Rural Doctor's Romance

C1701 Bad Idea

C1701 Bad Idea

1"Does that mean Mao Xiaojun, a country bumpkin, is going to be rich soon?"     4


Cao Xiaomin still did not quite believe it. A country bumpkin with a glib tongue only knew a bit of herbal medicine and acupuncture. How could he earn big money so easily?    


"Yes. If the medicine this time is really effective, it is not as simple as making money. Mao Xiaojun would be able to get the favour of more rich people in the future. Everyone wanted to be painless and healthy. This kid knows how to treat illnesses, and the effect of the treatment is awesome. Which wealthy person didn't want to curry favor with him? "    


Cao Jishi analyzed the situation for his granddaughter again.    


However, Cao Xiaomin still couldn't believe that a country bumpkin with dirt all over his body would suddenly soar into the sky.    


"Grandfather, maybe the medicine that the country bumpkin made did not have such an exaggerated effect. It is also possible that the country bumpkin bragged about himself to fool everyone."    


"Girl, your grandfather is very clear about Little Jun's character. This kid won't do anything particularly exaggerated. Listen to grandpa. If there was a chance, immediately go and have a good chat with him. Learn the skills in his hands. You have also learned botany in America for many years. Have you thoroughly researched the plants in the Hundred Flowers Mountain? I'm afraid not. In other words, the Hundred Flowers Mountain that Mao Xiaojun contracted. But a treasure vault. Little Jun was able to thrive because of this Hundred Flowers Mountain. You better hurry up and follow his target. At that time, this Hundred Flowers Mountain will belong to our Cao Family."    


" En, then I'll give it a try. "    


Cao Xiaomin was very clear that if she did not agree to her grandfather's request, she would definitely be long-winded.    


So, she pretended to agree. Anyway, over here, her grandfather did not know if she went to find a country bumpkin to have a romantic relationship with.    


"Alright then. Grandfather will not disturb you anymore. After the meeting here ends in a few days, Grandpa will come to Peach Blossom Village again."    




After Cao Xiaomin finished talking with Cao Jishi on the phone, she put away her phone and walked into the crowd, pretending to be busy together.    


At this time, Zhang Ningning was also secretly calling her father about Mao Xiaojun's cooperation with the Zhou Family in Shanghai.    


On the other side, Zhang Jiwen was very happy when he heard that. He said to his daughter, "Ningning, you already have that kind of relationship with Little Jun. Hurry up and find an opportunity to tell him about what happened that night. How about this... In the future, the two of you are basically dating."    


"Dad, this guy was drunk that day, so he didn't know about it at all He wouldn't believe me if I told him that. Besides, that night, I was on good terms with him and didn't care about his matter. "    


When her father mentioned the matter of her relationship with Mao Xiaojun that day, Zhang Ningning felt uncomfortable in her heart.    


"Then you will suffer a loss like this?"    


Hearing his daughter say this, Zhang Jiwen was filled with anger.    


What a silly girl. She had lost all her innocence and was still thinking about the other party.    


"How can a girl like me speak? Dad, you have to let me think of a suitable reason. When I think of it, I will go and find Mao Xiaojun."    


"Alright, you have to hurry. Otherwise, if someone else beat you to it, you will lose everything."    


"I know, dad. I still have some matters to attend to, so I won't tell you for now. "    


"Alright, hurry up and get busy. Think of a way."    


Zhang Ningning heard her father finish speaking and hung up the phone.    


She began to ponder in her heart. Now that the country bumpkin had returned to the village, she had to think of a way to explain to him what had happened that day.    


This fellow knew that he had taken advantage of her, so he definitely would not be irresponsible.    


However, what method should she think of?    


Sigh, do I have to sacrifice myself again?    


Forget it, let's wait and see.    


Zhang Ningning could not think of a good idea. She put away the phone and walked over to everyone and started to work together.    


Everyone was busy in the valley until four o'clock in the afternoon. Wang Xiuxiu called everyone to pack their tools and go back together.    


After dinner, she still wanted to discuss with Mao Xiaojun about the case in North Peace, so she ended work early today.    


Everyone put away the tools they brought and started to walk towards the mountain pass.    


At this time, Meng Yan had already arrived at the entrance of the Peach Blossom Village.    


He started climbing the mountain at 12 o'clock in the afternoon. He walked for almost four hours before reaching the top of the mountain.    


He was a little tired along the way. He rested under a jujube tree at the entrance of the village and called his student, Zhuang Li, at the same time.    


At this time, Zhuang Li was walking with everyone in the valley. On the way back, her phone rang. She took it out and saw that it was her teacher, Meng Yan, calling.    


She immediately answered the phone.    


Meng Yan said that they were already at the entrance of the village. He asked where she was.    


Zhuang Li said that she was walking from Hundred Flowers Valley to the village. She asked her teacher to wait in the village for a while. They would be back soon.    


After Meng Yan finished talking with Zhuang Li on the phone, he walked towards the village.    


He knew that everyone ate in the courtyard of Uncle Hua’s house at night, so he went straight there. When he reached the courtyard of Uncle Hua’s house, he found a stool and rested under the tree, waiting for everyone to come back.    


In the afternoon, Liang Qian did not follow everyone down the valley. He and Tao Jingjing went to a poor family in the village who was sick.    


Liang Qian and Tao Jingjing both studied medicine. One specialized in medicine and the other was the Medical University in the capital.    


Liang Qian was the top student of the Medical University. Plus, her family was a famous doctor, so her medical skills and experience were higher than Tao Jingjing's.    


The two of them diagnosed an old woman from a poor family, prescribed some medicine, and then came back.    


Tao Jingjing said that she wanted to go back home while Liang Qian wandered around the village alone.    


Because it was still early, she saw that there was no one around, so she took out her phone and called her father.    


Liang Lide had been busy in the hospital during this period of time. He had just operated on a patient and was resting in the office.    


Suddenly, his daughter called. He picked up the phone and asked, "Girl, why are you looking for your father? Your father has been busy these few days. He has operated on three patients today."    


"Dad, I must have something important to talk to you about."    


"What is it? Tell me," Wang Yao said.    


"Mao Xiaojun has returned to the village. He is planning to raise those red earthworms in the valley in Hundred Flowers Mountain. He also said that he found a good place to raise red earthworms in the valley. That place is in a bamboo forest to the north of the valley."    


Liang Qian told him in one breath that Mao Xiaojun was planning to raise the red earthworms.    


Liang Lide immediately asked again, "Did Aunt Xiu and Sister Cui Hua agree?"    


He had stayed in the village for a while and knew very well what happened in the village. Currently, Wang Xiuxiu and Zhang Cuihua were the ones in charge of Mao Xiaojun's Hundred Flowers Valley.    


Whatever Mao Xiaojun wanted to do, he needed the consent of these two wives.    


"Sis Xiu and Sister Cui Hua both agreed. If this country bumpkin really manages to breed the red earthworm, will he be rich just like that?"    


Liang Qian asked again.    


"There is no need to ask. You have seen the efficacy of this red earthworm. The patient with depression in our hospital has already fully recovered. He only took the red powder twice. Once this powder can be sold on the market, the supply will definitely not be able to meet the demand. The price rose rapidly."    


Liang Lide had already seen the huge business opportunity of this kind of medicine a long time ago.    


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