My Gorgeous Fiancee

C288 Twisted Melon Is Not Sweet

C288 Twisted Melon Is Not Sweet

4Li Lu realized that Wu Shangwen was spying on her, feeling both embarrassed and angry at the same time, regretting that she had used the high side leg technique on them.     3


However, at this moment, her lower leg was firmly grasped by Wu Shangwen's hand, as if it was held by an iron pincer, not moving at all.    


When he thought about how the scene below was being watched by this beast, he couldn't help but wish that he could skin this person alive.    


Wu Zewen glanced at the other party's leg, then slapped it. Only then did he let go of his hand. From the feeling he got from his hand, he knew his guess was correct. It was indeed closer than Ye Mengyi and baby Fan.    


Looking at that red handprint, Li Lu even had the heart to kill Wu Shangwen. In the next moment, she was like a berserk lioness, fiercely attacking Wu Shangwen.    


Wu Zewen dissolved them one by one, and just as the two were fiercely fighting each other, they suddenly heard a girl's scream from downstairs.    


Not only did Wu Congwen have excellent eyesight and hearing, he also recognized Yang Shu's voice instantly. He punched Li Lu and forced her back a few steps. Before he could go downstairs, he opened the window and jumped down.    


Li Lu was astonished. Not knowing what had happened, she leaned on the window and looked down. Her face turned pale with fright. She hastily took her down from the room, put on her down jacket and flew downstairs.    


Having said that, after Yang Shu received a call from Wu Shangwen, he specifically bought a piece of tofu and excitedly rushed home, preparing to cook tofu for Big Brother Wu at noon.    


When he thought of tofu, Yang Shu recalled the ambiguous misunderstandings he had over tofu when he was eating with the other party. Thinking about it, Yang Shu's cheeks felt a little hot.    


After all, Yang Shu was also a young girl in his early twenties. He was also clueless about the matters between a man and a woman.    


She thought to herself, after dating Wu Shangwen for so long, she still hadn't taken his kiss. She wondered how long he had grown up, how many of her friends had broken through that barrier with their boyfriends, and even the youngest one was only 15 years old.    


Was it because he wasn't attractive enough for Wu Shangwen, or was it because the other party didn't like him?    


Yang Shu let his imagination run wild as he walked back.    


The market was not far from her residence. It was at the back of the building, about ten minutes' walk away.    


Unexpectedly, he had just come downstairs and had not entered the corridor yet.    


With an ear-piercing screech, a Hummer came to a stop in front of him. Two tall men wearing black suits and sunglasses alighted from the Hummer. Seeing the eye-catching black spider on their wrists, Yang Shu's expression immediately changed.    


Just as he was about to run back into the corridor, he was stopped by a tall security guard. The other party was like a mountain.    


"Darling, it's been a while, but I've missed you so much. "Haha."    


Yan Kai Fu walked out of the car, laughing loudly as he walked towards Yang Shu with his arms wide open, wanting to give her a hug.    


Yang Shu looked at Yan Kai in disgust, he took a step back and slapped the other party's hand away, and coldly said, "Yan Kai Fu, please show some respect. If you dare to pester, I'll call the police. "    


Yang Shu took out his phone and was about to make a call.    


On the first ring, Yan Kai Fu knocked the other party's phone to the ground, his tone fierce, "Yang Shu, don't forget, you are my fiancee. "How is it possible for a husband to come to find his fiancee and bring her home? Is this still breaking the law?"    


Yang Shu angrily said, "Yan Kai Fu, don't go overboard, I have already told you so many times, I don't feel anything for you, I don't feel anything at all, do you know?" A forcefully twisted melon is not sweet. "    


Hearing Yang Shu's words, Yan Kai Fu took a step back, glancing at him from head to toe. Although it was winter and Yang Shu was wearing a black windbreaker, it was still difficult to conceal her exquisite figure, especially the mountain peak in front.    


"Tsk tsk, who said that a forcefully twisted melon is not sweet? As long as it's a beautiful woman, then the taste of her in bed is very fragrant. It makes one have an endless amount of aftertaste …"    


Yan Kai Fu stared lecherously at Yang Shu.    




At the same time, in her heart, she was hoping that Wu Shangwen would hurry over so that she could help her rescue him.    


"Haha, don't men feel disgusted, don't women love it? Come on, come home with me. We'll be getting married in three days. At that time, if you don't appear, I'm worried that the moment my father gets angry, your Dad and that Jiang-Nan organization will disappear forever! "    


Yan Kai said with a smile that did not reach his eyes.    


Yang Shu took a deep breath, and said calmly, "As you said, there are still three days left. That is to say, I am not your fiancee yet, so you can't interfere with my life now." Please leave. Three days later, I will go to your house and marry you. "    


Yan Kai Fu rolled his eyes and laughed sinisterly: "I've been thinking about you for three months and I don't want to wait any longer. Come, get on the carriage with me now. I've booked a room already."    


Finished speaking, Yan Kai Fu pulled Yang Shu towards the Hummer.    


Yang Shu screamed and started arguing with the other party. He would rather die than get on the car. In a moment of desperation, he fiercely bit at the other party's hand.    




Yan Kai hurriedly let go of Fu Tong's hand in pain.    


"He … "Fuck, you're refusing a toast and refusing a forfeit!"    


As he finished speaking, he sent a round arm flying towards Yang Shu's face.    


However, before his hand could even touch the other party's face, he suddenly felt a gust of wind strike him from above. However, before his hand could even touch the other party's face, he suddenly felt a gust of wind strike him from above.    


It was precisely Wu Shangwen who jumped down from the stairs and kicked Yan Kai Fu's face. With this kick, he transferred all of the inertia from his descent onto Yan Kai Fu's head.    


"Are you alright? "Who are these people?"    


Wu Shangwen looked at Yang Shu and saw that he was unharmed, so he was relieved.    


Yang Shu said, "Brother Wu, I can't explain this sentence to you clearly. I will explain it to you slowly in the future." Today, you must not let them take me away. "    


Yang Shu snuggled up to Wu Shangwen, who was in his arms. Just now she was truly frightened, just in case Wu Shangwen arrived a little later and she was dragged into the car. The consequences would be unimaginable.    


"Don't worry, I'm here. No one will be able to take you away. "    


After Wu Zewen finished speaking, he pulled Yang Shu behind him.    


At this moment, the two security guards also rushed over and helped Yan Kaifu up from the ground.    


At this moment, Yan Kai Fu had a very interesting expression on his face. There was a large footprint in the middle of his face, and his mouth was rolling up, his incisors were all missing, his mouth was full of blood, and his head had been kicked all over. He had been pampered since he was young, and he had never experienced such a scene before.    


When he saw the dubious actions of his fiancee cuddled in his opponent's arms, he understood what was going on.    


"Fuck, take your dirty hands off my fiancee! Do you know who I am? "    


As Yan Kai Fu had lost a front tooth, it was hard to avoid a leak in his speech.    


Wu Zewen was stunned. Looking at Yang Shu's expression, then thinking about what Li Lu said to him just now, then looking at the playboy and the two Hummer beside him, he finally understood what was going on. He was here to force the marriage.    


"Kid, you were the one who broke my car just now, right?"    


Wu Congwen clearly remembered the license plate number of the car.    


Yan Kai Fu looked at the land cruiser beside him and laughed out loud, "I have too many cars, with your broken car, I'll give you face." What are you two still standing around for? Hurry up and send him away. It would be best if he became crippled for life. This is the result of going against this young master. "Hahahaha …"    


As soon as Yan Kai finished speaking, two bodyguards surrounded Wu Zewen from the left and right.    


The two security guards had only paid attention to their surroundings and never thought that someone would jump down from above. When they looked up, a window on the sixth floor was open, indicating that the person had jumped down from the sixth floor.    


Furthermore, he was not only unharmed, but also injured the young master. This young master's power must not be underestimated.    


The bald bodyguard at the front suddenly shot out a ray of cold light from his sleeve and slapped towards Wu Zewen's face. Wu Zewen could clearly see that it was a throwing stick. If he was hit by it, his entire head would burst open.    


The other security guard with a knife scar on his chin took the opportunity to circle behind him and suddenly kicked his waist with a ruthless technique. The two of them cooperated very well and it could be seen from their first moves that they were professional bodyguards.    


But unfortunately, the opponent they met was Wu Shangwen.    


Wu Zewen didn't lower his head to dodge. Instead, he used his empty hand to grab the bald bodyguard's wrist. Then, he borrowed the strength of the opponent's force to twist his waist and used the rod to smash fiercely towards Scarface's calf.    


Scarface was caught off guard and was hit squarely in the middle. He immediately hugged his shin while squatting on the ground. His facial muscles contorted in pain.    


Soon after, with a flip of his hand, the bald man cried out miserably as the rod fell to the ground with a 'kacha' sound.    


Without giving the other party a chance to catch his breath, Wu Zewen kicked his stomach again, causing his body to fly backwards. In the end, the other party fell on his knees and kneeled on the ground.    


However, very quickly, the bodyguard stood up, took out a dagger from his waist, and stabbed towards Wu Zewen's waist.    


Wu Shangwen was secretly shocked in his heart. If this was a bodyguard with an extended hand, he would have been unable to stand up a long time ago, but the other quickly stabbed at him again. It could be seen that this person had a certain level of resistance.    


Wu Shangwen dodged to the side and grabbed onto the other party's hand holding the dagger, while his other hand grabbed onto the other party's belt. With the strength of his waist, he directly threw the person over his head.    


The bodyguard who was kicked in the stomach behind him struggled to stand up, but was smashed to the ground by the bodyguard who flew towards him.    


The two struggled to stand up, their eyes flashed with a trace of viciousness. With an angry roar, they pounced towards Wu Zewen.    




Just then, Li Lu walked out from the corridor. When she saw Yan Kai Fu, a trace of surprise flashed across her eyes. As a high ranking member of Jiang-Nan organization, she naturally recognized that the person in front of her was the Black Spider Organization's second young master.    


A famous foppish young master of the J Province was proficient in gambling, eating, drinking, and so on. Relying on the fact that his father was the leader of the Black Spider Organization, no one dared to mess with him in the J Province.    


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