Unrivaled Martial God

C236 Stefaden

C236 Stefaden

4At the peak of Nirvana Mountain, they could see the majesty and grandeur of the small mountains. The bone-chilling cold wind was hissing at Ji Lei's cheeks, causing Ji Lei to feel pain from the wind, but Ji Lei was too busy to pay attention to this. He lowered his head, and carefully searched for objects that might look like Profound Essence Fruit s.    2


The highest peak of the Nirvana Mountain, the temperature was extremely low. There was even a slight wind and snow mixed in, which was completely different from the emerald green of the forest on the mountain top. In this vile environment, not even a single blade of grass grew.    


"This doesn't seem like a place where Profound Essence Fruit can grow!" Ji Lei, who was lying on the ground, inch by inch, searching for the Profound Essence Fruit, turned a deaf ear to Duan Bailing's words. Could it be that the suffering he spent five days to climb the Hidden Cloud Cliff was something that could not be canceled out with just one sentence? Ji Lei still hadn't given up. However, after he searched through the small mountain peak, the Hidden Cloud Cliff, he couldn't help but sit on the ground.    


He found two spiritual herbs, but failed in his search for the last Profound Essence Fruit.    


This was indeed a place where even birds could not cross. It was both tall and cold. Any creatures that came here would only end up frozen to death.    


"Let's leave first. If we keep searching, our lives would be lost." When Duan Bailing pulled Ji Lei up, she already felt a little cold. The surrounding cold and wind constantly devoured the heat from Duan Bailing's body, making her feel very uncomfortable.    


Ji Lei held Duan Bailing's hand and stood up looking at this place. Although he didn't want to give up so easily, he had no choice but to leave. Indeed, as Duan Bailing said, if they continued to search, the two of them would freeze to death here.    


"Looks like there are indeed no Profound Essence Fruit here." Duan Bailing said and dragged Ji Lei down the Cloud Hidden Cliff.    


"The temperature here is simply comparable to Frost State …" When Ji Lei heard this, he didn't feel anything at first. However, after he got off the Hidden Cloud Cliff, a thought suddenly flashed through his mind, as if he was hit by a heavy hammer. He tilted his head and grabbed Duan Bailing's shoulders, excitedly saying to Duan Bailing, "What did you say just now?"    


"What …" Duan Bailing was shocked by Ji Lei's sudden change in mood, but Ji Lei seemed to have grasped onto a piece of straw as he asked Duan Bailing: "You said, the temperature at the Hidden Cloud Cliff is almost the same as the Frost State, right?"    


"I think I did say that …" Duan Bailing's pretty face was filled with confusion, but she quickly reacted. "You mean …" Did someone with Frost State pick the Profound Essence Fruit before us? "    


"Is your map accurate?"    


"Nonsense!" For items with Nine Supremes Jade Profound Palace, do you think it's accurate? "    


"Then that's the only possibility!" Ji Lei's expression was excited as he said to Duan Bailing: "With this kind of coldness here, it's impossible for ordinary Eastern Continent users to waste so much effort to climb up the Hidden Cloud Cliff!"    


"Only those who are accustomed to the temperature here can come up the mountain with so much trouble for a single fruit! An ordinary person would immediately be frozen into an ice stick! "    


Even if an ordinary person had a Martial Spirit with an extremely strong Yang Energy, it would be so cold that they would not be able to withstand it once they enter the Hidden Cloud Cliff. Ji Lei relied on the Unparalleled Martial Soul to successfully reach the top, but even with the Yang Energy as strong as the Unparalleled Martial Soul, Ji Lei still could not stay on the Hidden Cloud Cliff for more than a quarter of an hour!    


Therefore, in such a cold place, only the Han Clan people could come up!    


"In that case, it'll be much easier to find the item!" A hint of excitement appeared on Ji Lei's face, and he immediately said to Duan Bailing: "As long as we can find the Han Clan people here and then bring the Profound Essence Fruit back!"    


"You make it sound light and easy, but your Nirvana Mountain is so huge, where are you going to find a person from the Han Clan?" Duan Bailing rolled her eyes at Ji Lei. When Ji Lei heard this, he was also troubled for a moment, but then, Ji Lei thought of something and asked Duan Bailing: "You say, within this Nirvana Mountain, are there any specific places filled with people?"    


Duan Bailing hesitated for a moment when she heard Ji Lei's words, but after a moment of careful consideration, she suddenly raised her head and exclaimed to Ji Lei, "Don't even mention it, there's really a place that's what you said!"    


When Ji Lei heard this, he immediately raised his spirits and asked Duan Bailing, "Quick, tell me, where is it?"    


Duan Bailing unfurled the map, pointed to a certain place, and said to Ji Lei: "Here, in a place called Cyan Bird Village, many people enter the Nirvana Mountain, and after finding the items, they directly switch hands and sell them. It's very lively. If you want to find a place with many people, then there won't be any place with even more people in the entire Nirvana Mountain than the Cyan Bird Village! "    


Ji Lei heard this and quickly grabbed the map. After clearly seeing the location of the Cyan Bird Village, Ji Lei quickly pulled Duan Bailing's hand and ran down the mountain.    


"You still haven't said why you're looking for this place?" Duan Bailing panted as she ran with Ji Lei.    


"Since it's a trading ground, maybe we can try our luck here. Even if we can't find it, we can at least ask around for news, and I won't believe it, even if I have to flip through Nirvana Mountain once, I still have to find that Han Clan person!    




Nirvana Mountain, Cyan Bird Village.    


A few small brick houses were connected side by side, and then there was a wooden fence surrounding the house. This place was called a village, but it was actually a bit farfetched. However, there seemed to be a lot of people here, so Ji Lei decided to try his luck here.    


"Bam!" Pushing open an ancient wooden door, he walked in with Duan Bailing. The moment they entered, Ji Lei saw tables and tables filled with fruits, stalks of elixirs, and pieces of Demon Crystal, each of them flashing with a unique light. This was indeed a treasure trove!    


However, Ji Lei looked around and did not seem to have the Profound Essence Fruit he was looking for. However, the appearance of Ji Lei and Duan Bailing caught the attention of others.    


In the dark room, all the disheveled people looked towards Ji Lei and Duan Bailing. The sudden appearance of Ji Lei and Duan Bailing, the handsome men and women in the village, naturally attracted the attention of these coarse elders.    


"Cough, I have something to ask you." Ji Lei coughed lightly, and was about to inquire about the whereabouts of the people from Han Clan, but before Ji Lei could say anything else, one of them directly walked forward, his eyes flashed with a surprised light, and immediately after, his fiery hot gaze swept over Duan Bailing's beautiful body without concealing anything!    


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