been stripped clean, and there weren't even any weeds to be found. It was obvious that they had been eaten by this group of hungry and crazy people.    


They couldn't get any food, nor could they find anything to eat. Besides selling themselves, how else could they live?    


Chang Sheng started to consider whether to buy the mother and daughter pair to let them live. Suddenly, the crowd in front of them started to break out into an uproar.    


"Look, look, young master Pei is coming out."    


"And also the young master of Li Family, they are all rich people."    


"Young Master Li Family? Although he was rich, he was still far from being a match for the young master of the Pei clan. As long as he sold off the members of the Pei clan, he would be able to live for a few more days. "Wifey, hurry up and bring our child to look for young master Pei. If you're late, let the others fight you to the front."    


"Are you crazy? They are the most notorious people in the entire city, they two like to play with women the most, and one of them likes to play with children, and the other likes to play with women, they are both so abnormal, I heard, that half of the people they bought were played to death by them. You want to sell our children to them? Are you crazy? "    


Don't you remember that we still have our uncle's daughter here. That young master Li Family loves to play with children that haven't grown up the most, so we can sell her to him. If he's satisfied, we can exchange her for a few buns.    


When Chang Sheng heard the crowd's cries, he raised his head and looked far ahead, only to see two young men dressed in extravagant clothes walking out of the two rows of luxurious houses, slowly towards the outside of the city. Behind them, there were five to six strong and robust men holding bright blades following closely behind them, and beside them, there was another middle-aged man who was also dressed in luxurious clothes, looking to be over forty years old with a kind face.    


These two youths should be the ones mentioned by the victims, Young Master Pei and Young Master Li Family. However, they did not know the identity of the middle-aged man, and judging from how the middle-aged man walked with the two of them, they had an equal relationship, not a subordinate relationship.    


Slowly, as the three people approached, Chang Sheng noticed that the many victims beside him had become even more berserk.    




Seeing the victims falling into madness, the Sublimation Stage soldier drew the long blade at his waist with a clang.    


Seeing the soldiers in charge of guarding the city gate draw out their long swords, the victims immediately panicked, retreating one by one. Although they were hungry, although they wanted to quickly sell some food to the two young masters, they had to survive so that they could have something to eat.    


Today, about four hours ago, a young master had left the city. A group of victims had rushed over to ask for food from the young master.    


In the end, there were two people who had just arrived at the Orozawa City and recklessly thought that the other person was only scaring them into not backing out. In the end, they were chopped into two halves.    


This soldier definitely wasn't trying to scare people. As long as someone didn't listen to him, he would definitely kill someone.    


The Sublimation Stage soldier, seeing that the victims were stunned, nodded his head in satisfaction. Withdrawing his long blade, he turned around to look at the three approaching him, and changed his expression immediately. Bending his waist, he revealed a fawning smile and quickly ran over to the two young masters and the middle-aged man.    


"Why are you here, Prefect?"    


"prefect! This middle-aged man is prefect! " Chang Sheng clearly heard the words of the Sublimation Stage Soldiers, and the anger in his heart immediately rose. This prefect, this Orozawa City had been seriously affected, and there were even so many victims. As the person with the highest position in the entire Orozawa City, he did not hurry up to provide assistance, but instead went along with the two young masters who were obviously popinjays! This was simply outrageous.    


"Oh, this person is prefect huh. I know, I know why that house was built so well." Guo Feng stared at the houses in the distance and said softly: "Look, these two young masters came out from the house just now, it is not hard to guess that the people living in these houses are all rich and influential people who came from all over the place."    


"If you provide this kind of house to a large family, then prefect must have collected a lot of money. And the people who stayed were all rich and used to life. Even if it cost them a lot of money, they were willing to at least live comfortably. Besides, wasn't it just a matter of face that they cared about? Having a good house to live in was proof of their high status! So, this way, prefect can receive money, and can also earn the goodwill of those aristocratic families. "    


Guo Feng glanced at Fang Shuwen before continuing, "Other than the two points above, all the houses were newly built after the disaster. When the people at the top come and inspect them, he could say that these houses were built because of him, and that these houses could be used as facade works, and were his achievements. It could be said that building such a house was killing three birds with one stone. This prefect is really not difficult! "    


"These worms! This time's disaster relief, I must properly clean up the official situation! In the face of a great calamity, they actually do not care about the lives of the citizens, and only care about amassing wealth and thinking about their own interests. These officials have even lost their most basic conscience, they are unworthy of being human beings! Fang Shuwen cursed in a low voice as he looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, the prefect of the city.    


prefect faced with the question of the Sublimation Stage Soldier, he lightly nodded, and then opened his mouth and asked: "How is today's situation? Did something happen? "    


"Reporting to my lord, everything is normal. And now, three young masters who have come from outside the city are also going to enter our Orozawa City. The Sublimation Stage Soldier raised his hand and pointed at Chang Sheng and the others.    


prefect looked towards the finger of the Sublimation Stage Soldier, and his eyes immediately lit up.    


Although there was quite a distance between them, it could already be seen clearly that the three men were each leading a tall horse. Just by looking from a distance, one could see that all three horses were of the highest quality.    


Someone who could ride such a fine horse must have a strong family background.    


"Well reported, go to the Grand Master later to receive his reward."    


He quickly walked towards Chang Sheng and the other two. As a local prefect, he didn't want to get to know the young masters of various places that were fleeing for their lives at this special time. How long would he have to wait? Besides, knowing these young masters would earn him quite a bit of money.    


The current situation was that money was not worth much. Housing and food were the most valuable items. As for being in charge of a city, what he did not lack the most were houses and food.    


He hoped that these three people had enough money in their family to make more money. Although the money was not worth much now, it would become valuable again when the disaster was over.    


At that time, he could just collect enough money to give a portion of it to the Third Prince.    


prefect walked straight towards Chang Sheng and the other two, and Young Master Pei and Young Master Li Family beside them also carefully sized up the three people in front of them.    


The three of them were well-dressed, but they shouldn't be from the top families. Moreover, Liu Ming knew all the disciples of the top families nearby. These three people had never seen each other before, so they were not from a big family.    


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