My Gorgeous Fiancee

C407 Perverted Place

C407 Perverted Place

0Wu Zewen immediately sighed and said, "Okay, but this trip will be too dangerous. I had wanted you to stay behind, just in case something happened to me.     0


The bitterness in Jing Jing's eyes finally disappeared when she saw Wu Zewen speak the truth. Her delicate and beautiful mouth curved up into a smile as she said: "If you're no longer here, then what's the point of me staying alone at Jingmen City?"    


Wu Zewen was very touched to hear this. If it wasn't for the old man present, he would have hugged Jing Jing Jing and warmed up.    


"Do you want me to go down first?"    


the old man asked in a low voice. Then he opened the door of the car and was about to go down.    


Unexpectedly, Wu Zewen stepped on the accelerator and the car shot out with a boom, scaring the old man into hurriedly closing the door.    


"You want to kill me, damn you. Next time I'll drive. "    


The old man was so angry that he almost cursed out loud.    


It was now 2: 30 in the morning, and the streets were deserted except for the occasional police car.    


However, if one were to observe carefully, they would notice that the number of police cars patrolling the area was two times more than usual. It was clear that they were patrolling for the monster, Parasol Hundred Bird.    


The Audi A8 sped along the road, skilfully avoiding the patrolling police cars. Although he knew those police cars wouldn't be able to catch up with him, Wu Congwen did so to avoid unnecessary trouble.    


According to the coordinates on the phone, Parasol is currently in the western part of the city, which is the headquarters of the Shankou squad.    


From the bottom of his heart, Wu Congwen was hoping that Yu Zhitong would destroy the group. He did not have a good impression of the people of the island.    


However, looking at the current situation, if the team was destroyed, he would lose an ally. Although he didn't know how long this ally would last, it seemed that both sides had the same goal at the moment.    


The Audi A8 was like a black arrow shooting out. Sizzle, swish, swish. It kept close to the road as it sped away.    


In only fifteen minutes, they arrived at the western part of the city. The area was already a mess. There were miserable corpses everywhere, as if there had been a war.    


Wu Zuowen parked in an open parking lot where he could get out of an emergency.    


The three of them got off the car and Wu Zewen took out a sack from the trunk. It seemed to be quite heavy and had quite a bit of weight.    


"What is it?"    


Jing Jing opened it to see that it was actually a mass of steel wire rope, it was as thick as a water pipe.    


"Why are you using this?"    


Jing Jing asked in surprise.    


Wu Shangwen didn't directly answer, but said: "When you fight with Hundred Birds' Vice Minister, you'll know how abnormal he is."    


After saying that, he walked to the front. According to the coordinates on his phone, Peregrine Leopard was just a few hundred meters away from him, behind a large building.    


In addition, Wu Shangwen's hearing ability was quite sharp. Before he even got close to the building, he could already hear the intermittent screams coming from behind.    


The three of them could not help but quicken their pace.    


This time he? This time they did not hide behind the building, fearing that they could not shoot the steel pipes that had followed them out of the blue like last time. They came to the top of the building, because the elevator had already been shut down, so the three of them went up the stairs.    


Arriving at the top of the building, Wu Shangwen looked down and saw the Hundred Birds' Vice Minister floating in the air. In his hand was a large bag, and he didn't know what was inside it.    


A large group of people were running away with their heads in their hands. The Hundred Birds' Vice Minister reached into his bag and took out a rock the size of a steamed bun. Laughing, he threw it towards the crowd below.    


"Chi ~ ~ ~"    


A high-pitched sound pierced the air, and one of the people's head exploded into a spray of blood. Even half of the person's head was gone, and white brains were flowing out.    


Yojirong was very satisfied with his ability to kill two birds with one stone. He chuckled.    


After all the killing, even with the help of the A.I. Chip, he still found it a little fun.    


After all the killing, even with the A.I. Chip controlling him, he was still able to find some joy in it.    


However, this time, the police officers from the island immediately transferred over a helicopter. Each helicopter had a machine gunner on it, who fired a barrage of rapid fire at Brilliant Bird.    


Not only that, but there were also helicopters equipped with long-range anti-aircraft guns. The high-definition telescopes locked onto Brilliant Bird, and with a boom, a fire dragon shot towards him.    


"Bang!" The Fire Dragon brushed past him and directly blew up a large hole in the building where Wu Shangwen was standing, causing a large part of the building to collapse.    


The trio felt as though an earthquake had occurred under their feet, and they almost fell to the ground.    


After dodging the attack, Sachiko let out a strange cry, his toes tapping on the nearby floor as his body suddenly shot up and flew towards the aircraft that had fired the anti-aircraft guns. Before the aircraft could fire again, a large rock dragged a long afterimage as it whizzed through the glass and accurately smashed into the pilot's head.    


The man shrieked miserably. The plane looked like a drunk man who had been drunk. It circled in the air for a while and then fell down towards the police force.    


Boom — —    


Large balls of fire burst out, along with several police officers' bodies that were blown into pieces, blood and flesh splattering in all directions.    


"Tsk, tsk ~ ~ ~"    


Seeing that the plane had been scrapped, Parshendi let out a harsh laugh.    


When the other helicopters saw this, they all retreated far away in fear of being hit by the monster's stone.    


However, the bullets became even more concentrated as they rained down on him. However, he was soon forced out by the twisting muscles.    


Furthermore, this infuriated him. He let out a strange cry and threw the stones in the sack towards the helicopter hovering above his head. Boom! Boom! Two more pilots had their heads smashed and the plane crashed.    


Another plane's fuel tank had a hole punched in it, and gasoline was pouring down. The pilot hastily flew away, looking for a place to land.    


There was only one airplane left. The pilot was clearly terrified when facing this monster. In his panic, he flew the plane over the heads of Wu Zewen and company.    


The moment the plane flew past, Jing Jing Jing reacted quickly. She leaped and grabbed the airplane's landing scaffolding, then was lifted up by the plane and flew into the distance.    


"Jing Jing, you're crazy!"    


Wu Zewen shouted.    


He and the old man's attention had been attracted by birdman, so they didn't pay any attention to Jing Jing. When they came to their senses, Jing Jing had already followed the helicopter into the sky.    


However, the old man stopped her and said, "Jing Jing Jing would not do that if she wasn't completely confident. If we chase after her, we won't be able to help much and will instead cause trouble for her.    


"But, if something unexpected happens to Jing Jing, then it will happen to her."    


Wu Shangwen had a face full of worry...    


Heart anxiously looked in the direction the helicopter disappeared.    


"There are no buts. The reason why Jing Jing Jing did this is to help us deal with the Second Minister of the Hundred Birds. If we go after her, wouldn't it be a waste of her heart? "    


As the saying goes, the onlooker is enthralled and the spectator is clear.    


Wu Shangwen loved Jing Jing, so he was naturally very worried, afraid that any mishap would happen to her, which would interfere with his judgment.    


However, as an outsider, the old man was very confident in Jing Jing's skills. If he could not even handle such a small matter, it would be hard to imagine how she used to lead the Jingmen Sect.    


Just then, another scream came from below. The police had already driven away in a panic. Those who didn't make it in time were all beaten up on the spot.    


After the police had fled, Parasol Hundred Birds was still searching the ruins. Because of this, Wu Zewen determined that the mountain pass team had not been completely annihilated. Otherwise, Parasol Hundred Birds would not be searching here.    


At this moment, there was no one else in the ruins. There were broken walls everywhere, and the weather was overcast. It was as if the end of the world had arrived.    


Wu Shangwen exchanged a glance with the old man and nodded his head. Then, he leaped down the stairs. While he was still in the air, a large number of concealed weapons shot out from his hands and instantly enveloped Hundred Birds' Vice Minister.    


However, this time, both Master and Disciple had made sufficient preparations, and even their concealed weapons had been refined with strong anesthetic. Of course, whether they could be effective or not, it was still a test.    


The Second Minister of the Hundred Birds' reaction was quite sharp. When he heard the abnormal movement behind him, he turned around as fast as lightning, picked up a large piece of broken floorboard, and threw it towards Wu Zewen and the old man.    


As a result, a portion of the hidden weapons were blocked. However, some of the hidden weapons still managed to pierce into the body of Brilliant Bird.    


Yu Ren had the simplest memory. After a slight pause, he immediately recognized Wu Liangwen and his disciple. With a violent roar from his throat, he turned around and charged at Wu Liuwen like a cannonball.    


With regards to the tank, of course, Wu Shangwen and the old man were not stupid enough to go head to head against each other. They each attacked from two different directions.    


However, what they didn't expect was that this time, Hundred Birds had already figured out their moves. Usually, when Wu continued writing, Hundred Birds would be able to distinguish between the real situation and the main point of the attack, and would then take measures.    


He was no longer as unreasonable as before, but his eyes were still the same as before.    


However, in a short period of time, the two of them were actually unable to do anything to him.    


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