Fool Immortal Pill Emperor

C197 Get ready to lose face

C197 Get ready to lose face

4When Zhu Ti heard his father's words and looked at his father's furious face, he didn't dare to say how much money he had lost in an instant. With his father's personality, if he really knew that he had lost so much money, it would be strange for him to not skin himself alive!    


When County Prince Zhu saw that his son did not even dare to answer his own question, he became even more furious in his heart, "Bastard, your father asked you a question, but you actually dared to not say a word! If you don't tell me how much it is, how can I give the money to Chang Sheng? If I don't give Chang Sheng the money, does that mean I have to keep him causing trouble in my residence? Aren't you ashamed of yourself enough? Hurry up and tell me how much money you lost! "    


"I... "I ?" Zhu Ti remained silent for a long time, but did not say how much money he owed Chang Sheng. He really did not dare to say, because the angrier his father was, the more he did not dare to say how much money he owed Chang Sheng!    


"You evil creature!" The County Prince Zhu raised his head and looked forward, his pupils immediately constricting. Chang Sheng was getting closer to them, and he looked to be only a dozen meters away!    


"Chang Sheng has already come over. If you don't tell me how much you owe him, I won't care." County Prince Zhu looked at Chang Sheng who was getting closer and closer, his body trembling once again, as long as Chang Sheng took a few more steps closer, if his son really did not say anything, he would immediately run, otherwise, if that idiot Chang Sheng saw him, who knew what Chang Sheng would do!    


Chang Sheng was a fool, his power was high enough that the laws could not punish him, and he could not be defeated by the beasts.    


When Zhu Ti heard his father's words, he looked up and was immediately frightened to the point that his soul was about to leave his body. At this time, Chang Sheng was only eight or nine meters away from them.    


"I will speak, I will speak." Seeing that Chang Sheng was about to walk in front of him, Zhu Ti did not care about his father's angry look and promptly opened his mouth: "I owe Chang Sheng 10 million silver taels ?"    


"10 million!" County Prince Zhu raised his thin eyebrows as he glared at his own son. "Say it again, how much is it? Ten million or a thousand? "    


"Ten million!"    


"So much money!" County Prince Zhu slapped his head painfully with both hands. Ten million silver, his entire Prefecture did not even have that much cash! How could he accompany them!?    


"You bastard, I don't care anymore. You think of a way to deal with that fool!" County Prince Zhu raised his head to look at Chang Sheng who was almost in front of him. He turned around, and sprinted towards the backyard, telling him to pay the ten million silver taels, don't even think about it!    


But just as he had taken one step, before he had even taken the second step, his son Zhu Ti's voice rang in his ears again, "Not only is it ten million silver, I also bet on our Zhu Family's fief!"    


"What?" A feudal fiefdom? "    


Hearing his son's voice, County Prince Zhu felt his chest tighten, the heaven and earth in front of him started spinning, and with a plop, he fell to the ground.    


"This old man's endurance is too poor!"    


Chang Sheng looked at County Prince Zhu, who collapsed right in front of him. He felt disdain in his heart. As a prince, it shouldn't be a problem for him to fork out ten million silver, right?    


Chang Sheng looked at County Prince Zhu, he turned and looked at Zhu Ti, and since the old one had fainted, he might as well ask for money.    


Chang Sheng smashed the ground with the black iron rod forcefully, immediately creating a huge pit, causing dust to fly into the air. With his eyes wide open, he glared at Zhu Ti, "Pig feet, quickly give Chang Sheng money, you are not allowed to act shamelessly!"    


Zhu Ti looked at the round hole that was even bigger than his head. Through the dust in his eyes, he could vaguely see the black iron rod covered in red blood, and his heart was beating extremely fast. If he dared to say that he could not pay back the money, with Chang Sheng's personality, this black iron rod would definitely fall down and smash his head!    


If he was hit by this stick, it would be a wonder if he wouldn't die!    


No, he's not even thirty years old yet, and he's still young. He can't die, he definitely can't die, so he had to think of a way.    


Zhu Ti could only blame his two black eyeballs moving quickly. He couldn't take out the money, so he could only trick Chang Sheng into leaving.    


"Chang Sheng, I am not playing shameless. We are friends, how would I lie to friends ?" As Zhu Ti spoke those useless words, his mind quickly thought: "Actually, it's like this, I also want to quickly give you the money. But Chang Sheng, you don't know, the laws of our Daqi Dynasty are very strange. "    


Zhu Ti continued to speak, the more he talked, the more he followed through, he finally thought of a reason: "For a bet like ours, if you want to fulfill the terms of the bet, Chang Sheng has to report it to the higher ups first, it has to be reported to the officials, only then can we give you the money. "It's already late and the officials are already resting. We can't report it now. We can only wait until tomorrow morning before we report the money to you."    


Guo Feng stood far away from the crowd and frowned. Although Zhu Ti's voice wasn't loud, perhaps others wouldn't be able to hear what he said, with his innate Eighth Layer, he could clearly hear what Zhu Ti was saying.    


First, he tricked the young master into waiting for an hour for nothing. Now, he wanted to bully the young master because he was a ordinary man, and swindle the young master away.    


Guo Feng retreated into the crowd and secretly transmitted information to Chang Sheng: "Young master, Guo Feng is outside, do you need him to reveal himself now, and help you expose his lies?"    


"No need." Chang Sheng heard Guo Feng's words and sneered in his heart. He sent the same secret message: "Don't worry, I'll pretend to believe his words. Only by doing this will I have a reason to find him tomorrow, and can this matter become even bigger. 'To think that they have been trying to deal with Father and me. I will make them lose two people like that and make their entire family become the laughingstock of the entire capital! ' "You don't have to come out now. I'll call you when I need you."    


After indicating that Guo Feng did not need to intervene for the time being, Chang Sheng feigned as he took back the black iron rod, then painfully scratched his head with one hand to think for a long time before speaking: "It seems like it, Chang Sheng is very smart, Chang Sheng understands, Chang Sheng will come again tomorrow to ask for money from you!"    


Chang Sheng acted as if he understood, turned around and walked out of the Zhu Residence.    


Seeing Chang Sheng's figure gradually becoming smaller, Zhu Ti would often let out a sigh of relief, and spread out his limbs, lying on the ground. Luckily, he had reacted quickly, and managed to trick Chang Sheng, seeing the look on the fool's face, he obviously did not understand what he meant, but he still pretended to be smart and understanding, acting that he understood was enough, so he could think of a way to continue deceiving tomorrow.    


As long as he could continue lying to them, Chang Sheng would probably forget about this money after a while. At that time, even if he did not return the money, his father would not do anything to him.    


Suddenly, Zhu Ti who was lying down, jolted and sat up. They had made a bet with Chang Sheng that there were six families that owed him money. Chang Sheng could not just come to his own house to collect his debt, since Chang Sheng would go look for someone else!    


The rest of the five families would probably not give the money to Chang Sheng either, they must be playing with Chang Sheng too! Since that was the case, everyone had to agree on what to do, to prevent them from exposing the truth.    


Thinking about this, Zhu Ti quickly waved his hands towards the side, called out the five servants, and said: "The five of you, quickly go to General Li Ye, General Chen Huanqi, Lord Lin Mo, Master Dian Jian, and Lord Ma Yun, and tell them the reason why I deceived that idiot Chang Sheng."    


Chang Sheng left the Zhu Residence and walked out of the inner city with the black iron rod. There were a total of six people who were betting with him, and he wanted to find them one by one, making them all the jokes of the capital!    


, one of the eight generals of the western garden, was the first to meet the Zhu Family servant before Chang Sheng even arrived. After finding out that his son had lost his family's restaurant and lost five million silver taels, Li Ye was immediately enraged.    


However, now was not the time to teach his son a lesson. After hearing the Zhu Family servant say that Zhu Ti was deceiving him for a reason, he immediately felt that this method was feasible.    


Seemingly at the same time, Chen Huanqi, Lin Mo, Guan Jian and Ma Yun's residences, all welcomed the Zhu Family servants. The few of them also decided to use Zhu Ti's method to trick Chang Sheng into leaving, as for the future, Chang Sheng was a fool, they would trick him a few more times, and perhaps after some time, he would forget about this matter.    


The few of them had already made their decisions, and at this time, Chang Sheng went up door to door. Without exception, every family gave him the same answer.    


If he wanted to take the money, he would need to get the approval of the officials. But at this time, the officials were no longer around, and he could only give Chang Sheng the money tomorrow!    


"Hmph, this group of shameless people, it's good that they did this. Tomorrow morning, they'll be the ones to watch out for!"    


Chang Sheng left the Ma Yun family at their last home, and on the way back, he said to Guo Feng in a soft voice, "Guo Feng, when you return home later, tell Father everything that happened today first, so that he can have a good preparation tomorrow. Also, when tomorrow, if you cooperate with me for a bit, I'll say it ?"    


Inside the Accessory Phase Palace, a young man dressed in white clothes half knelt on the ground and quietly reported what had happened today to his master, Zhuge Zhan.    


After a long while, when he finally finished talking about what happened today, Zhuge Zhan was still as calm as ever. "Did you lose? That idiot Chang Sheng sure has good luck, but it doesn't matter, if Zhu Ti loses, he will lose. We will still have more opportunities to deal with Chang Sheng and his father. "    


The next morning, when the sky was still dark, the gates of the high gate courtyard had been opened. Officials in official uniform walked out from the gates of their houses. As powerful officials, they had to attend the morning assembly unless something unexpected happened.    


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