My Gorgeous Fiancee

C196 Reparation

C196 Reparation

0Ye Mengyi stretched her waist lazily.    


baby Fan said with a smile.    


"Look at your smug face!" "She's even grooming!" Omin Jie stared at her reproachfully, then turned around and walked out.    


Actually, when she opened the door to face Wu Zhu, it would be a lie to say that she wasn't embarrassed.    


First of all, when he was in the outskirts of the city, he was met by this pervert unintentionally. A few days ago, this pervert secretly peeked at him going to the toilet.    


Or was it because she felt an inexplicable sense of loss when she saw that there was a relationship between Lou Cheng and baby Fan?    


After Omin Jie walked out, just as Wu Shangwen was about to ask what baby Fan wanted him for, the waiter pushed open the door at this moment, followed by Mo TIng Lei.    


"Uncle Mu is here."    


Wu Shangwen and baby Fan hurriedly stood up and said.    


"Director Mu!"    


Baby Van also greeted him.    


Mouthre smiled and nodded.    


"Hur hur, I've made you all wait for a long time. Sorry about that, take a seat."    


The waiter had long pulled out the chair on the main seat in advance and made an inviting gesture, then Mumukeya took his seat.    


Wu Zewen immediately began to chat with the two of them. Although the age difference between the two was great, they had a lot of common topics to discuss. They were both emotional people, so they were able to chat very well.    


After a while, Omin Jie also ordered some dishes and came back.    


However, Mu Chuqiu didn't come out of the bathroom for a long time.    


Wu Shangwen was a bit doubtful in his heart, because he clearly knew just now that the other party's eyes were not dry. It was clearly an excuse.    


Immediately, he stood up and walked out of the room.    


Speaking of which, Mu Xiuqiu was indeed a bit anxious and really went to the washroom. However, when she came out, she met two men in their thirties.    


The room was relatively quiet. As long as there were no customers coming out to use the bathroom or to make a call, or if there were waiters serving the dishes, there would be very few people outside.    


"Yo!" Little sister, which room are you in, tsk tsk... This posture makes Big Bro's eyes go wild with desire. "    


One of the bald man leaned on the door and blocked Mu Chuqiu inside, his eyes unrestrainedly sweeping over the other party's body.    


"How about we find a place to play with big brother …"    


Another man with a golden chain around his neck said as he stared at Mu Xiuqiu with a smile.    


Mu Chuqiu, who was only a university student, had never seen such a scene before. She panicked as she looked at the two of them and retreated.    


"Don't be afraid. Hehe, it's not like I can eat you."    


"It will make you feel so good that you won't be able to stop."    


"You, you, what do you want to do? If you don't leave, I, I'll … I'm going to call for help."    


Mu Chuqiu had retreated to the corner of the room. There was nowhere for her to retreat to now. Her eyes were filled with fear. Looking at their expressions, she could guess what they were thinking without even thinking.    


He wanted to call for help, but his body felt weak and he was unable to do so.    


Furthermore, this place was a dead end for the surveillance cameras, and even the hotel would not notice this. What was even more worrisome was that at this time, there were no more waiters to serve the dishes.    


With an evil grin, the baldy stretched out his pig like hand and grabbed towards Mu Xiuqiu's plump front.    




Mu Chuchu didn't dare to open her eyes as she retreated desperately. She couldn't wait to hide in a corner.    


The more the opponent acted this way, the more excited Baldy felt. It was as if he had been injected with chicken blood.    


However, just as his hand was about to touch Mu Xiuqiu's plump breasts, his entire body suddenly flew into the air and was lifted up by someone from behind.    


Boom! *    


Before the baldy could react, he was hit by a powerful force and smashed against the wall. Only the sound of bones breaking could be heard, and then he fell to the ground like a pile of mud.    


"Hmm? "Who are you? How dare you interfere with our business. Do you know who we are?"    


The other person with a golden chain on his neck easily lifted the bald man up when he saw the newcomer. This kind of power was enough to scare him.    


However, it wasn't good to run away alone, so he could only brace himself and ask.    


The person who came was none other than Wu Shangwen. His cold and fierce gaze stared at the golden chain man, scaring the other party so much that his entire body shivered. He felt as if he was being watched by a venomous snake and fierce beast.    




The golden chained man swallowed a mouthful of saliva and followed up with a kick aimed at Wu Liuwen's ribs.    


Wu Zewen let out a cold snort. His body slightly leaned to the side, and then he ferociously swung his leg downwards.    


With a crack, the sound of bones breaking could be heard.    


"Aooo …"    


In the next moment, the man with the golden chain was rolling on the ground while hugging his legs. He had a pained expression on his face like a pig being butchered.    


Wu Zewen didn't want to blow the matter up. He came here to eat, not to fight. In reality, he hated these kind of people who fought and killed.    


However, there was no other way. Some people needed fists to solve their problems.    


Therefore, Wu Zewen didn't really injure the two of them, when the golden chained man let out a blood-curdling screech just now.    


Wu Zewen grabbed the injured leg, but didn't even look at it. His hand rubbed on it, causing kacha kacha sounds to ring out as the dislocated bone was reattached.    


As for the bald man's injury, it wasn't serious. He just laid on the ground moaning blindly. Then, Wu Zewen turned around and left with Mu Chuqiu.    


Arriving at the private room, the two of them did not say a word about what had just happened.    


After a while, they started to serve the dishes.    


During the meal, Mu Wenlei and Wu Zewen quickly drank until their faces turned red.    


Mu Wenlei patted Wu Shangwen's shoulder and said, "Chengwen, Uncle Mu has something that I need your help with."    


"Tell me, Uncle Mu." As long as it's something I can help with, I'll do my best. "    


Wu Shangwen said.    


"Actually, the reason why I mentioned this to you before was because I wanted you to accompany Minjie to Yunhai City."    


Mu Wenlei actually wasn't willing to say this. After all, Omin Jie had refused this marriage and the prideful Wu Shangwen had even left the Mu family.    


Even now, with something going against the past, Mumukeya still felt a little embarrassed. However, for the sake of the Euclidean Group's development, there was nothing he could do about it.    


After all, no one in his group was qualified for this task.    


Wu Congwen now understood why Omin Jie saw him so enthusiastic, it was because she had a favor to ask from him, she really responded with a sentence: There's nothing to offer, it's adultery or theft!    


Although it is a bit of an understatement to use this phrase to describe Omin Jie, it is actually just like that.    


"Continuing, CEO Ou's trip to Yunhai City is indeed related to the life and death of the company. I asked you to go, just to protect the safety of the CEO. "I suppose you don't want my few months of night shift to go to waste!"    


Baby Fan said.    


Actually, she didn't want Wu to accompany Omin Jie either.    


After all, she wouldn't be able to follow them during this period of time, as she had to take charge of the general situation within the Euclidean Group.    


Seeing that baby Fan and Omin Jie were both looking at him with longing, Wu Shangwen wanted to reject them, but he couldn't say it out loud.    


At this time, Mu Xiuqiu, who had been silent all this time, spoke up.    


"I don't think Brother Wu likes to go. Why don't you accompany me on a trip?" It just so happens that our department has to organize a meeting in Dali during this period of time. "    


Mu Chuqiu said half-jokingly as he looked at Wu Zewen.    


"Eat your food, then what are you doing here?"    


Mu Chuqiu glared at her. How would she know that her little sister had already had that relationship with Wu Zewen? She could only take it as a joke here.    


"Continuing, I know. There are some things that our Mu family has let you down. As your uncle, I will make it up to you. "Let me first toast him with this goblet of wine."    


After he finished speaking, Mumukeya drained the wine dry.    


"Me too!"    


Ominster picked up his glass and drained it.    


"What are you saying, Uncle Mu?" It was as if I didn't know what to say. "Alright, I'll agree on behalf of Uncle Mu."    


Wu Zewen laughed loudly, then picked up his wine cup and drained it as well.    


"The continuation is indeed straightforward. Come, come, let's toast three times in a row."    


Mumuu Lei asked the waiter to fill Wu Xun's cup and then fill it up for him.    


Just as the two were enjoying their drinks, the door to the private room was pushed open and a refined looking young man walked in. This young man, Wu Zewen had met before, was Li Shengji.    


He was also the young master of Shengji Group.    


Behind him followed two people, it was the man with golden chains who had just been taught a lesson by Wu Shangwen, and the baldy as well.    


"Haha, Director Mu. This junior has disturbed you. Just now, my two subordinates were blind and did not recognize Mount Tai. Please forgive me for offending your daughter. Let me drink a cup of apology wine first! "    


After Li Shengji finished speaking, he chattered and finished one.    


"This, this, what is going on?"    


Mu Wenlei was very confused as he asked Mu Xiuqiu, who was beside him.    


"Dad, this is what happened."    


As soon as Chu Qiu finished speaking, she went close to her father's ear and told him about what had just happened.    


Omin Jie also went up to him and told him his identity. He was the person he wanted to talk to in Yunhai City.    


"Oh, since the continuation has already taught these two a lesson, I'll just forget about it. In that case, it might as well be the beginning of autumn, so they won't be harmed."    


Mumu Lei wasn't the kind of person who was narrow-minded. He could pass anything he wanted, but he had to take a step back.    


Li Shengji saw Wu Shangwen the moment he came in, and now that he is sure that his own people were taught a lesson, his eyelids jumped, and he smiled: "That won't do. The daughter had not yet opened her mouth to say that she would forgive them. What are you all still standing there for? "    


When Li Shengji finished speaking, his tone suddenly became stern.    


This baldy was his driver, and the one with the golden chain around his neck was his bodyguard. Normally, he liked to brag about his skill, but he didn't expect that he would fall into the hands of this repulsive young man.    


The baldy started to slap his own mouth as he said, "Big Sis Mu, I'm sorry. It was the two of us who had eyes but failed to recognize Mt. Please don't lower yourself to the same level as us. "    


What Wu Shangwen found the most difficult to deal with was this kind of pretentious attitude. If you're really strict, then why didn't you restrain your subordinates in normal times?    



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