Fool Immortal Pill Emperor

C183 Who is the fool

C183 Who is the fool

4"Idiot, you said Chang Sheng is a fool! You scolded Chang Sheng! "     0


Hearing Grand Preceptor Fei's explanation, Chang Sheng, who had always been dumbfounded, instantly revealed an angry expression. "You're scolding Chang Sheng, Chang Sheng will beat you to death!"    


Chang Sheng shouted, with one step he rushed out, raising his hand and smashing towards Grand Preceptor Fei.    


"Sheng Er, don't mess around!"    


Just as Chang Sheng took a step forward, Chang Qianze was immediately startled and quickly called out to Chang Sheng. Although Sheng Er was said to be the ordinary man, if they were to continue making trouble in the throne room, the Emperor's face would no longer be lit up. Furthermore, the Grand Preceptor Fei, no one knew how strong he was in the entire Daqi Dynasty, but the Grand Preceptor Fei was extremely powerful and everyone believed that Chang Sheng was asking for trouble by rushing up to attack the Grand Preceptor Fei!    


Hearing his father's voice, Chang Sheng stopped in his tracks, turned his head and looked at his father with dissatisfaction: "Father, he scolded Chang Sheng, Chang Sheng wants to beat him to death!" As Chang Sheng spoke, he secretly gave his father a thumbs up in his heart.    


Even though he had not fought with the Grand Preceptor Fei, just by thinking with his toes alone, he knew that he would definitely not be a match for the latter.    


"Sheng Er, don't say anything for now." Chang Qianze pulled Chang Sheng closer as he turned to look at Fang Yuanfu, "Your Majesty, I've already asked about the problem of the Grand Preceptor Fei.    


Fang Yuanfu nodded, and heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. There was no need for further explanation, just by being a person, he could already tell that Chang Sheng was ordinary man, "Hmm ? We have already made our decision, from our observations just now, Chang Sheng is undoubtedly a ordinary man. "    


With that, Fang Yuanfu looked down at the officials below, especially the martial general and the Duke, "I wonder if all of you have any other opinions."    


Everyone was speechless. Since the emperor had already said so, what else could they say? Moreover, looking at Chang Sheng's performance, he was indeed a ordinary man.    


Everyone sighed. They had originally thought that when Grand Preceptor Fei took action, he would definitely be able to prove that Chang Sheng was not ordinary man, but Grand Preceptor Fei never said anything more. But they never would have thought that the Grand Preceptor Fei would actually fail this time!    


Fang Yuanfu saw that no one made a sound, his eyes swept across the place and landed on Grand Preceptor Fei's body: "Grand Preceptor Fei, you're the one who took out the pills, what do you think about this?"    


"This subject has no objections, Your Majesty is wise!" Grand Preceptor Fei praised, feeling extremely depressed in his heart, what exactly was going on, why was Chang Sheng still such a silly looking person? Logically speaking, he should have become a normal person in a short period of time! But now ?    


Grand Preceptor Fei was extremely puzzled. No matter how he thought about it, he could not understand how such a situation could exist! The pellet would definitely not be a problem, as it was made by the most powerful alchemist in the history of Daqi Dynasty.    


Furthermore, he had also personally witnessed Chang Sheng chewing and swallowing the medicinal pellets one by one. In such a long time, the effects of the pellets must have also been unleashed, but Chang Sheng was still so stupid!    


He remembered back then when the pill refiner said that if a person was so foolish that they could not be any more foolish, then something that could raise their intelligence in a short period of time would be useless against him. Could it be that Chang Sheng was already that foolish?    


The Grand Preceptor Fei sighed helplessly, thinking that it was just like that, he couldn't take advantage of Chang Sheng's question to attack Chang Qianze this time.    


Fang Yuanfu saw that none of the officials below had any objections, he raised his hand and waved them away as he said: "Since Chang Sheng is a ordinary man, then according to the laws of my Daqi Dynasty, he naturally doesn't need to pay with his life, and he doesn't need to go to jail either. It's also because he's from the ordinary man. We won't pursue the matter of him messing with the throne room just now, but our beloved one ? "    


Fang Yuanfu turned his head, pretended to be serious as he looked at Chang Qianze, and said: "My beloved official, according to the law, you must pay for what you have paid, and in the future, to prevent such a thing from happening again, you need to take care of Chang Sheng."    


"And you."    


Finally, Fang Yuanfu's gaze landed once again on the officials below him. "Since all of you know that Chang Sheng is now a ordinary man, you should also avoid provoking him as much as possible in the future!"    


After Fang Yuanfu finished talking to the rest, he turned to Chang Sheng and said, "Alright, Chang Sheng, you can go home now."    


"Go home?" Chang Sheng pouted: "Chang Sheng is not going back, he just scolded Chang Sheng, Chang Sheng wants to beat him to death!"    


As Chang Sheng shouted, he struggled to go beat Grand Preceptor Fei up. Behind him, two imperial guards had long rushed to his side, firmly holding him down.    


"Sheng Er, stop messing around, Grand Preceptor Fei was not scolding you." Chang Qianze was afraid that Chang Sheng would explode and seek trouble with the Grand Preceptor Fei again, so he quickly stepped forward to hold Chang Sheng back. Then, he looked at Fang Yuanfu, who was sitting on top of the Dragon Throne.    


"He is scolding Chang Sheng, Chang Sheng knows that the fool is scolding others!" Chang Sheng pointed at Grand Preceptor Fei, and cursed loudly. "Ugly old man, you are the fool, you are the fool, you are the big fool, the old fool, the fool, the fool ?"    


Chang Sheng kept scolding Grand Preceptor Fei for being an idiot. His mouth was like a series of crossbows, constantly spitting out mouthfuls of saliva.    


Grand Preceptor Fei's face was dark as he turned his head to no longer look at Chang Sheng. He was a dignified elder of the three dynasties, the Grand Tutor of Daqi Dynasty.    


Seeing Chang Sheng making a ruckus in the hall, Chang Qianze immediately pulled Chang Sheng down. This was the throne room, the emperor was here, if he continued to let Chang Sheng make a ruckus, the emperor wouldn't be able to keep his face.    


"Sheng Er, stop messing around, that's our Grand Tutor, he's not an idiot." Chang Qianze immediately whispered into Chang Sheng's ear.    


It turned out that sometimes his own father was also so bad, that when he said that Grand Preceptor Fei was no fool in front of so many people, it was no different from slapping his father's face. Yet, his father was still unable to do anything about it.    


Chang Sheng laughed loudly in his heart, pointed at Grand Preceptor Fei and said, "He's not an idiot? Then, if Chang Sheng answered a question, he would not be a fool, but a fool if he couldn't! It's the old fool! "    


Grand Preceptor Fei's face darkened even further. He still turned his head, not looking at Chang Sheng, and said in a low voice, "Hmph, this Grand Preceptor won't lower himself to your level!"    


When Chang Qianze saw that Grand Tutor Pang still did not respond to Chang Sheng, he heaved a sigh of relief. Luckily, this matter did not blow up, so he took this opportunity to get Chang Sheng to return home.    


Chang Qianze pulled Chang Sheng along as he turned around and comforted him in a low voice, "Come, Chang Sheng, go home first and play with your Senior Sister Piao Miao ?"    


Chang Qianze pulled Chang Sheng along and consoled him for a while. Finally, Chang Sheng helplessly turned his head and walked out of the throne room with a face full of dissatisfaction, "Alright, Chang Sheng will go home now. Chang Sheng wants to tell Senior Sister Piao Miao and the children that Chang Sheng saw a three-eyed idiot geezer in the throne room today."    


Chang Sheng said as he walked out of the throne room. Behind him, the Grand Preceptor Fei's pupils constricted, revealing a trace of anger.    


When Chang Sheng was about to walk out of the throne room, Wei Zhigang suddenly stood up behind him, pointed at Chang Sheng and shouted loudly, "Chang Sheng, you can't go out and speak nonsense to ruin our Grand Tutor's reputation. Seeing Chang Sheng was about to walk out of the throne room, Wei Zhigang suddenly stood up behind Chang Qianze, pointed at Chang Sheng and shouted loudly," Chang Sheng, you can't go out and speak nonsense to ruin our Tutor's reputation.    


Wei Zhigang had a smile of worship on his face and he had long scolded the Grand Preceptor Fei in his heart. The Grand Preceptor Fei had always obstructed the reform of his side, but he did not openly stand against his own side. Instead, he directly stood forward, wanting to humiliate the Prime Minister and force the Prime Minister from the position of prime minister.    


Since it was like this, there was no need for him to be courteous. As Chang Sheng was a ordinary man, he could answer the questions that he raised, even if it was just a bunch of useless men and generals, let alone the Prime Minister. However, it was one thing to answer it, it was also good to be able to make use of this opportunity to make the Grand Preceptor Fei feel nauseous. Anyway, the two of them had already fallen out.    


Grand Preceptor Fei's face instantly darkened. On the surface, Wei Zhigang was praising him, but if he said that, if he did not come down, and news of this spread, wouldn't this old man not even dare to answer a single ordinary man's question?!    




The Grand Preceptor Fei suddenly turned his head and shouted towards Chang Sheng while shaking his head, "Whatever, this Grand Tutor will answer your question.    


Yes, the Wei Zhigang just now was smart enough. I like this kind of smart person, haha, since old man Fei wanted to answer the questions, then he will lose all his face this time. Ask a question, I don't know how many posts from my previous life, how many strange questions, see if you are stupid.    


Chang Sheng's mind started to work faster, thinking about the crazy things he saw in his previous life ? Un, it has to suit the thinking of a fool. Actually, thinking quickly is usually the simplest way of doing so. It suits the thinking of a fool. Um ? Just ask a classic mahjong yourself.    


Chang Sheng suddenly thought of an answer that made his brain spin. He jumped in front of Grand Preceptor Fei and stuck out his tongue to make a face at him. His mouth split into a smile and he asked loudly, "Chang Sheng asked you, there's one, two, three ? Four, four of them played mahjong, then the officials went to capture five people. Why five? "    


Chang Sheng asked Grand Preceptor Pang as he counted with his fingers. After he asked the question, he himself was a little confused as he mumbled to himself, "Why are there five? Not four? "    


"This ?"    


"This ordinary man has a problem, does he know the answer to his question?"    


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