Fool Immortal Pill Emperor

C78 Blemish

C78 Blemish

0For an expert of the Innate Stage of his own, the consumption of the Innate Genuine Qi in his body is extremely fast, let alone a person of his level. He uses a Secret Method that can emit twenty thousand kilograms of strength, so the consumption must be faster than himself! "     0


After looking for a long time and being unable to find any weak points in Chang Sheng, Li Chuan became even more determined. No longer finding any weak points, he turned and fought Chang Sheng head on. He would wait until the spiritual energy in the opponent's body was exhausted before killing him!    


Chang Sheng waved the black iron rod in his hand, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. Although he had the advantage, he couldn't do anything to the opponent in a short period of time. The most important thing was that the Berserk Demonic Energy consumed too much spiritual energy. Right now, half of the spiritual energy in his body had been consumed, but from the looks of it, the other party was still more than capable of handling it. This wasn't the way to continue fighting!    


Looking at the beads of sweat on Chang Sheng's forehead, Li Chuan smiled inwardly. He estimated that the opponent's spirit energy was about to run out.    


"Swish …"    


Li Chuan forcefully cut out a blade and took the initiative to attack Chang Sheng.    


"Idiot, how much longer can you last? Haha? I heard you have a very beautiful senior sister, hurry up and throw away your stick, that way you can quickly meet that beautiful senior sister of yours! "    


Li Chuan waved the big blade in his hand crazily, at the same time, he used his words to lure Chang Sheng and throw away his weapon, it was just that this fool seemed to be smarter than he thought, and did not throw away his weapon.    


After another hundred moves, Li Chuan suddenly became anxious. After fighting for such a long time, he had already used up sixty percent of his spirit Innate Genuine Qi, how to deal with the spirit energy in his body. By right, when his own Innate Genuine Qi was exhausted by thirty percent, he should have used up all of it.    


Li Chuan could not help but suspect whether his tactics were right or not. Right at this moment, Chang Sheng suddenly dropped the black iron rod and jumped backwards.    


"Hmm? Retreating a bit, it must be because the other party has used up all of his spirit energy, so the chance has come! "    


Li Chuan waved his blade and advanced.    


Chang Sheng just barely blocked one slash from Li Chuan, and sneered in his heart. He could tell that was trying to exhaust his spirit energy to kill him. That's right, his spirit energy was running out, but other than spirit energy, he also had Flourishing Age Qi!    


Within Chang Sheng's body, the name that represented the streets suddenly shrank. In an instant, within the Fengdu City, as if attracted by something, the densest Flourishing Age Qi that could be seen only by Chang Sheng could be seen floating in the air above the most prosperous street area. Its speed was ten thousand times faster than lightning that streaked across the sky. Just as the thought of absorbing the Flourishing Age Qi emerged in Chang Sheng's mind, the Flourishing Age Qi had already flowed into his body.    


"Fuck, didn't you want to exhaust all of my energy? Okay, then I will waste time with you, other than my spiritual energy, I also have Flourishing Age Qi s, and Flourishing Age Qi s do not just come from just one street, even if all the Flourishing Age Qi in this street are exhausted, I will be able to replenish my spiritual energy by taking all the Flourishing Age Qi s from other places! "Let's see who consumes more energy than who!"    


Chang Sheng could feel that his body was filled with Flourishing Age Qi, he felt that the Flourishing Age Qi's spirit energy was much purer than before. What was even more mystical was that after the Flourishing Age Qi entered his body, as he continuously operated the Berserk Demonic Energy, the remaining impurities in his body were slowly being expelled.    


"Using Flourishing Age Qi in battle can have this effect?"    


Chang Sheng questioned in his heart as he raised the black iron rod in his hand to counterattack.    




The long blade in Li Chuan's hand clashed with the black iron rod and emitted a loud sound, but his body still shook backwards.    


"What's going on? Hadn't the spiritual energy in this fool's body run out? How did he become so lively again? And his spirit energy is also much purer than before. Its purity can completely be compared to my Innate Genuine Qi. "    


Li Chuan didn't have time to think, after one strike, Chang Sheng's attacks followed suit, and were even fiercer than before!    


"This... That's right, he must have been a fool before he ran out of spiritual energy! Just hold on for a bit longer. "    


"I only have thirty percent of my Innate Genuine Qi left. "Hold on a little longer …"    


"I only have twenty percent of my Innate Genuine Qi left. What's going on? No, after I have ten percent of my Innate Genuine Qi remaining, I'll have to consider escaping myself. "    


The more Li Chuan fought, the more fear he felt. Finally, when he only had ten percent of the Innate Genuine Qi left in his body, he had the thought of escaping. If he continued fighting, by the time his Innate Genuine Qi was exhausted, he would be dead.    


Li Chuan clenched his teeth, waved the long blade in his hand with all his strength, wanting to quickly turn around and escape. "However, that black iron rod was like a shadow, firmly aiming at him. He didn't even have a chance to escape, he could only exhaust his innate energy bit by bit.    




Suddenly, the long blade in Li Chuan's hand collided with Chang Sheng's black iron rod many times, and finally shattered. It was not that the blade was no longer working, but the Innate Genuine Qi in his body had been exhausted, and was no longer able to wrap around the blade!    


The long blade shattered, and in the next moment, the gigantic black iron rod in Chang Sheng's hand smashed towards his chest heavily!    




With a loud bang, it was particularly loud in the quiet night sky, causing Li Chuan to fall down. Although he was an expert in Innate Stage, he still couldn't easily endure a strength of twenty thousand kilograms. Under the huge impact, the vitality in Li Chuan's body churned, he opened his mouth, and spat out a mouthful of blood.    


The pole landed on his chest. Although it was not enough to take his life, half a day of his life was already gone. The ribs on his chest broke, and the impact caused a sharp pain to his internal organs.    


From a distance, when Lin Yuanzhi saw Li Chuan fall, his body violently shook. Chang Sheng had actually defeated a Xiantian master. How did a half-step Xiantian master defeat a Xiantian master? Although he was still a half-step Xiantian, he could not be considered a half-step Xiantian. He was already an existence comparable to a Xiantian master!    


"Innate Expert, if Chang Sheng comes to kill himself …"    


Lin Yuanzhi was so shocked that he shouted and ran. He turned and ran!    


He did not need Lin Yuanzhi to remind him, when he turned around, Lin Lu who was by his side turned around at the same time and ran in the other direction. His thought was simple, Chang Sheng must hate Lin Yuanzhi to the extreme, he ran in different directions with Lin Yuanzhi, Chang Sheng would definitely chase after Lin Yuanzhi, and then he would be able to escape!    


"Still trying to run away!"    


Seeing the two who had escaped, a trace of killing intent flashed under Chang Sheng's eyebrows. The black iron rod in his hand smashed onto Li Chuan's knee with force, and immediately issued a "kacha, kacha" sound. With two sounds, both of Li Chuan's legs were broken. He then raised his legs, and picked up Li Chuan's long blade, throwing it far away from Lin Lu when he was injured. Lin Lu once bribed Chang Jia's three evil slaves in order to kill him.    


Under the night sky and under the illumination of the moonlight, the silver longblade shone with a bright light. It instantly cut through the sky and pierced into Lin Lu's heart from behind!    


"Ah …"    


With a miserable scream, Lin Lu plopped to the ground.    


"And Lin Yuanzhi!"    


Chang Sheng's figure flashed, and quickly chased after Lin Yuanzhi. In a few dozen breaths of time, he had already rushed behind Lin Yuanzhi.    




With a heavy kick, Chang Sheng directly kicked Lin Yuanzhi into an uninhabited house.    


"Lin Yuanzhi, do you think I will let the person who wants to kill me escape?"    


Chang Sheng walked into the room and looked at Lin Yuanzhi with anger.    


"I... It's them, it's them who want to kill you. Chang Sheng, it's none of my business. " Lin Yuanzhi looked at Chang Sheng who was approaching step by step, and explained with a panicked expression. Due to his nervousness, he did not even realize that Chang Sheng's tone of voice was not like that of a fool.    


"Who are you lying to?" Chang Sheng roared out, and stared straight into Lin Yuanzhi's eyes: "Don't think that I don't know about the matter of you making Lin Lu collude with my family's servants to kill me!"    


"Ah …" You know about that! " Lin Yuanzhi said reflexively, and his face changed drastically. He pointed at Chang Sheng in fear, "You're not an idiot!"    


"What do you think?" Chang Sheng retorted as he strode over to Lin Yuanzhi's side. "Tell me, why did you kill me? Who instructed you to do this?!"    


Knowing that Chang Sheng was not an idiot, Lin Yuanzhi knew that he could not escape anymore. He instantly closed his eyes and said: "No one is ordering me, I want to kill you."    


"Do you think I believe you?" Chang Sheng kicked Lin Yuanzhi and said fiercely, "Tell me, who ordered you to kill me? I can give you a quick death like that, otherwise, I would've used quite a few methods to torture people here."    


"I've already said it, without anyone to order me around, even if you don't believe me, I can't do anything about it." Lin Yuanzhi opened his eyes and looked at Chang Sheng, he suddenly extended his tongue, and bit down.    


"Not good, he wants to commit suicide!"    


Chang Sheng's pupils constricted as he reached out his hand like lightning and stuck it tightly into Lin Yuanzhi's mouth. After confirming that he could not commit suicide, he let out a long sigh of relief. He never thought that Lin Yuanzhi would actually choose to commit suicide in order to keep a secret. It seemed that only that piece of news would be able to force him to tell the truth.    


As he thought about this, Chang Sheng brought his face close to Lin Yuanzhi and softly said: "Lin Yuanzhi, you can choose to commit suicide, but I don't know if your son in the Imperial City can choose to commit suicide like this, if that great character finds out that the son he raised for so many years was actually your flesh and blood, what kind of consequences would that have!"    


As soon as Chang Sheng's words fell, in an instant, Lin Yuanzhi's entire person froze up. Even when Chang Sheng released the hand that was grabbing him, he did not feel it. He was truly shocked. Other than him, and his son's mother, there was no one else in the world who knew about his son. How did Chang Sheng find out?    


"Don't think about how I know. If you want to know, don't do it yourself. You should have heard of this before. Lin Yuanzhi, now I will give you a chance. As long as you tell me who ordered you to do so, I can keep this secret for you. Otherwise, I will spread this secret throughout the world. "    


"Why should I believe you?"    


"You can only trust me." Chang Sheng said indifferently, he looked at Lin Yuanzhi: "Do you want to say it or not!"    


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