Evolve from a Tree



2Su Mu used his supreme supernatural powers to behead Ansuras's group. By beheading Ansuras and Su Mu, his strength had increased explosively, and he had also successfully displayed his potential to the Heavenly Dao.    


After all the shadows and darkness had faded away, what was left behind was the desolate land. The great land had been irradiated with energy, turning it into a dangerous forbidden land.    


The eastern Hundred Kingdoms were filled with broken families, refugees who had nowhere to go, corpses strewn everywhere, and people who had become food for their children.    


This was a part of this era.    


It was cruel, but it was also real.    


After repeated discussions among the elders, Lih Kingdom decided to recruit these refugees who had deep roots in Lih Kingdom.    


Under the iron wheel of this era, all the conflicts between peoples, nations, blood ties, and territories were fading away. What replaced them was a new concept — the human race!    


Although the millions of refugees in the eastern Hundred Kingdoms were numerous, they were like a bottle of ink poured into a vast ocean after they had merged into a vast and vast land.    


With Su Mu's protection, Lih Kingdom became the last pure land in this chaotic era, and tens of thousands submitted to him.    


Under Su Mu's efforts, the human race and the demi-human race formed a true alliance in the sense of advancing and retreating together for the first time.    


Although there was darkness growing under the light, it was all swept away by the monitoring system set up by Su Mu.    


Head rolling, head of a beast on the ground, under Su Mu's bloody iron means Lih Kingdom began a new epoch.    


No one would have expected that not long after they had embarked on the road of Lih Kingdom revival, they had already sat on the fast track and completed the grand revival of Lih Kingdom before any countries or powers could react. Da Li once again stood tall and upright on the summit of the world.    


His Cherry Blossom Country had also become a prefectural province within the borders of the Great Li Empire, and every single governor was appointed by the Elder Hall.    


In order to accelerate the integration of the various races within the Lih Kingdom and to return them to their respective families, all the races that came from the outside had their own surnames banned. With the help of the relevant organs of the Lih Kingdom, they changed their surnames and joined the large family known as Lih Kingdom.    


Under this kind of busy situation, it was a peace of mind.    


Red Lotus and Scarlet Void Moon had died, and Ansuras had also been destroyed by Su Mu, but the Unique Religion behind him would still take root in this beautiful world, absorbing her nutrients and preparing to bear the fruits of evil.    


Su Mu turned his gaze towards the northern Lothar Empire as well as the deep shadow that lay behind it — — Unique Religion Conference!    


He was not in a hurry to take action. Instead, he patiently traveled across the entire world and completely exterminated all the parishes in the Unique Religion Society.    


Unique Religion would act like a madman in the northern Lothar Empire, wanting to stop Su Mu. However, due to Su Mu's invincible power, he could only watch helplessly as the diocese that he painstakingly plotted was uprooted one after another.    


The feeling of grievance in his heart could probably only be compared to that of a criminal …    


In front of absolute strength, all schemes were just a joke.    


After Su Mu exterminated the Unique Religion Society's parish, the Unique Religion would become a waterless tree. They wanted to use these parishes to quickly wake up the sleeping Evil God.    


In order to praise Su Mu's contribution to Mountain And Sea World, the Heavenly Dao generously rewarded Su Mu — —    


a portion of the Mountain And Sea World!    


After Su Mu obtained the authority of the Mountain And Sea World, he notified the heavens.    


After Su Mu obtained a portion of the Mountain And Sea World, without saying anything, he used the privilege unique to dogs with authority to take away a large portion of the Spirit Stone s in the Mountain And Sea World.    


This was the backup he planned to use to nurture the main force of Mountain And Sea World. Not even a hundred years of it would be used up, but now, Su Mu had converted it into an evolution point in just a few minutes.    


If it wasn't because of Su Mu's glib tongue and his unique technique that allowed the heavens to calm down, he probably wouldn't be able to resist wanting to dismember Su Mu's body.    


After Su Mu obtained a massive amount of evolution points, his strength improved by leaps and bounds. Every minute and every second, his strength skyrocketed. To Su Mu, breaking through was as easy as drinking water.    


Not only was it a small realm, even those great realms that had obstructed the countless proud sons of heaven were like thin paper to him. With a gentle poke, they were torn to pieces.    


Heaven rewards diligence!    


All of this was the result of Su Mu's constant hard work day and night!    


It had nothing to do with hanging.    


He could only throw the matter away like that.    


When Su Mu came out of seclusion, he was only a hair's breadth away from the power of the Heavenly Dao.    


Heavenly Dao never expected Su Mu's strength to grow so fast. It was as if he had just eaten a pile of gold.    


However, he did not put up any defenses against Su Mu. The two of them had become comrade-in-arms together, and Su Mu also had a world inside him that had endless potential. When he grew up, his Mountain And Sea World would be even more damaged than his foundation.    


Not to mention that outside of Mountain And Sea World, there were many other worlds waiting for Su Mu to excavate, so there was no need for him to fall out with him over just Mountain And Sea World.    


With no conflicts of interest and Su Mu's special skills, how could Su Mu not have a good relationship with the Heavenly Dao?    


Now that the Evil God was in deep slumber, Su Mu and the Heavenly Dao could be described as like glue.    


With Su Mu's help, Tian Dao's waist no longer hurt and his legs were no longer sore. He could climb up to the sixth floor in one breath, as if he was on stimulants. He impatiently pulled Su Mu together to challenge the Evil God's Big Boss.    


Su Mu and Tian Dao unrestrainedly rushed towards the encampment of the Unique Religion Association. Su Mu used his spatial ability and completely sealed off the space within a thousand mile radius around the Unique Religion. Without his permission, not even a fly could fly in.    


The Lothar Empire of the north turned pale with fright. They no longer cared about the close proximity of other deadly technologies like nuclear bombs, explosive cloud bombs, hydrogen bombs and so on. They wanted to use these fatal technology to wipe out Su Mu.    




Humans have their limits, so …    


Su Mu had long since stopped being a human. Facing the incoming nuclear bomb, he happily sucked his fill. Needless to say, the energy after the bomb explosion was huge. Other than being spicy, it was a good compensatory drink!    


The northern Lothar Empire was shocked senseless on the spot. The old emperor who wanted to surrender but was too late, millions of roots rose from the ground and in the blink of an eye, a gigantic tree that was a thousand meters tall grew from the ground.    


All the contaminants within the northern Lothar Empire were turned into fertilizer for the giant trees, and they would be destroyed along with the Unique Religion.    


After removing the Evil God's wings, Su Mu and Tian Dao officially started fighting.    


The Evil God who was deep in the ocean would never have thought that after trillions of years, his Mountain And Sea World which was gradually withering would end up like Su Mu, and to even end up as a mess with the Heavenly Dao … The covenant of justice was formed.    


After capturing him and beating him to death, the Evil God was beaten into a mosaic. His originally unsightly appearance could be announced as giving up on the spot.    


Su Mu didn't kill the Evil God. Instead, he threw the Evil God into the small world that was growing in his body and allowed it to become nourishment for the small world.    


This operation allowed the aboriginals born in Su Mu's world to actually have the ability to pass through other worlds with their soul.    


After solving the Evil God's problem, Mountain And Sea World no longer had the biggest internal problem, so Heavenly Dao and Su Mu could now freely help to solve the external problem that had appeared — —    


Those worlds that invaded the Mountain And Sea World.    


After sealing off all the opened spatial passages, the Mountain And Sea World began to recuperate. After ten years of time, only the sound of Lih Kingdom could be heard throughout the world, and Su Mu also established his divine country on the ground — —    


Heavenly Court!    


As soon as the Heavenly Dao and Su Mu came to a conclusion, they went all out, even at the cost of the world origin energy, and started to produce a large number of favored children of heaven.    


When the time was right, Su Mu would open the dimensional door and lead a large number of Mountain And Sea World warriors to flatten these worlds.    


Harvesting rich resources to nurture the war.    


Borrowing these resources, Su Mu finally succeeded in Transcending and becoming immortal.    


The small world in his body had also become a beautiful and infamous Heavenly Demon World. Every native within it had become a nightmare for those worlds — — The Demonic Otherworldly Realm.    


Su Mu, who had transcended all common interests, cast his gaze towards the new world beyond the Endless Dimension and began a new journey.    


(End of book)    


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