My Gorgeous Fiancee

C150 Behind the Scenes

C150 Behind the Scenes

3A trace of a stiff smile flashed across Qin Zhixi's face as he said, "You just need to say yes or no."    


Since the other party said so, then this matter must have been done by him. Even if it wasn't, then at least he was a participant.    


"Did Fourth Bro let you do that?"    


Wu Shangwen asked as he walked over with a smile.    


"Hehe …" You have to consider this carefully, Wu Xunwen. Right now, the market development prospects for the beverages are quite huge. Furthermore, the beverages industry has a wide margin of profit. Many successful people have already had experience in the beverages industry. Do you want to do your own thing, or do you want to give up all this for a woman? "    


Qin Zhixi said as he stared at Wu Shangwen's face.    


Seeing this, the former felt joy in his heart, thinking that his words had moved the other party, so he continued to add on, "Of course, if you agree, I will give you another million dollars. This is close to 10 million Chinese dollars, you can find as many women as you want "    


Wu Zewen nodded. Qin Zhixi thought that he had agreed, so he said, "Since you've agreed, then we'll just write a written contract right now."    


Qin Zhixi had already made up his mind. He would first trick Ye Mengyi into getting her into his possession. What about getting the three university students to revise their statements? As well as the one million dollars, he would first trick Wu Zeyi into writing.    


After the other party signed the document, he placed it in front of Ye Mengyi. He wanted her to see his beloved man sell her out just like that. He believed that Ye Mengyi would hate Wu Zewen for the rest of her life.    


Qin Zhixi quickly brought the pen and paper he had prepared beforehand to Wu Zewen, saying, "You may begin writing now."    


Wu Shangwen raised his head to look at Qin Zhixi with a smile, "What do you want me to write?"    


Qin Zhixi looked surprised and said, "Didn't you agree to it just now? I'll give you one million dollars. Give me Ye Mengyi. "Rest assured, as long as I get Ye Mengyi, the money will be transferred to your card."    


Wu Zewen nodded, picked up a piece of paper and crumpled it into a ball before stuffing it into Qin Zhixi's mouth.    


"Write your head, don't think I don't know what you're up to. The three students will listen to you. "    


"If I'm not wrong, there should be someone behind this, right? "Speak!"    


Wu Chengwen's claw-like hands tightly gripped the other party's wrist, which had started to become stiff and dry. The pain made Qin Zhixi scream miserably like a pig that was being butchered.    


"Damn it, cough cough …" Since you don't agree, then why don't you just play with me here … Cough cough … I won't tell you. Just kill me. "    


Qin Zhixi hated this Wu Shangwen to the bone. Otherwise, he wouldn't have made a death contract with Jing Jing. He would definitely have killed this person.    


"You're not going to say it, right? It's alright!"    


Wu Shangwen finished speaking.    


"Pah!" With a crisp sound, it broke one of his fingers.    


Aooo …    


Qin Zhixi stretched out his neck in pain and screamed incessantly.    


Pah pah pah!    


Wu Zewen's men showed no mercy and broke three of his fingers in a row. The ten fingers were connected to his heart. The enormous pain almost caused Qin Zhixi to faint from the pain as his entire body trembled uncontrollably.    


"I'll tell you, I'll tell you …" "Cough, cough …"    


Qin Zhixi spat out a mouthful of blood and slowly recounted the whole story.    


As Wu Zewen expected, the mastermind behind this was number four from the Black Dragon Gang.    


It turned out that since the end of the road show that day, Fengyuan Fruit Juice's popularity had plummeted.    


Because of this matter, Young Sect Master Yi Engrong was very dissatisfied with Fourth Bro.    


The fourth elder came back feeling uneasy, so he planned for the poison attack.    


Amongst the three students who were poisoned, one of them was called Du Huayu. Both his parents had died, and he was the one with the poorest family background.    


Today, Du Huanyu came out of the school cafeteria as usual. When he reached the corner of a teaching building, he was intercepted by a man wearing sunglasses.    


"Who are you?"    


Du Huanyu saw an unfamiliar man blocking the way, and he asked doubtfully. Moreover, from the looks of the other party's clothes, he didn't look like a student at all.    


"Your name is Du Huanyu, and you've been living in the northern district of the city since you were young, right?"    


The fact that the other party was able to tell his background in one go made Du Huanyu even more suspicious, and he looked at the other party warily. After all, there were too many swindlers in this world.    


"If you have something to say, just say it."    


"Hehe, what a straightforward person. Let's find a quiet place to talk. "    


Du Huayu had nothing to worry about, so he followed the other party to a small forest behind the school. Other than the wild mandarin ducks fighting in the wild at night, it was very quiet during the day.    


"Speak, what is it?"    


Du Huanyu stopped and asked the other party.    


"I'm here to give you money."    


Then, the man in shades told Du Huanyu about his plan. Of course, he told Du Huanyu that he could be at ease with being poisoned because they provided the HYU virus that they bought from overseas.    


After half a month, the virus would dissipate into the body. As the urine and urine were excreted, the virus would be removed from the body. However, there would not be any side effects.    


However, the other side gave Du Huayu 40,000 yuan, telling him that he still had 40,000 yuan after the deal was completed, and that the two sides could sign an agreement.    


All expenses incurred during hospitalization are borne by the other party.    


Du Huanyu objected on the spot. Even though he was a poor student, his ambition was not short. He couldn't do something like framing or framing others.    


"I think you've found the wrong person. Even though I, Du Huanyu, am from a poor family, I still have my backbone. It's better that you find someone else to do such a heinous thing. "    


He started to leave.    


However, he was stopped by the man in shades. The man laughed sinisterly and said, "Well said. Indeed, you are full of pride, but unfortunately for your grandmother who was only seventy years old. Humph, a man who is seven feet tall and able to support both heaven and earth needs an old man who should be able to support him. You can't bear to eat, you can't bear to wear, so I'll give you a hard-earned tuition. If you really have a body full of pride, then you should be self-reliant. With your own efforts, create a happy and comfortable old age for your grandmother, and let your sister have a sunny childhood like all the other children. "    


"Of course, if you really want to maintain your arrogant body, then I'm sorry. Because you know too much, and I can only silence you. "    


Shua! He took out a long blade from his chest and cut a small tree nearby into two halves.    


"Life and death, the gentleman and the vile person, only exist in your thoughts. There is a limit to my patience. "    


the man in shades asked Du Huanyu.    


Du Huayu was a filial son, and he was rendered speechless by her words. He knew very well that since the other party had told him all their plans to harm him, it meant that he was in for it.    


It didn't matter if he died, but who would bring his grandmother and sister back from retirement?    


Besides, he had not done this for nothing. Eighty thousand yuan was enough for him to finish university, and he could even spare some to leave to his grandma.    


"All right. However, you have to be honest. I want forty thousand dollars right now. "Then when will the remaining forty thousand be given to me?"    


"Hehe, I knew you were a filial son. I can't bear to see the white-haired man send the black haired man off."    


After the man in shades said that, he sheathed his long blade and took out four neat stacks of bills from his pocket and tossed them over to Du Huayu.    


"Take this forty thousand dollars first." The remaining forty thousand will be given to you in half a month. Oh, yes. You are too few to make an impact on the surface. You still need to contact a few other classmates whose situation is similar to yours. "    


In reality, he was Number Four's subordinate, the cockroach. Relying on the Black Dragon Gang's influence, it was a very simple matter to investigate someone's background. But, he never imagined that it was precisely this suggestion of his that allowed Wu Congwen to notice the abnormality.    


Du Huanyu knew that he was on a pirate ship, and it was too late for him to go back on his word. However, for his tuition and to lighten the burden on his grandmother, he had to bear this grievance.    


"There are two other classmates who want to be friends with me. I will do their work. However, if I am unable to collect the remaining forty thousand dollars in half a month, I will make the truth of this matter known to the public. "    


Du Huanyu was worried that the other party would go back on his word, so he had no choice but to beat him up.    


"Rest assured, we are both concerned about cooperation based on good faith. However, if you quit midway, not only will you not get the money, but it will also be very difficult to guarantee the safety of your family. "    


Xiao Qiang was an old fox in the underworld; how could he be willing to be threatened by others?    


Thus, Du Huayu went to find his two best classmates to do this task together. Of course, the money he gave was the same as Du Huayu's.    


The two people he had found were not related to Wang Changlin or Xiao Mingxuan because the latter were closely related to Le Keke. If the latter were to hear of any trouble, it would only cause endless trouble in the future.    


Thus, there was the incident of the three university students who were poisoned after drinking a bottle of Lucky Coo.    


Qin Zhixi was also involved in the specific plan. Because of his identity, he was very familiar with the reporters.    


Therefore, the first thing he did after the incident was to contact the reporters and rush to the scene, including buying the bearded man. It was all because of his activities.    


In his heart, Wu Zewen secretly cursed the other party's shamelessness and shamelessness, actually coming up with such a sinister plan.    


"There's no other way. Cough cough … In fact, every entrepreneur has some tricks up their sleeves that they can't do anything about. Cough, cough … That's what society is like. Hehe, how about you cooperate with me. I will definitely convince those three students. Only by doing this will you be able to escape from your current predicament. "Cough, cough …    


Qin Zhixi looked at Wu Shangwen with a smile, completely with the attitude of a winner.    


"Entrepreneur …"    


Wu Ziwen playfully read out those three words. Suddenly, he punched Qin Zhixi to the ground and scolded, "You dregs are worthy of being called entrepreneurs. This is the funniest joke in the world. "    


"Puchi …"    


Qin Zhixi struggled a little, but didn't get up. He immediately spat out a large mouthful of blood, pointed at Wu Shangwen with trembling fingers, and said, "You, you, can laugh at me, cough cough …" But you still have a long way to go before you can fight the Black Dragon gang. I … If I die, it won't be long before you follow me down. "Wow …"    


Seeing that the other party wouldn't be able to hold on for long, and if he were to make a move now, he would do more to add some unnecessary trouble. Immediately, he kicked the other party a few times as per the butt, turned around, and left.    


"Brother, next." What should I do? "    


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