Saint Sovereign of Nine Heavens

C142 Someone Came over

C142 Someone Came over

2Chen Yu ate some food to replenish his energy. When he was almost recovered, he looked at the path that he came out of.    


The fluctuations of the Supreme Force had returned to normal, but the density of the Essence Qi in this area was still higher than that of the paths in other directions.    


Chen Yu put his backpack on the ground, lightly packed his equipment, and rushed back into the original path.    


After running for less than fifty meters, the Essence Qi fluctuated again, turning into a surging wave of Essence Qi, chasing after Chen Yu.    


Chen Yu suddenly stopped. He turned around and threw out more than ten punches. His zhen Qi was so powerful that it collided with the Yuan Qi tide, extinguishing the first wave of Yuan Qi tide.    


Suddenly, inside the Myriad Images Flowing Astral Formation, the surrounding hundreds of meters of Essence Qi roared like boiling water, crazily rushing towards Chen Yu. A second wave of strangling quickly appeared, in a short period of time, it would form into the shape of a tiger, panther, dragon and snake, surrounding Chen Yu and trying to strangle him to death!    


Chen Yu immediately turned around and ran back.    




The second wave of elemental energy surged towards Chen Yu from all directions. Chen Yu was relying on his uniform and kept attacking, afraid that the sound was not loud enough and the array's rebound was not fierce enough. He relied on his thick zhen Qi to resist the attack of this wave of elemental energy.    


Then, before the third wave of Astral Energy appeared, Chen Yu rushed out of the path and returned to the safe zone.    


Watching the Qi that had lost its target roiling for a long time, Chen Yu grinned, picked up everything and walked to another path on the opposite side of the clearing.    


Whether it was the Thousand Illusionary Array or the Ten Thousand Manifestation array, whether it was a Thousand Illusionary Array, because of the fact that the flow of the astral energy inside it was extremely strong, they all had their own characteristics. Simply put, the total amount of astral energy within a array formation was constant, and within the entire array, the more violent the fluctuations of the energy here, the other places' astral energy would be attracted, causing it to become weak.    


That's why Chen Yu went back to disturb them, so that the next source energy would be attracted to him. This way, the next part of the journey would be easier.    


After entering the new path, Chen Yu felt the energy was being attracted here. He felt the pressure suddenly lessen and his whole body became a lot more relaxed.    


This time, Chen Yu didn't deliberately move at the fastest speed, nor was he as careful as when he first stepped onto the first path. He only slowly walked like he was walking normally.    


Very soon, the omnipresent Essence Qi fluctuated. Clouds and mist converged and enveloped Chen Yu, causing him to become a huge moving Essence Cocoon.    


Chen Yu turned a blind eye to this and continued walking forward at a leisurely pace.    


After two hundred meters, the thick fog surrounding Chen Yu continued to swirl and flow like waves. Wave after wave, it followed Chen Yu and repeatedly washed Chen Yu's body.    


After a hundred meters, the origin energy wave continued to increase in size, condensing into a real wave. The origin energy on top of the wave began to condense into various shapes.    


Fifty meters later, the elemental energy that had condensed into a horse and beast collided with Chen Yu's body, triggering even more intense waves of elemental energy.    


On the path, Chen Yu found another treasure. It was a sheathed sword that was placed silently by the side of the road.    


Chen Yu picked up his sword and took a look at it amidst the waves of Essence. It was a Middle Grade True Artifact sword.    


Shaking his head, Chen Yu threw the sword to the side of the road and sped up his pace. It wasn't that he loathed the mediocre quality true tools, but rather that he didn't have anything like a Storage Bag.    


Although it was a bit of a waste, there was nothing he could do about it!    


Following Chen Yu's mad dash, the Yuan Qi undulations became more intense, just like what happened on the previous path. After sprinting for more than three hundred meters, the first wave of the Myriad Images Flowing Astral Formation came about.    


Chen Yu did not stop, he only sprinted forward with his full strength. With lightning speed, he used the defensive vestment on his body and his strong body to resist the first and second waves of Myriad Images Flowing Astral Formation.    


When the second wave of pure aura came surging over, Chen Yu discovered that the second treasure was a simple wooden box.    


Casually grabbing the wooden box, Chen Yu started to use Wind Transformation Movement to the extreme.    


After darting over a hundred meters, he caught up to Chen Yu in the third wave. At the same time, Chen Yu also saw the exit of the path.    


It was exactly the same as what happened on the previous path. The third wave of attack was made purely out of astral energy, turning it into a myriad of blades and swords.    


Chen Yu unleashed his Wave Chopping Blade Spell once again, releasing the complete mastery of the blade intent without reservation. With a single slash, he cut open a huge path through the vast and surging sword qi and sword qi, and then used his protective Zhen Qi and the uniform set of clothes to face the onslaught.    


Perhaps it was because Chen Yu had made a lot of noise when he rushed back to the small path before, but this time, the third wave of Qi from the Sword Qi was weaker. Chen Yu's injuries were worse than the last time, and then he rushed out of the small path and arrived at a safe clearing before the fourth wave of Qi from the Sword Qi.    


This empty space still did not have a stone platform. It was about the size of the last safe space. There were also eight small paths at the edge of the open ground.    


Opening the wooden box, Chen Yu found a secret martial arts manual inside. After a brief observation, Chen Yu found that this was only an ordinary high-rank martial arts manual.    


With Bloodfire Emperor's memory, Chen Yu was not interested in ordinary upper-level martial arts and did not put it to heart.    


However, a martial arts manual was very light and didn't take up too much space. Chen Yu threw the wooden box away, put the manual back into his bag and started to recover after meditating.    


Four hours later, Chen Yu followed the previous process and first went back to the path that he came out of. After messing around with it for a while, he crossed the open space and entered the path that was directly in front of him and continued moving forward!    


In this secret realm, the sky was always an azure color. There was nothing else, there was no distinction between day and night.    


From the amount of dry food and water in his bag, Chen Yu determined that he had been in the secret realm for three days!    


Within these three days, Chen Yu had passed through nine paths and arrived at the tenth safe zone.    


Xiao Chen continued to cross the pathway and endure the Qi from the Myriad Images Flowing Astral Formation. After which, he sat in meditation to recover, rest and continue.    


This repetitive process allowed Chen Yu to have a clearer understanding of the Myriad Images Flowing Astral Formation:    


Within this Myriad Images Flowing Astral Formation, every path was fairly long, probably reaching a thousand meters or so. Using this as a calculation, Chen Yu had passed through ten paths in a row and had walked for more than ten miles.    


Chen Yu was still far from reaching the exit of this formation!    


In addition, Chen Yu noticed that there were two to three treasures on each path. Adding the ten paths together, there were twenty to thirty treasures.    


There were all sorts of treasures, including true weapons, martial arts manuals, Medicine Pill, and even some refining materials. Most of them, Chen Yu didn't want to add burden on himself, so he could only bear with it and ignore them.    


Chen Yu was currently wearing the standard vestment, and was holding the Spirit Treasure Willow Leaf Knife in his hand. In his bag were three high-grade martial arts manuals, a short sword, a bottle of unknown Medicine Pill which was probably a level three elixir, and a piece of fine iron that was as bright as starlight.    


That fist-sized lump of refined iron, Chen Yu reckoned it was a Stellar Sand, a type of artifact forging material that was not available in Minglan City.    


However, Chen Yu found it strange that he did not encounter any treasure on the last two paths — it was as if someone had beaten him to the punch and taken away the treasures on the two paths. This fact made Chen Yu wary, so he started to slow down his pace, just in case.    


After he had recovered to his peak state, Chen Yu followed the same pattern and rushed into the path that he had come out of. After using his zhen qi to mess around for a while, he returned to the open space and chose the tenth path on the opposite side.    


After entering the 10th path, Chen Yu still proceeded at a leisurely pace.    


After walking for 30 meters, Chen Yu suddenly felt that the energy fluctuations around his body weren't that strong.    


Looking towards the front, Chen Yu found that the clouds were not thick at all.    


The Essence Qi within the Glowing Gale Array was surprisingly thin!    


"Could it be that this Myriad Images Flowing Astral Formation also has a cycle, and now is the time for it to become weak?" Chen Yu had a trace of doubt in his heart, but he couldn't help but shake his head. Recalling the few paths he had walked before, he felt that this guess wasn't reliable at all.    


However, Chen Yu clearly felt that the elemental energy here was much thinner than on the other paths.    


At that moment, Chen Yu felt a wave of Essence Qi approaching him. He noticed that the Essence Qi around his body was being drawn to the front like the wind.    


"Someone is coming!" Chen Yu's body shook and his eyes suddenly lit up as he looked forward with rapt attention.    


Not long after, the Yuan Qi undulations became increasingly strong and was rapidly approaching him. In a few blinks of an eye, Chen Yu could clearly hear the Yuan Qi movements like the sound of surging tides.    


This time, Chen Yu was completely sure. He was both surprised and vigilant. Without any hesitation, he turned around and ran back to the open space.    


As Chen Yu looked back, he heard the sound of elemental energy colliding. Then, he saw the Astral Energy shock wave spreading towards him like a stream of water.    


It was obvious that the people who were coming had already drawn the Myriad Images Flowing Astral Formation's attack to the third wave. Based on this speed, the fourth wave would appear very soon, and if the people who were coming could hold on, they would quickly reach the exit.    


After rushing out of the path, Chen Yu stood at the side of the exit of the path and waited with concentration.    


No treasure was found on the last two paths, so Chen Yu had thought about the situation where there were other people in the formation. Now, it seemed that this guess was true.    


From this, it could be inferred that the teleportation formation deep within the Bat Cave was not unique. There was also the teleportation formation that was connected to the Myriad Images Flowing Astral Formation.    


Because he didn't know what kind of warrior had come, Chen Yu was very careful. He circulated his Real Qi to the extreme and didn't release it.    




A few seconds later, Chen Yu saw a huge wave of Astral Energy gushing over from the other side of the path. Above the wave, there were more than ten huge swords and sabers flying at a rapid speed, chasing a figure running in front of the huge wave with unstoppable momentum.    


That figure was not slow, but it was still within Chen Yu's line of sight. In just a few seconds, it was slashed by more than a dozen of gigantic astral swords.    




As the gigantic sword and astral energy descended, the figure that was rushing forward was engulfed by the explosion of endless astral energy.    


However, Chen Yu noticed that the figure was flashing with silver light. It was obvious that he was also wearing soft armor.    


After a full ten seconds, that figure staggered out of the explosion of endless Aura and rushed towards Chen Yu.    


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