Godly Scratch-Off System

C192 Confidential Level High Library

C192 Confidential Level High Library

3The Mountain and Sea Area and Haimen base were two completely different places.    


The only similarity was that both places had mountains and rivers, and the different places were also here.    


The water of the Haimen base was like the magnificent waves of the sea, while the mountain and sea region were like the cool spring water of the mountains hidden in the deep mountains and the ancient forests.    


Cold water gushed out from the ground and gathered for a long time to form a deep pool. The deep pool was overflowing and a small river was flowing.    


An Earth Water Cave that was only the size of a small grass root could actually become a well-known source of energy for the mountainous area. It was needed to provide living for tens of thousands of people.    


This made Liao Xiaoduo a little excited.    


No matter how small his strength was, as long as he could persevere, he would surely be able to accomplish great things!    


Towers of sand, rivers of water.    


This was what Liao Xiaoduo thought, as well as his Jackal Team.    


As a team that was very united and loved their leader, the relationship between the Jackal Team and Chu Tian was very special. They had gone from strangers to familiar with each other, from mutual hatred to love and killing each other, and finally only having love.    


Liao Xiaoduo didn't know, but the Jackal Team was already prepared to make it difficult for Liao Xiaoduo.    


On the first day that Liao Xiaoduo officially entered the training base in Shanhai District, he was reminded by Geh Yuanhua and sounded the alarm bell.    


Tell him that these brats are really hard to deal with. If there's anything you can't do, you can come find him.    


However, even though he had said that, but a new official, before the first fire had even been ignited, had come to ask for help from the new leader. This had really extinguished his prestige.    


How would he be able to establish himself in the mountainous regions in the future?    


As Liao Xiaoduo thought of this, his body was well-prepared, waiting for danger to befall the surroundings.    


But up to the entrance of warehouse 312, he didn't see a single person, nor did he encounter any danger.    


Something was wrong.    


The quieter it was, the more wary Liao Xiaoduo became.    


Warehouse was a big term for the special forces training base, and it was said that it originated from the Chinese Army's long ago training tradition.    


At that time, because of the arms race, the secrecy of technology, and many other reasons, many troops with special missions had their names and training grounds' optimized '.    


The warehouse was one of the pronouns for the special forces.    


Warehouse manager was their nickname for the outside world.    


Therefore, Tan Qingqing and Tan Hwa only knew that Liao Xiaoduo was a 312 warehouse manager in the military and didn't know anything else.    


When showing off to some good friend, he just said that Liao Xiaoduo was the army warehouse manager.    


This undoubtedly lowered Liao Xiaoduo's image on the outside.    


Liao Xiaoduo didn't know, because he was thinking how to wear this rebellious team.    


When he was at the entrance to the courtyard of his family's residence the other day, he noticed something.    


That group of people were all fans of the former Leader. It would be really difficult for him to gradually "nibble" these people away.    


What should he do?    


While he was thinking, Liao Xiaoduo had arrived at warehouse 312.    


It looked like a warehouse!    


There was a closed door and a security booth at the entrance. It looked exactly the same as the ordinary cargo storage area outside.    


The only difference was that the people in the sentry box were wearing green military uniforms, and had a bright red military emblem on their hats.    


In his arms was a spiritual energy hot weapon.    


With a vicious gaze, he stared straight ahead.    


The moment Liao Xiaoduo arrived, he was stopped.    


"Certificate and pass!"    


His voice was cold, as if he would speak like that no matter who was facing him. The truth was indeed like that, because the Eagle Squadron of Division 312 of the Mountain and Sea Region had always been a nameless existence, which meant that many people knew the name of this troop but did not know where they were.    


Finding a team with no more than a hundred people from a million strong army was as difficult as ascending to the heavens.    


And he had to use his documents and pass to open the gates of the Eagle Squadron.    


The certificate was a serious red book with gold lettering on its cover. On it was written Liao Xiaoduo's current military post: Shanhai District 312 Warehouse Management.    


The soldier nodded and touched the wall of the warehouse. The wall seemed to be painted with traditional paint, as the paint had been peeling off little by little over a long period of time. It was now mottled beyond recognition.    


What an old warehouse.    


However, when the soldier put his hand on the wall and did not move for a moment, a circle of thirty centimeters in radius gradually appeared, glowing with a blue light.    


In the center of Liao Xiaoduo's face, an almost undetectable ray of light entered his small eyes, followed by a flow of information into the halo.    


Before Liao Xiaoduo noticed anything, the little soldier waved the token Liao Xiaoduo gave him in front of the circle of light again.    


From the massive information bank, hundreds of millions of notes were drawn out, and eventually the circle of light turned from blue to green.    


The door opened.    


The rusted iron gate began to creak open.    


It was dark inside, and from the outside one could vaguely see that the inside seemed to be filled with wooden planks.    


As a result, even if someone were to open the first door by chance, they would only be able to see the wooden planks that filled the warehouse.    


This scene made Liao Xiaoduo wonder if he really entered a warehouse and if he really was a warehouse manager.    


The little soldier strangely waved at Liao Xiaoduo, telling him to take a step to the right.    


Liao Xiaoduo did as he was told, the little soldier's serious face unexpectedly revealed a satisfied smile.    


When the little soldier tapped on the light screen twice, the scene in front of Liao Xiaoduo's eyes changed.    


Liao Xiaoduo instantly appeared at a training ground.    


Dimensional Crack!    


Liao Xiaoduo nearly gasped.    


If such a scenario wasn't transformed from Dimensional Crack, what else could it be?    


However, Dimensional Crack had always been used to damage space and time, and the evil deeds of Starry Sky Beast s, how could humans take the initiative to create this thing?    


The seeds of doubt and worry were thus planted.    


Looking around, Liao Xiaoduo found nothing different from other training bases.    


The only difference was that the air here seemed to reek of blood.    


It was a type of bloody qi that made people uneasy, made people restless, and made Starry Sky Beast go crazy.    


Liao Xiaoduo immediately felt that his feet were sticky. He looked down and saw a puddle of dark red and even some black blood.    


It was unusually viscous, and definitely not the blood of any living being on Earth. It was very similar to the blood he had seen on his previous mission on Mars.    


That was the blood of the Starry Sky Beast.    


This was indeed not an ordinary military training ground, but a trap, a trap to attract Starry Sky Beast!    


Right now, Liao Xiaoduo was standing right on top of the trap.    


However, Liao Xiaoduo did not fall down. Instead, he felt a chill coming from the top of his head.    


It was an extremely familiar feeling, the kind of dangerous aura one would often feel from the edge of danger, under the Sickle of the God of Death.    


F * ck!    


Liao Xiaoduo cursed in his heart. Suddenly, he realized that all the unusualness he had encountered today was actually leading him into a trap that had been set long ago.    


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