Rural Doctor's Romance

C1800 Little Hong Guo Save Him

C1800 Little Hong Guo Save Him

4Mao Xiaojun thought for a while and said, "The equipment has been transported here quickly. When the time comes, I will let the people from the other company move directly into the valley."    2


"That's alright. When they move into the valley, let them install it."    




As the two of them chatted, Mao Xiaojun started to feed the pigs.    


Soon, the pig was fed.    


Because he was going to give those unconscious people small red fruit and acupuncture to cure the poison later, Mao Xiaojun did not delay any longer. Carrying the pig food bucket, he quickly walked towards Zhang Cuihua's house.    


Zhang Ningning, who was following beside him, was puzzled in her heart.    


In the past, this little rascal specially wanted to take advantage of me.    


Now, I'm the only one by your side. Why did you leave so quickly?    


I'm not an ugly woman either. I came to you on my own accord and wanted to have a good relationship with you, but you didn't even look at me.    


Although she was angry, she still followed Mao Xiaojun quickly.    


When they reached Zhang Cuihua's courtyard, Mao Xiaojun washed the pig food bucket again, then carried it into the room and placed it behind the door.    


Just as he walked out of the room, Wang Xiuxiu rushed into the courtyard.    


"Little Jun, how did you give Miss Zhou and the others acupuncture? After sleeping for the whole night, their poison had not been cured and their faces turned dark again."    


"Maybe there is poison in their bodies. I will go and take a look."    


Mao Xiaojun knew very well that the poison in these people was very strange. It had a hallucinatory effect.    


The people who were unconscious might still think that they were in the valley.    


"You little rascal, if you can't cure the poison today, you have to send them all to the hospital at the foot of the mountain. You still have to transfer them to the hospital in the city. Otherwise, if you delay the treatment, it will be a big problem."    


Because last night, Mao Xiaojun said that the poison had been cured.    


Now, the poison had not been cured and everyone was unconscious. Wang Xiuxiu did not believe Mao Xiaojun's nonsense in her heart.    


She thought that in a while, this guy would give those few people acupuncture to cure the poison, and it might not be effective.    


After Mao Xiaojun greeted Zhang Cuihua and the other few wives, he left the courtyard with Wang Xiuxiu and went to Uncle Hua’s house.    


When they reached the courtyard of Uncle Hua’s house, Wang Xiuxiu let Mao Xiaojun go and take a look at the situation of these people.    


Mao Xiaojun went over to take a look. Sure enough, the black color that had faded last night had appeared on these people's faces again.    


"Little Jun, what exactly is going on? Didn't you say last night that you have already cured the poison?"    


Wang Xiuxiu began to make things difficult for Mao Xiaojun again.    


At this moment, the few wives in the room had already come out and stood in the courtyard.    


Especially Qiao Xiaoqing, after seeing that the country bumpkin failed to apply the needle to cure the poison last night, she was very pleased in her heart.    


If the poison could not be cured this time, this fellow might even be taken away by the police.    


At that time, it would be fun to be detained for half a month.    


At this time, Niu Qing was also quite worried in her heart.    


She walked forward and said, "Brother Xiaojun, Miss Zhou and the others should have been poisoned by a stronger poison, right? Do you have any other ways to help them cure the poison?"    


Zhuang Li also said, "This poison seems to be not the miasma of an ordinary valley. Last night, the black color on my face had already faded, and now it has appeared again."    


Mao Xiaojun was very calm in his heart. mandrill had said that eating the red fruit could cure the poison.    


He helped to perform the acupuncture again, and soon he would wake up.    


"Don't worry, I can cure them in a while. Once the poison is cured, I will give them another acupuncture, and they will wake up."    


Wang Xiuxiu did not believe it at all.    


"Kid, you said it so easily. Didn't you say last night that you have already cured the poison? Why is it still like this? "    


Mao Xiaojun was a little resentful towards Wang Xiuxiu.    


You old hag, I already said that I can help cure the poison, why are you still so long-winded?    


You really need to be taught a lesson.    


Wait till I'm done with my work, then I'll teach you a lesson.    


"Last night, I used acupuncture to force out the poison in everyone's body. At the same time, I also removed the black gas on my face. So, you guys saw that last night's expression was very clear. Now that they had slept for the whole night, Miss Zhou and the others' faces were dark again. The poison in their bodies has come out again."    


Just as Mao Xiaojun finished speaking, Qiao Xiaoqing replied, "Country bumpkin, don't brag about it. If you don't know how to cure the poison, then you don't know how to cure the poison. It's better to send him to the hospital earlier. If you delay the treatment, you will have to take responsibility. "    


Everyone felt that Qiao Xiaoqing's words made some sense.    


Especially Zhuang Li, who was also worried about Mao Xiaojun at this time.    


"Little Jun, I think what Miss Xiaoqing said is right. Look at their expressions. It was even darker than last night. If you are not confident in treating them, let's contact the hospital at the foot of the mountain. We'll talk after we send them to the hospital."    


"Sister Zhuang, don't worry. They will be fine."    


Mao Xiaojun said very calmly, which made Qiao Xiaoqing very unhappy.    


"If you can really cure them all, then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and cure them."    


Wang Xiuxiu also urged, "Little Jun, try to cure them again. If you can't cure them, we will send them to the hospital at the foot of the mountain."    


"Why are you guys so nervous? I will cure them now."    


Mao Xiaojun took out a few small red fruits from his side and said to Qiao Xiaoqing, "Miss Xiaoqing, can I trouble you to bring a basin of water and a few bowls to the house? I want to use it. "    


Qiao Xiaoqing pouted. She knew very well that the country bumpkin was doing this on purpose to embarrass her.    


She did not retort and turned around to go into the room to bring a basin to fill the well with water.    


Niu Qing saw Qiao Xiaoqing leave and said, "I will go and help bring two empty bowls over."    


And so, she also followed.    


After a while, Qiao Xiaoqing carried a basin full of well water over.    


Niu Qing also brought two empty bowls and a stool.    


Mao Xiaojun let Qiao Xiaoqing place the basin of water near Zhou Yamei's tent. Then Niu Qing also moved the stool over and placed it on the ground. Two empty bowls were placed on the stool.    


At this time, Qiao Xiaoqing coldly said, "Country bumpkin, the clear water and empty bowls have been brought over. You can help them detoxify the poison, right?"    


"Yes, let's start now."    


Mao Xiaojun used an empty bowl to scoop up a bowl of well water in the basin. He took out a small red fruit and washed it inside.    


He then crushed the small red fruit and dripped the liquid inside into another empty bowl.    


He took the empty bowl and walked to Zhou Yamei's side, who was lying in the tent. He grabbed her neck with one hand and lifted her head.    


With the other hand, he held the bowl with half a bowl of liquid and placed it beside her mouth.    


But this wife's mouth was closed and he looked at Niu Qing, "Sister Niu Qing, come over and help open Miss Zhou's mouth."    




After Niu Qing opened Zhou Yamei's mouth, Mao Xiaojun slowly poured the juice into her mouth.    


After that, he pressed on the acupuncture point near her throat and Zhou Yamei swallowed the juice in her mouth.    


After doing all this, Mao Xiaojun did not start to give her acupuncture.    


Qiao Xiaoqing, on the other hand, found it funny in her heart.    


You country bumpkin, let me see how you are going to save people later.    


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