Saint Sovereign of Nine Heavens

C858 War Soul Zhu Wu

C858 War Soul Zhu Wu

0The four of them ran into the passage. The four Stone Man stopped outside the passage and did not give chase.    


Obviously, their range of movement was limited to that small training field.    


Chen Yu's expression remained the same. The four Stone Man were too slow and weren't much of a threat.    


There was still a square in the back after passing through the hall. However the square was connected to different directions.    


Without any hesitation, Chen Yu chose to continue heading towards the left.    


Soon, they arrived at a small palace.    


After easily pushing open a palace door, Chen Yu stopped in his tracks because he felt the fluctuations of a Spiritual Dipper.    


He looked towards the main hall. In the center of the hall, there was a table, and on the table, there was an ancient looking jade box.    


"Chen Yu, what's the problem?" Although Lei Xiaodao was a decisive person, he was not reckless.    


"I'm afraid there's something wrong. You guys go outside, I'll go in and take a look!" Chen Yu instructed and walked into the hall.    


As Chen Yu walked in, there was a sense of life and death in the hall. Suddenly, an azure light hung from the ceiling.    


The green light descended and condensed into a tall and sturdy silhouette that was clad in battle armor and wielding a long spear.    


The human figure took form and thrusted his spear forward, swift like a bolt of thunder.    


Chen Yu was already prepared and his blade hacked over.    


When the blade hit the spear shadow, the tip of the spear suddenly shattered. However, there was still a huge force that appeared, forcing Chen Yu to take a step back.    


The tip of the spear quickly formed once again, and with a single spear strike, it swept through all the enemies. The phantom that formed seemed to have taken the form of a physical entity.    


Chen Yu waved his sword to block. In the clash, the spear broke but quickly reformed.    


This was clearly an existence that was similar to the Spiritual Soul, just like the battle spirit Chen Yu had seen in the Qiu Martial Arts Sect.    


Chen Yu thrust out his saber again and his body moved like a bolt of lightning, colliding with the battle spirit. His saber light slashed at the battle spirit again and again, but it was still not enough to destroy it.    


Seeing that this battle spirit was a bit difficult to deal with, Chen Yu suddenly stirred up his blood flames. With a single saber stroke, he broke apart the battle spirit's spear.    


This time, the battle spirit melted in the blood flames until it turned into a blue light that faded away.    


Chen Yu came to the table and opened the jade box. Inside was a bottle of Medicine Pill.    


He pulled open the stopper of the Medicine Pill's bottle and did not smell the medicine's fragrance. Instead, he saw the faint flow of the Dan Ze as if there was a sliver of spirit within. It was obvious that the medicine's fragrance was completely restrained.    


"Tier 5 pill?" Chen Yu took out the Medicine Pill and separated it from his hand for a while. He felt that this longan sized Medicine Pill contained an extremely deep wood spirit energy.    


There were not ten Pill Bottle, only five.    


Putting away the jade box, Chen Yu walked out of the hall with the Pill Bottle and discussed their ownership with the other three. However, the three of them agreed to give Chen Yu this unknown bottle of level five wood spirit pills.    


Following that, everyone searched a few more small palaces and still encountered a battle spirit. After defeating the occupation, they also obtained a Crimson Fire Spirit Pearl and two bottles of fifth-grade pills.    


The effects of the Scarlet Fire Spirit Bead were quickly tested by Chen Yu. To be precise, it should be a Fire Splitting Bead. If it was worn on one's body, it would be difficult to penetrate.    


The Scarlet Fire Bead could be considered as a quasi-Divine Artifact, which belonged to Dieh Xiaowu. The two bottles of Grade 5 pills were for the metal type and the water type, and because Lei Xiaodao had obtained Thunder Blade and Gu Lei's cultivation technique, he refused to accept them. In the end, Chen Yu took a Grade 5 water type spirit pellet while Gongsun Zhiwei kept the metal type in her bag.    


It had already been more than four hours since he had entered the Cyan Heaven Origin Palace.    


The four of them continued their search, and started to deliberately move closer to the center of the Cyan Heaven Origin Palace, at the bottom of the mountain.    


When the four of them pushed open another tightly shut door, they were suddenly startled.    


This hall was extremely dark and serene, and under the illumination of the bright pearls, one could see that at the end of the hall, there was another door, and it was unknown where it led to.    


In their previous exploration, the four of them had never seen a Palace Hall with such a layout within the Cyan Heaven Origin Palace, and it seemed extremely unusual.    


Upon closer examination, one would discover that the hall was filled with a murderous aura.    


"What kind of place is this?" Gongsun Zhiwei said, "It seems very unusual!"    


Chen Yu nodded and said, "It might be dangerous. I'll go inside and check it out first. You guys wait here!"    


Chen Yu's cultivation level was the lowest among the four of them, but his combat power was the highest, so the three of them had no objections.    


Chen Yu carried his Break Down Blade and slowly walked into the hall.    


Chen Yu hadn't kept the Break Down Blade ever since he got it. He had been using it to refine it with the Blood Flame as soon as possible to unleash its power.    


To Chen Yu, Wind Stabilization Blade were actually not enough to satisfy his demands. Its power was too weak and Yin Slaying Blade, on the other hand, was the complete opposite.    


Therefore, this Break Down Blade that he just obtained became Chen Yu's best choice. Its heavy body and strong physique complemented each other.    


After entering the hall, Chen Yu looked around. On the walls and ceiling of the hall, there was some kind of energy gathering. It was quite similar to the battle spirits from the other palaces.    


After pondering for a moment, Chen Yu walked forward towards the end of the hall.    


"Chen Yu, be careful, there's something here!" Halfway there, Gongsun Zhiwei shouted.    


Chen Yu looked back at the three people at the door and then looked back at the dome.    


Suddenly, he revealed a surprised expression and suddenly rushed towards the entrance of the great hall.    


Shua, shua, shua. However, just as he moved, balls of green light fell down from the ceiling of the hall like rain. After they fell onto the ground, they instantly formed into a human figure.    


This was a battle spirit.    


However, there were an extraordinary number of battle spirits in this great hall. With a single glance, he could see that they covered the entire great hall.    


Chen Yu had only moved two meters when he brandished the blade in his hand and cut the two balls of cyan light.    


The green light that was hit by his slash slightly slowed down the speed of his Consolidating Equipment Master, but it was not destroyed by Chen Yu.    


In just a few breaths of time, numerous battle spirits filled the great hall, covering Chen Yu from front to back. There were around 300-400 battle spirits.    


Chen Yu did not stop as he continued to rush forward. However, as the battle spirit wielded the green light, the weapons that were formed from the green light landed on his body and immediately shattered upon contact. However, a true power emerged and forced Chen Yu to retreat.    


Chen Yu wasn't injured, but it was difficult for him to break out of the encirclement.    


"Chen Yu!" Gongsun Zhiwei jumped into the hall from the entrance. She wanted to help Chen Yu out, but she was quickly blocked by a few battle spirits not far from the door.    


Without any hesitation, Dieh Xiaowu and Lei Xiaodao both rushed into the hall.    


Chen Yu frowned. These battle spirits were the same strength as the ones he had encountered before. If there were only eight or ten of them, they would be able to deal with them.    


Shua Shua Shua Shua! One after another, the blade soldiers continued to slash. Chen Yu tried his best to block them, but the moving space became smaller and smaller.    


"Star Soul!" Chen Yu had no choice but to shout.    


The Star Soul soared and suddenly enveloped Chen Yu. The battle spirit that was affected by the Star Soul was suddenly enveloped by the pure starlight and froze. It was immediately suppressed.    


"I want to see just what it is that has gathered so many battle spirits!" Chen Yu revealed an expression of curiosity. He raised his hand and the Soul Devouring Sword Spirit appeared. It flew out of the range of the Star Soul and swept across the area.    


The thick sword intent magnified the damage to a body of nothingness like that of a battle spirit, sweeping out in large waves.    


Chen Yu calmly walked forward. Everywhere he passed, the battle spirits that pounced towards him were all suppressed and began to disintegrate.    


In the blink of an eye, more than half the battle spirits in the hall had dispersed.    


Not far from the door, Dieh Xiaowu and the other two blocked the battle spirit outside the door. They looked at Chen Yu and were immediately stunned.    


This was too strong!    


They had fought with battle spirits before, and even with the Spiritual Soul that they had accumulated on their bodies, they were only barely able to resist. They never expected Chen Yu's two Spiritual Soul s to be strong to such a shocking degree.    


Receiving Chen Yu's reminder, they also released their Spiritual Soul.    


Chen Yu continued to move forward, sweeping away all the battle spirits in the hall.    


After the four of them met up, Chen Yu turned around and walked towards the door at the end of the hall.    


Arriving at the door, he saw that it was tightly shut, but there was an open mechanism at the side.    


The fluctuating mechanism opened up the tightly shut door, revealing a wide path that was about 100 meters long.    


The ceiling of the passageway was covered with a layer of faint runes.    


After Chen Yu walked in, the glyph converged at one point. That green light condensed and became dazzling.    


Dazzling blue light slowly fell down, condensing at a speed far slower than the battle spirits outside.    


This slow speed meant that the power of this blue light's battle spirit was far stronger than the other battle spirits outside.    


At the same time, Chen Yu saw another door at the end of the wide passageway.    


Adding on to the fact that there were three levels to the doors of the outermost hall, this meant that if this place had treasures, then the value of the treasures would far surpass the Fire Elemental Beads and Tier 5 pills.    


Chen Yu even felt that there was a high possibility that this was the Cyan Heaven Origin Palace's treasury.    


The speed at which the green light condensed was slower than the outside, but in reality, it was just a comparison. After Chen Yu walked a dozen meters away, the green light completely condensed into the shape of a battle general in black armor and helmet.    


That azure armor looked no different from real armor. Furthermore, the figure clad in armor was tall and muscular, exuding an immense pressure.    


It suddenly took a step forward and its feet descended, creating a dull thumping sound.    


"Who are you, to dare trespass into the treasury of the Jade Heaven Palace?" Suddenly, the armored general opened his mouth and roared angrily. His voice resounded like a thunderclap within the sealed space.    


Chen Yu was stunned.    


Dieh Xiaowu and the other two were also shocked.    


This was the first time they had seen a battle spirit that could speak. Perhaps, this was no longer a battle spirit, but a battle spirit.    


"You can talk?" Chen Yu walked over slowly and asked.    


"This general naturally knows how to speak!" The battle spirit said, "I wish you all the best. If you all want to enter the treasury, you all must die in battle!"    


Chen Yu was even more shocked. He pondered for a bit and said, "This is the treasury?"    


The battle spirit let out a cold snort. With a berserk aura, it said, "All of you, quickly retreat! Otherwise, you will die here!"    


Chen Yu didn't expect Zhu Wu to give them the chance to leave. He looked at Zhu Wu as his mind started to wander.    


The pressure that this Zhu Wu brought to Chen Yu was very strong, it was not inferior to an expert with Deity Entering Stage, and was definitely not easy to deal with.    


However, Chen Yu felt that compared to the real Expert of the Deity Entering Stage, this Zhu Wu should be slightly inferior.    


Therefore, in Chen Yu's opinion, there shouldn't be much of a problem in killing Zhu Wu.    


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