Saint Sovereign of Nine Heavens

C860 Heavy Space

C860 Heavy Space

1Only Chen Yu and the other two stayed where they were.    


Gongsun Zhiwei smiled and said, "I've seen more danger when I first came in. So what if there is more danger?"    


After pausing for a moment, she suddenly took a step forward and stood in front of Chen Yu.    


Chen Yu was a little confused, he didn't know what Gongsun Zhiwei was going to do.    


Gongsun Zhiwei suddenly embraced Chen Yu's neck, her lips moved closer to Chen Yu's, leaving a mark on Chen Yu's lips. She then turned around, glanced at Dieh Xiaowu, and jumped onto the platform.    


Her figure disappeared.    


Chen Yu touched his lips with his finger and smiled wryly.    


He didn't forget to be jealous even at such a time, so there was no one left.    


Dieh Xiaowu's expression was indifferent, but she suddenly turned around and stood in front of Chen Yu. Her lips were pressed against Chen Yu's lips.    


The fresh feeling made Chen Yu widen his eyes.    


Dieh Xiaowu turned around and walked up the platform, disappearing from sight.    


Chen Yu was speechless. He turned around and looked down at the palace, only to see that the huge fluctuation of the Spiritual Dipper was still continuing, but it was quickly heading towards the foot of the mountain.    


In other directions, Chen Yu could also feel two streams of God's Will.    


Expert of the Deity Entering Stage's entrance undoubtedly greatly reduced the chances of Chen Yu and the other Profound Dark Stage practitioners obtaining the inheritance.    


Chen Yu turned around and jumped onto the platform. He felt that he had passed through a space barrier.    


Accompanied by the warping of space, the scene in front of Chen Yu's eyes changed. When he got used to the warped and erratic feeling, he found himself standing under a huge tree.    


Raising his head, he saw that the huge tree was high up in the sky, and he could not see the void above him.    


Ahead, a winding path slanted up, but it was unusually long.    


Raising his head to look, he couldn't see the top of the mountain at all. The air was completely sealed off by the ancient wooden lotuses, making it difficult for people to distinguish between north, south, east and west.    


Furthermore, Chen Yu could see the existence of spatial barriers along the path.    


Simply put, this was the mountain climbing path. However, the mountain climbing path had been stretched out countless times. It was unknown what sort of trials and dangers still existed on the path.    


"I hope they're safe!" Chen Yu's heart skipped a beat. He put down his concerned and worried mind and let his mood become open-minded.    


The path of martial artists was fraught with dangers. Even lovers who could not change their lives sometimes could not protect each other. In the end, they could only rely on themselves. Of course, if one did not have the heart to venture into danger, it was different.    


Chen Yu walked out from under the ancient tree and arrived at another ancient tree.    


Chen Yu took out the Blood King Bow, took out a Spirit Arrow, pointed the bow at the sky, and suddenly released his bowstring by fifty percent.    


The blood strings pierced through the air, piercing through the branches of the ancient trees and flying out with unstoppable force.    


However, just as he was about to pierce through the ancient tree, Chen Yu felt that the arrow with the blood flame on it suddenly shattered and disappeared.    


"As expected, there are no shortcuts up the mountain. If you want to climb on top of the Ancient Wood and fly in the air, you will most likely be destroyed by the powerful formation restrictions! " Chen Yu confirmed the guess in his heart and smiled bitterly.    


"Moreover, it's hard to tell just how much space there is overlapping each other in this forest. Even if one doesn't die from walking in the air, it's likely that they will only be able to travel through overlapping spaces, as if they had fallen into a maze!"    


Putting away the Blood King Bow, Chen Yu used his movement technique and ran along the path.    


Because he didn't feel any danger, Chen Yu ran very fast.    


After running seven to eight miles, Chen Yu suddenly stopped. He saw an invisible space barrier in front of him.    


Carrying the Break Down Blade in his hand, Chen Yu stepped over the space barrier.    


After crossing this barrier, the path under his feet didn't seem any different. It looked the same as before, but Chen Yu knew that the path under his feet had probably changed.    


In other words, the seven to eight miles of mountain road Chen Yu just passed might be one or two miles or even shorter. It might even be just a few hundred meters long.    


Chen Yu let out a long breath and kept running.    


Suddenly, a black shadow flashed and descended.    


Chen Yu turned around shockingly and slashed with his saber.    


The saber's aura swept past and cut off a segment of the vine.    


The vine bled as it swept past Chen Yu.    


In that instant, sounds of breaking wind rang out. In Chen Yu's eyes, he saw that on the two sides of the mountain path, countless Demon Vine flying over from between the ancient trees. They sealed off the paths and rushed over to wrap around Chen Yu.    


These Demon Vine were the same as the ones in the Soul Burying Valley, but there were even more of them, so dense that no one could escape.    


And here, no Martial Cultivator of the Deity Entering Stage came out to destroy these Demon Vine.    


Chen Yu's body spun, causing layers of blade lights to appear.    


The saber light swept in a circle, and countless vines fell.    


Chen Yu noticed that after the vines were cut down, they quickly fell to the ground and turned into ashes. Only some drops of blood were left on the broken parts of the vines.    


And then, what shocked Chen Yu was that the broken parts of the Demon Vine started to heal again.    


Chen Yu's pupils couldn't help but constrict.    


An ordinary warrior would not be able to deal with such a situation.    


With a thought, Chen Yu activated the Spirit Connecting Vine.    


Once the Spirit Connecting Vine flew out, it spun in front of Chen Yu.    


The moment the Demon Vine touched the Spirit Connecting Vine, it suddenly shrank back. The tip of the Demon Vine began to droop towards the ground, as if it was afraid of its mother.    


The Spirit Connecting Vine did not care about that as it flew quickly, passing through the Demon Vine.    


Wherever it went, the entire Demon Vine would turn into green ashes and be blown away by the wind.    


In the blink of an eye, the countless Demon Vine that blotted out the sky and blotted out the sun, turned into ashes.    


The Spirit Connecting Vine flew back and circled around Chen Yu. It gave off a wave of its thoughts, showing off and trying to please him.    


Chen Yu could sense that the Spirit Connecting Vine's aura had grown quite a bit, and the dark green color on its body had become even more enchanting.    


Chen Yu smiled, and with the Spirit Connecting Vine wrapped around his waist, he quickly left.    


Soon, another spatial barrier appeared in front of them.    


Chen Yu did not hesitate and passed through the barrier.    


After a few seconds, whooshing sounds were heard.    


Chen Yu, who was maintaining his extreme vigilance, turned his head and saw tree branches flying over like sharp swords, bringing along a sharp sword intent.    


This was no longer a tree branch, but an attack not inferior to the Sword Qi Wave.    


Chen Yu brandished his blade and quickly rushed forward.    


Pfft pfft pfft, Chen Yu's defensive sabre aura was extremely dense, but he could not completely block all of these attacks that were like rain from the sword. His protective Spiritual Dipper was thick, but he was also unable to block all of them.    


Along the way, Chen Yu had suffered countless of attacks, but they were all blocked by his Insensate Stone Spirit Armor.    


The Insensate Stone Spirit Armor had completely dimmed down while Chen Yu had broken through the next space barrier.    


Just as he rushed over, Chen Yu suddenly felt his heart palpitate.    


A sharp claw slashed through the air.    


Chen Yu realized that he was only inches away from a strange beast.    


The Break Down Blade moved horizontally to block this claw. Chen Yu was sent flying by a huge force.    


Looking carefully, that strange beast was not very big. It was only the size of a leopard, with a cat-like face, sharp teeth, and two sharp barbed teeth.    


It smacked Chen Yu away with one strike and actually made a turn in the air. It stomped on a lump of green gas and charged towards Chen Yu like a shadow. Its sharp claws were like divine weapons and wanted to crush Chen Yu's head.    


"Die!" At this time, Chen Yu had already landed on the ground. He snorted coldly and slashed down with the Break Down Blade.    


When the knife hacked out, Chen Yu felt as if his Qi and blood were on fire as all the power in his body exploded out.    


Chen Yu was just not prepared enough to be sent flying. Now that he was going all out, he must be very strong. With a swoosh, Chen Yu chopped down a pair of claws with a single slash. They flew past the body of the strange beast and split it apart.    


The corpse of the strange beast that had been killed hadn't even landed on the ground when its body suddenly broke down into a dense green gas. It spread out along with an incomparably dense plant essence, disappearing into the woods on both sides of the path.    


During Chen Yu's breathing, he could feel the thick wood elemental spiritual energy in the air.    


"It's actually formed from the essence of plants and vegetation in this forest?" Chen Yu was amazed by Cyan Sky Origin Monarch's godly skill.    


Cyan Sky Origin Monarch was indeed a Mixed Origin Stage Super Expert that was close to Divine King!    


Rushing again, this time, not far from the next space barrier, Chen Yu slowed down and then took a step forward.    


Through this spatial barrier, Chen Yu was on high alert on both sides of the mountain path and he didn't move forward for the time being.    


After waiting for a while, no danger appeared. Chen Yu couldn't help but be surprised.    


Taking a deep breath, Chen Yu continued to rush forward.    


After travelling several kilometers, Chen Yu suddenly saw a figure rushing over.    


"Why is there someone here?" Chen Yu felt a chill in his heart and quickly maintained his vigilance.    


As that figure approached, Chen Yu was stunned and exclaimed: "Xiao Wu, why are you here?"    


That figure was already standing in front of him with the Shadow Blade in hand. When he saw Chen Yu, he was both surprised and happy. He said: "Chen Yu, I was just strolling around and I was here. I didn't expect to meet you. This is great!"    


Dieh Xiaowu's eyes darted around as she spoke. There was joy in her eyes, but also a trace of affection.    


Chen Yu was at a loss and said, "Could it be that after entering, the path is the same, and they actually came together?"    


Dieh Xiaowu shook her head, "I don't know either. Chen Yu, did you encounter any danger along the way?"    


Chen Yu said, "It's a bit troublesome, but it's still manageable. What about you?"    


"I did not encounter any trouble!" Dieh Xiaowu said, "Which way should we go now?"    


Chen Yu was suspicious and felt that this shouldn't be the case. Since Dieh Xiaowu was on the way up the mountain, how could there be no trouble?    


"Let's continue forward!" Chen Yu blinked and said, "Go ahead!"    


"Okay, but won't we take a detour back to the foot of the mountain?" Dieh Xiaowu said.    


"I don't think so!" Chen Yu sighed, "But I can't say for sure. Who knows what kind of tests and troubles Cyan Sky Origin Monarch will set up!"    


Dieh Xiaowu didn't say anything else. She turned around and walked in the direction that she had come from.    


After walking six to seven miles, Chen Yu already saw the spatial barrier in front of him.    


"Eh, the road ahead seems different from the way I came?" Dieh Xiaowu stopped outside the spatial barrier and suddenly said with a surprised expression.    


"What's different?" Chen Yu asked.     3


"Look at that tree, it's a huge pine. I remember it looks like a willow tree!" Dieh Xiaowu said as she pointed at the descendants of the spatial barrier.    


"Is that so? Let me take a look! " Chen Yu looked carefully.    


Suddenly, Chen Yu turned around and dodged the Shadow Blade that Dieh Xiaowu was thrusting at his ribs.    


The Shadow Sword slanted upwards, bringing with it a thick wood attribute Spiritual Dipper.    


Chen Yu raised his sword to block and said, "Your strength is much weaker than Dieh Xiaowu's!"    


Dieh Xiaowu said, "It looks like you're very smart!"    


Chen Yu laughed as he blocked the Shadow Blade and grabbed towards Dieh Xiaowu.    


Dieh Xiaowu's body suddenly spread out, transforming into thick wood power that spread out in all directions.    


Chen Yu shook his head and could not help but worry for Dieh Xiaowu.    


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