My Gorgeous Fiancee

C59 Encountering a Ferocious Beast

C59 Encountering a Ferocious Beast

2Suddenly, her hand was grabbed by Fang Yongjian, who stared at her with burning eyes, "Mengyi, I'm the person you're talking about. You'll feel safe with me, and I'll definitely protect you two, promise me, marry me, okay?"     1


The wind howled, and he felt his heart burn.    


Ye Mengyi was frightened and quickly retracted her hand and carefully said, "Director Fan, you misunderstood me. I mean, I already have someone I love. "    


"What you're talking about isn't really Wu Shangwen, right? Which part of him is better than me? I can help you earn more money and lead a happier life, can he do that?" "He only knows how to fight. To put it bluntly, he's just a boor. He's not worthy of you at all …"    


"I'm not talking about him."    


"Not him? Then who else would it be? "    


he asked in astonishment.    


"I don't know this person's surname, or even what he looks like, but …" I've only seen him in my dreams. "    


When Ye Mengyi spoke, she gave off a dreamy feeling, which was more mesmerizing.    


When he finished listening, he secretly let out a sigh of relief. It seemed that the other party was prone to dreaming at night due to the excessive pressure.    


"Mengyi, you're under too much pressure and you're hallucinating. "Don't worry, I'll take responsibility for the operation of the supermarket in the future. This way, I'll help you relieve some of the pressure."    


Ye Mengyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She didn't know how to explain it to him.    


A rustling sound came from a bush not far from them.    


After Wu Shangwen finished his meal, he waited for Ye Mengyi for more than ten minutes. Seeing that she and Fan Yongjian still hadn't returned, he couldn't help but feel worried, so he immediately left the restaurant.    


It was snowing heavily outside. Fortunately, they had not walked for very long, and the footprints on the ground were not completely covered up.    


Wu Liangwen's eyes swept the surroundings. Seeing that the weather was so harsh and dangerous in the mountains, he didn't have time to reprimand Yu Yongjian in his heart. He turned his head and saw that no one was around, so he used his Qing Gong to follow along the footprints of the two people.    


Because the road was not familiar and it was snowing so heavily that he couldn't see the road clearly, Wu Shangwen's speed didn't dare to be too fast.    


"Alright, CEO Fan. I think I've made it clear that the weather here is too cold, so we should hurry back.    


Ye Mengyi said and started to walk back.    


Before he could say anything, he heard a crackling sound from the bushes behind him.    


Soon after, a colossus split open the shrubbery and charged towards the two of them. The ground rumbled as snow flew in all directions. It looked just like a small tank.    


It was impossible to clearly see what kind of wild beast it was. The only thing that could be seen under the dim moonlight were two sharp fangs that flashed with a cold light. Kacha! The fangs broke a pine tree that was as thick as a bowl in front of it.    


After running two or three steps, his feet slipped and he fell onto the ground on all fours. He didn't care about Ye Mengyi who was behind him, as he got up and ran, rolling and crawling all the way.    


Although Ye Mengyi's psychological state was tougher than it would have been if she had been ambushed time and time again, this was the first time she was facing such a vicious beast. Her legs went soft and she couldn't even scream for help.    


A look of despair flashed in her eyes. It wasn't that she didn't want to escape, but that she couldn't run at all, so she immediately sat powerlessly in the cold snow. She stared blankly at the two sharp fangs piercing through the night sky and ruthlessly piercing towards her, just like a reaper's scythe harvesting his life.    


In the snow, Ye Mengyi's face was full of fear. Those fierce beasts with long fangs were rushing towards her. It seemed that in the blink of an eye, she would be thrown into hell.    


Just a moment ago, he was confidently declaring that he could protect her, but now, he had already run away. She wanted to shout out, but she realized that she had no strength left in her body at all.    


Aoao …    


The beast arrived in front of her in the blink of an eye. It turned out to be a porcupine with the physique of a rhinoceros. Its violent eyes shot out two bloodthirsty rays of light.    




Ye Mengyi screamed in fear.    


At this crucial moment, under the dim moonlight, a golden light pierced through the night sky, heading straight for the porcupine. It actually forced its way into its eyes, causing blood to spurt out.    


Aooo …    


The porcupine raised its head and let out a shrill scream that shook the entire mountain. Then, a black shadow whizzed down from the sky, directly knocking the porcupine back four to five meters.    


The black shadow took the opportunity to help Ye Mengyi up. It was none other than Wu Shangwen.    


It was fortunate that he came in time, otherwise, Ye Mengyi would have been killed.    


"Are you alright, Director Ye?"    


Wu Zewen picked Ye Mengyi up from the ground and swept his eyes around. Seeing that there was a relatively high rock nearby that was still considered safe, he carried her up.    


At this time, Ye Mengyi finally reacted. She had just survived and was covered in cold sweat.    


"Be careful!"    


Ye Mengyi looked at the frightened Wu Shangwen behind her and said loudly.    


Wu Shangwen had already sensed the movement behind him and didn't have time to turn around. He rolled on the ground and slid five to six meters to the side.    




The porcupine stopped the car and let out a ruthless roar. It charged at Wu Zewen once again, sprinkling a trail of dark red blood on the snow behind it.    


After being injured, the porcupine became even more irritable, and like a mad bull, it lowered its head and roared while rushing towards Wu Zewen. Originally, it had long since reached the moment of hibernation, but this winter, because it didn't have enough food, it had no choice but to come out and look for food on this snowy night.    


The porcupine was so angry that its lungs were about to explode. If it didn't cut open Wu Zewen's stomach, it would be difficult for it to quell the hatred in its heart.    


Wu Zewen didn't face the opponent head on. In that case, he would be at a disadvantage and would instead use his flexibility to lure the porcupine away from him. This way, he could ensure Ye Mengyi's safety while she was on the rock.    




Wu Shangwen leaped onto a big tree, hoping to avoid the mad porcupine's attack. But what he didn't expect was that the porcupine's attack power was quite strong. It was like an invincible tank, breaking the tree with a kacha sound.    


Wu Congwen accidentally fell from the tree trunk. With a cracking sound, he broke a branch that was as thick as an arm and rolled on the ground for a distance to avoid being injured.    


However, even though the porcupine had broken down a big tree, its face had a big hole opened up in it. The pig was bleeding profusely, looking even more ferocious and terrifying.    


Wu Shangwen held the stick tightly in both hands and held it horizontally in front of him, nervously observing the porcupine's every move. Since his debut, this was the first time he had fought against a berserk beast, moreover, it was a porcupine that was known for its violent and fierce nature.    


One must know that even a bear was unwilling to provoke a porcupine. A mad porcupine could even turn an adult bear into a hornet's nest.    


Under the dim moonlight, the snowflakes were dancing in the air. The snow was a mess, dripping with fresh blood.    


A man and a pig were confronting each other nervously.    


The porcupine lowered its head, one of its front hooves digging the ground as it let out low roars. Suddenly, its hind legs stomped on the ground and soared into the air, pouncing towards Wu Zewen.    


Wu Zewen was shocked. He didn't think a cumbersome beast like the porcupine could jump so high. He immediately sidestepped and swung the stick in his hand toward the porcupine's head. Kacha! It actually broke.    


With a scream, the porcupine turned around, and its long sharp fangs directly aimed at Wu Shangwen's abdomen, vicious and sinister. In the midst of danger, Wu Shangwen didn't have enough time to think, the stick in his hand blocked the attack, and the fangs tilted a little, but it still grazed past his waist and pierced through, causing a stream of blood to flow out from his waist, instantly soaking Wu Shangwen's clothes.    


His toes touched the ground as he retreated rapidly. At the same time a golden light shot out from his hand. It sounded like a meteor cutting through the night sky.    


With a 'puchi', it ruthlessly struck the porcupine's uninjured other eye. At this moment, its eyes were completely blind, and it instantly sunk into darkness, mania, and even fear.    


Wu Congwen kept changing places he had hidden himself to. The blind porcupine couldn't find him and could only scatter his anger in the boundless darkness.    


The ground was covered with blood. The surrounding snow was in complete disarray. The furious roars seemed to tear the night apart, seeming to want to smash the entire mountain.    


Wu Zewen was astonished. He didn't think that this porcupine would have such shocking destructive power. If he hadn't blinded its other eye, he and Ye Mengyi would not have been able to survive.    


Aooo …    


The porcupine raised its head and let out an angry roar. Suddenly, it turned its head around and sprinted in a certain direction.    


Wu Zewen looked and was shocked. That direction was the direction of the rock Ye Mengyi was on. He didn't have any time to think. He stomped on the ground and leaped into the air, rushing towards the porcupine.    


However, it was still too late. Seeing that his hand was only a few centimeters away from the boar's tail, the other party ruthlessly smashed his head into the rock. His two fangs were deeply embedded into the rock.    


Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! The surface of the rock was covered with spiderwebbed cracks.    


The huge impact directly sent Ye Mengyi, who was sitting on it, flying away. She screamed and fell down the mountain. The porcupine kicked its four feet and breathed its last.    


Wu Zewen's heart leapt into his throat. He didn't have time to think as he jumped down from where Ye Mengyi had fallen.    


As he fell, he looked down and saw a frozen river below.    


Only then did his hanging heart relax a little. If he fell into the river, he would have a slim chance of survival.    


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