I Pick Up Waste In Immortal World

C704 Strange Words

C704 Strange Words

3Sui Guan quietly took back his hand. He wanted to study the content of the note, but he didn't expect the other party's hand to be torn off so quickly. Now he could only play the game literally.    


Sui Guan told Nangong Waner about the mysterious boy he saw when Nangong Waner was barbecuing.    


After listening, Nangong Waner tilted her head and thought about it. She suggested a possibility. "Could that boy be the so-called god? Then, he deliberately set up some traps on this remote street. He either caught or drugged people, got them over, and then played a life and death game?"    


Sui Guan looked at the intersection. At this time, fog had started to rise at the intersection. The white fog made people's visibility become very low. He noticed that there were three roads in front of the intersection, but the three directions that led to them were different.    


The first path led to the forest. The second path led to the hospital, and the third path to the amusement park.    


Each of the three paths had a sign on it. Sui Guan walked to the sign of the forest. It said, "Whether you are afraid of the darkness or not, as long as you walk towards the light, you will be rewarded by the God of Light."    


The sign on the second path said, "Ignorant people will never be able to get rid of the pain and suffering of illness. Face it directly and overcome it. You will be rewarded by the God of Life."    


The sign for the third path said, "There will always be sorrow and separation in life. Remember the good, the happy. Under the great light of the Wheel of Light, you will receive the most wonderful experience of life."    


Sui Guan gritted his teeth and pointed at the third sign angrily. "I want to report it! "The third sign is suspected of unhealthy content!"    


Although they could see the scene inside from the intersection, the gloomy forest, the dead hospital, and the amusement park, Sui Guan and Nangong Waner had to choose one path. Because the fog was spreading very fast, their visibility was less than one meter.    


Suddenly, Nangong Waner looked at Sui Guan. Seeing her eyes, Sui Guan thought that something was wrong.    


Sure enough, Silly White Sweet pulled her sleeve and wanted to rush to the third intersection. "Quick, quick, quick! I've never been to an amusement park before. Play with me. We'll go back after we've had enough fun!"    


Sui Guan was taken two steps, and the two of them stepped onto the road at the third intersection. Strangely, when they stepped onto the third intersection, the intersection behind them, as well as the signs, all disappeared and became endless darkness.    


Sui Guan felt a soft and tender hand holding him, and even trembled slightly. He felt pity in his heart. After all, she was still a little girl, and seeing such a strange scene, she would most likely be afraid.    


"Little restaurant, quick, quick! I want to take a roller coaster. I want to go to the haunted house. " I want to play pirate ship... " Nangong Waner was like chanting a spell, pulling Sui Guan forward.    


As Sui Guan walked, a thought suddenly occurred to him.    


"I actually thought that this silly white sweet would be afraid? Is my brain fried?"    


The two of them walked along the small path. Although the night sky covered the small path, the moon in the sky was still shining on the earth. The two of them were like foreign people who were in a hurry as they walked along the winding path.    


What Sui Guan did not expect was that this small path did not encounter any danger along the way. It was only when they arrived at the amusement park that they discovered that there were actually people here.    


"Hey, someone's here! Bro! You guys also chose this path?" A boy in a singlet reached out his hand to Sui Guan in a friendly manner. He then introduced the three people behind him. "Hello. My name is Yong Chong. Her name is Qianqian, and she is my girlfriend. Those two are her best friends. Along the way, they met someone who said that there is a new playground here. So everyone came. "    


Sui Guan frowned and asked, "Didn't you see what was written on the plate?"    


Qianqian's two best friends walked over. One was called Faang. The other was called Arlene. Arlene looked at Sui Guan with disdain. She was very dissatisfied with his skinny look. "What brand? After the car stopped, it will be an amusement park by the road. It was so disappointing. I thought it was an amusement park that was open all day. I didn't expect there to be no one at night. "    


Faang pulled Arlene's hand to stop her from saying anything. "Don't complain. Everyone is here. At least they won't feel bored."    


"Yeah, they won't feel bored. After all, a lot of things will happen tonight." Sui Guan muttered to himself.    


Yong Chong held Qianqian's hand and walked to Sui Guan. Under Sui Guan's puzzled gaze, Yong Chong gave him a thumbs up. "Brother is tough. Did you break up with your girlfriend? You two don't hold hands."    


Sui Guan casually explained. "She is not my girlfriend. Don't think about it."    


Suddenly, the atmosphere was a little quiet. Sui Guan slowly turned his head and saw that Nangong Waner's eyes had been filled with golden beans. At this moment, they were flowing down her face one by one.    


She started to cry. "It's all your fault. You heartless man, you insisted on pulling me here. Why did we have to come here when we were eating barbecued food outside?"    


Seeing this, Sui Guan looked at Nangong Waner's performance in silence. Because he had maintained an expression for too long, his face was somewhat stiff. "No, you had already finished eating before, and you were quite happy. Aunt, what are you messing around with again? " Who did you learn it from? "    


Nangong Waner replied reflexively, "Leelee... Ah, there are many heartless people in Liyuan Grass. They are all heartless people like you. I don't care, I don't care. You have to be responsible for me. "    


"Pfft!" Sui Guan vomited blood. He pulled Yong Chong and tried to explain. "She is not a brother, not like her. She is violent and crazy. She is performing now. You have to..."    


Sui Guan could not continue. Because they were all in the same place. If there was any movement, he could see it with his head tilted. So Nangong Waner's performance just now was really a huge success. She successfully obtained the tears of three women and the sympathy of a man.    


"Come, be good. Hug. It's fine. We will uphold justice for you." Arlene pulled Nangong Waner and walked in front of Faang. She patted the other party's back and let her "cry" to her heart's content.    


Nangong Waner cried as she turned her head to look at Sui Guan. Sure enough, Sui Guan's face was as black as coal. She stuck out her tongue and changed into a more comfortable position in Arlene's arms and continued to moan.    


Yong Chong wanted to say something but stopped himself. In the end, it turned into a deep sigh. "Hey, brother, what you are doing is not right. Love a girl needs to give everything you have. You always bully your girlfriend like this. " She must be in a mood. Go and coax her. "    


Qianqian only smiled gently. She tightly held Yong Chong's hand and refused to let go. Looking at the two conjoined baby-like lovers, Sui Guan looked up to the sky and sighed. He said, "Alright, don't say anymore. I will persuade little aunt to come back."    


"Nangong Waner?"    


Sui Guan walked to the sobbing Nangong Waner's back and called out. The other person's body moved and still buried her head in Arlene's arms and refused to come out. Arlene was disappointed with Sui Guan and pointed at him with her finger. "Are you just going to coax a girl like this?"    


Hearing this, Sui Guan rubbed his bitter face and squeezed out a flattering smile that was rarely seen. He whispered to Nangong Waner behind her back, "Xiao Xiao, can you come and see me first? I think there is a misunderstanding between the two of us."    


Nangong Waner whimpered in Arlene's arms. "I don't care. Your attitude of admitting your mistake is not positive at all. I will ignore you."    


Sui Guan scratched his head speechlessly. He was at a loss as to what to do. Looking at Arlene and Faang's pitiful eyes, he felt that the few dignity of a man was being trampled by their eyes. Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration and had an idea.    


Following that, Sui Guan closed his palm and shouted behind Nangong Waner, "There is fresh barbecued meat. Fried chicken wings, roasted chicken drumsticks, roasted crab chops. There are all kinds of barbecued meat. Unfortunately, no one will accompany me. I can only go alone. "    


He shouted and pretended to have left but held his breath and quietly stood behind Nangong Waner. What surprised Arlene and Faang was that Nangong Waner, who could not be coaxed, actually quietly lifted her head like a squirrel and sniffed the air.    


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