Fool Immortal Pill Emperor

C812 True lord road

C812 True lord road



"Chang Sheng!"    


The moment Chang Sheng's words fell, the normally obedient Lan Keer and the two people who doted on him the most instantly had unsightly expressions on their faces.    


"You don't want to marry us?"    


"Chang Sheng doesn't want Ke Er anymore!"    


"No, no, how could I not want to marry you two?" When Chang Sheng saw the expressions of the two women, he explained repeatedly, "It's not that I don't want to marry the two of you, it's just that, now is not the time. Even though Ying Wu Hou is dead, we still have an even bigger enemy as well as enemies with Heaven Realm."    


"The reason why Ying Wu Hou can suddenly become this strong and break through to become a True Lord, is because Heavenly Pill Taoist Sovereign is constantly giving Ying Wu Hou treasures! Compared to the Ying Wu Hou, the Heavenly Pill Taoist Sovereign was the most powerful enemy! So, I want to talk about other things after I take care of Heavenly Pill Taoist Sovereign. "    


Chang Sheng spoke out his own thoughts, but facing his explanation, both Haze and Lan Keer did not listen at all.    


"No, you have to marry even if you want to!" Lan Keer and Misty Heaven both became abnormally firm and tough at the same time.    


How could they not know that Chang Sheng had an even stronger enemy? However, when they saw the battle between Chang Sheng and the other party today, and how his body had been ravaged time and time again, they were so worried to death.    


They also didn't know who exactly would be the victor of the last battle between Chang Sheng and that whatever Heavenly Pill Taoist Sovereign with Heaven Realm. Thus, after Chang Sheng defeated Ying Wu Hou, they had a decision.    


To marry Chang Sheng, one must marry Chang Sheng before the war begins between Chang Sheng and the people from the Heaven Realm, and leave a son for Chang Sheng!    


In the end, Chang Sheng was helpless and could only compromise and agree to marry Lan Keer as soon as possible.    


Three days later.    


In the newly built Daqi Dynasty Capital City.    


Chang Sheng officially married Misty, Lan Keer, Kou Ziyao, Kou Ziyao at the same time.    


Chang Qianyi, who had not been seen for a long time, and Hu Yuxian all rushed over. On the day of the wedding, Chang Sheng even saw Xie Shiwen, whom he had interacted with many times.    


And when Xie Shiwen saw Chang Sheng, after the congratulations, the first sentence she asked was actually to ask Chang Sheng where his Senior Brother Cheng Mo was!    




Chang Sheng looked at the beautiful young woman in front of him and felt a headache coming on. How could he explain this?    


But today was the day that she was overjoyed. She could not admit that she was Cheng Mo, right? Moreover, Xie Shiwen was a girl that no man could reject.    


Sigh … Everything should be discussed after the Heaven Realm battle.    


Chang Sheng stammered twice, and quickly dodged.    


Before reincarnated, Chang Sheng had never been married before. This time was the first time in his two lives that he married, but he married three charming brides at once.    


At night, Chang Sheng began to have a headache.    


"This bridal chamber... Whose room do I want to enter? "    


Chang Sheng scratched his head in pain. He actually wanted to have the three of them sleep together, but that was only a beautiful wish. If he wanted to achieve this wish, he would need to work harder in the future.    


In the end, after thinking for a long time, Chang Sheng decided to go by the order in which they got to know each other.    


After opening the door, Chang Sheng walked into the ethereal room.    


After a night, there was an extra man and three more wives in Daqi Dynasty.    


Only after a night had passed, although Chang Sheng did not cultivate, when he woke up in the morning of the second day, he actually felt that there was a new change in his comprehension towards the heavens.    


Now that he had a wife and a home of his own, he felt a man's responsibility in his heart.    


In the recent days, Chang Sheng had been constantly cultivating and cultivating.    


He also knew that at this time, it was not suitable for him to be in closed-door cultivation like in the past, which would be bad instead. Furthermore, with his current Comprehension Of The Heavenly Dao, it would be useless for him to stay in seclusion.    


What he needed to do now was to comprehend life and comprehend the Dao of the Heavens from it.    


For the next year, it was the most leisurely year that Chang Sheng went to the Sky Origin Divine Continent.    


In this year, he did not cultivate, did not think about his enemies, did not think about anything, and only lived sweetly with his three wives.    


One year later.    


Inside the Prime Minister's Estate.    


Today, Chang Qianze, who usually left early and returned late every day, was not as busy as he was before. Instead, he anxiously waited outside the ethereal room.    


At the same time, the one who was more anxious than Chang Qianze was Chang Sheng.    


Within the houses and courtyards, there were many female attendants and nuns busily entering and exiting the courtyard.    


Beside Chang Sheng was Kou Ziyao, who looked to be four or five months pregnant on one side and had a huge stomach on the other. On the other side, there was also Lan Keer, who looked like a small Girl.    


At this moment, the three of them were staring at the room in front of them.    


"Wow …"    


Suddenly, a clear cry rang out from the room.    


After a while, a mama came out of the house happily, running all the way in front of Chang Sheng.    


"Congratulations, old master! My lady has given birth to a pair of dragons and phoenixes!"    


"Dragon and Phoenix Embryo!"    


Chang Sheng was overjoyed. He had already won the prize for his first birth!    


Lifting his leg, Chang Sheng was just about to walk into the house, but in the next moment, he suddenly stopped. He stared straight at the sky, and a long time passed. Chang Sheng closed his eyes and opened them.    


The entire Daqi Dynasty, at this moment, violently shook yet again.    


That day, the scene of when Ying Wu Hou became a True Sovereign once again appeared.    


While the sun and moon were changing, an arched bridge appeared in the sky and Chang Sheng slowly floated to the sky.    


"True lord! Chang Sheng actually broke through today! "    


"Chang Sheng is about to become a True Lord!"    


Guo Feng and the others were pleasantly surprised, Chang Sheng had finally broken through.    


"True Lord!" Chang Sheng is actually going to become a True Lord! " Within the Daqi Dynasty, the Qingqiu Mountain, the mysterious seabed, and the Sky Origin Divine Continent, countless experts were all looking towards the horizon at this moment!    


Chang Sheng was finally going to become a True Lord!    


Above the Heaven Realm, all the True Sovereigns on the Heaven Realm were gathered together like never before. They were releasing their mana together, attempting to open a pathway for the heaven and earth.    


Suddenly, there was a change in the Sky Origin Divine Continent, which attracted everyone's attention.    


"True lord! Someone on Sky Origin Divine Continent is about to become a True Lord! "    


"It's Chang Sheng, it's actually Chang Sheng!"    


"Chang Sheng is actually going to become a True Lord?! The passage is about to open, and Chang Sheng is going to become a True Lord?!"    


The group of True Lords looked at the sky, at Chang Sheng who was already on the bridge.    


Chang Sheng raised his leg, and was about to take a step forward towards the arched bridge, but just as he took a step back, he withdrew his leg the next moment.    


He looked at the world before him.    


Only when one was truly about to become a True Lord would one know that the Heavenly Dao did not only have one. It was like a tree with countless forks in the road, and the path to becoming a True Lord was the clearest, clearest, and most powerful path out of all the forks in the road.    


Upon reaching the other side of the bridge, one would become a True Lord.    


"Why must we go this way?"    


Chang Sheng suddenly hesitated on the road to becoming a True Lord, this path was guided by the heavens and was guided by the heavens, after completing this path and becoming a True Lord, it would all be under the control of the heavens.    


Is there no other way?    


Chang Sheng suddenly closed his eyes, and started sensing the energy carefully.    


"What's going on? Why did Chang Sheng stop? "    


"Go, why is Chang Sheng not leaving? If you walk over, you will be able to become a True Lord. It is not the time for Chang Sheng to hesitate! "    


Chang Sheng stopped in midair. On his Sky Origin Divine Continent, a group of experts as well as Chang Sheng's friends and relatives were incomparably anxious.    


Chang Sheng kept his eyes closed the entire time, and didn't move an inch in the sky.    


Suddenly, a weak feeling rose from the bottom of his heart, a feeling that came from the Heavenly Law External Pill.    


"Swoosh …"    


Without any warning, the Heavenly Law External Pill suddenly flew out when Chang Sheng didn't summon it, and headed towards the other direction. From the looks of it, there was no path to it.    


"Heavenly Law External Pill …"    


Chang Sheng suddenly opened his eyes and took a step, but he did not walk on the road that leads to becoming a True Lord, but instead chased after the Heavenly Law External Pill.    


"This is my path. I walk on the External Pill's path, and Heavenly Law External Pill are my path. So, I want to follow the Heavenly Law External Pill!"    


Chang Sheng slowly walked forward, but everyone else was completely dumbstruck.    


"What is Chang Sheng doing!?"    


"Where is he going?" When everyone's Earth Immortal has made another breakthrough, they would all be walking on the path of a True Lord. That is the strongest and most correct path, what path is Chang Sheng taking!? "    


"Chang Sheng, what are you thinking about? Hurry up and go back!"    


There were even some strong practitioners whom Chang Sheng had never seen before, who shouted loudly, hoping that Chang Sheng would turn back.    


However, Chang Sheng did not care about all these, and continued to walk forward, in the end, he entered a door that no one else could see, and then disappeared.    


Chang Sheng walked into the space in front of him.    


This space seemed pitch-black, and a sinister aura emanated from the surroundings.    


In this place, Chang Sheng could not see anything. He could only rely on his own senses as he continuously walked forward.    


He didn't know what was waiting for him in front of him.    


After walking for a long time, Chang Sheng felt the pressure on his body grow stronger. There seemed to be an invisible force blocking his path.    


At the same time, a voice kept ringing in his mind.    


"Chang Sheng, turn around. It's not too late to go back now."    


"Chang Sheng, when you go back now, you will be able to become a True Lord. After becoming a True Lord, you will be the strongest person in the world, and the strongest person in the history of mankind!"    


"Hurry up and go back. Becoming a True Lord is the true way!"    


This voice kept on bewitching Chang Sheng to return in his mind. He heard so much that even Chang Sheng's heart was shaken. Could it be that I have really walked on the wrong path and am going back now?    


Just as this thought appeared, suddenly, the Heavenly Law External Pill began to tremble violently.    


Because of the Heavenly Law External Pill's trembling, Chang Sheng's mind suddenly went into a trance.    3


"Such strength, such a strong bewitching power, it even unknowingly caught me off guard." Chang Sheng regained his senses and was immediately shocked in his heart. In the end, it was most likely the Heavenly Dao that was obstructing his way.    


"No, I have to increase my speed and get out of here." Chang Sheng constantly reminded himself that since he had chosen this path, he could not turn back anymore as he sped up his pace.    


But in this incomparably pitch black space, Chang Sheng felt his own strength and realm being constantly suppressed, as if it was being drained away.    


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