Fool Immortal Pill Emperor

C77 Late at night

C77 Late at night

3"I can tell!" But so what? They don't know my true strength, so let's see who is the one who wants to lure me out! "    


Chang Sheng smiled, turned around, grabbed his black iron rod, and jumped out of the window, chasing after the person in front. His Half-Step Postcelestial was already at its peak, and his speed was clearly faster than his opponent's. However, he didn't overtake the other party. Instead, he maintained his speed and followed behind him.    


Outside the Fengdu City, six black figures were hidden in the dark.    


"Boss Li Chuan, do you think Ol 'Five can successfully lure that fool out?" A black shadow who was bored from waiting couldn't help but ask.    


"You said it yourself, he's a fool. Do you think he won't fall for it!?"    


Li Chuan said snappily as he closed his mouth and turned to look at Lin Yuanzhi and Lin Lu. Today, Lin Yuanzhi had sent him Fengdu City and Chang Jia's map. With the blueprint, if Ol 'Five couldn't lure a fool out, then he didn't have the qualifications to be one of the Five Tyrants of Mount Meng.    


The night was very quiet. Occasionally, a breeze would blow by, bringing a bit of life to the quiet night.    


Suddenly, two sonic booms rang out in the night sky. It was extremely clear in the silence.    


"It's Fifth Brother and that fool!"    


Li Chuan looked at the person from before.    


"The three of you, go and kill that brat with Ol 'Five." He was an expert of the Innate Stage, and there was no need for him to act against a fool who was not even twenty years old. All four of his subordinates possessed Peak Of Sublimation, so they were more than enough to deal with that fool.    


Hearing that, the second, third and fourth of the Five Tyrants of Mount Meng behind Li Chuan immediately took out their big swords and rushed towards Chang Sheng.    


The instant Li Chuan saw Chang Sheng, Chang Sheng also saw Li Chuan.    


"Hmm? Wasn't that the people in the portrait? It's actually the Five Tyrants of Mount Meng. I have no grievances or grievances with them, what are they trying to do by luring me out? " Chang Sheng was stunned for a moment. He glanced behind Li Chuan and discovered a familiar figure.    


"Lin Yuanzhi, it's actually him! He is by Li Chuan's side, which means to say that he was the one who colluded with the Five Tyrants of Mount Meng to frame me tonight, and the person beside him, is his house's chief butler, Lin Lu! "    


A City Guard General actually colluded with the imperial government to commit a crime!    


In front of Chang Sheng, the masked Ol 'Five had been luring him the entire way, and when he saw his other three brothers charging towards him, he turned around at the same time and unsheathed the large blade on his back with a "clang".    


"Idiot, wasn't it great of you to chase me just now?" Was it so urgent to be reborn? "Since that's the case, I'll send you on your way."    


As the fifth brother said that, he waited for the other three brothers to come over. The four of them immediately spread out around Chang Sheng, forming a circle around him, then moved together to slash at Chang Sheng from four directions. They had heard that although the person in front of them was a fool, he wasn't weak at all. If that was the case, they would definitely join forces and attack together.    


"Humph!" Four guys with Peak Of Sublimation trying to deal with me, aren't you underestimating me a little too much! "    


Chang Sheng secretly snorted as he grabbed the black iron rod with both hands and raised the two meter long black iron rod horizontally. Suddenly, he turned his feet, and his entire body started to spin intensely like a spinning top.    






"A fool is still a fool. How can he confront someone else like that?!"    


"Do you think you can deal with the four of us by spinning? When the iron rod began to rotate, it seemed like it would be airtight, but that was only an illusion. In fact, it was nothing more than a metal rod!    


Seeing Chang Sheng's actions, the four tyrants sneered, their movements did not change. After Chang Sheng's iron rod spun again, the four of them all slashed at the spinning Chang Sheng!    




The masked fifth brother just had time to close in and swing his blade, when suddenly, a black light flashed in front of his eyes, and the black iron rod's swinging speed suddenly increased, the originally dodging blade actually got hit by the black iron rod.    


Immediately, the fifth brother heard a crisp sound in his ear, and the steel blade in his hand instantly shattered. A peerless strength spread along his arm, and he was sent spinning to the side.    


Chang Sheng roared out, the Berserk Demonic Energy in his hands started to circulate at full power, after stepping into the Half-Step Postcelestial, a total of twenty thousand kilograms of power surged out, instantly causing the black iron rod to smash into the steel blade in Ol 'Five's hands, and it did not slow down at all as it swept Ol' Five along with it towards its next opponent.    


"Clang clang clang clang."    


With four consecutive crisp sounds, the black iron rod in Chang Sheng's hand danced swiftly, and in an instant, it shattered the weapons held by the four tyrants. A string of crisp sounds rang out almost at the same time, and the few who had lost their weapons could only endure the tyrannical bombardment of the black iron rod at the same time.    


"Dong Dong Dong …"    


Chang Sheng waved the black iron rod and spun it around three times before stopping. As his movements halted, four heads that had no bodies flew out a few meters due to the lack of inertia, and landed on the ground.    


Ah!" They, they were all beaten to death! In an instant!    


Lin Lu looked at the four bald heads in shock, this was the first time he had seen Chang Sheng make a move, he did not expect that the four people who were beaten to death were actually not just some random people, but countless bloodthirsty bandits that were killed by Chang Sheng in one move! This Chang Sheng is too scary!    


"Formidable, he actually killed these four useless things so easily." I really did not expect that you were not a fool with Peak Of Sublimation, but instead, a fool who had already stepped into Half-Step Postcelestial, and even had such a powerful Secret Method! "    


Li Chuan looked at the four heads on the ground, then suddenly started clapping and praising them: "I don't have any deep feelings for these four, they are just my four dogs, just run errands for me. But dogs are useful! " Saying that, Li Chuan's face suddenly became sinister: General Lin told me to kill you, and now that you have killed my dog, it means that I cannot let you live!    


With that last word, Li Chuan suddenly erupted, he pulled out his blade from his back and rushed towards Chang Sheng. He also used a blade from the Four Tyrants that were beaten to death by Chang Sheng just now, but his blade technique was many times stronger than the Four Tyrants' blade technique.    


"Today, I will let a fool like you experience the power of Innate Expert!"    


Li Chuan shouted, he pushed his speed to the limit and instantly rushed in front of Chang Sheng, slashing out with his blade!    


"Such a fast speed!"    


Chang Sheng looked at Li Chuan who was rushing towards him and did not dare to be careless. He retracted the black iron rod, and after accumulating power, he thrust it towards Li Chuan's incoming blade like a spear.    




The round head of the black iron rod collided with the blade and sword, emitting a clear sound in the middle of the night.    


"What a strong force!"    


The opponent's staff strength was no less than twenty thousand kilograms. After he used his Secret Method, he only had around nineteen thousand kilograms, and it was actually one thousand kilograms less than the opponent's.    


Twenty thousand kilograms, this was definitely something that only the Innate Expert could attain. But the other party was clearly only a person with Half-Step Postcelestial, how could he have such great strength!    


Li Chuan couldn't figure it out, but he knew that he had wrongly estimated his opponent's strength. His opponent's weapon was heavier than his own weapon, so if he were to fight head on, he would be at a disadvantage.    


Instantly, Li Chuan's wrist shook, and the blade in his hand slid along the black iron rod's smooth and round edge to the side.    


"This guy, what an exquisite Martial Skills!"    


Chang Sheng was shocked. He thought that this strike could destroy his opponent's weapon, but who would have thought that his opponent's techniques would be so quick! It was no wonder that the Jiang Yang bandits had such rich combat experience. They were both in the Innate Expert, but Huang Qin, who was killed within the Lymon, was far inferior to him!    


Chang Sheng was surprised. His hands did not slow down in the slightest because of his thoughts, as he flipped his arm over. At the same time, he took a step forward, and the black iron rod swept out!    


Looking at the black iron rod that was sweeping towards him, Li Chuan's heart tightened. Just now, this fool's pole was a full twenty thousand kilograms. At such a moment, he had to use the Secret Method!    


Both of his eyes focused, and the Innate Genuine Qi in Li Chuan's body followed a strange route as he quickly moved. His entire body became slightly faster, and with a twist of his waist, he dodged the black iron rod that was sweeping towards him.    


"En, the opponent's power is indeed strong, but the weapon he uses is such a heavy and heavy stick. Since that's the case, then I will rely on my exquisite Martial Skills to kill him at close range!"    


Li Chuan dodged Chang Sheng's waved stick and concentrated on hiding. He did not believe that his opponent would not be able to find any loopholes when he brandished such a big stick. Once he managed to grab onto the loophole, he would be dead for sure!    


In the distance, Lin Lu looked at the two people fighting with worry, he only had the strength of Body Forging Stage, the speed of the fight between Chang Sheng and Li Chuan was simply too fast, he could not see clearly, and could only ask Lin Yuanzhi with a panicked expression: "Family Head, what's the situation now, it seems like Chang Sheng has the advantage!"    


"No, Li Chuan is just looking for an opening, don't be anxious." Lin Yuanzhi casually replied, his eyes looking straight at the center of the stage unblinkingly.    


Li Chuan brandished his long blade and used all his might to resist the black iron rod that Chang Sheng was smashing at him, but he was getting more and more surprised. This fool's Stick Method looked really crude, but he was unable to find an opening to charge into this crude looking Stick Method.    


"What exactly is this Stick Method!? It's clearly so simple and ruthless, yet he doesn't want to keep on being like a set of Stick Method after the other profound Martial Skills s have been unleashed. He doesn't even have a single move, yet he's actually forcing himself to fight against it head on! "    


Li Chuan was extremely depressed in his heart. After a few rounds, he had actually been passively defending, while his opponent had been forcing him to fight him head on! Although he himself was a Innate Expert, and had sent out Innate Genuine Qi that was purer than the opponent's spirit energy, he had no choice but to be weaker than the opponent, and his weapon did not take advantage, so he could only fight on equal footing with the opponent.    


"F * ck, since laozi can't find a loophole, laozi will continue wasting my time with you!" A fellow with Half-Step Postcelestial like you, who has the strength of twenty thousand kilograms, must have used a Secret Method. Although a Secret Method of that level is strong when it is used, it would definitely consume a great deal of the spirit energy in your body.    


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