Fool Immortal Pill Emperor

C135 Go to the door

C135 Go to the door

4"Chang Sheng went to catch the birds." When Chang Sheng heard these ethereal words, he immediately became excited. Raising his head, he excitedly gestured, "Chang Sheng sees two little birds, they look really nice. One is red, while the other is blue."     0


"Oh, Little Sheng, in the future, you have to remember to tell Senior Sister Piao Miao or Small Cause when you go out to play. That way, we can only find you if we want to play with you.    


If Chang Sheng was present, he would definitely be able to keep all of them here.    


By the side, Guo Feng heard the words of the Misty Sword, and laughed secretly in his heart, the Young Master was not out to play, but was out to do some serious work, how could he tell anyone the truth, the Misty Sword was saying it in vain.    


"Alright, Faintly. Now that everyone has been gathered, let's go."    


Guo Feng said, he turned and waved to the servants behind him, and said: "Let's go to Pan Family, and take back what belongs to us Chang Jia."    


Chang Sheng, Guo Feng and the people from the Misty Peak brought Chang Jia and walked out of Chang Jia. On the way, the vast crowd quickly caught the attention of the passersby.    


"Which clan are they from? So many people are traveling together, and they're even carrying weapons! Where are they going?!"    


"This seems to be Chang Jia's man?"    


"Chang Jia? Was it that Chang Jia who caught the great thief Li Chuan? Where are they going? "    


"Just keep up and take a look."    


On the Mengshan City street, groups of people who did not have anything urgent to do followed Chang Sheng and the others from a distance. Some of them were from families, some were rangers, and some were even rogue bullies that lived on the streets.    


Following along the road, everyone realized that Chang Jia and the rest had finally stopped, and an exceptionally tall courtyard door appeared in front of them.    


"Pan Residence!" Chang Jia is actually here at the Pan Residence, they are here to cause trouble! "    


"Chang Jia and the rest of his family have always been in a small place in the county. They had just arrived at Mengshan City, yet they actually dared to seek trouble with Pan Family. Pan Family is one of the biggest families in our clan! "    


Chang Jia has two Innate Expert s, and his Pan Family is only one, so Chang Jia is not afraid of his Pan Family. "" Is that so?    


"It's like this. Why did Chang Jia come to the Pan Family for no reason at all?"    


"I think it's because of Chang Jia's family." Amongst the people, a person within the crowd who knew something said, "My cousin is the An Family's guard. According to him, today, Pan Family and An Family, along with Li Family and Tian Family brought people to Chang Jia. My cousin was lucky enough to stay outside and did not enter Chang Jia's residence. Because in the end, he only saw his clan's Family Head and three other Family Head s come out. The rest were all trapped in Chang Jia and have not come out yet. "    


A group of people discussed Chang Jia's actions of coming here from afar, and there were even a few people who left far away to report this matter to Family Head. Inside the Pan Family, a servant frantically found his own Family Head.    


Master, it's bad, Chang Jia has brought someone to our house!    


"What?" Chang Jia's people are really here? " Pan Xian was shocked at first, but quickly calmed down. Looking at the subordinates who came to report, he shouted sternly: "What are you saying and panicking! So what if Chang Jia has come, follow me, old master, to fight them! "    


Pan Xian strode towards the door. It seemed like Chang Jia had two Innate Expert s, and his only one Innate Expert seemed to have been killed by someone. Right now, there were no Innate Expert guarding the door, but so what!    


Since it was daytime now, and this was the entire central region of the county, so what if Chang Jia's men were stronger than their Pan Family? That was an act of blatantly looking down on the empire. Unless they went crazy, doing so would result in their doom!    


The more Pan Xian thought about it, the more he felt that his thoughts were right. Calming down, he slowed down his steps and walked out at a leisurely pace. However, before he even reached the door, the road in front of him was already blocked.    


Chang Sheng, Misty, Guo Feng brought Chang Jia and the others and entered the Pan Family, blocking Pan Xian's path.    


"Guo Feng, what do you mean by bringing so many of your Chang Jia s to my Pan Family?"    


Pan Xian glanced at Chang Sheng, and his gaze immediately landed on Guo Feng. Although Chang Sheng was the young master of Chang Jia, he knew that Chang Sheng was a fool, and the one who was in charge of everything was Guo Feng.    


"What else can we do? Of course it's to take back what belongs to us, Chang Jia. I have already heard from my Chang Jia branch family, that they have sold their Marketplace to you. However, they do not have the qualifications to sell our Marketplace, because that Marketplace belongs to us. Right now, our Zongjia is to retract our Marketplace.    


Guo Feng took out a silver note from his bosom: "I know that you spent five hundred thousand silver to buy the Marketplace, and I have one million silver here, so return the Marketplace to us, Chang Jia. This one million silver is yours, it's more than enough to let you make a loss, right?"    


Behind Chang Jia, the crowd that followed him, were all stunned when they heard Guo Feng's words. So Pan Family had actually bought the Marketplace of Chang Jia's branch family, and in the end, had only spent five hundred thousand silver taels, which was one of the best Marketplace in the entire Mengshan City!    


It was no wonder that Chang Jia came today.    


"I won't sell the Marketplace!" Pan Xian did not even look at the banknotes in Guo Feng's hands, and rejected them immediately. What a joke, the value of his Marketplace must be above 10 million gold, a mere 1 million silver was already enough to buy it, it was a huge joke.    


I do not care what problems your Chang Jia's Zongjia and branch family has, in short, I paid for the Marketplace, and it is written clearly on the white paper and black text. The Marketplace is mine now, and I do not wish to sell it to you, scram, and do not come and bother me!    


After Pan Xian finished speaking, he turned and walked back, he was not afraid of Chang Jia's men suddenly attacking him, it was better! The tone of the voice just now was so harsh that it was purposely used to anger Chang Jia, as long as Chang Jia's men made a move, he would immediately send someone to inform City Guard General.    


The City Guard General had always hated Chang Jia, and now, he had found a reason for the City Guard General to take care of him. The City Guard General had helped him take care of Chang Jia, and had come into contact with his own worries.    


The corner of Guo Feng's mouth twitched as he looked at Pan Xian's departing figure, and he sneered. This old fox truly wanted to enrage his group, and his plan was perfect, but unfortunately, he had met his young master.    


Guo Feng turned his head to look at young master Chang Sheng, and at the same time, Chang Sheng's voice rang out.    


"Senior Sister Piao Miao, what are you all talking about? Chang Sheng didn't understand a word he said, but it's boring here. If Chang Sheng wants to go out and play, you should go play with him. "    


As soon as Chang Sheng's words fell, the mouths of the people with Pan Family facing him twisted, as traces of mockery appeared on their faces. Even further away, there were a few sounds of light ridiculing laughter.    


"What a fool, they, Chang Jia, came here to retrieve their Marketplace. If they didn't give it to him, then it's fine even if they don't understand it, but they're actually still thinking about playing at a time like this!"    


"Ai …" Chang Jia is really unlucky to have met such a foolish young master. "    


Hearing the discussion, Guo Feng laughed in disdain in his heart. Was his young master an idiot? People like them who mocked their young master as a fool were the real idiots; they could actually understand their young master's thoughts!    


Guo Feng turned his head to look at Chang Sheng, and purposely said loudly: "Young Master, we came to retrieve our things, but that old man didn't give it to us."    


"Something from our family?" Chang Sheng pointed suspiciously at the distant Pan Xian, and asked loudly: "He didn't return Chang Sheng's things to him?"    


"Yes, young master, our Chang Jia's things will sooner or later belong to you. It is equivalent to him taking your things." Guo Feng nodded heavily.    


"Old bastard, steal Chang Sheng's things!"    


Chang Sheng suddenly bellowed in anger, holding onto his black iron rod, he instantly rushed in front of Pan Xian, stopping him from leaving.    


"Old thing, give Chang Sheng his item!"    


Pan Xian was startled by Chang Sheng's sudden appearance, he looked at the thick and long black iron rod in Chang Sheng's hand, and quickly retreated to the back of the two guards. Chang Sheng was a fool, a fool cannot use normal people's thoughts to think, if he was angered, and the pole was smashed down, he would be in trouble, and he would have to first protect his own safety.    


"However, I can make use of this fool!"    


Pan Xian's eyes turned and an idea popped out. He should have provoked this fool on purpose, and then let this fool take action. The two guards by his side were experts in Peak Of Sublimation, so he would definitely not be able to beat them, and when that time came, Chang Jia's people would attack. As long as Chang Jia's people attacked, he would immediately escape in the chaos to find City Guard General, and everything would be settled then.    


As he thought about it, Pan Xian pointed at Chang Sheng and scolded him, "You fool, you don't have any form of education at all. "I'm telling you, idiot, this thing is now mine, not yours. This is also my home, and is not a place where you can behave atrociously. Now scram!"    


"You scolded Chang Sheng!" Chang Sheng's eyes instantly widened, the black iron rod in his hand raised above his head: "Chang Sheng hates cursing the most, Chang Sheng will beat you to death!"    


As Chang Sheng said that, the black iron rod in his hand became round, and he threw it towards Pan Xian.    


In front of Pan Xian, the two guards who had been observing Chang Sheng this whole time, upon seeing Chang Sheng's movements, immediately moved closer to him, raising the weapons in their hands to block the black iron rod. The two of them, who were experts in Peak Of Sublimation, probably wouldn't have a problem blocking the other party.    


Just as the thought emerged in their minds, they knew that they were wrong in the next moment. A violent gust of wind blew over their heads, causing their bodies to sway. An incredibly thick black iron rod smashed down on their heads, its speed was so fast that no one could react to it.    


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