Fool Immortal Pill Emperor

C48 Anemone

C48 Anemone

2As the two weapons clashed, the blade made from fine iron broke into two pieces. The pitch-black iron rod smashed apart the Fine Knife without slowing down, and in the next moment, it landed on Xue Yi's head.    


A metal rod that was thicker than Xue Yi's head smashed down, causing Xue Yi's head to explode in an instant. At almost the exact instant that it smashed into Xue Yi's head, the iron rod continued to descend.    


"Bang!" With a loud bang, the thick iron rod heavily smashed onto the ground, creating a deep crater. The top of the thick iron rod was dyed a dark red, and drops of blood dripped down.    


Xue Yi was actually smashed flat by a rod!    


Zhu Yi looked at the deep pit, and saw that the figure behind Chang Sheng had stopped. With a flick of his arm, the blade he had pulled out earlier almost fell to the ground.    


Chang Sheng had already turned around.    


"You want to kill me too?"    


"No, no ?" I just wanted to help him. "    


Zhu Yi said in fear, staring blankly into the distance. The iron rod that carried the minced meat smashed down onto his head, and he stood still on the ground in shock. He was scared out of his wits as he helplessly watched the thick iron rod fall down on him, as if he was completely shrouded in endless fear.    




With a loud bang, another deep crater appeared in the Anemone Garden. Zhu Yi was smashed into smithereens as he disappeared into the deep pit.    


From afar, the Second, Third, and Fourth Elders had just arrived. Together with the Great Elder, they had seen the scene of Xue Yi and Zhu Yi being smashed into meat paste with their own eyes.    


What kind of strength did this Chang Sheng possess to be able to kill two experts of the second level so easily? He was still so violent and terrifying!    


Chang Sheng kept his iron rod and stood on the ground, releasing a "dong" sound, then stabbed it deep into the ground, turning his head and looking at the four clan elders with a face filled with killing intent.    




The Great Clan Elder was so frightened by Chang Sheng's ruthless gaze that he fell to the ground. He was only going to capture Chang Sheng because Xue Yi and Zhu Yi had already died.    


Behind him, the other three elders also took a few steps back in shock. Chang Sheng was a fool, who knew if he would suddenly attack, and hit the few of them again. If he was hit by that iron rod, he would be smashed into meat paste. This kind of death was too terrifying!    


The four elders were extremely furious. The Anemone Tree had fallen, they could not trade with anyone, and after a while the money they had obtained would be gone. Now, Chang Sheng had even killed two foreign delegates the Great Clan Elder had painstakingly recruited!    


The four of them looked at Chang Sheng, wanting to curse him to death. However, they did not dare to scold him, as long as they dared to scold him, Chang Sheng would definitely beat them up! In comparison to their anger, what they were more afraid of was that Chang Sheng's methods were really too ruthless!    


Chang Sheng glanced at the four elders who were furious, but did not say anything. With a cold snort in his heart, he rolled up his sleeves, held onto his iron rod, and with an evil expression, he took a step towards the Great Clan Elder and the others.    


"Ah ?"    


The four elders' hearts shook when they saw the direction in which Chang Sheng walked in. Could it be that Chang Sheng was really going to settle the score with them?    




Chang Sheng took another step forward with the black iron rod, and the direction he was moving in was still in the direction of the four elders.    


"It's over, Chang Sheng can't really be thinking of killing all of us, right?" Other than the Great Elder, the other three elders felt their legs go soft. They too, followed the Great Elder and fell to the ground.    


"Clank, clank, clank ?"    


Chang Sheng walked towards the four elders. When the black iron rod he was carrying on the ground touched the stones on the ground, it released a series of jingling sounds.    


As the Great Elder listened to this series of clanking sounds, he felt as if each one was a huge hammer striking down on his heart. Dong ? Dong ?    


He wanted to stand up and quickly escape from this place, but he couldn't use any strength from his legs at all. He could only stare blankly at Chang Sheng as that demon-like fool approached him bit by bit.    


"Am I really going to die like this? You were smashed into meat paste like Xue Yi and Zhu Yi. You can't even find a corpse? "    


The Great Elder looked at Chang Sheng, who was slowly approaching him, and the fear in his heart grew stronger and stronger. Finally, Chang Sheng slowly walked to the front of the Great Elder.    


"You old scoundrel, you just scolded Chang Sheng and you even let the two of them lock Chang Sheng up in the little black room. Chang Sheng is the one who fears the dark the most, Chang Sheng doesn't want to enter the small black room, Chang Sheng wants to beat you to death."    


With that, Chang Sheng raised his pitch black iron hammer and activated a layer of Berserk Demonic Energy on the Great Clan Elder. With that, he smashed the Great Clan Elder, who only knew how to find trouble with the Clan Chief all day, to death.    


The Great Elder looked at the bloody, minced meat that was even thicker than his own head. He was frightened to the point of bursting, and his body went limp as he fell to the ground.    


Just as the Great Clan Elder was about to be killed by Chang Sheng, suddenly, a white figure flashed out from behind him and grabbed at him.    




The black iron rod that weighed more than 2,000 jin was grabbed by someone else! This man was Chang Qianyi!    


Just as Chang Qianyi's hand grabbed out the black iron rod, it instantly sunk into his hand. The hand that was grabbing the rod actually suffered a slight impact from the immense force and sunk down slightly.    


"What a powerful strength."    


Chang Qianyi looked at Chang Sheng, who had been stopped by him, and his eyes were filled with shock. He was the Innate Expert, and because he had stayed in the Peak Of Sublimation for so long, and because he had consumed Top-grade Qi Condensing Pill, he had instantly stepped into the third level of the Innate realm. He himself was at the third level of the Innate Realm, so his strength was at least sixteen thousand kilograms. Yet, he was still shocked by Chang Sheng's strength.    


When Chang Sheng took the initiative to remove the iron rod, he swung his hand which was completely red from the shock.    


"Chang Sheng only has Peak Of Sublimation, normal Peak Of Sublimation only has the strength of around two thousand kilograms, how can he have the strength of seven thousand kilograms? How did he do it? "    


Suddenly, in Chang Qianyi's mind, a white bearded man dressed in a daoist robe, who looked like a fairy appeared.    


"Oh right, it must be that mysterious master of Chang Sheng's secretly imparted to him some kind of Chang Sheng's special technique. This was the only explanation for why Chang Sheng possessed such immense power. To let a Peak Of Sublimation possess a strength of seven thousand kilograms, what kind of method was needed to do that!? How strong was Forgetting Pill Taoist Sovereign? Perhaps, he has already reached the middle realm of Earth Immortal! "    


Earth Immortal! He was an existence that was said to be able to fly, overturn rivers and seas, and destroy another city with just a wave of his hand!    


Just when Chang Qianyi was shocked by the strength of Chang Sheng's power and Master Chang Sheng's power, the other three elders finally came back to their senses. They looked at the Great Clan Elder who had urinated out of shock and fainted, then looked at Chang Qianyi.    


The Second Elder angrily walked in front of Chang Qianyi, pointed at the completely destroyed Anemone Garden, and said furiously: "Patriarch, look at the good deed Chang Sheng has done. He has destroyed this entire courtyard, and this is the clan's greatest treasure in the future!" He didn't want to talk to Chang Sheng, Chang Sheng was a fool, he wouldn't understand Chang Sheng's words, but talking to Chang Qianyi isn't a problem at all. With Chang Qianyi there, he wouldn't need to be afraid of Chang Sheng smashing them to death.    


"Also, Clan Chief, I heard that Chang Sheng spent fifty thousand silver on a useless rotten branch in the auction house today! Fifty thousand gold for a rotten branch? We, Chang Jia, don't have the money to make him spend it! Is this 50,000 silver easy to earn? " The third and fourth elder rushed over from behind and said, "The fourth elder also came after us."    


"Patriarch, Chang Sheng had just killed two of the clan's foreign delegates, so he wanted to attack the Great Clan Elder even more. If we were to randomly spend our family's money, destroy our family's treasures, kill a guest official and assault an elder, these four crimes, together, can be considered our crimes, and according to our family rules, we can directly sentence Chang Sheng to death. Clan leader, if you do not give us a satisfactory punishment this time, our Elders Guild will definitely not let this matter rest. "    


Chang Qianyi heard the servants below saying that Chang Sheng had destroyed the Feng Lan Garden, he immediately thought that the clan elders would also receive the news. Worried that Chang Sheng and the elders would clash, he immediately rushed over. He did not expect that before he could make it in time, Chang Sheng would actually kill two more foreign delegates, so he simply saved the Great Clan Elder.    


Sweeping his eyes across the two holes in the distance and the blood on Chang Sheng's black iron rod, Chang Qianyi understood in his heart that Chang Sheng killing the guest official was probably true. Could it be that it was lost to Chang Sheng? Based on the strength of common sense, it was very likely that the two of them had been knocked into the ground!    


Chang Qianyi cast aside the question in his mind, stared at the three elders, and asked sternly: "Punishing Chang Sheng, why should we punish him? You guys say that he spent all that money for nothing, only fifty thousand taels of silver? Moreover, the pill was delivered by Chang Sheng's master, so the money should be on Chang Sheng's side. Chang Sheng took out his own money to buy the pill, is there anything wrong with that? "    


Chang Qianyi's retort immediately made the Fourth Elder speechless. Seeing that, the Second Elder stood up, walked to the front, and said: "Then what about these Anemone?"    


"Anemone? These Anemone have only bloomed for forty years, it still needs a hundred and sixty years to mature. After a hundred and sixty years, Chang Sheng's master had not only given him pills, but also a pill formula. With the recipe for a hundred and sixty years, could he still not concoct pills that were equivalent to these Anemone s? Furthermore, the problem with these Anemone s might not be impossible to solve. "    


"Then what did Chang Sheng say when the guest was killed and the Great Clan Elder was attacked? If the Patriarch does not punish Chang Sheng, I am afraid it will be difficult to convince the masses. "    


"Foreign delegate? You should ask Litigator Guo Feng about this, he can give you an explanation. "    


"This ?" The three elders didn't know how to reply to Chang Qianyi's question. In the end, the three of them helplessly looked at each other, carried the Great Elder, who had been unconscious for some time, and left.    


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