My Gorgeous Fiancee

C86 His Face Was Full of Pleading

C86 His Face Was Full of Pleading

4Wu Zewen sneered and dragged Manager Liu off the bed. He fell to the ground and said: "I haven't taken you away yet, how can you die!"    


"What do you want!? I didn't do that, so don't come looking for me. "    


Manager Liu was so scared that he was trembling.    


The young lady on the bed hurriedly lifted the bedsheet and tightly wrapped it around her body.    


Wu Zewen squatted down and grabbed Manager Liu's neck: "I didn't even ask you and admitted it myself. I don't think with your abilities, you can invite the Five Tigers." The real mastermind was Chen Xiaotian, right? "    


"Right, right, right. If you want something, then go find Chen Xiaotian, don't look for me."    


Manager Liu was so scared that his face turned green.    


"Take me to the capital's Five Tigers."    


Wu Zewen immediately mentioned Manager Liu.    


No matter who ordered them to come, they had to avenge themselves by beating themselves off the cliff.    


"After they finished their mission, they left. I, I don't even know where they went. "Please, please let me go."    


Manager Liu's face was full of pleading.    


"Since you don't know, there's no use in keeping you."    


After Wu Shangwen finished, he carried him to the window, opened it, and extended his hand out. This was the height of fifteen floors, at least fifty meters, and the cars below were like beetles as they fell and turned into a meat patty.    


"Ah …"    


It scared Manager Liu so much that he screamed and pissed himself. The young lady in the service industry on the bed was already scared to the point of crawling on the floor and running away.    


"I say … I said, "Quick, quick, let me in..."    


Manager Liu was so scared that he couldn't even speak. He kept begging and almost called him grandpa.    


Wu Shangwen sneered, cursing in his heart: What a wimp!    


Then, he turned around and threw the man into the house, "Tell me, where are they?"    


Manager Liu breathed heavily, his chest heaving up and down. He was scared out of his wits just now.    


"Yes, they are hiding in Chen Xiaotian's villa."    


"Where is Zishan villa?"    


Wu Zewen had been in Beijing for nearly half a year, but he had never heard of this name.    


"In the mountains of the southern suburbs of Beijing. There is a private villa built by Chen Xiaotian that very few people know about. "    


"Take me there."    


Wu Zewen said coldly.    


Manager Liu was afraid of Wu Zewen, so he could only get up and change his clothes. Then, he went downstairs with Wu Zewen and the two of them drove out of the residential complex.    


Since the security guards knew the owner's car, they naturally didn't ask too much.    


Manager Liu drove his Audi A6 and sped along the highway. His phone had long been seized by Wu Zewen.    


The Audi A6 was like a sharp arrow, speeding along the highway. It took them nearly forty minutes to leave the city, enter the suburbs, and travel for another half an hour to arrive at the foot of the mountain.    


The towering Zishan was like an enormous prehistoric monster that sat coiled in front of the two of them. Halfway up the mountain, in the middle of the dense pine forest, there was a little bit of starlight shining through. One could vaguely make out the outline of a building complex.    


"We can't go any further. There are security guards up ahead. We'll be done for if they find us!"    


Manager Liu parked his car behind a hidden bluestone, turned off the ignition, and pulled up the handbrake.    


Even if Chen Xiaotian was rich, what was the use of building this villa in the wilderness that didn't even have a shop in the village? If the air in the city was fresh and elegant, then there were many villas built close to a mountain in the suburbs. Regardless of location or surrounding environment, it was several times better than here.    


"Chen Xiaotian didn't build this villa just to stay here, right?"    


Wu Zewen turned around and asked Manager Liu with a puzzled expression.    


Manager Liu was afraid that Wu Shangwen would kill him, so he casually threw him down a cliff without anyone noticing. No matter what the other party asked, he just said it all out in one go.    


"This … This villa is where Chen Xiaotian earned his money. Those fruits were just a cover."    


"Go on."    


Wu Shangwen listened with interest. Although he knew that Chen Xiaotian was good at both black and white, he didn't think that he would have a secret location similar to the underground weapons factory.    


"There are hundreds of women from all over the world here. Not only is there a flesh business, there are also movies, there are also gambling, KTV, bathing, and other entertainment projects. Those who come here are either rich or powerful, they are all from high-class society and even some senior officials from Beijing city often come here to have fun. This is a paradise for men."    


When Manager Liu said this, he stared at the villa complex with fire in his eyes. He had been with Chen Xiaotian for a long time, but he had never had the chance to broaden his horizons.    


Suddenly, his vision went black and he was knocked out with a single palm from Wu Liangwen. After that, Wu Liangwen got off the car like a ghost and silently disappeared into the night.    


From the Purple Mountain Villa halfway up the mountain to where the two of them parked their car, there was still six or seven miles of mountain road. Wu Shangwen kept moving forward, and just as Manager Liu had said, there were quite a few sentries in front, and each of them were tall and sturdy.    


Taking advantage of the complicated terrain, Wu Shangwen crept forward and listened behind a large rock about ten meters away from his opponent. There was an open space between here and the front; there was no place for him to hide.    


Wu Zewen thought for a moment and came up with an idea. The corner of his mouth hooked up into a naughty smile.    


He took out his cell phone to prevent anyone from making a call. First, he muted the recording and played out the video recorded by Manager Liu.    


The sound of a woman throwing a tantrum could be heard.    


"Hmm? There seems to be a woman's voice calling out? "    


"You must have been driven mad by those girls …"    


A broken gong sounded.    


"Don't talk, it seems like there really is a woman screaming, it's behind that rock."    


No one spoke as they held their breaths and listened attentively.    


"Ah …" "Ugh …"    


This time, the voices were clearer, and everyone looked at each other. This was a common occurrence. There were all sorts of hobbies here, and it was normal to pull them out to fight in the wild.    


"Shh!" You guys wait here, I'll go take a look! "    


The one with the broken gong had already reacted, gesturing to the few people beside him to be quiet, then he bent down and quietly walked towards the large rock where the sound came from.    


"Hey, be careful. If you disturb my interest, be careful of the boss punishing you."    


A few people behind them whispered.    


When the gongzi turned around and walked behind the rock, Wu Zewen grabbed his throat and knocked him out with a palm strike, then quickly took off his security uniform.    


When the security guards behind saw that their throats were broken, they did not come out for a long time. One of them said, "They haven't come out in such a long time. Did something happen?"    


Just as the three of them were about to check it out, a guard wearing a security uniform came out from behind the rock. The large cap was pushed down and there was no moon tonight, so it was impossible to see the guard's face clearly.    


"I thought you wouldn't be able to hold it in! "Hahaha …"    


The people behind laughed out loud, but very soon, these professional bodyguards noticed that something was wrong.    


"Damn, isn't that person …"    


Before he could finish, Wu Zewen shook his hand and took out a bronze button, which hit the opponent's temple. The force was very good, and the person fainted.    


The other two security guards were in a state of chaos. Their faces were calm and their eyes were sharp. One of them brandished a baton towards Wu Zewen while the other one picked up his walkie-talkie to inform the others. The two of them cooperated well, one in front and one behind.    


"Chi!" "Chi!"    


Two bronze buttons flew out. One of them smashed the walkie-talkie in the guard's hand, while the other also hit the guard's temple. The man fell down without a sound.    


The other security guard who was about to charge in front of Wu Zhuang Wen, upon seeing the situation, turned around and ran, only to be kicked in the butt by Wu Zewen, causing him to fall flat on his face and fall flat on his face.    


Wu Zewen quickly dragged the four guards into a hidden corner of the rock and covered them up with pine branches.    


Then, like a ghost, Wu Shangwen quickly disappeared into the night, sneaking towards the Purple Mountain Villa that was halfway up the mountain.    


The cold wind whistled in the purple mountain at night, and the long howls of unknown beasts occasionally sounded out in the valley. The cold wind in the purple mountain at night whistled in the cold at night, and the long howls of unknown beasts occasionally sounded in the valley.    


The higher he went, the more guards he encountered. Fortunately, he was fast, and he was wearing a security uniform, so he was able to get away with it. If he couldn't do it, then he would defeat the entire patrol.    


When they reached the six to seven meter high wall of the Purple Mountain Villa, they pressed their ears against the wall and carefully listened for any movements inside. They were quiet, and occasionally, they could hear the comfortable sounds of a woman and the rough sounds of a man, causing the deserted night to become ambiguous.    


This villa was very big, almost like a villa complex, extending all the way to the top of the mountain. How much money would it take to invest in this villa!    


Wu Shangwen was secretly speechless in his heart, but after looking around to make sure that there was no one around, he jumped down and arrived at a lighted window close to the wall. He climbed up the drainpipe, went down to the third floor's window, and peeked inside.    


The lights in the room were quite bright. In the middle of the living room was a large water bed, and on top of the water bed was a man lying on his back.    


There was a luring crouching beside her. At this moment, the charming and young lady was lying down on the man's body, struggling to twist her waist, causing waves after waves of shock to rise up in front of her.    


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