Fool Immortal Pill Emperor

C515 Rose

C515 Rose

1"Hmm? "That's not right!"    


Suddenly, Chang Sheng's mind shook, and his eyes widened. The zither music, was actually so enchanting! The sound of the zither had unknowingly affected his own thoughts. If not for the soul attack that he had experienced previously, he would have been immersed in it, unable to extricate himself.    


Using all of his strength to shake his head, Chang Sheng lifted his eyes and looked into the distance.    


Although it was daytime, the light in the entire hall was very dim. In the hall, there was a huge dance floor where a group of young and beautiful girls were dancing.    


The clothes worn by the girls were no longer as tightly wrapped as the women at the entrance. However, they were not like the other girls from the brothels who wore clothes with very little fabric.    


The clothes worn by these women were somewhat similar to transparent clothing. As they danced, they would occasionally reveal a bit of spring light, which was far more attractive than exposing their true colors completely.    


Around the dance floor, and even in the middle of the dance floor, white mist that seemed to be filled with dense Qi would occasionally appear.    


There were many young ladies on the dance floor, and all of them were incomparably beautiful. Any one of them could make a name for themselves in any of the other brothels. However, almost all of the people in the hall focused their gazes on the young woman behind them.    


A young woman wearing a light blue translucent silk robe was gracefully playing with the zither in her hands. Although she was not far away, her appearance was not particularly clear, and even so, just a glance at her would cause her heart to immediately tremble. She was a woman who was incomparably beautiful.    


"What an enchanting technique!"    


Just as Chang Sheng took a glance at this woman, Gu Tianmo's voice resounded in his mind: "Chang Sheng, this woman is not simple.    


"Returning to its original nature as a charm?" Chang Sheng was startled when he heard his.    


"That's right. Ordinary seductive techniques, after cultivating it, would cause one's every action to be filled with seduction, similar to the seductive look Xie Shiwen had, but Xie Shiwen was only born with it. This type of bewitching technique is already very powerful, and every single movement can cause one's heart to tremble. However, this is not the strongest bewitching technique. "    


Gu Tianmo explained in a low voice: "Ordinary people would be able to fall for this kind of bewitching technique, but those with profound strength, or those with powerful minds, can tell with a single glance that something is off. Once they are on guard, this bewitching technique will no longer be as frightening as it is before them."    


Gu Tianmo raised his finger, pointed at the woman in front of him and said: "Look at her, her every move and gesture doesn't have the appearance of a fox. On the contrary, she has an ethereal feeling on her body. Even some heaven defying people would not be able to see that she has cultivated the bewitching arts. Even I would not have been able to see that she has such a bewitching arts if it was not for the fact that I know someone who is well versed in the art! "    


"Hiss …" Chang Sheng immediately took in a deep breath of cold air. To think that bewitching techniques could be cultivated to such an extent, if not for Gu Tianmo's warning, after some time, he would have fallen for it.    


"To be able to cultivate the bewitching technique to this extent, this woman's strength must be very terrifying. The matter is really troublesome, it seems that I need to find Old Devil for help."    


Chang Sheng looked at the woman in front of him, and his heart secretly tensed up. With just this posture, he could already tell without even needing to ask that this woman was Windy House's trump card, the Rose who had poisoned his father with the Nine Flower Grass.    


There's no need to find that little devil for help. Just because your seduction skills are profound doesn't mean that your strength must be top-notch, Chang Sheng, you just need to have the little devil and the others stand by the side and wait for the right time to appear. If you rashly call the little devil and the others over, you might actually alert them.    


"That's true."    


Chang Sheng nodded his head, his purpose for coming here was very simple, it was to defeat Rose and steal her background.    


There was no need to ask who the person behind Rose was, as long as he absorbed her source energy, he would know everything when the time came.    


Chang Sheng laughed coldly in his heart as he looked at the woman in front of him. He supported himself on the ground with the thick and heavy Wind And Thunder Rod and swept it across the ground within his Windy House.    


"Clank …" "Clank …"    


The heavenly music from the zither suddenly transmitted to his ears the ear-piercing sound of iron weapons. Behind the dance floor, Rose's eyebrows creased, the zither music stopped.    


The sound of the zither suddenly stopped. In an instant, everyone in the hall who was immersed in the sound of the zither came back to their senses. An unpleasant sound of grinding metal could be heard in their ears.    


"F * ck, who is it, to make such a ruckus and interrupt the music of the Miss Rose, do you want to die?"    


"Which fellow doesn't want to live anymore!"    


"Interrupting the Miss Rose to play the zither, this is a blasphemy to the Miss Rose, I must make him pay the price!"    


Everyone cursed as they heard the voice. They turned to look at the source of the voice. Suddenly, the figure of a simple-looking boy with a huge black stick appeared in front of them.    


"This... This man is Chang Sheng! "    


With just a glance at the man in the hall, everyone immediately recognized Chang Sheng.    


"Chang Sheng, Chang Sheng came to Windy House, but a fool came to Windy House, am I seeing things? Or, is the person in front of me not Chang Sheng, was it someone else who faked it?" A Gongzi looked at Chang Sheng and asked with a tone filled with suspicion.    


"Impersonate? "That's impossible!"    


On the side, another delicate looking Gongzi heard the commotion and started laughing.    


"In the capital, there is definitely only one person who would wear such clothes, and no one would pretend to be Chang Sheng. It's not that Chang Sheng is a fool, but that others do not want to pretend to be him. Rather, Chang Sheng is not only a fool, he is an extremely violent one as well. "    


"That's right!" Beside him, another Gongzi took up the topic: "As long as others provoke him even a little, Chang Sheng would want to beat them up. If someone else pretended to be Chang Sheng, if they were to meet someone else's provocation, would they attack or not? If he did not make a move, then others would definitely suspect that he was the real Chang Sheng, if he did. Those who dare to provoke Chang Sheng, must at least have some skills. "    


"Furthermore, Chang Sheng still has so many enemies, it would be unwise for him to impersonate Chang Sheng, so no one would impersonate Chang Sheng." The tender Gongzi continued: "So, the person in front of us is undoubtedly Chang Sheng, and only Chang Sheng is able to do such a thing."    


A few Gongzi s saw that it was Chang Sheng who interrupted Rose's zither music, and although fury was written all over their faces, none of them dared to make another sound.    


Just now, they did not scold Chang Sheng directly, but the person who scolded him. Most likely Chang Sheng did not understand that everyone was scolding him, so he did not take action.    


In their hearts, they knew that Chang Sheng was not someone to be trifled with. It was mainly because they knew their own strengths, and did not dare to provoke Chang Sheng. However, the capital was different from the capital city previously, and because of the martial arts competition, the number of young heroes in the capital city was no small number.    


"Hmph, disrupted Miss Rose, is holding a thick stick impressive?"    


"Chang Sheng? Was he the original target that the Emperor bestowed marriage to Miss Zi Yao? "Today is the day I finally get to see you again. I'd like to see what kind of person the Prime Minister's young master is capable of!"    


In the hall, a few men dressed in tight clothes looked at Chang Sheng with shining eyes, a few even raised their hands and held onto the weapons on their bodies.    


"Ding ding …"    


Just as they were about to make a move, a melodious zither sound suddenly rang out, followed by a voice filled with ethereal energy. The sound was not loud, but it was loud enough for everyone to clearly hear.    


"Everyone is here to enjoy, do not be angry, Chang Sheng is just unintentionally doing this."    


Rose pursed her red lips, but suddenly became the peacemaker. The moment she said that, all the Gongzi who wanted to pull out their swords and fight with Chang Sheng consciously kept the weapons in their hands.    


"Alright, since Miss Rose has already said so, we naturally won't make a move."    


"Miss Rose is so magnanimous, to be disturbed by others and actually speak up for others, this level of tolerance even ordinary men don't have, Miss Rose indeed has both talent and talent!"    


"Beautiful, your heart is even more beautiful!" In this world, how could there be a perfect woman like Miss Rose! "    


For a moment, the entire hall was filled with praise for Rose.    


Chang Sheng heard the words of these so-called heroes from the Gongzi and empire, while secretly sighing over how deeply these fellows had been poisoned, and also loudly sighing over Rose's charm skills.    


Right at this moment, a young lady dressed in a fiery red low-cut dress walked out from the side of the hall, to the front of Chang Sheng in a few steps.    


"Aiya, Master Chang Sheng, this is the first time you have come to our Windy House, right? There are many fun places within our Windy House. Come, let me bring you there. "    


As the young woman spoke, she very naturally moved closer to Chang Sheng's body.    


Chang Sheng could feel the softness in his arm, so he lowered his head to take a look, but he shook his head in his heart. This young lady was indeed a person who could read words and react quickly, if he was really a fool, then he really would have been tricked away by her. Once he had left, the hall would naturally quiet down, but unfortunately, he was here to cause trouble.    


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