My Gorgeous Fiancee

C173 Loss of Spirit

C173 Loss of Spirit

3Only then did Wu Shangwen relax. He chatted with the other party for a while longer before standing up and leaving.    


When he got in the car, Wu felt that all he had to do was find a house. Although Ominster had given baby Van'er a house a few months ago when she had knocked him down, it was a rough house and he was too busy to do anything about it.    


Since they had come, they might as well find a place to rent first.    


Wu Shangwen recalled what the landlady said this morning, so he drove to a new world near his residence.    


The Beijing real estate industry is extremely developed, especially in the second-hand housing market, where there are as many real estate agencies as cow hair, especially over the river crucian carp.    


However, many of them were asking for a sky-high price to earn some kind of unscrupulous money.    


Since the landlady introduced him, he should be right.    


Wu Zewen parked his car at the entrance of the New World and found that the agency looked quite formal. There were two floors in total and the door was wide open. It couldn't be compared to a small-scale agency.    


Wu Shangwen slowly walked in.    


"Hello, welcome!"    


A pretty girl from the reception desk stood up and greeted him with a smile.    


Although Wu Zewen was dressed in ordinary clothes, a simple casual suit, and a pair of jeans, he didn't wear gold like the other upstarts. But he came in a land cruiser, and now the rich people all liked to keep a low profile.    


Therefore, the young mistress receiving him at the front desk was very enthusiastic.    


"Sir, please take a seat. Would you like to buy or rent a house?"    


"Oh. "Rent a house!"    


"Where do you want to rent it?"    


"Just around here."    


"What type and price are you looking for?"    


The beautiful girl at the front desk recorded it down as she asked.    


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wu Zewen's gaze involuntarily followed the other party's collar and entered. He could faintly see that there was a red-patterned cover inside, but he didn't notice what patterns were embroidered on it.    


When Wu Chonglou looked at it again, the other party had already finished writing and was straightening his back.    


"Cough …" Two rooms, one hall. As for the price, just look for it. As for the price, just look for it! "    


"Alright, then we have a few suitable rented rooms here. If you have time, I can arrange for a shop assistant to take you there. However, our commission is a month's rent."    


"Sure, that's no problem."    


Wu Shangwen said.    


After saying that, the pretty girl started to make calls. However, she contacted a few salespeople, who seemed to be accompanying customers to look at the house.    


"I'm really sorry. The salespeople are out taking customers to see their homes. How about you leave your cell phone number there? When they return, I'll get them to contact you immediately."    


"Alright! 137xxxxxxxx "    


Wu Shangwen left his phone number behind, bid the other party farewell, then stood up and walked out.    


Coincidentally, a tall girl wearing sunglasses brushed past him as he entered the new world. However, at that instant, Wu Shangwen felt a sense of déjà vu.    


He seemed to have seen this person somewhere before, but the other party's appearance was also unfamiliar.    


Perhaps it was just an illusion. Wu Zewen shook his head, opened the door, and the Land Cruiser roared as it drove off into the distance.    


After Wu Shangwen left, the woman in shades turned around to watch him leave, a trace of coldness flashing across her eyes.    


She went into the shop.    


"Director Fan is back!"    


The pretty girl who was in charge of receiving Wu Shangwen immediately stood up and said.    


The sunglasses-wearing lady nodded slightly and asked, "Was that person here to buy or rent a house?"    


"Oh, I'm here to rent a house."    


"Is it registered?"    


"It's already registered. It's right here."    


With that said, the pretty girl handed the registration book over with both hands and said as she flipped to the page with Wu Liangwen.    


The girl in shades took it over and said, "I will be personally responsible for this customer."    


With that said, he took the registration book and headed upstairs to his office.    


After she left, the pretty girl had a puzzled expression on her face. In her impression, the boss had never brought his customers to look at the house. It seemed that this young man had a good background.    


On the other side, Wu Zewen had just turned a corner when his phone rang. When he picked it up, it was the voice of a beauty.    


"Hello, may I ask if this is Mr. Wu?" I am from the new world. "    


"Oh, hello. I'm Wu Shangwen."    


"I just saw your registration information and happened to have several sets of houses that suited you. I wonder when you will have time to accompany me to take a look?"    


Wu Zewen thought that the restaurant's speed was quite fast, but it wasn't surprising that the customers would be taken away by the opponents when the competition was so intense.    


"How about tomorrow afternoon!"    


"Alright, then I'll call you around 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Is that okay?"    


"Yes, of course!"    


"Alright, goodbye."    




The moment the girl in shades put down the phone, she sneered. A murderous look flashed across her eyes.    


He had been thinking about looking for the man who had been signed with the death contract by his employer, but he didn't expect to bump into him today.    


She recalled her short confrontation with him. He was the most powerful person her age had met since her debut. That was why she had a deep impression of him.    


After finishing all these tasks, Wu Shangwen drove back to the Bound Boat Group. After all, he was the vice president here. If he didn't see her often, there would probably be people gossiping about him, making Ye Mengyi feel awkward.    


After arriving at the Blitz Group, Wu Zewen didn't return to his office. Instead, he went straight to the sales floor to inspect. In any case, as the vice president of security, besides protecting Ye Mengyi's safety, he was also in charge of the Blitz System's safe operation.    


Because today was Monday, not many people would come to the supermarket, but even so, in the same industry, the business of the customers who would come could be considered as booming.    


Before he even reached the monopoly area, he already saw that it was surrounded by a lot of people. There were a lot of people, three circles in the middle, three circles in the outside, and at the center, there was a T-shaped stage. On the stage, a beautiful model wearing all kinds of small clothes accompanied the elegant music, showing off her proud and arrogant figure to the audience.    


"What's that for?"    


Director Shen asked a clerk.    


"Oh, you don't know yet, Director Shen. There was a lady in light clothing who did a live show there. The models on the stage were carefully selected, tsk tsk … "    


The delivery man was also a young man in his early twenties, at the height of male hormone secretion, standing on tiptoe and staring unblinkingly at the stage in the distance.    


"Oh, really!"    


As a leader in the upper echelons of the corporation, Wu Zewen rarely visited the marketplace. Furthermore, such activities were managed by the corporation's Propaganda Department. Thus, it was within reason that he didn't know this.    


When the staff in charge of the event saw the Vice-President come to the event venue, they hurriedly made a path through the crowd of onlookers for Wu Zewen to sit on the podium in the front.    


He raised his head and saw that the beauties on the stage were all wearing different kinds of small clothes. Some of them were big and couldn't even cover up their cups, while the rest were exposed outside. When they walked with their cat steps, waves of flesh surged, causing layers of waves in his heart.    


After the competition had lasted for some time, the lights on the stage suddenly dimmed, and the lights inside the supermarket also dimmed.    


On the T-shaped stage, the eyes behind the pink veil stopped for a moment when they saw Wu.    


Why was he here?    


Below the stage, Wu Zewen could feel the beauty looking at him, but the lights on the stage quickly changed and the beauty lying on the bed had already disappeared.    


A feeling of loss arose from the bottom of Wu Shangwen's heart.    


"What was the girl's name just now?"    


Wu Shangwen asked the leader beside him who was in charge of all the guests.    


That person shook his head and said: "CEO Wu, a lot of people wanted to ask about it, but they are just guests. They left immediately after the auction ended."    


"Oh, so that's the case …"    


Wu Zewen nodded. No wonder. If she continued to stay here after the auction, who knows how many people would miss her.    


After the beautiful woman left, the rest of the models were just green leaves. There was nothing much to see, so Wu Zewen got up and left as well.    


After making a round, he returned to his office. When he passed by the Bentos' list of sales rankings, he stopped in his tracks. He wanted to see, in the entire Bentos' system, other than the main store and its geographical location, there were no other branches that could compare with him.    


At a glance, he saw that the number one store was the ninth branch, which was the one where Wu Shangwen had just started his internship at. The manager was Gao Qiang, and he was the one who was wise enough to invite Wu Shangwen into the shop.    


Thinking about it, if it wasn't for the recruitment by Gao Qiang, Wu Shangwen might not have become a must-have guest and would have gotten to know Ye Mengyi.    


Things in the world were always so wonderful.    


As for the list of sales rankings like this, they would be ranked once a month. Wu Shangwen had a better understanding of it, aside from the time when Zhao Wenshan was still around, the sales had always lagged behind.    


Ever since Gao Qiang was brought to the right, the performance of the ninth branch continued to climb higher and higher. From the bottom ten, Gao Qiang had chased them all the way until he finally became the champion. It could be seen that Gao Qiang had great management skills and business skills.    


Seeing that Gao Qiang's photo was so powerful that it suppressed the other heroes, Wu Shangwen couldn't help but feel heartfelt happiness for the other party in his heart.    


Just then, Assistant Wang Fei, who was carrying a folder, walked over. As usual, she was wearing a fitting business suit with a low-cut white shirt inside. The two towering white shirts in front were all tied up under them, looking like they could break out at any moment.    


When she saw Wu Zewen, a car appeared in front of her and she said: "CEO Wu, when did you have the time to come over and see this?"    


Wu Zewen smiled and said, "I just went to patrol the market and passed by, so I came to take a look." Oh, right, is there any special reward for the top of the sales rankings? "    


"Of course, who else would be willing to do that? The manager who was ranked first was rewarded 10,000 yuan, followed by 6,000 yuan, and third place was 3000 yuan. The third to last ranked manager received three thousand, the second ranked manager received two thousand, and the third ranked manager received a thousand. "If he continues to stay in the bottom three for three consecutive months, the manager will directly dismiss him."    


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