Fool Immortal Pill Emperor

C500 Strange boy

C500 Strange boy

1You're not here to steal my stuff?    


Chang Sheng laughed coldly in his heart, would he believe what he said now? Wasn't it because he heard his call him Chang Sheng and had an idea in his heart, thinking that he was a fool and wanted to lie to his? How could he believe his words?    


Chang Sheng raised the Wind And Thunder Rod in his hands and rushed forward towards the man in front of him.    


"Chang Sheng will beat you to death!"    


Chang Sheng bellowed, the Wind And Thunder Rod in his hand waved in the air, but before the Wind And Thunder Rod could smash onto the man, a majestic Military Qi had already rushed out.    


"What a strong aura!"    


The man's handsome face revealed a serious expression. Chang Sheng's strike seemed to be even more powerful than the last two, but this fool's strength was actually this high! This should be the strength of his Half-Step Heaven Defying Stage!    


The man was shocked. There were many rumors regarding Chang Sheng's strength in the capital, and the majority of them said that Chang Sheng must have reached the Qi Training Stage by now. As for the specific Qi Disciple levels, no one knew, but many people thought that Chang Sheng should not have reached the Qi Disciple Level 6 yet.    


But look at Chang Sheng's current strength, Qi Disciple Level 5?    


The man lightly shook his head. Rumors were truly unbelievable.    


Seeing Chang Sheng swing his rod towards him, the man dodged to the side again, but in his heart, he smiled. Although Chang Sheng's strength was great, he was still a ordinary man, and his techniques were too crude, like a madman who was holding a rod and swinging at random. This kind of attack, no matter how strong he was, he would not be able to attack anyone else.    


Just as he was thinking, the man was suddenly shocked again, he suddenly realised, although the rod that Chang Sheng was waving looked like a fool who was waving it wildly, but when he wanted to dodge, he realised that the pole was actually not easy to dodge, and to break through the Stick Method, the best way was to use a weapon to fight him head on.    


Looking at Chang Sheng who was brandishing the rod and attacking himself nonstop, the man's heart was also slowly filled with rage, although Chang Sheng was a fool, but you can't be so violent, the clay figure still had a bit of anger, and being attacked by Chang Sheng like that, the man also gradually became annoyed. Looking at the stick that was falling down from the sky, the man suddenly snorted coldly, he pushed his body backwards, avoiding Chang Sheng's attack with the stick, and pulled back his hand.    




With a crisp sound, a sword that was similar to a Zhanmadao could not be pulled out from the man's back.    


"Don't think that I'm really afraid of you!"    


The man snorted, he wielded his blade with both hands and slashed at the Wind And Thunder Rod.    




Very quickly, the blade and staff clashed, and made a clear sound. Chang Sheng was surprised to discover that after a single collision, the man in front of him had continued to raise his blade, and quickly slashed towards his own Wind And Thunder Rod.    


In the blink of an eye, the man opposite of her slashed out more than ten times, each slash hitting the same spot on the Wind And Thunder Rod. But with each slice, she could clearly feel that her Wind And Thunder Rod's strength would decrease by a bit.    


What an exquisite knife technique.    


Chang Sheng looked at the person in front of him and felt greatly astonished. He had never heard of the man in front of him before, but not to mention his strange movement skill, this man in front of him was using the Martial Skills. He had never seen such an ingenious Martial Skills before.    


On the other side, after the man had slashed ten times in a row, his hands, which were hidden under his sleeves, started to tremble slightly. This Chang Sheng, I really don't know how he trained, to actually have such a huge amount of brute force.    


Forget it, it was better that he not fight against Chang Sheng head on.    


The man instantly changed his mind, seeing Chang Sheng attack again, he turned, suddenly using a strange movement technique, dodging Chang Sheng's attack, at the same time explaining loudly beside Chang Sheng.    


"Chang Sheng, I'm telling you, I really don't want to lie to you, I have a lot of treasures here too. As long as you give me the tiger bone, I can exchange it for any of your treasures."    


"Chang Sheng, stop fighting, listen to me first …"    


"Chang Sheng, can you understand my words? You're still hitting me! "    


The man kept on shouting by Chang Sheng's side. Gradually, Chang Sheng started to believe that this man did not really want to snatch him, but really wanted to exchange his bones for a tiger.    


However, it did not matter if it was true or not, they would have to fight first. It was not easy to meet such a person with such high cultivation, strange movement skills, and profound Martial Skills.    


Chang Sheng suppressed a portion of his strength and started to frantically attack the man in front of him. His main interest was still the man's movement technique and the exquisite Martial Skills.    


Just as Chang Sheng was exchanging blows with the man, within the Dongling Mountain, Guo Feng and Old Devil finally started to move.    


The two of them were extremely fast, and not long after, they were already close to the place where Chang Sheng was undergoing his tribulation.    


"Fighting sounds? Could it be young master?" Guo Feng looked at Old Devil, and increased his speed as he rushed forward, after a while, two figures that flew up and down appeared in front of him. One of them was Chang Sheng, and the other was a man that he did not recognize.    


"Hmm? "That's not right!"    


Guo Feng looked at it for a bit, then suddenly realised something was amiss. When the Young Master fought with the opponent, he obviously held back his strength, not only did he not use any of his Heaven Defying Stage, even the Military Qi was not in his strongest state.    


And that man, that man obviously wasn't using his full strength either, that man was defending, and the weirdest thing was that man even knew the young master's name, while avoiding the young master's name, he even said something to the young master that he didn't lie to the young master.    


This was really strange. What kind of situation did the young master encounter now?    


Guo Feng was wondering in his heart, but in front of him, Chang Sheng had discovered him and thought that Guo Feng had come at the right time, he already did not want to fight with the man in front of him anymore. This man did not seem to be lying to him, after fighting for so long, he had still not taken the initiative to attack and had still been explaining.    


Most importantly, from his words, one could tell that he was very nervous about the tiger bone. Since he said he wanted to trade for the tiger bone, then he would temporarily stop and see what exactly he wanted to trade for the tiger bone.    


Chang Sheng thought as he sent a sound transmission to Guo Feng from far away, "Guo Feng, intervene and tell us to stop so you can let that man explain himself."    


Guo Feng suddenly heard Chang Sheng's secret voice, he did not ask, and looked at the two of them, then Guo Feng suddenly rushed out from behind, in an instant rushing towards the two of them, and shouted at them: "Young Master, what's wrong? Why did you start fighting with someone else? "    


Once Guo Feng appeared, Chang Sheng immediately retracted the Wind And Thunder Rod and looked at the man: "He lied to Chang Sheng, Chang Sheng wants to beat him to death!"    


"How am I lying to you!" When the man heard Chang Sheng's words, he immediately became anxious: "I already said, I want to discuss about exchanging for the tiger bone with you, it's just that you don't believe me, look, I've already prepared the things I need to trade with you for the tiger bone."    


As the man spoke, he dug his hands out from his Cosmic Bag, causing the eyes of Chang Sheng and Guo Feng to instantly widen.    


A medicinal plant that emitted an endless amount of spiritual energy was taken out by the man from his Cosmic Bag.    


Guo Feng was instantly shocked. Although he did not recognize this medicinal herb, he could feel its spirituality and knew that it was definitely a high quality medicinal herb. Even his own young master had extorted countless of medicinal ingredients from others, and none of the medicinal ingredients there was as strong as this.    


This is... Seven Wood Mystical Cloud Grass!    


Chang Sheng was shocked when he saw the medicinal ingredients in front of him. Seven Wood Profound Cloud Grass, was a medicinal ingredient that was between the sixth and sixth stage of Fifth Rank.    


This medicinal ingredient was the most valuable and rarest medicinal ingredient he had ever seen since reincarnating into the Sky Origin Divine Continent!    


Even if the Seven Wood Mystical Cloud Grass was given a mission in the Heavencraft Tower, it was not necessarily a precious medicinal ingredient. Yet, just like the young man in front of him, he actually took it out just like that, and this Seven Wood Mystical Cloud Grass was also preserved extremely well.    


Chang Sheng had yet to recover from his shock, but in front of him, the man raised his hand to grab the Cosmic Bag. When he stretched his hand out behind him, there was an additional medicinal plant in his hand.    


Fragrant Flame Flower!    


When Chang Sheng saw the new medicine in the man's hand, he was shocked once again.    


Who is this brat, how can he have so many high-level medicinal herbs!    


Furthermore, he had casually brought out these two stalks in front of him. Wasn't he afraid that his men would try to rob him of his medicinal herbs?    


Chang Sheng realized that he couldn't quite understand the man in front of him.    


Suddenly, in Chang Sheng's eyes, his pupils contracted again.    


What he took out this time was actually a medicinal ingredient for the Fifth Rank, the Soul Suppressing Grass. Although it was only a medicinal ingredient for the Fifth Rank, this Soul Suppressing Grass could be said to be one of the most rare of all the medicinal ingredients for the Fifth Rank.    


Chang Sheng felt that he was about to go crazy. This guy, where did he come from?    


The man took in a deep breath and took out three medicinal herbs in succession. Only then did he stop his actions, and looked at Chang Sheng, Guo Feng and Old Devil who had rushed over from the back with a complacent look.    


"Chang Sheng, I know that you are a pill refiner, you must know about medicinal herbs very well. You must know the value of my medicinal herbs, I will use these three medicinal herbs to exchange for your tiger bone, do you want to trade?"    


Using three medicinal herbs to exchange for tiger bones!    


Chang Sheng's heart skipped a beat. He knew that the value of the tiger bone was very high, but he was not sure exactly how high it was. However, he was extremely clear about the value of these three medicinal herbs.    


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