Rural Doctor's Romance

C489 Intoxicated

C489 Intoxicated

4Wang Xiuxiu held the anger in her heart and turned to Niu Qing, "Sister Niu Qing, what do you think about the matter of Little Jun letting people join?"    


Niu Qing was the only one who did not express her opinion. As long as Niu Qing did not agree, the plan of the little rascal to let people join would be completely foiled.    


Niu Qing had heard Wang Xiuxiu's analysis just now and she also felt that there was a risk here.    


However, she could not oppose Brother Xiaojun's suggestion, so she was especially embarrassed at this moment.    


"Sis Xiu, you can make the decision on this matter. I will listen to you."    


She could only say that. Anyway, Wang Xiuxiu and the others could make the decision. She just did what everyone wanted to do.    


Now, the four of them rejected Mao Xiaojun's suggestion.    


Wang Xiuxiu was quite happy and immediately said, "Little Jun, I know you want to lighten the burden on everyone. Everyone knows how you feel. However, I think we should do the planting of herbs ourselves. If we succeed in the future, we will have a sense of accomplishment."    


"Yes, Sis Xiu is right. Anyway, it is just planting herbs. There are so many of us, we are not afraid of not being able to handle it."    


Zhang Ningning was still thinking about stealing Mao Xiaojun's real herbal formula.    


The plan to let Jin Lian join was completely rejected. Mao Xiaojun also thought about the spotty dog's proposal to let the village recruit helpers.    


"Sis Xiu, let Sis Jin Lian join us and we will temporarily deny it. However, in the future, we are not enough to plant herbs. I want to recruit some people to help in the village. How about it?"    


Wang Xiuxiu thought for a while and said, "This matter is doable. Tomorrow, I will use the village committee's broadcast to promote it and let everyone register."    


Zhang Cuihua also agreed with this matter. But she thought about it. Recruiting workers must be more efficient and must not be too old.    


She suggested, "Sis Xiu, I think we should recruit some younger people. In the future, planting herbs and setting up tents would require a stronger young man. But we don't seem to have such a candidate in our village. "    


" Yes, we still need men to do manual labor. " After the two of them finished speaking, Zhang Ningning immediately replied.    


Mao Xiaojun actually already had an idea in his heart, and then he said, "Our village does not have strong men, so we should go to the Zhang Villiage next door to look for them. My cousin has been idle during this period of time, so let him come and help."    


Speaking of Zhang Tiehniu, all the young and old girls in Peach Blossom Village knew that this guy was as strong as a cow. He was indeed a good worker. Thus, everyone agreed.    


Mao Xiaojun didn't tell them about his intention to recruit Zhang Hu and Zhang Bao. He was afraid that he would recruit too many people at once, and these girls wouldn't agree.    


Finally, they talked about learning the basic formula of TCM and medicine together.    


Because Zhang Ningning was a top student of Medical University, she was assigned to teach them some basic knowledge temporarily.    


Almost everything that needed to be discussed had been settled. Mao Xiaojun thought about going back and chopping all the herbs that the spotty dog found. He would put them in the pig food bucket tomorrow and stir them for the pig to eat.    


So, he said that he was a little dizzy and wanted to go back and rest early.    


Wang Xiuxiu, Zhang Cuihua, and Zhang Ningning obviously did not agree. The little bastard wanted to slip away now, but there was no door.    


Zhang Ningning immediately said, "Sis Xiu, we just drank half a cup of wine just now and the matter of planting the herbs has already been discussed. Why don't we continue drinking?"    


"Alright, everyone is happy today. We will not return until we are drunk."    


Soon, a few women raised their glasses again, which made Mao Xiaojun feel very awkward.    


You girls really want to make me drunk!    


"Little Jun, hurry up. The remaining wine in the wine glasses, let's drink together." Zhang Cuihua was also very excited today because she had been living in grievance all these years. Today, so many sisters were gathered together to discuss the development plan and could eat and drink. She was indeed excited.    


"Yeah, let's do it together." Mao Xiaojun looked at the four women raising their glasses. If he, a man, backed off, he would lose face.    


So, he also raised his glass. The four of them drank half of the glass in one gulp.    


The glass was empty. Wang Xiuxiu began to fill everyone's glasses again.    


After drinking another half a glass of wine, Mao Xiaojun was already a little dizzy. Now that Wang Xiuxiu was going to fill it up again, he felt extremely bitter in his heart.    


If he drank another cup, he would not need to go back. He would just sleep over here.    


"Aunt Xiu, I really can't drink anymore. I can't go back to my own room to drink anymore."    


Mao Xiaojun wanted to escape at the last minute. How could everyone be willing?    


Zhang Ningning took his glass over and let Wang Xiuxiu pour a glass of red wine.    


"Little Jun, you are a man. Just drink with us women. No matter how much we drink, you also drink."    


Zhang Ningning's words made Mao Xiaojun miserable.    


Smelly girl, I am not good at drinking, and your wife is trying to goad me into drinking. I am not going to be fooled.    


"Ningning, you guys are good at drinking. It's fine if you drink more. I originally have poor alcohol tolerance. I might get drunk after drinking a cup. If you don't believe me, you can ask Sister Cui Hua."    


He could only bring Zhang Cuihua out now, hoping to help him out.    


However, Zhang Cuihua smiled and said, "Little Jun, then you can drink slowly. As the saying goes, drinking can be trained. You drink a little every time, so your alcohol tolerance will definitely not increase."    


"Sis Cuihua is right. Why don't we help Little Jun practice his alcohol tolerance today? How about it?" Wang Xiuxiu immediately suggested. Today, she would definitely teach Little Jun a lesson.    


Mao Xiaojun had just drunk half a cup of wine and his mind became muddled. The things he saw were a bit of a hassle.    


Niu Qing who sat opposite him started to worry for Brother Xiaojun. She knew that Wang Xiuxiu, Zhang Ningning, and the rest would not let Brother Xiaojun go today. She did not think that they would play so ruthlessly.    


Brother Xiaojun's face was as red as a big apple. They still wanted Brother Xiaojun to drink a cup of red wine. He would definitely be drunk on the spot. Maybe he really would not be able to get up.    


Mao Xiaojun's mind was getting more and more muddled. You girls, are you looking down on me?    


There's no door. Even if I get drunk, I won't lose to you guys.    


Thus, he stood up and raised a glass of red wine in his hand. "Come, let's drink together."    


The few of them clinked their glasses, and the red wine in the glasses went down their stomachs.    


Mao Xiaojun immediately felt dizzy, and he could not stand stably.    


"No, I need to rest for a while."    


He staggered to the side of the bamboo mat and fell on it. Soon, he lost consciousness.    


He looked at Niu Qing, who was drunk and also had a flushed face, and was extremely worried.    


Zhang Ningning's alcohol tolerance was about the same as Niu Qing's. At this moment, her face was also a big red apple.    


Looking at the little bastard lying on the mat, she immediately said to Wang Xiuxiu, "Sis Xiu, how are we going to punish that little Jun brat?"    


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