Fool Immortal Pill Emperor

C179 Attack king zhu

C179 Attack king zhu

1Chang Sheng held onto the stone pillar with both hands and pulled forcefully. Suddenly, a rumbling sound rang and the entire stone pillar started to tremble violently.     2


"Quickly stop!"    


Just now, Chang Sheng's actions of throwing the Stone Qilin was really too fast, and was completely unexpected. They saw that Chang Sheng had followed the White Eunuch here, and they also heard the emperor's orders to bring the Prime Minister's son into the palace. Thus, when they saw Chang Sheng and the White Eunuch coming up together, they did not care too much about it. He never expected that Chang Sheng would actually throw the Stone Qilin in. He did not stop Chang Sheng for the first time, it was already dereliction of duty.    


At the same time, the other guards at the side also rushed over quickly, wanting to capture Chang Sheng at the same time.    


"Out of the way!"    


Chang Sheng realized that someone was blocking him and roared angrily. A burst of Innate Genuine Qi immediately erupted from his body and without any preparation, the two imperial guards were immediately pushed back.    


No one stopped him anymore. Chang Sheng strongly pulled on the stone pillar, and with another rumbling sound, the stone pillar rolled up and was still violently pulled down by Chang Sheng.    


With his arms wrapped around the stone pillar, Chang Sheng furiously glared at the County Prince Zhu in the great hall and threw the stone pillar with all his might, "Chang Sheng will beat you to death, you old bastard!"    


A long and thick stone pillar flew out. The whistling sound was even louder than before, and its speed was almost doubled.    


"How dare you!"    


Suddenly, a cold voice came out from the hall, the same as the one Chang Sheng heard before he reached the hall.    


In the center of the hall, an old man wearing an octopus qilin robe with a single whip at his waist gave a cold snort. On his forehead and above his eyes, the deep wrinkles on his forehead suddenly split open and revealed a single eye.    


In a split-second, the eye completely opened, and in that instant, endless amounts of Pressuring Aura shot out from the eye, engulfing the entire hall.    


Chang Sheng took the brunt of the impact, his entire body suddenly felt cold, all of the hairs on his body stood up, and a wave of Pressuring Aura s that he was almost unable to resist rushed over, the sudden Pressuring Aura s caused his legs to go soft, and he almost could not stand.    


The gigantic stone pillar in front of him, under the attack of the Pressuring Aura, suddenly exploded.    




With a loud bang, the stone pillar turned into dust and slowly fell to the ground.    


Chang Sheng was stupefied. This... This was too terrifying! Just with the Pressuring Aura alone, he was actually able to destroy such a huge stone pillar in an instant. He was too strong, this person was too strong, he was the strongest person he had ever met after reincarnating!    


"Eh? Interesting, truly interesting. So it turns out that your Daqi Dynasty isn't all trash!" Suddenly, Gu Tianmo's voice sounded in Chang Sheng's mind, it was obvious that Gu Tianmo was talking about the person who used the Pressuring Aura to destroy the stone pillars.    


Even Gu Tianmo said he was interesting!    


Chang Sheng started to panic in his heart. Gu Tianmo rarely praised the other party, even if it was the Old Devil he met in Genuine Birth Sect, Gu Tianmo had only said that he was a little devil.    


Chang Sheng looked at the old man who was already slowly closing his third eye, and asked Gu Tianmo: "Gu Tianmo, what realm has this person reached?"    


"I can't tell. He must have a magical equipment of the Concealment Realm on him." Gu Tianmo's voice carried some doubt: "However, he didn't just rely on the Pressuring Aura s to crush the stone pillars just now. Those endless Pressuring Aura s should still have carried an extremely strong aura, it's just that this aura wasn't discovered easily. But because of that magical artifact, I also do not know what sort of anger he has. "    


"There's actually such a magical equipment!"    


Chang Sheng muttered to himself, suddenly he heard the sound of hurried footsteps coming from behind him, one imperial guard after another rushed over and stopped Chang Sheng.    


"Scram!" Chang Sheng wants to beat that old bastard to death. "    


"So he is Chang Sheng!"    


All of the ministers in the hall reacted when they heard Chang Sheng's voice. Chang Sheng's actions didn't require any testing. He was definitely an honest man. Who else could have done such a thing?    


In the throne room, he actually used a Stone Qilin to smash someone. What was even more outrageous was that he even tore down the stone pillar at the entrance of the hall to smash someone. Luckily, that stone pillar wasn't one of the stone pillars that supported the hall, otherwise the entire hall would have been torn down by him!    


Other than the ordinary man, who else could do such a thing in the throne room?    


Everyone looked at Chang Sheng.    


Chang Sheng let out a loud shout and Innate Genuine Qi surged out from his body once again. Although the imperial guard was an expert, he was obviously unable to stop Chang Sheng.    


"Bang, bang, bang ?"    


A series of collisions sounded, and one Innate Expert after another were thrown out by Chang Sheng, who instantly rushed into the great hall.    




The instant Chang Sheng rushed into the great hall, another two imperial guards behind him rushed forward and grabbed him on his left and right. Unlike the imperial guards before him, the two of them released their Innate Genuine Qi and held onto Chang Sheng tightly!    


"This Innate Genuine Qi, at least they have Eighth Layer. These two people are definitely not ordinary imperial guards."    


Chang Sheng felt the Innate Genuine Qi emitted by the two imperial guards, and immediately made the decision to not use his full strength to throw the two out. He was in the capital now, and there were still a lot of people who wanted to kill him, so he couldn't reveal his full strength right now!    


Thinking about that, Chang Sheng started to struggle on purpose, as if he was unable to struggle free, his hands and legs started to move wildly.    


"Let go of Chang Sheng! Let go of Chang Sheng! Chang Sheng wants to beat that old bastard to death!"    


This was the throne room, not the Shuntian Palace. The reason he was able to behave so atrociously in the Shuntian Palace was because there were no experts in the palace who could control him, but it was different in the throne room.    


County Prince Zhu was no longer worried. He strode to the front of Chang Sheng, feigned righteousness and pointed at Chang Sheng, and shouted loudly: "This is the throne room, how can it be a place for you to act presumptuously and behave atrociously!"    


When Chang Sheng saw that County Prince Zhu had walked in front of him, and was waving his arms even faster, no matter how hard he tried, he was unable to struggle free from the two imperial guards holding onto him.    


"Chang Sheng is so angry, Chang Sheng is so angry!"    


Chang Sheng looked angrily at County Prince Zhu, who was just inches away from him, and suddenly opened his mouth, spitting out a large mouthful of saliva.    




The viscous saliva that was filled with traces of the sweet and sour taste of the candied fruits hit County Prince Zhu's face and made a clear, crisp sound. The sound was not loud, but in the vast and quiet great hall, it was extremely distinct.    


Hearing the voice, everyone turned their heads and looked at County Prince Zhu curiously. Immediately, County Prince Zhu's face, which was covered in saliva and filled with scars, entered everyone's eyes.    


"Puchi ?"    


Seeing the appearance of the County Prince Zhu, even though they were in the great hall, there were still people who could not hold back their laughter. One by one, the ministers began to laugh, and even the few dukes beside County Prince Zhu began to laugh.    


When he thought about how County Prince Zhu's face was filled with sh * t yesterday and how he was even spitting saliva today, it was simply too difficult not to laugh. Originally, he was fine while he was just standing there, but seeing that Chang Sheng was being controlled and had come out to show off, wasn't this just asking for trouble!    


The County Prince Zhu touched his face and his fat face immediately turned as red as a pig's liver. Yesterday, someone was riding on his head to shit, although it was tragic, it was still within Shuntian Palace, and the number of officials he had seen was not many. Today, he had been spat on in the throne room. Moreover, after being spat on, he still couldn't return it!    


Chang Sheng was the ordinary man, he spat on the ground. Could it be that a duke like him would spew saliva at each other in the great hall? If he did that, not to mention this person losing even more face, the emperor wouldn't spare him even if he was the first.    


He couldn't spit, and changing his hands was even more impossible. Since Chang Sheng couldn't reach him now, if he went forward, wouldn't that give Chang Sheng a chance to let him beat him up?    


County Prince Zhu felt helpless. He could only move to the side and quickly wipe the saliva off his face. However, he didn't know how to do it at the moment.    


Just using his hands would definitely not be able to wipe it clean. Chang Sheng had spat out too much, if he used clothes!    


He was wearing the uniform of the imperial court, and it was a royal dukedom. Using this clothes to dry saliva in front of the emperor, he had to do it because he wanted to die, and for a moment, County Prince Zhu did not know what to do.    


After spitting a mouthful of saliva, Chang Sheng finally found a method to attack County Prince Zhu. In a moment of happiness, he shouted, "Haha, Chang Sheng spitting you to death, Chang Sheng spitting you to death!"    


Chang Sheng shouted loudly as he opened his mouth, which was like a machine gun, spitting out saliva!    


Some of them flew for a good long distance before finally falling, but some of them did not have much strength to spit, and fell before they had even flown far away. For a time, it was as if it had rained rain in the sky above the great hall.    


When the various dukes and generals saw this rain of saliva, they were afraid that it would land on their heads. They were so scared that they clutched their heads and ran away.    


Looking at the generals and princes' embarrassed expressions, Chang Qianze couldn't help but feel great in his heart. But being refreshed, he still couldn't let Chang Sheng continue to mess around like this.    


"Sheng Er, stop!"    


Chang Qianze called out to Chang Sheng.    


"Hmm? Father? " Chang Sheng turned his head abruptly upon hearing the voice, only then did he see Chang Qianze, and following that, his face revealed an aggrieved expression: "Father, that old man wanted to beat Chang Sheng up yesterday, and Chang Sheng wanted to beat him to death! Help Chang Sheng beat him together! "    


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