Fool Immortal Pill Emperor

C607 Opponent

C607 Opponent

1It was really a pity, it had only been a few days, otherwise it would have caused Chang Sheng to give up on participating in the competition.    


Chang Qianze sighed, when suddenly, another servant came to report.    


"Prime Minister, Miss Kou Ziyao is here."    


"Kou Ziyao?"    


Hearing your servant's report, everyone was stunned.    


Kou Ziyao was the Grand Marshal's biological daughter, and the Grand Marshal had never fought with Chang Qianze. The two of them were political enemies, why did Kou Ziyao suddenly come to the Prime Minister's Estate?    


Moreover, more importantly, there was another treatment for the champion of the competition, and that was to marry Kou Ziyao.    


"Since Miss Kou Ziyao has come, then quickly welcome her in." Chang Qianze was the first to react. No matter what, the moment the other party came to his house, he could not prevent others from coming in, but he could not go and welcome them. Kou Ziyao was after all, a younger generation member than him.    


Before long, Kou Ziyao's figure appeared before everyone's eyes.    


"Prime Minister!" Kou Ziyao then bowed towards Chang Qianze who was in the middle of the crowd and said: "Zi Yao is here to advise against Chang Sheng."    


"I am here to advise Chang Sheng …" Hearing that, Chang Qianze was startled, but he quickly reacted: "Come and advise Chang Sheng, okay, then I'll be troubling Miss Zi Yao." No matter what, it would be good to have one more person to advise Chang Sheng. Although he was not sure, Chang Sheng had only gone to see Kou Ziyao once, so why would Kou Ziyao come over to advise Chang Sheng?    


"Chang Sheng, you don't need to participate in the competition, okay?" Kou Ziyao walked in front of Chang Sheng and smiled at him.    


"Why?" Chang Sheng looked back at him unhappily. He really did not think that Kou Ziyao would come to try and persuade him. As for the reason why Kou Ziyao did not allow him to participate in the Martial Competition, was naturally to be like his father, afraid that he would be killed by Xie Tianze. No one would believe that they could kill Xie Tianze.    


"Because... "Because …" Hearing Chang Sheng's question, Kou Ziyao didn't know how to reply for a moment. She knew that Chang Sheng was a ordinary man, so it definitely wouldn't make sense to reason with Chang Sheng. Unless she was deceiving him, she had never lied to him in any way.    


"I don't like it, does Little Sister Zi Yao not like it? Don't you want Chang Sheng to marry you? " Chang Sheng looked at Kou Ziyao, and tears started to appear faintly in his eyes.    


"No, no." Seeing Chang Sheng's wronged expression, Kou Ziyao immediately shook her head: "How could I not like Chang Sheng? Of course I like Chang Sheng. "    


"Really? Then Chang Sheng will be participating in the competition! " Chang Sheng's face instantly turned gloomy, and a bright smile appeared on his face.    


Seeing Chang Sheng like that, Kou Ziyao immediately had a headache as she slapped her own head. She had clearly come to advise Chang Sheng not to participate in the Martial Competition, but how did she end up being surrounded, and even made Chang Sheng even more determined to not participate in it.    


At the side, Guo Feng was looking at Fang Shuwen and the others. His heart was moved, after Chang Sheng spoke so much, it was possible that he did not want to participate in the competition and was looking for an excuse.    


However, looking at Chang Sheng's appearance, he seemed to be a completely different story. He really wanted to participate in the competition.    


Guo Feng started to ponder secretly. When the young master left, he was only using Ninth Level Of Heaven Defying, although he was able to contend against and even kill some ordinary heaven defying beasts, but Xie Tianze was obviously not an indestructible, heaven defying existence. The young master left the capital because of an accident with his Mengshan City, but now, he was obviously confident that he could fight against Xie Tianze.    


Guo Feng pondered in his heart, suddenly, in his ears, two sharp hissing sounds could be heard. Hearing the voice and turning his head to look, Guo Feng was shocked yet again. Prince Lin and Fang Yude had arrived at the Prime Minister's Estate at almost the same time.    


Once the two arrived, they didn't even try to be courteous with others and directly walked towards Chang Sheng.    


"Chang Sheng, you're finally back. You don't have to participate in the tournament anymore." Fang Yude walked to and started talking.    


Chang Sheng laughed in his heart, the subordinate of the Ying Wu Hou was truly famous. Now, just because she wanted to compete with him, not only was it her family's right to live, Kou Ziyao had also come, and now, even the Prince Lin and Fang Yude had come to advise him.    


"No, Chang Sheng wants to participate, Chang Sheng wants to beat up big bad guys, Chang Sheng loves to beat up big bad guys the most." Chang Sheng firmly shook his head.    


"But good Chang Sheng, hitting big bad guys is also very dangerous." Prince Lin walked out from the side and said to Chang Sheng: "Chang Sheng, that bad guy is very powerful."    


"Chang Sheng is not afraid!" Chang Sheng clenched his fists tightly and shouted, "Chang Sheng is the strongest!"    


"Of course, Chang Sheng, you are the strongest, but do you know who the person fighting you is?" Prince Lin followed up Chang Sheng's words and immediately said with a solemn face: "That person is the strongest out of all the participants in the competition, Chang Sheng, if you fight with him, you will be beaten to death."    


"Chang Sheng isn't afraid, Chang Sheng wants to beat him to death! Kill that bad guy! "    


"Chang Sheng, listen to me …"    


Prince Lin, Fang Yude and the other four opened their mouths as they tried to persuade Chang Sheng. Even Guo Feng and Fang Shuwen who were standing at the side pretended to give them some advice from time to time. But no matter how much they tried to persuade him, Chang Sheng would always call for him to participate in the competition.    


After persuading for a long time, Prince Lin and Fang Yude looked at each other, and no longer tried to persuade Chang Sheng, but turned and looked at Chang Qianze.    


"Prime Minister, the current situation is very troublesome, Chang Sheng is unwilling to agree, but he cannot attend tomorrow's martial arts competition. Based on my investigations, I have come to a very shocking conclusion. That Xie Tianze had once killed an indestructible expert, and he had even killed two of them! What is even more terrifying is that from all of the analysis, Xie Tianze's strength is not weaker than the Ying Wu Hou! "    


"What!" Chang Qianze sucked in a breath of cold air at the sound of his voice. He knew that Xie Tianze was powerful, that was why he made Chang Sheng take the initiative to forfeit.    


The Ying Wu Hou was the future pillar of the Daqi Dynasty, furthermore, he was one of the few experts there. However, the Prince Lin himself said that Xie Tianze was not inferior to the Ying Wu Hou, how could anyone not be shocked?    


"Against Xie Tianze, even I am not confident of winning, and Ying Wu Hou's killing intent towards Chang Sheng is extremely great." The Prince Lin said in a deep voice: "Although Chang Sheng is powerful, if we meet Xie Tianze, we will only have to die, so no matter what, we cannot let Chang Sheng participate in this competition."    


"But Chang Sheng doesn't listen to our advice at all." Chang Qianze was obviously very helpless.    


"That's why we have to employ some special methods. In a while, we will knock Chang Sheng out, and then keep him under guard until the end of the round. After that, we will let him out. Prince Lin finally revealed the method he used to stop Chang Sheng from participating in the competition.    


"Alright, then I'll be troubling you Old Prince." Chang Qianze understood Prince Lin's method. Although he did not want his son to be injured, it was much better than losing his life.    


After the Prince Lin received Chang Qianze's consent, he immediately signalled to the people around Chang Sheng to come here. After getting everyone to come here, he himself walked to Chang Sheng's side, extended a hand out and pulled both of Chang Sheng's hands, then said: "Let's go, Chang Sheng, grandfather will bring you to an interesting place."    


After saying that, Chang Sheng couldn't help but comment as the Prince Lin grabbed Chang Sheng and walked outside.    


Chang Sheng looked at Prince Lin's actions and felt moved in his heart. What Prince Lin said just now, if he was a fool, he would not have understood it, but he was not a fool. Listening to what Prince Lin said just now, and looking at his actions now, it was clear that Prince Lin wanted to take him away by force, but he wanted to participate in the competition.    


Frowning, Chang Sheng suddenly swung his arm, and at the same time shouted unhappily: "Quickly let go of Chang Sheng, you're hurting Chang Sheng!"    


As he shouted, Chang Sheng suddenly swung out with his strength, about to throw off Prince Lin's palm.    


Prince Lin felt the huge force from his palm and his white eyebrows suddenly jumped. Such power, Chang Sheng's power was much stronger than last time when he saw him, no wonder he was so confident, but this bit of power was obviously not enough.    


He thought to himself, this is all for Chang Sheng's own good, inside the Prince Lin's body, the rich Mana Qi suddenly appeared, in an instant, the wide robe began to flutter without any wind, and under the force of the wind, his clothes started to rustle, while the condensed Mana Qi began to circulate even faster in his hands, as a huge force followed his wide palm into Chang Sheng's body, and pulled Chang Sheng out.    


However, his heart trembled the moment he released his power. If he used too much power, he wouldn't be able to hurt Chang Sheng.    


Startled, Prince Lin forcefully retracted a portion of his power.    


Chang Sheng could feel the power in Prince Lin's palm, and nodded his head in his heart. Indeed, Prince Lin was a strong existence that was able to defy the heavens, and possessed the strength of two mountains, but to pull him away, that was still far from enough!    


"Let go of Chang Sheng!" Chang Sheng shouted once again, his entire face turning red: "Chang Sheng is angry, Chang Sheng wants to hit you!"    


Chang Sheng shouted loudly, and from his body, an equally majestic wave of Mana Qi shot out.    


The two abnormally dense streams of mana clashed in close proximity, but the mere friction between the two created streams of dazzling sparks in the air. "With the two of them at the center, a visible ripple spread out in all directions like a ripple in the water.    


All of a sudden, the air around the two of them started to twist in a strange fashion. A deep sense of oppression filled the surroundings and everyone immediately felt their bodies sink as a sense of suffocation spread throughout their bodies.    


"Bang, bang!"    


and Prince Lin's feet shook at the same time, and the solid ground instantly exploded under the impact of the two types of Mana Qi, causing their bodies to sink down along with it. At the same time, on the ground, countless shattered rocks and dust were blown away by the strong energy, as if they were explosives that had been buried deep underground.    


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