My Gorgeous Fiancee

C247 I Can Cure Your Illness

C247 I Can Cure Your Illness

0Jing Jing Jing grabbed his collar, her body still trembling from excitement.    2


"You have insulted my innocent body, can I still let you live in this world? If it was you, would you? "    


When she said those last words, her voice suddenly became shrill, like an angry lioness, and she wanted to swallow Wu Rong in one gulp.    


Wu Zewen really wanted to tell her: Were you the one who forced me to rape you just now!    


However, he knew that if he were to say such words, he really wouldn't be far from death.    


Immediately, he hurriedly said, "What I mean is that if you kill me now, there won't be anyone in this world that can cure your illness. Think about it carefully."    


She knew that what the other party said was true. Just now, when she leaped up and grabbed Wu Zewen, she could already clearly feel that although the Yin energy in her body had decreased a bit compared to before, it was still there.    


As a martial arts master, she naturally knew the effects of all the acupuncture points in the body. That Extreme Middle Acupuncture Point did indeed have the ability to stimulate the mind of the human body, but she thought she could endure it, but she didn't expect it to end like this.    


His most precious chastity was taken away by this bastard. Thinking of this, Jing Jing's heart was set ablaze with fury.    


After a long while, he finally let go of the sword.    


Wu Zewen carefully moved the sword away before sliding off the bed. He quickly ran towards the door and took advantage of the other party's decision to let him go. If he didn't leave now, then he would be a fool.    


"Stop right there!"    


Jing Jing Jing shouted coldly.    


Wu Shangwen immediately stopped and slowly turned around with a face full of shame and said: "This, this, this …" "Just now was just a misunderstanding. I, this, back then, you …"    


However, Jing Jing didn't listen to his explanation. With a ferocious expression, she walked over and said word by word, "The day you finish treating me is the day you die."    


Jing Jing Jing could feel that as long as she pierced him four more times, the Yin energy in his body would be completely expelled. At that time, she would think of ten thousand ways to make Wu Shangwen beg for death.    


Wu Zewen shook his head with a bitter smile. It was truly hard to raise a woman and a vile character!    


He turned around, opened the door, walked out, and drove away.    


However, he soon discovered that there was a car of red beetles behind him. Through the mirror, he could clearly see that the person inside the car was Jing Jing.    


He really didn't expect that this seemingly cold and proud woman could drive such a small, foreign car.    


However, he soon discovered that something was wrong. Wherever his car went, the other party would follow. They were like a ghost that was following him closely.    


Including on the way, Wu Shangwen went to the toilet, and the other side just waited in front of the men's restroom until he came out of it and followed him wherever he went.    


"Hey, look at how charming that bro is. Wherever he goes, that goddess-like girl follows him like a fart."    


"However, looking at the resentment on that girl's face, it's most likely that this bro pushed her to the side, then turned around and abandoned her. It looks like, sigh, a beast …"    


On the main street, two young men stood in front of the newspaper stand and discussed.    


Even though his voice was soft, it was heard by Wu Lie. The injustice he felt in his heart was difficult to put into words.    


Jing Jing stopped in her tracks, turned around, and stared at the two with a chilling gaze. The two felt their hair standing on end, and they trembled in fear as they hurriedly shut their mouths.    


Only then did Jing Jing turn around and leave.    


Finally, Wu Zewen couldn't bear it any longer and turned around to say, "Big sis, I beg of you, please don't follow me anymore, okay? I promised that I won't run away."    


Wu Shangwen begged.    


"Do you think I will believe what you say?"    


Jing Jing Jing's anger had already turned into a cold chill. If this chill could freeze the world, Wu Zewen would have been frozen to death a hundred times over.    


"What can I do to make you believe me?"    


Wu Shangwen spread his hands as he spoke.    


The two of them were arguing on the street. One of them was furious, while the other had a look of shame on his face.    


At this time, an old lady carrying a basket walked over, patted Wu Shangwen on the shoulder and said: "Lad, did you do something to let your wife down? Hurry up and comfort her. As a man, you should be magnanimous."    


Then, the old lady turned around and said to Jing Jing Jing, "My daughter, I can see that this young man is loyal and kind. Even if he does something wrong occasionally, he should still be given a chance. There was a saying, "It's called a fight between two people at the head of a bed. The end of the bed is closed!" If we talk about it properly, there is no problem in life that we can't solve. "    


The old lady sternly warned him a few more times before she shakily walked away.    


This kind of pervert dared to call them 'loyal and kind', and even made her most speechless. This old lady clearly treated the two of them as a couple, and if it was the two boys at the newsstand earlier, Jing Jing would have already taught them a lesson. But this old man had good intentions, so she definitely wouldn't act against him.    


"Yeah, that old man was right. Life is not something that cannot be solved."    


Wu Shangwen borrowed the other party's words.    


Jing Jing Jing's pretty face was filled with coldness as she sneered, "You don't need to comfort me like you are the one who is about to die." "Let's go, you don't have many days of work left. Do whatever you need to do and hurry up."    


Wu Zewen helplessly shook his head. If baby Fan and Ye Mengyi saw this, it would be a huge problem.    


However, as of right now, he didn't have the ability to get rid of this person, but he knew very well that if he didn't cure this person's illness, he would live for one more day.    


Thinking about this, he pretended that there was no one behind him. He would do whatever he had to do, as there was always a way out. So he first went to the bank and swiped his card to check that the 600 million Ye Mengyi gave him was already in the account.    


As a result, the only thing that remained for Wu Shangwen to do was to head to Phoenix Perching City and discuss the transfer of the treasure with Zhou Xingda.    


He called both baby Fan and Ye Mengyi, saying that he was going to Phoenix Perch City and would not go back.    


After saying all this, he hung up the phone.    


In reality, it wasn't that he didn't want to go back, but he didn't dare to. How would he dare to go back with a female Tyrannosaurus Rex behind him?    


He drove straight to Xifeng City.    


Jing Jing was right behind him. Along the way, they passed by a forest. Wu Zewen suddenly stopped the car, opened the door and jumped off the car. He then quickly ran into the woods.    


"You want to escape? It won't be that easy."    


Jing Jing also quickly braked and jumped down to catch up.    


However, in less than three minutes, she exited with a blushing face.    


So it turned out that when he entered earlier, he unexpectedly saw Wu Shangwen peeing and he never would have thought of peeing on him either. He immediately felt a burst of anger and turned around saying: "I have to piss on you too, I really admire you."    


However, because he had been driving for too long, his reaction was better when his bladder was pressured by the blood. He actually forgot about this as he was immediately caught by Jing Jing.    


Jing Jing Jing looked at Wu Zewen and her face immediately flushed red. She immediately recalled the scene from earlier and felt ashamed and angry. She was about to step forward and kick the other party's balls to death.    


How could Wu Shangwen not understand her intentions? He was so scared that he hastily pulled up his pants and hugged his hands between his legs.    


When Jing Jing thought of how she would kill him sooner or later, she was not in a hurry. If she crippled him now and no longer had the energy to treat him, then the loss would not be worth it. Thinking of this, she retreated.    


Jing Jing returned to the car and waited for Wu Shangwen. With her skill, she wasn't worried that he would run away, so in a short while, Wu Shangwen came out leisurely from the small forest.    


He continued to drive until he passed the toll gate and headed in the direction of Xifeng City.    


Jing Jing followed behind. It was already 4 PM. It was winter, and the sky was overcast. The northwest wind blew on the bare trees on both sides of the highway as it whistled sharply.    


Suddenly, snow began falling from the sky and fell onto the front windshield of the car. Wu Congwen turned on the windshield wipers and kept waving them back and forth, slowing down his speed at the same time.    


And the speed of all the cars on the highway slowed down.    


However, the snow was getting heavier and heavier, and along the way, Wu Zewen saw several cars chasing after them. One of the most serious cases was a van being chased by a large truck, directly smashing into a SUV in front of them. The four meter long van was directly compressed to less than half a meter, one could only imagine the bloody scene of the people inside.    


Wu Zewen quickly took out his phone and dialed 110. If he didn't tell him, he would have even thought of getting off the car to help, but now that he got off, it would undoubtedly cause more car accidents.    


Along the way, he had seen too many shocking accidents. Wu Shangwen was being careful, and at the same time, he subconsciously looked at the mirror, only to see Jing who was still following him closely from behind.    


He couldn't help but to shake his head with a bitter smile. From his point of view, the most important thing right now wasn't to go to Phoenix Perch City, but to find the nearest exit to leave the highway.    


After walking forward for a distance, he finally saw an exit sign on the side of the road. It indicated that there was an exit 500 meters in front of him.    


There were also a lot of cars gathered here. It seemed like everyone wanted to leave the highway through this exit.    


At this time, they had already seen police cars with flashing lights appear on the highway, heading towards the location of the accident.    


Wu Zewen slowly queued up and followed at the back, slowly heading towards the exit. At this moment, he heard a "Bang!" The sound of a collision came from the side. In the nearby driveway, two other cars had chased after them. It was a heavy truck, and because its line of sight was blocked, it directly crashed into a modern Beijing Elantris, causing its shape to become distorted.    


Upon seeing this, Wu continued to pull over, opened the car door and ran towards Beijing Hyundai.    


As for why the van in front did not stop in the car accident, it was because it had not yet reached the exit of the highway and was still moving very fast. Once it stopped, it was possible for it to catch up.    


However, at this point, everyone was driving very slowly. If they didn't encounter a special situation like a brake failure, nothing would have happened to them.    


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