I Pick Up Waste In Immortal World

C706 Something's Wrong

C706 Something's Wrong

4"Huh? Why are you all looking at me? "Silly White Sweet was eating with a" kacha kacha "sound on the side. She even kindly shared her potato chips with the nearest Sui Guan.     2


"Come, open your mouth... Ah!"    


"Say it! On what basis! " I, Zhang Lin, am the best choice for him. I am prettier than Qianqian, I have a better figure, and I am more gentle and considerate than her. Why didn't she choose me? "    


Arlene screamed uncontrollably. Her voice was particularly eye-catching in the quiet playground.    


"Why? I can't accept it. Suddenly, she smiled nervously and touched her face. She wanted to touch Yongchong, but she saw Yongchong take two steps back in disgust.    


Yong Chong's action hurt Arlene very much. She seemed to have been hit in the chest by something invisible and took two steps back. Sui Guan sighed with pity. From this angle, he could see that Arlene's body indeed did not have a shadow.    


"Why? Why did you treat me like this? You clearly did not say that to me that day. And you still want me... When Arlene said this, everyone looked at Yong Chong.    


Yong Chong's face twitched and he hurriedly explained. " Qianqian, don't listen to her nonsense. She just wants to... "    


Arlene's face was gloomy. She no longer looked at Qianqian and Yong Chong but turned around and ran away. This time, no one stopped her. She smoothly ran to the nearest haunted house.    


Faang looked left and right but did not follow Arlene. Instead, she leaned behind Qianqian. She had a premonition that the two of them would have a fierce argument and as expected, Yong Chong tried to pull Qianqian's hand but was dodged by Qianqian.    


"Qianqian..." Yong Chong held Qianqian's body and looked at her with deep affection. " Qianqian, don't think too much. This matter is not what she said. I only have you in my heart."    


Gulp, gulp, gulp... "Nangong Waner finished the Coke she was carrying in one breath and burped in satisfaction. Yong Chong closed his eyes, turned his head, and roared fiercely at her," What do you mean?! "Is it fun to keep making trouble like this? Get away from me! "You uncultured thing."    


Sui Guan was unwilling. He pulled Silly White Sweet behind him, pinched her knuckles, and made a crackling sound. He looked at Yong Chong with malicious intentions. "Say what you just said again?"    


Yong Chong swallowed his saliva. His character was the complete opposite of his own name. Not only did he not dare to charge forward bravely, he even had some cowardice and cowardice.    


"Don't be so proud of yourself. You will have a good ending when you get out. I think the two of you are just colluding to put on an act to gain sympathy, right? Qianqian. Let's go and stay away from the two of them. "Yong Chong pulled Qianqian. However, he did not pull her. Qianqian looked at Yong Chong's face with a disgusted gaze. She left without saying a word.    


"Where are you going, Qianqian?! Yong Chong chased after Qianqian and gradually ran away. Sui Guan yawned in boredom and waited until Faang was the last one to go to Qianqian's place before he pulled Nangong Waner back.    


Nangong Waner looked at Sui Guan's serious eyes. She looked down like a brave warrior who had died bravely and took out all the snacks in her clothes.    


Seeing the potato chips and melon seeds drinks that Silly White Sweet Shadow held in his arms, Sui Guan's face twitched and he asked in surprise, "What are you doing?"    


Nangong Waner looked at Sui Guan in puzzlement when she heard him. "Didn't you want to confiscate it?"    


"Why?" Sui Guan asked. What I think you mean is, what do you think of these two groups of people? Sui Guan was almost angered to death by this girl. He felt that Nangong Waner was definitely a little devil sent by the heavens to kill him.    


"Oh, oh." After two sounds, Nangong Waner put her snacks back into her bag with ease. She then blinked her eyes and looked at Sui Guan obediently. " I think this is a complicated four-sided love story."    


Sui Guan coughed and looked a little embarrassed. "Four-sided love? Isn't it just a three-sided love story? "    


Silly White Sweet put her hands behind her back and paced in front of Sui Guan. "You see, Qianqian likes Yong Chong and Yong Chong also likes Qianqian, but she has thoughts about Arlene that she should not have. Arlene saw Qianqian and Yong Chong's intimate look and could not help but commit suicide. She used her resentment to lead the two of them to the amusement park to fight to the death."    


"As for Faang, although she is a fence-sitter, she is a fence-sitter with principles. I don't care if it was Qianqian who caused trouble or Arlene who committed suicide, I did not offend either side. As a result, I was dragged here by Arlene's resentment. I understand now." "As for Faang, although she is a fence-sitter, she is a fence-sitter with principles. " Our goal was to resolve their love and hate entanglement! "    


Nangong Waner clapped her hands and applauded for her unique insight. Sui Guan raised his eyebrows in surprise. "How do you know all this? We only just met, and you can even guess the cause of death."    


Stretching her waist, the silly white and sweet Eldest Lady moved aside, revealing the sign that she had been blocking behind her.    


She walked to the front of the sign and read word by word, "Welcome to Lost Paradise, here. You can obtain happiness through entertainment and also resolve the entanglement of love and hate here. When you successfully find the murderer, you can leave. But be careful, don't let them know that they are already dead."    


At the end of the sign, there were a few big words written: "Successfully find out who the murderer is, and you will be able to clear the level."    


Sui Guan pinched his chin and read the sign again with interest. "Already dead? How many died? If Arlene and Faang were both dead, would Qianqian also be dead? At least we can be sure that the scumbag is still alive."    


"Let's go. It is getting more and more interesting." Sui Guan rubbed his chin and led Nangong Waner towards the group of brave men.    


Suddenly, he stopped and his face became serious. Nangong Waner put down the potato chips in her hands and looked at Sui Guan who was deep in thought. "What, did you find some important clues?"    


After listening, Sui Guan pointed in a direction seriously, indicating for her to listen carefully. "Did you hear anything?    


Nangong Waner heard it and her expression changed. "Someone is shouting. Let's go and take a look!"    


When the two of them arrived at the scene, there was only a machine swaying in the air." Handsome boy, come and play! "    


Nangong Waner carefully looked at the rocking car and then looked at Sui Guan with suspicion. "This is what you said, shouting?"    


Sui Guan touched his nose and felt a little awkward. "Who asked the sound here to be so loud? Hey, wait, I heard a scream. It's true this time!"    


Then he ran in a direction. Nangong Waner angrily wrapped up her potato chips. This time, she decided to walk slowly. She had scattered a lot of chips during the run just now. She felt a little heartache.    


After walking for five minutes, Nangong Waner saw Sui Guan standing on the road, looking up thoughtfully.    


"What's wrong?" Silly White Sweet looked up. This time, she also saw clearly that there was a person hanging on the wire. This person was no longer breathing. His eyes were wide open. Other than his body that was pierced by the wire, there was no blood on the other parts of his body.    


Sui Guan pondered for a while and said with doubt, "If they were ghosts, would ghosts die again?"    


"Let's go. Let's go to the bumper car to take a look." Sui Guan took Nangong Waner to the place where the bumper car was. In his memory, Qianqian ran in that direction. She was walking on the desolate ground with broken leaves under her feet. He heard the sound of the wind and this strange playground. This scene, on ordinary people... They would have been scared to death long ago.    


"Faang is already dead, there is only Yong Chong Qianqian and Arlene left. I suspect that after everyone is dead, we will fail. Nangong, have you not considered what will happen if we fail?"    


Sui Guan vigilantly looked at his surroundings and his body was ready to strike. Nangong Waner calmly took a sip of the lollipop and comfortably sighed. "As expected, the lollipop is the best in the cantaloupe."    


"Buzz, buzz, buzz..." The bumper car emitted the sound of a machine. Only Qianqian was sitting in the corner, staring blankly at the bumper car as it spun around on the spot.    


Seeing this, they walked in front of Qianqian, but Qianqian did not have any reaction.    


"Dead, they are all dead..." Qianqian repeated this sentence. Sui Guan frowned and pointed at her forehead. Qianqian shivered for a moment before she regained consciousness.    


Sui Guan asked, "What happened?"    


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